Altare Christianum or, The dead Vicars Plea. Wherein the Vicar of Gr[antham]. being dead, yet speaketh, and pleadeth out of Antiquity, against him that hath broken downe his Altar. Presented, and humbly submitted to the consideration of his Superiours, the Governours of our Church. London, 1637.
The Several Statutes in force for the observation of Lent: And Fish-dayes, at all other times of the Year.
London: Printed by Robert White, 1661.The Necessity of Keeping Our Parish-Churches, Argued From the Sin and Danger of the Schisms in the Church of Corinth, and of the Present Separations.
By Francis Fullwood
London: Printed by E.T. and R.H. for James Collins, 1672.A Discourse Concerning the Daily Frequenting the Common Prayer.
By Thomas Comber, D.D. and Prebendary of York.
London: Printed for Charles Brome, at the Gun at the West end of St. Paul's Church-yard. 1687.A Letter from a Clergy-man in the Country, to a Dignified Clergy-man in London, Vindicating the Bill Brought in the Last Sessions of Parliament for Preventing the Translation of Bishops.
London: no publisher, 1702.A Letter to a Friend Concerning the New Distinction of High and Low Church. London: Printed by J. H. and are to be sold by John Nutt near Stationers Hall. 1704.
The Velvet Cushion
By John Cunningham
London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1814.A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury Occasioned by the Late Meeting in Support of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
London: C. J. Stewart, 1838.
London: J., G., and F. Rivington, 1838.Suggestions arising out of the Proposed Alterations in the Cathedral Establishments of England and Wales
By Charles Abel Moysey
London: Rivingtons, 1838.The Anglo-Catholic Use of Two Lights upon the Altar for the Signification that Christ is the very true Light of the World Stated and Defended.
By George Ayliffe Poole.
London: Burns, 1840.Lachrymae Ecclesiae
The Anglican Reformed Church and Her Clergy in the Days of Their Destitution and Suffering during the Great Rebellion in the Seventeenth Century.
By George Wyatt
London: W. J. Cleaver, 1844.The Duties of the Deacons and Priests of the Church of England Compared
With Suggestions for the Extension of the Order of Deacons, and the Establishment of an Order of Sub-Deacons
By William Hale Hale
London: Francis and John Rivington, 1850.Suggestions for the Extension of the Ministry and the Revival of the Order of Sub-Deacons
In a Charge, delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of London May 24, 1852.
By William Hale Hale
London: Francis and John Rivington, 1852.A Short Inquiry Respecting the Vestments of the Priests of the Anglican Church
By Cecil Daniel Wray
London: Joseph Masters, 1856.Directorium Anglicanum
Being a Manual of Directions for the Right Celebration of the Holy Communion, for the Saying of Matins and Evensong, and for the Performance of Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to Ancient Uses of the Church of England.
With Plan of Chancel and Illustrations of "Such Ornaments of the Church, and of the Ministers Thereof, at All Times of Their Ministration, (As) Shall Be Retained, and Be in Use as Were in This Church of England, by the Authority of Parliament, in the Second Year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth."
Edited by the Rev. John Purchas.
London: Joseph Masters, 1858. [first edition]On the Revival of the Diaconate
By C. H. Sale
From Mission Life, Vol. III (1872), pages 729-732.The Position of the Celebrant at the Holy Communion, as Ruled by the Purchas Judgment; considered in a Letter to the Lord Bishop of Winchester.
By Morton Shaw.
London: Rivingtons, 1874.Memorials of Four Brothers
Attributed to Laetitia Frances Selwyn
Richmond [London]: Hiscoke and Son, [ca. 1882]A Narrative of Events Connected with the Publication of the Tracts for the Times. With Reflections on Existing Tendencies to Romanism, and on the Present Duties and Prospects of Members of the Church.
Oxford and London, 1843.
Reprinted [with minor additions in brackets], 1883.The Archbishops on the Lawfulness of the Liturgical Use of Incense and the Carrying of Lights in Procession.
London and New York: Macmillan, 1899.Bryan King and the Riots at St. George's-in-the-East
By William Crouch
London: Methuen, [1904]Father Stanton of St. Alban's, Holborn
By Joseph Clayton
London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1913.The Continuity of the Holy Catholic Church in England.
A Lecture delivered at St. Columba's Church, Haggerston, in 1896.
By G. F. Browne.
London: SPCK, 1915.The Catholic Movement in the Church of England
By Wilfed L. Knox, M.A.
London: Philip Allan, [1923]A Century of Anglican Theology and Other Lectures
By Clement C.J. Webb
Oxford: Blackwell, 1923.Religious Thought in the Oxford Movement
By Clement Charles Julian Webb.
London: SPCK, 1928.
New York: Macmillan, 1928.The Question of Contraceptives: A Lecture delivered to some Clergy of the Diocese of Manchester, with a criticism of some points in the December, 1930 number of Theology, December 16th, 1930.
By H. L. Goudge, Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford.Bishop Montgomery: A Memoir
By M.M.
[London] Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1933.The Social Service of the Catholic Revival
By Ruth Kenyon
London: Catholic Literature Association, no date.Figures
Eric Symes Abbott, 1906-1983
George William Outram Addleshaw, 1906-1982
Roland Allen, 1868-1947
Edward Godfrey Cuthbert Frederic Atchley
Francis Atterbury, 1663-1732
Edward Bather, 1779-1847
Alban Henry Baverstock, 1871-1950
John Edward Bazille-Corbin, 1887-1964
Humphry Beevor, 1903-1965
William James Early Bennett, 1804-1886
Edward White Benson, 1829-1896
Alexander James Beresford Beresford-Hope, 1820-1887
Edward Henry Bickersteth, 1825-1906
Robert Bickersteth, 1816-1884
Ofspring Blackall, 1655-1716
Lancelot Blackburne, 1658-1743
William John Blew, 1808-1894
Charles James Blomfield, 1786-1857
George Body, 1840-1911
Samuel Bradford, 1652-1731
John Fetherstonhaugh Briscoe, 1878-1939
John William Burgon, 1813-1888
William John Butler, 1818-1894
William Boyd Carpenter, 1841-1918
John David Chambers, 1805-1893
William Weldon Champneys, 1807-1875
Richard William Church, 1815-1890
Edward Churton, 1800-1874
Piers Calveley Claughton, 1814-1884
Thomas Legh Claughton, 1808-1892
Charles Carr Clerke, 1798-1878
Francis Close, 1797-1882
Derwent Coleridge, 1800-1883
Jonas Pascal Fitzwilliam Davidson, 1832-1900
George Anthony Denison, 1805-1896
Frederick William Dillistone, 1903-1993
Gregory Dix, 1901-1952
Arthur Stuart Duncan-Jones, 1879-1955
Richard Durnford, 1802-1895
Charles Page Eden, 1807-1885
Richard William Enraght, 1837-1898
Stanley George Evans, 1912-1965
Michael Bolton Furse, 1870-1955
Cyril Forster Garbett, 1875-1955
Charles Gore, 1853-1932
Edmund Tyrrell Green, 1864-1937
William Gresley, 1801-1876
Arthur West Haddan, 1816-1873
John Hannah, 1818-1888
Henry Ernest Hardy (Father Andrew SDC), 1869-1946
Edward Charles Harington, 1804-1881
Edward Hawkins, 1789-1882
Ernest Hawkins, 1802-1868
Arthur Cayley Headlam, 1862-1947
Arthur Gabriel Hebert, 1886-1963
Herbert Hensley Henson, 1863-1947
Arthur Charles Hervey, 1808-1894
William Edward Heygate, 1816–1902
Samuel Hinds, 1793-1872
Walter Hobhouse, 1862-1928
Frodsham Hodson, 1770-1822
Henry Scott Holland, 1847-1918
Walter Farquar Hook, 1798-1875
William Henry St John Hope, 1854-1919
Arthur Henry Hosmer, 1823-1896
William Walsham How, 1823-1897
William Howley, 1766-1848
John Saul Howson, 1816-1885
William Ralph Inge, 1860-1954
Trevor Gervase Jalland, 1898-
George Edward Jelf, 1834-1908
Richard William Jelf, 1798-1871
John Johnson, 1662-1725
Herbert Hamilton Kelly, 1860-1950
Eric Waldram Kemp, 1915-2009
John Edward Kempe, 1810-1907
Edmund Arbuthnott Knox, 1847-1937
Wilfred Lawrence Knox, 1886-1950
Thomas Lathbury, 1798-1865
William John Knox Little, 1839-1918
Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1864-1945
George Lavington, 1684-1762
James Prince Lee, 1804-1869
William Lefroy, 1836-1909
John Wickham Legg, 1843-1921
Henry Parry Liddon, 1829-1890
Richard Frederick Littledale, 1833-1890
Charles Thomas Longley, 1794-1868
Herbert Mortimer Luckock, 1833-1909
Henry Falconar Barclay Mackay, 1864-1936
Spencer Madan, 1729–1813
Herbert Marsh, 1757-1839
Charles Latimer Marson, 1822-1914
Eric Lionel Mascall, 1905-1993
William Maskell, 1814-1890
Arthur James Mason, 1851-1928
Frederick Meyrick, 1827-1906
Eric Milner-White, 1884-1963
Basil Minchin, 1910-1987
Samuel Minton, 1820-1894
George A. Moberly, 1803-1885
Robert Campbell Moberly, 1845-1903
Hugh William Montefiore, 1920-2005
Handley Carr Glyn Moule, 1841-1920
Conrad le Despenser Roden Noel, 1869-1942
George Nugée, 1819-1892
John Henry Overton, 1835-1903
Henry Phillpotts, 1778-1869
Francis Pigou, 1832-1916
James Samuel Pollock, 1834-1896
Beilby Porteus, 1731-1809
James Baden Powell, 1842-1931
George Leonard Prestige, 1889-1955
Oliver Chase Quick, 1885-1944
Richard William Randall, 1824-1906
Berkeley William Randolph, 1858-1925
William Upton Richards, 1811-1873
Wilfrid John Richmond, 1860-1938
Henry Sacheverell, 1674-1724
Michael Ferrebee Sadler, 1819-1895
William Edward Scudamore, 1813-1881
Arthur Frederick Smethurst, 1904-1957
Thomas Sprat, 1635-1713
Vernon Staley, 1852-1933
Arthur Henry Stanton, 1839-1913
William Richard Wood Stephens, 1839-1902
Darwell Stone, 1859-1941
Thomas Banks Strong, 1861-1944
William Stubbs, 1825-1901
John Tillotson, 1630-1694
Arthur Tooth, 1839-1931
Neville Stuart Talbot, 1879-1943
John Vernon Taylor, 1914-2001
Frederick Temple, 1821-1902
Lionel Spencer Thornton, 1884-1960
Anthony Wilson Thorold, 1825-1895
John Tillotson, 1630-1694
Augustus Montague Toplady, 1740-1778
William Bouverie Trevelyan, 1853-1929
Francis Lees Underhill, 1878-1943
William Van Mildert, 1765-1836
Charles John Vaughan, 1816-1897
James Edward Vaux, 1828-
Owen Emeric Vidal, 1819-1854
Henry Montagu Villiers, 1813-1861
Samuel Waldegrave, 1817-1869
John William Charles Wand, 1885-1977
William Warburton, 1698-1779
 John Edwin Watts-Ditchfield, 1861-1923
John Rowland West, 1808-1893
Geoffrey Arundell Chatfield Whatton, 1898-1977
Harry Abbott Williams, 1919-2006
Norman Powell Williams, 1883-1943
Harry John Wilmot-Buxton, 1843-1911
Herbert Arthur Wilson, 1890-1954
Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram, 1858-1956
Henry Arthur Woodgate, 1801-1874
Huyshe Wolcott Yeatman-Biggs, 1845-1922
Organizations and Institutions
Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom
Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
The Reformed Episcopal Church / Free Church of England
Saint Augustine's College, Canterbury
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
Project Canterbury