Project Canterbury

Cosmo Gordon Lang


Church and Town for Fifty Years, 1841-1891: A Memorial of the Festival Holden in the Parish Church of Leeds, July 12th-19th, 1891.
Leeds: Richard Jackson, 1891.

The Future of the Church in Scotland: A Paper Read at a Conference of the Scottish Episcopal Church at Aberdeen.
Edinburgh: J. Gardner Hitt, 1895. [External link]

The Young Clanroy: A Romance of the '45.
London: Smith, Elder, 1897. [External link]

In Memoriam Edward Pierce Grant: A Sermon, Sunday Morning, May 28th, 1899.
Portsmouth: Charpentier, 1899.

The Opportunity of the Church of England: Lectures Delivered in the Divinity School of the University of Cambridge in 1904.
London: Longmans, 1905. [External link]

The Principles of Religious Education: Three Sermons Preached in St. Paul's Cathedral.
London, New York and Bombay: Longmans, Green, 1906. [External link]

Church and Empire: A Series of Essays on the Responsibilities of Empire.
London and New York: Longmans, Green, 1907. [External link]

Thoughts on Some of the Parables of Jesus.
London: Pitman, 1907. [External link]

The Marriage Question.
London: White Cross League, 1908.

The Summons of the Coronation: A Speech Delivered at a Meeting of Men in the Queen's Hall, London, on June 20th, 1911.
London: Wells, Gardner, 1911.

What Is the Cavendish Club? Two Speeches Delivered at the Inaugural Meeting of the Club's Social Service Bureau on Tuesday, January 30, 1912.
London: Wells Gardner, Darton, 1912.

The Church and the Clergy at This Time of War: Being a Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese Assembled in the Minster of York on February 14 & 15, 1916.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1916.

The Miracles of Jesus as Marks on the Way of Life.
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1918. [External link]

Our Hope and Meaning.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1928.

The Oppression of Religion in Russia: A Speech Delivered in the House of Lords.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1930.

Act Now: An Appeal to the Mind and Heart of Britain.
London: Victor Gollancz, 1939.

Project Canterbury