Project Canterbury

John Vernon Taylor


Compiled by the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown
Retired Bishop of Malaita, Anglican Church of Melanesia

Poet, Priest and Prophet: The Life and Thought of Bishop John V. Taylor.
By David Wood.
London: Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, 2002.

Christian Mission with John V. Taylor
By David Wood.
International Review of Mission, Vol. 92(2), July 2003, pp. 427-433.

Were You There? An African Presentation of the Passion Story.
London: Highway Press, [1950].

The Spiritual Equipment of the Local Church and its Servants.
London: Conference of British Missionary Societies, 1950.

Man in the Midst.
London: Highway Press, 1955.

Courts of the Lord's House. a Guide to the Holy Communion.
London: United Society for Christian Literature and Lutterworth Press, 1955.

Afrikanische Passion. The passion in Africa [in English and German].
Munich: C. Kaiser, 1957.

The Passion in Africa.
London: A.R. Mowbray, [1957].

In Perilous Paths.
Greenwich, CT: Seabury Press, 1957.

Christianity and Politics in Africa.
London: Penguin, 1957.

Black and White.
London, SCM Press, 1958.

The Place and Function of the Missionary.
International Missionary Council, Ghana Assembly, 1958.

Processes of Growth in an African Church.
London: SCM Press, 1958.

The Growth of the Church in Buganda; an Attempt at Understanding.
London: SCM Press, 1958.

La Croissance d'une Eglise Africaine.
[French translation of Processes of Growth in an African Church.]
Nkongsamba, Cameroun: CEBEC, 1961.

Eine Afrikanische Kirche Wächst.
[German translation of Processes of Growth in an African Church.]
Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1961.

Christians of the Copperbelt: The Growth of the Church in Northern Rhodesia.
London: SCM Press, 1961.

The Primal Vision: Christian Presence Amid African Religion.
London, SCM Press, 1963.

A Few Aspects of the Work of the Church Overseas: Lecture given to St. Luke's Society, Sewanee, Tenn. December 4, 1963 [Audiobook]
Sewanee, TN: School of Theology, University of the South, 1963.

Helping Churches Growth.
In Witness in Six Continents, Records of the Meeting of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches, Held in Mexico City, December 8th to 19th, 1963.

Du Findest Mich, Wenn du den Stein Aufhebst: Christliche Prasenz im Leben Afrikas.
{German translation of The Primal Vision.}
Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1965.

For All the World; the Christian Mission in the Modern Age,
London: Hodder and Stoughton and Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1966.

Die Kirche in Buganda: das Werden Einer Jungen Afrikanischen Kirche.
[German translation of The Growth of the Church in Buganda.]
Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1966.

Christ in a New World.
[Dayton, OH]: [Board of Missions, Evangelical United Brethren Church], [1967].

Change of Address: Selections from the C.M.S. Newsletters.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1968.

See For Yourself.
London: Highway Press, 1968.

Breaking Down the Parish.
London: Church Missionary Society, [1968].

Let's Join the Human Race: Mission in a Shrinking World.
Cambridge: Great St. Mary’s Sermons, 1970.

Small is Beautiful: Thoughts Arising From “'Can Churches Be Compared?”
International Review of Mission, Vol. 60, July 1971, pp. 328-338.

The Go-Between God: the Holy Spirit and the Christian Mission.
London, SCM Press, 1972.

On Seeing the World Whole.
London: Church Missionary Society, 1974.

Church Reshaped.
London: Church Missionary Society, 1975.

Enough is Enough.
London: SCM Press, 1975.

Evangile et Croissance: Trop, C'est Trop.
[French translation of Enough is Enough.]
Paris: Cerf, 1975.

Lo Spirito Mediatore: lo Spirito Santo e la Missione Cristiana.
[Italian translation of The Go-Between God.]
Brescia: Queriniana, 1975.

Der Heilige Geist und sein Wirken in der Welt.
[German translation of The Go-Between God.]
Düsseldorf : Patmos, 1977.

Puissance et Patience de l'Esprit.
[French translation of The Go-Between God]
[Paris]: Desclée de Brouwer, 1977.

仲介者なる神 : 聖霊とキリスト教宣教 / Chūkaisha Naru Kami.
[Japanese translation of The Go-between God.]
No place: 新教出版社, No date.

The Secret People: An address in Celebration of the Centenary of the Church of Uganda.
London: Church Missionary Society, 1977.

The Theology of Evangelization [Audiobook].
Toronto: Wycliffe College, 1977.

The Theological Basis of Interfaith Dialogue: the First Lambeth Interfaith Lecture, Lambeth Palace, 2nd November 1977.
Arundel, West Sussex: Burpham Vicarage, 1978.

The Importance of Not Solving the Problem: Hockerill Lecture 1983.
[No place]: Hockerill Educational Foundation, [1983].

Weep Not For Me: Meditations on the Cross and the Resurrection.
Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1986.

A Matter of Life and Death.
London: SCM Press, 1986.

Weent Niet Over Mij: Meditaties Over Kruis en Opstanding.
[Dutch translation of Weep Not For Me.]
Kampen: Kok, cop. 1987.

Kingdom Come.
London: SCM Press and Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1989.

A Christmas Sequence: and Other Poems.
Oxford: Amate Press, 1989.

Weint Nicht über Mich Meditation über das Kreuz und die Auferstehung.
[German translation of Weep Not For Me.]
Berlin: Altenburg Evang. Haupt-Bibelges. 1990.

The Christlike God.
London: SCM Press, 1992.

Harvest is Past, Summer is Over, and We Are Not Saved.
Glasgow: St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1993.

Bishops on the Bible: Eight Bishops on the Role and Relevance of the Bible Today.
London: Triangle, 1994.

The Uncancelled Mandate: Four Bible Studies on Christian Mission for the Approaching Millennium.
London: Church House Publications, 1998.

The Easter God and His Easter People.
London: Continuum, 2003.

The Incarnate God.
London and New York: Continuum, 2006.

Project Canterbury