Project Canterbury

Miscellaneous American Anglican historical texts

Sermon Preached at East Chester.
By John Bartow.
No place: no publisher, 1722.

A Sermon Preached in St. Peter's Church, in the City of Albany, the 5th Day of October, 1803, before the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York.
by Isaac Wilkins.
New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1804.

A Sermon on the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Preached before the Convention Held in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, June 15, 1808.
By James Abercrombie.
Philadelphia: Smith and Maxwell, 1808.

A Sermon Delivered in Trinity Church, New-York on the Second of October 1810, before the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State Of New-York, and Published at Their Request.
By William Harris.
Ner-York: T. & J. Swords, 1810.

An Address, Delivered before the Elizabethtown Female Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, at the Adoption of Their Constitution, June 20, 1816.
By John Churchill Rudd.
Elizabethtown: J. and E. Sanderson, 1816.

A Sermon, Preached in St. Mark's Church, New-York, on Sunday, November 24, 1816.
By William Harris.
Ner-York: T. and J. Swords, 1816.

Articles of Religion of the Evangelical Episcopal Church.
Baltimore: Matchett, 1821.

A Candid Examination of the Episcopal Church in Two Letters to a Friend, to which is added, the Succession of Bishops.
Attributed to Titus Strong.
New York: T. and J. Swords, 1826.

The Use of Holy Garments, Especially of the Surplice, in the Performance of Divine Worship: A Sermon, Preached in St. Mark's Church, Le Roy, N.Y. The Last Sunday in Advent, 1832.
By the Rector, F. H. Cuming, A.M.
Le Roy, Genesee County: E. Starr, Printer, 1833.

The City of God. A Sermon, Preached by Appointment, in Trinity Church, Newark, before an Annual Convention of the Church, in the Diocese of New-Jersey. On Wednesday, May 28, 1834.
By Henry M. Mason.
Camden: Josiah Harrison, 1834.

The Correspondence of John A. Graham with His Grace of Canterbury: When on His Mission as Agent of the Church of Vermont, to the Ecclesiastical Courts of Canterbury and York, for the Consecration of Dr. Peters, Bishop-elect of Vermont, 1794-5, etc.
New York: J. Narine, 1835.

Individual and Associate Effort for the Gospel's Sake: A Sermon, Preached in Christ Church, Anthony Street, on Sunday Evening, February 15th, 1835, before the Young Men's (Auxiliary) Education and Missionary Society of the Prot. Episc. Church in the City of New York.
By Hugh Smith.
New York: Protestant Episcopal Church, print., 1835.

A Sermon, Delivered in St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, on Sunday following the Celebration of our National Independence, MDCCCXXXVI.
By Benjamin C. Cutler.
New York: Protestant Episcopal Press, 1836.

A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Alexander H. Crosby, and Preached to the People of His Late Charge, in St. John's Church, Yonkers, Sunday, March 10, 1839.
By Robert William Harris.
New York: W.H. Vermilye, 1839.

The Bearings of Modern Commerce on the Progress of Modern Missions: The Annual Sermon before the Bishops, Clergy and Laity, Constituting the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States.
By John S. Stone.
New York: Printed by William Osborn, 1839.

The Faith of the Saints. A Sermon, in Two Parts, on the Means of Ascertaining, and the Duty of Contending for, the True Catholic Faith.
By J. W. McCullough.
Wilmington, Delaware: Porter and Naff, 1844.

The Probation of Truth. A Sermon on the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures, as the Treasury of Divine Knowledge and a Means of Probation.
By J. W. McCullough.
Wilmington, Delaware: Porter and Naff, 1845.

The Right and Duty of Private Judgment: A Sermon, Preached at Christ Church, Williamsburgh, (Brooklyn, New York) on Sunday, July 5, 1846.
By T. S. Brittan.
Williamsburgh: Published by the Vestry, 1846.

A Sermon Preached at St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, Good Friday, April 10, 1846.
By Albert W. Duy.
Brooklyn: Francis G. Fish, 1846.

An Epistle to the General Convention.
By a Country Bard.
No place: no publisher, 1847.

An Address, Delivered at the Time of Laying the Corner-Stone of Trinity Church, in the City of Albany.
By the Rector, Rev. Edward Selkirk, A.M. May 18, 1848.
Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, 1848.

An Umbrella for Unpleasant Sundays: Or, 34 Good Reasons Why I attend Church on Sundays, Rainy, Snowy, Misty, Hot, Etc., Etc.
New York: New-York Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, [c. 1849.]

Standing Committee of the Diocese of New-York. In the Matter of Christ Church, New-Brighton.
New-York: Van Norden & Amerman, 1850.

Documents Relating to the Case of Christ Church, New-Brighton.
New-York: Van Norden & Amerman, 1850.

The True Glory of the Church: A Sermon, Delivered in St. Paul's Church, Rahway, in the Diocese of New-Jersey, on the 150th Anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.
By Edward F. Peet.
New York: Stanford and Swords, 1851.

Address Delivered at the Funeral of Horatio W. Brinsmade, in St. Paul's Church, Troy, on Wednesday, July 28th, 1852.
By Robert B. Van Kleeck.
Troy: R. B. Wilson, 1852.

An Earnest Plea, Addressed to All That Love the Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity, but Chiefly to the Church of God in New York, for the Immediate Foundation of an Institution for the Benefit of the Dense and Neglected Poor in that City, to be Known as The Collegiate Mission of Saint Augustine.
By a Minister of Jesus in the Catholic Church. [Jubal Hodges]
New York: Stanford and Swords, 1852.

The First Council in Jerusalem: The Sermon at the Opening of the Fifty-Seventh Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia, held in Saint Paul's Church, Richmond, May 19, 1852.
By William Sparrow.
Philadelphia: T. K. and P. G. Collins, 1852.

Considerations Addressed to the Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with Thoughts on the Daily Service.
By William H. Lewis.
New-York: Stanford and Swords, 1853.

The End of Pride: A Discourse Delivered in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn Heights, on the Ninth Sunday after Trinity, July 24th, 1853.
By T. Stafford Drowne.
New-York: Stanford and Swords, 1853.

Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of the Mutual Benefit Societies or Brotherhoods of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, Which Assembled in the City of New York, on Wednesday, June 15, A.D. 1853.
Together with the Constitution and By-laws of the "General Convention of the Brotherhood of the Protestant Episcopal Church."
New York: no publisher, 1853.

The Kingdom of God, a Grain of Mustard Seed. A Memorial of the Opening Services of the Church of the Holy Innocents, being the Address Delivered on That Occasion, the Fourth Sunday after Easter, 1853.
[By John J. Elmendorf]
New York: Pudney and Russell, 1853.

A Sermon Preached at the Consecration of Christ Church, New Haven, Ct., January 6, 1854.
By Thomas Clap Pitkin.
New Haven: Storer and Morehouse, 1854.

The State and Prospects of Our Church, As Indicated by Her Last General Convention: A Sermon in Christ Church, Cincinnati.
By Dudley Atkins Tyng.
Cincinnati: C. F. Bradley & Co., 1854.

What Has "God Said" Touching the Trinity in Unity of His Own Being? A Sermon, Preached in Trinity Church, Pottsville, on Trinity Sunday, May 22, 1853.
By Daniel Washburn.
Pottsville, Pennsylvania: Benjamin Bannan, 1854.

The Proposed Reform of the Episcopal Church: The Memorial, and Its Exposition.
New-York: Anson D. F. Randolph, 1855.

Some Objections to the Episcopal Church Considered and Answered.
By Joseph A. Shanklin.
Philadelphia: The Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1855.

Address of a Committee of the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, to the Clergy and Laity of the Same.
New York: Pudney and Russell, 1856.

The Prosperity of the Church Promoted by Wardens and Vestrymen, and Other Members of a Parish: A Discourse in Three Parts.
By F. H. Cuming.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Printed at the Office of the "Enquirer," 1856.

The Dangers of Church Centralization: Some Remarks on the Proposed Changes in the Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States.
By a Layman.
Detroit: Palmer, Fisher and Fleming, 1856.

Facts against Rumor: Being a Brief Statement, without Note or Comment, of the Most Important Facts Which Transpired in the Late Difficulties between the Vestry and the People of St. Andrew's and Trinity Parishes, Staten Island, N.Y., Prior to the 5th of February, 1857.
New York: Baker and Godwin, 1857.

A Temple of Idols Not a Christian Church: Correspondence with the Rector and Vestry of Christ Church, New-Brighton on the Subject of the Images Introduced into That Church; together with an Introductory Letter to the Hon. John Duer, and a Supplement.
By G. Wotherspoon.
New York: no publisher, 1857.

A Discourse Delivered on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Church of the Epiphany, New York, January 10, 1858.
By Lot Jones.
New York: Anson D.F. Randolph, 1858.

The Duty of Bridling the Tongue: A Sermon Preached in the Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck, New York. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity August 29th, 1858.
By George Herbert Walsh.
Poughkeepsie: Osborne and Killey, 1858.

The Church a Living Organism: The Sermon before the Convention of the Diocese of New-Jersey, Preached, by the Appointment of the Bishop, on Wednesday, May 25, in St. Mary's Church, Burlington.
By John Kelly.
New York: Pudney and Russell, 1859.

The Pastor Separating from His People: A Farewell Sermon, Preached in Zion Church, New-York, Whitsunday, A.M., June 12th, 1859.
By Richard Cox, M.A.
New York: John W. Amerman, 1859.

Priestly Fidelity to the Church of Christ: The Sermon Preached at the Opening of the Seventy-fifth Annual Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, in Christ Church, Hartford.
By Gurdon S. Coit.
Hartford: Case, Lockwood and Company, 1859.

The Stability and Increase of the Church: How Shall They Be Secured?
A Discourse before the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania.
By M. A. DeWolfe Howe.
Philadelphia: J. S. McCalla, 1859.

The Dealings of God with the Nations of the Earth: A Sermon.
By Robert Travis.
Jersey City: John H. Lyon & Co., Book Printers, 1860.

Half-Day Worship: A Discourse preached at St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, on Sunday, January 22, 1860.
By Benjamin C. Cutler.
Brooklyn: E.B. Spooner, 1860.

The Liturgy of the Episcopal Church: A Sermon, Delivered in St. John's Church, Savannah, on Sunday, Nov. 18, 1860.
By George Henry Clark.
Savannah: George N. Nichols, Printer, 1860.

The Efficacy of Sacred Music Exemplified: A Sermon Preached before the Congregation of Christ Church, Piermont, on the First Sunday after Trinity, June 2, 1861.
By Solomon G. Hitchock.
New York: W. Skelly, 1861.

A Few Practical Words, by a Layman, in Favor of Dividing the Diocese of New York.
No place: no publisher, c. 1861.

A Sermon Preached in St. John's Church, Lewisboro, February 1st, 1861, at the Funeral of the Rev. David Scott, Missionary in Lewisboro and North Salem, Westchester Co., N.Y.
By William H. Williams.
New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, 1861.

The Duty of Giving Thanks, and the Blessings for Which to be Thankful: A Discourse Delivered on the National Thanksgiving-Day, Nov. 26, 1863.
By William G. Farrington.
New York: R. C. Root, 1863.

Sermon on the Scriptural, Ecclesiastical and Political Obligations in Regard to the Use of Certain Prayers in the Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church Preached in St. Paul's Church, New Orleans, La., on Sunday Morning, April 10, 1864.
By Elijah Guion.
New Orleans: no publisher, 1864.

The Report of the Standing Committee on Christian Education, Made to the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, Friday, October 25, 1865.
Hartford, Connecticut: Case, Lockwood and Company, 1865.

The City of God in the Anglo-Saxon Church. A Sermon, Preached before the Clergy and Laity of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Oct. 10, 1866, at Cambridge, Md.
By Henry M. Mason.
New York: Pott and Amery, 1866.

Protestant Episcopal Freedman's Commission Occasional Paper, January 1866.
Boston: George C. Rand and Avery, 1866.

A Devotional Office, for the Use of Associated Missions.
New York: F.J. Huntington & Co., 1867.

Thanksgiving-Day Sermon. Saint John's Church, Quincy, Illinois.
By Sidney Corbett.
Quincy, Illinois: Herald Printing Company, 1868.

A Sermon Commemorative of the Reverend Robert Greene Chase, M.A., Late Rector of the Church of St. Matthias, Philadelphia, PA. Preached by Request in the Chapel of said Church, on the 19th Sunday after Trinity, October 27, 1867.
By George P. Schetky.
Philadelphia: S. D. Burlock, 1868.

God's Guage of National Health. A Thanksgiving Sermon, preached by Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck, D.D., Rector, St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, November 26th, 1868.
Brooklyn: Daily Union Steam Book and Job Presses, 1868.

Report, Made to the Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New-York, A.D. 1871, by the Special Committee of Seven, appointed by the Annual Convention of the Diocese of New-York, A.D. 1870, to Consider and Report on the Subject of a Communication from the Diocese of Long Island.
New-York: John W. Amerman, 1871.

Faith: A Sermon on St. Matthew IX: 29.
By Charles H. Hall.
New York: John W. Amerman, 1872.

Report Made to the Fifth Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Long Island, 1872.
By the Special Committee Appointed in Reference to the Apportionment of the Charitable and Other Funds of the Late Undivided Diocese of New-York.
Brooklyn: H. M. Gardner, Jr., 1872.

The Ornament of Great Price: A Sermon-Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Cutler, Given to the Congregation of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., on Trinity Sunday, June 8th, 1873.
By Noah Hunt Schenck.
Brooklyn: J. T. Bolles, 1873.

The Freedom for Which We Give Thanks: A Sermon, Preached in the Church of the Holy Spirit, Nice, France, Nov. 26, 1874, the Day of American National Thanksgiving.
By the Rector, William A. McVickar.
London: Griffith and Farran, [1874]

Grieve Not the Holy Spirit: Whitsuntide Sermon, Preached in Christ Church, Brooklyn, on Whitsunday, May 24th, 1874.
By Edward L. Stoddard.
New-York: John W. Amerman, 1874.

Confession, Absolution, Obligation: Three Sermons for General Circulation
By John Percival, Rector of the Free Church of the Annunciation, New Orleans.
New York: L. Graham & Co., 1875.

A Letter Congratulatory to All Concerned in the Late Ecclesiastical Proceedings in the Diocese of Maryland.
By John F. Hoff.
Baltimore: Sherwood & Co., 1875.

The Coming Light. A Sermon Preached by Appointment before the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at the Fourteenth Triennial Meeting, in Trinity Church, Boston, Wednesday Evening, Oct. 4, 1877.
By Noah Hunt Schenck, D.D.
New York: E.S. Dodge Printing Company, 1877.

Ecclesiastical Relations and Religious Reform. Document IV.
First Triennial Report of the Joint Committee of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, on Ecclesiastical Relations and Religious Reform. Presented to the General Convention Sitting in Boston, October, 1877.
Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1877.

The Cathedral System: The Dean's Sermon on All Saints Day in the Chapel of the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany. Published by the Cathedral Guild.
By James Haughton.
Albany: Walter S. Allen, 1878.

The Canon Law Relating to Parishes in Cities, Considered with Reference to a Particular Case: A Paper Read before the Annual Council of the Diocese of Wisconsin, November 19th, 1878, on behalf of the Rev. Dr. Keene.
By John Hodson Egar.
Milwaukee: Burdick and Armitage, [1878]

History of Recent Events in Christ Church Parish.
By Edward Abraham Foggo.
Philadelphia: A. Smith, 1880.

Address in Memory of the Rev. Ebenezer Dibblee, D.D., for Fifty-one Years the MInister of St. John's Church, Stamford. Delivered in St. John's Church, Sunday, May 28, 1881.
By the Rev. William Tatlock, D.D., Rector.
Stamford, Connecticut: Stamford Heralnd Printing, 1881.

The Church's Duty to the Germans: A Sermon.
By Clarence Buel, Chaplain of the Church German Society.
New York: James Pott, 1881.

The Importance of Unnoted Influences.
By James Mulchahey.
New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1882.

A Narrative of the Proceedings at the Jubilee Services, held in St. Paul's Chapel, Trinity Parish, New York, Sunday, the 21st after Trinity, Oct. 29th, and Tuesday, Oct. 31st, A.D. 1882 Commemorating the Consecration in that Chapel of the Right Rev. John H. Hopkins, D.D., The Right Rev. C.P. McIlvaine, D.D., and the Right Rev. G.W. Doane, A.M. together with the Right Rev. Benjamin B. Smith with the action of the Vestry, the Sermons and Addresses, and a brief Account of the Services.
New York: J. Pott, 1882.

Organization of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Confederate States, A.D. 1861, and Its Reunion with the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, A.D. 1865.
By Richard H. Smith.
Weldon, North Carolina: Harrell's Cheap Book and Job Printing House, 1882.

The General Convention of 1886: An Address Delivered in Substance at the Mission Church of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, on Sunday, November 7, 1886.
By Edward Osborne, S.S.J.E.
Boston: Mission House of St. John the Evangelist, [1886]

A Suggestion about Fasting: A Sermon Preached in the Church of the Holy Trinity, on Quinquagesima Sunday, February 13, 1887.
By Charles H. Hall.
Brooklyn: no publisher, 1887.

A Sermon Commemorative of the Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Parish of St. Edward the Martyr Delivered in the Church of S. Edward the Martyr, New York, on the Feast of the Patron, March 18, 1888.
By Edward Wallace-Neil.
New York: Geo. Z. Sherwood, 1888.

American Church Law Considered in Relation to the Law of the Church of England and the Administration of the Civil Law in the United States.
By W. D. Wilson.
New York: James Pott & Co., 1889.

History of St. Andrew's Church (Harlem) in Two Chapters A.D. 1829-1889.
Compiled by George B. Draper and Miln P. Dayton.
New York: The Vestry of St. Andrew's Church, [1889].

Three Score and Ten. The Story of St. Philip's Church, New York City: A Discourse Delivered in the New Church, West Twenty-Fifth Street, at Its Opening, Sunday Morning, February 17, 1889.
By Benjamin Franklin DeCosta.
New York: St. Philip's Church, 1889.

Living and Dying unto the Lord: A Missionary Sermon, Preached at Christ Church, Montpelier, Vermont, Sunday, April 27, 1890.
By J. C. Flanders.
Montpelier, Vermont: Argus and Patriot Job Printing House, 1890.

The Old and the New Life: Sermon Delivered before the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Massachusetts in Trinity Church, Boston, May 6, 1890.
By Charles Arey.
Boston: George F. Crook, [Printed for the Massachusetts Church Union] 1890.

The Cattle of Ninevah: A Sermon Preached in Calvary Church, Pittsburg, in Lent, 1892, at the Request of the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society.
By George Hodges.
Pittsburgh: Published for the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society, 1892.

An Encyclical to All Bishops Claiming To Be of the Apostolic Succession.
By Joseph René Vilatte.
No place: no publisher, 1893.

A Sermon Commemorative of the Tenth Anniversary of the Founding of the Church of S. Edward-the-Martyr, New York.
Delivered by the Rev. Edward Wallace-Neil, Sc. D., Rector and Founder of the Parish, on Passion Sunday, March 19th, 1893, being the Sunday within the Octave of the Feast of S. Edward the Martyr.

New York: Published by request of the Church Wardens and Vestrymen, 1893.

The Correspondence between the Committee on Church Unity of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and the Commission on Christian Unity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S. [PDF]
Philadelphia: By the Stated Clerk, 1896.

On the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Christian Priesthood.
By Alan S. Hawkesworth, with the Imprimaturs and formal commendations of the Rt. Rev. G. F. Seymour, D.D., Bishop of Springfield; Rt. Rev. J. Scarborough, D.D., Bishop of New Jersey; Very Rev. E. A. Hoffman, D.D., Dean General Theological Seminary, and other Eminent Theologians.
Albany, N.Y.: Riggs Printing Company, 1896.

Lloyd's Clerical Directory for 1898: Being a Statistical Book of Reference for Facts Relating to the Clergy, Parishes and Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
Hamilton, Ohio: News and Telegraph Publishing Company, 1898.

The Religious Element in the Settlement at Jamestown in 1607: Historical Address Delivered before the Sixth Annual Council of the Diocese of Southern Virginia June 10th, 1898.
By R. S. Thomas.
Petersburg, Virginia: The Franklin Press Company, 1898.

The Parentage of American High Churchmanship: Third Reinicker Lecture for 1898-’99.
By W. G. Andrews
Reprinted from The Protestant Episcopal Review for January, 1899.

Ordination Sermon Preached at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine New York on Trinity Sunday, 1900.
By William M. Grosvenor, Rector, Church of the Incarnation, New York.
[New York:] no publisher, 1900.

War from the Christian Point of View.
By L. Henry Schwab.
Boston: The American Peace Society, 1901.

La Chiesa Episcopale / The Episcopal Church
New Haven, Connecticut: Diocese of Connecticut Commission on Work among Foreigners, no date.

Columbia University. St. Paul's Chapel Lenten Addresses.
By Henry Codman Potter, G. Ashton Oldham, Lyman Abbott, and Loring W. Batten.
[New York:] no publisher, 1907.

The Hopes of the Future: A Sermon Preached in St. John's Church, New Haven, Sunday Morning, May 3, 1908.
By Stewart Means, D.D.
New Haven: Printed by request, 1908.

The New York Churchman's Association: Commemoration of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary.
New York: no publisher, 1908.

A Century of Achievement: The History of the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, for One Hundred Years.
By Arthur Lowndes.
New York: No Publisher, [1909].

The Last Two Sermons Preached in Christ Church, New Haven.
By George Brinley Morgan, D.D., Rector, 1887-1908.
New Haven: Christ Church, 1909.

A Short History of Saint Andrew's Divinity School at Syracuse, New York.
Syracuse: The Alumni Association, 1910.

The History of Fra Paolo Sarpi.
By J. Henry Watson.
New York: Italian Episcopal Press, 1911.

The Coming of the General Convention of 1913.
By Francis Lynde Stetson.
New York: no publisher, 1912.

A Reply to "The Political Plea" of Bishop Cleland K. Nelson and Bishop Thomas F. Gailor at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in the City of New York Sunday Evening, October 19, 1913: A Sermon preached on Sunday Morning, October 26, 1913.
By George Frazier Miller.
New York: no publisher, 1913.

A Form of Supplication and Intercession for the Restoration of the World’s Peace and for Divine Guidance for All Men, Daily at Twelve O’clock.
New York: Trinity Church, 1914.

Preaching the Gospel in Wall Street: W. Wilkinson, 1905-1914.
[no place: no publisher], 1914.

"Has the Church Broken Down." A Sermon Preached March 14, 1915, in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York.
By Canon Robert Ellis Jones, D. D.
New York: Henry Blackwell, 1915.

Pageant of the Church Given in Honor of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church October, 1916.
Designed and produced by George Long.
No place: no publisher, 1916.

Constitution and By-Laws of the New York Catholic Club.
New York: No Publisher, 1917.

Forms of Prayer for Public and Private Worship in Time of War.
No place: no publisher, 1917.

The Right of Women in the Diocese of South Carolina to Election as Members of Vestries.
By R. A. Meares.
Columbia, South Carolina: The R. B. Bryan Company, 1917.

The Case against Herbert Shipman: A Review.
By Stuart L. Tyson.
A Reprint for the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1921.

Simple Answers to Some Common Questions about the Affiliation of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America with the Protestant Episcopal Church.
By Dean Louis Nanassy.
Egyszerü feleletek néhany közönséges kérdésre, amik az amerikai magyar református egyháznak a protestáns püspöki egyházzal való társulására vonatkoznak.
Irta Nánássy Lajos Esperes.
New York: Presiding Bishop and Council, Department of Missions, Foreign-Born Americans Division, 1922. [PDF]

Samuel Hart, Priest and Doctor.
By Melville K. Bailey.
Hartford, Connecticut: Church Missions Publishing, 1922.

Cathedral Building: An Index of National Character
By the Honorable Elihu Root.
New York: no publisher, [1922]

The Bible. Annual Sermon for the New York Bible Society, Delivered on Bible Sunday, December 5, 1926 in St. Thomas's Church, New York.
By Roelif H. Brooks.
New York: no publisher, 1926.

Prayer Book Revision: An Address at the Alumni Service, June 14, 1928
By John Wallace Suter.
No place: no publisher, 1928.

Observances in Honor of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Consecration of William Andrew Leonard, Bishop of Ohio Held in connection with the One Hundred and Twelfth Convention of the Diocese, 1929.
[Cleveland:] no publisher, [1929]

A Description of the Chapel of the Intercession, Trinity Parish, New York.
By Milo Hudson Gates.
New York: no publisher, 1931. [PDF]

A Statement to the House of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America from 2115 Clergy of the Church.
New York: no publisher, 1933.

Catholic Laymen's Club of New York
New York: No Publisher, 1934.

Convention Address.
By Samuel Babcock Booth.
Bennington: Diocese of Vermont, St. Peter’s Church, 1934.

The Torch Passed to Us.
By Donald B. Aldrich.
New York: Church of the Ascension, 1934.

Ships' Altars. [PDF]
New York: Hamburg-American Line-North German Lloyd, 1935.

The Procter Foundation at Princeton. [PDF]
Princeton: Princeton University Press, [1936].

Talks on the Episcopal Church.
By the Rev. Edward W. Averill, D.D., Canon and Sometime Dean of Saint Paul's Cathedral, Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin: Parish Press, 1936.

A Suggested Order for the Ministration of Holy Baptism.
New York: Edwin S. Gorham, 1937.

The Report and the Resolution Concerning Open Communion as Adopted by the Liberal Evangelicals at Their Regional Conference May 24th, 1938 at St. George's Church New York City.
No place: no publisher, 1938.

The Forward Movement in the Episcopal Church: Twenty-Fourth Annual Hale Memorial Sermon, Delivered March 9, 1938.
By Henry Wise Hobson
Evanston: Seabury Western Theological Seminary, 1938.

The Evangelical Attitude Toward the Prayer Book. [PDF]
By Carl E. Grammer.
Philadelphia: Evangelical Education Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1939.

A Parish Eucharist according to Ancient Catholic Usage and the Book of Common Prayer.
[By Stephen A. Hurlbut]
Washington, D.C.: The St. Albans Press, 1939.

A Sermon Preached at the Church of the Resurrection.
By Gordon Wadhams.
New York: no publisher, 1939.

Two Addresses at the Annual Conference of the Clergy of the Diocese of New York October 14th and 15th 1941.

Preaching the Good News in our Troubled World.
By the Rev. Theodore O. Wedel, D.D.

The Church in Relation to the Present World Situation.
By the Right Rev. Archibald L. Fleming.

Liturgy and Life: Papers and Addresses Delivered at the Liturgical Conference of the Diocese of New Jersey, St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, New Jersey, June, 1942.
New Jersey: no publisher, 1942.

The Liturgical Movement.
By Chauncey Kilmer Myers.
No place: no publisher, 1944.

The Romance of An Ecclesiastical Adventure.
By Edward Elliot Durant.
New York: no publisher, 1946.

The Visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany, New York September 23, 1946.
No place: no publisher, 1946.

Address Delivered by the Most Rev. Geoffrey Francis Fisher, D.D. Archbishop of Canterbury to the Joint Session of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September 12, 1946.
No place: no publisher, [1946].

An Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist in Accord with Early Tradition and the Book of Common Prayer.
[By Stephen A. Hurlbut]
Washington, D.C.: The St. Albans Press, 1947.

Address Delivered at the Graduation Exercises of St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing, in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, at 4 P.M. on Thursday, May 19, 1949 on the Topic: "Spiritual Relationship with Patients."
By Samuel M. Shoemaker.
New York: no publisher, 1949.

Sermon Preached at the Consecration of the Venerable David Richards as Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Albany on Thursday, July 19th, 1951 at the Cathedral of All Saints Albany, New York.
By Charles F. Boynton, Suffragan Bishop of New York.
Albany: no publisher, 1951.

An Address Given by Bishop Dallas the Evening before the Diocese Convention 1952 on the Invitation of the Bishop of New Hampshire.
By John Thomas Dallas.
No place: no publisher, 1952.

An Opinion on the Vacant Cure: Canons 46 and 47
no place: no publisher, [1952]

School of Worship for the Women of the Diocese of New York.
New York: Women's Auxiliary, 1952.

Boldness and Compassion: A Message from the Anglican Congress to the People of the Anglican Communion.
Minneapolis, Minnesota August 13, 1954.
[New York: The National Council, no date]

Unity in Tension: An Address Given at the Triennial Dinner of the Evangelical Societies, at Honolulu, September 8, 1955.
By Leland Stark.
No place: Published by the Episcopal Evangelical Fellowship, 1955.

The Episcopate of Frederick Barry.
By George Edmed DeMille.
Albany: Diocesan Book Store, 1962.

The Liturgy of the Church according to the Use of the Diocese of Milwaukee, Being Shortened Matins and the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, together with the Customary of the Cathedral Church of All Saints.
Milwaukee: Cathedral Church of All Saints, 1965.

The Responsibilities of Bishops for Liturgical Reform in a Changing Society: A Sermon Preached at Evening Prayer in Saint Bartholomew's Church, New York City, Tuesday, April 27th, 1965, 8:00 P.M. in connection with the New York Liturgical Conference.
By Jonathan Goodhue Sherman.
New York: no publisher, 1965.

The Czecho-Slovaks
By Robert Keating Smith.
New York: The Board of Missions, no date.

What We Believe and Why. Plain Talks on Religion.
Edited by J. Wilson Sutton.
New York: Trinity Parish, no date.

Project Canterbury