Transcribed by Wayne Kempton
Archivist and Historiographer of the Diocese of New York, 2012
The Church of the Epiphany,
The Author.
__________Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Discourse
"What hath God wrought?" NUMBERS 23: 23.
TWENTY-FIVE YEARS hence, who will stand in this place? Who will fill these seats? Where shall we be? Questions such as these, which no mortal can answer, come unbidden on an Anniversary like the present. The little bark, which was launched in this vicinity twenty-five years ago, though exposed to many perils, has, by the favor of a benignant Providence, been kept afloat. May we not believe, that it has, in a good degree, accomplished the purpose, warmly cherished by its friends, to afford a more adequate supply of religious privileges in a destitute part of the city?
At the commencement of this enterprise, the City Mission Society was in successful operation. One church had been purchased. A faithful and devoted Missionary [The Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler, Rector of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn.] was earnestly engaged in his Master's service. New zeal seems to have been awakened among the members of our communion.
The City Mission Society, in their first annual report, January, 1832, say, "Our work has but just commenced. The number of our missionary stations must be increased. From what has been done for us, we feel encouraged to go on, with energy and vigor, in the work before us."
Relying upon Divine guidance, they looked around to ascertain the most favorable place for planting the standard of the cross, in another part of the city. Committees were appointed to examine various districts. They reported that the North Eastern District, extending from the Bowery to East River, and from Grand to Houston Streets, peculiarly needed additional [5/6] facilities for public worship. This report induced the Society, in November of the same year, to constitute that district a Missionary Station. It was also recommended to purchase a site for a church, in the vicinity of Public School, No. 4, at the Corner of Rivington and Ridge Streets.
The Annual Sermon before the Society, in December, was preached by the Rev. Mr. Eastburn, Rector of the Church of the Ascension, now Bishop of Massachusetts; in which he says, "I ask your offerings not merely for that church, (The Holy Evangelists,) in which we are now assembled, but for the purpose of extending the operations of the Society, through other and destitute portions of this wide spread city."
On the last Sunday of this month, a committee, [Rev. John F. Schroeder, Theodore Keese and Elijah Guion.] appointed by the Society, opened a School at No. 115 Ridge Street, which was afterwards removed to the corner of Attorney and Delancey Streets, and continued until August following. In the meantime a decided impulse was given to this Missionary movement from another quarter, which led to the immediate adoption of efficient measures for carrying it forward.
"A clergyman, [Rev. John McVickar, D. D., Professor of the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, in Columbia College.] having occasion one Sunday in the Autumn of 1832, to pass through Stanton Street, encountered throngs of idle and destitute boys, playing in the street, or lounging in the sun; addressing one of the group with the question, why they were not at Sunday School? he was answered that there was none; and why they were not at Church? that there was no Church. His heart was moved at the situation of these children and their parents; and on reporting the case to two Christian ladies, they at once placed in his hands $75, saying, 'We will have on that spot a Mission Church.' A room was sought for in that vicinity, and with some difficulty obtained. It was a small dark room over an engine house. Here were assembled, on the 6th of January, 1833, being the Festival of the Epiphany, six adult worshippers, with two Prayer Books, and a few ragged children who were persuaded to enter. Hence [6/7] the Church then commenced was most appropriately called the Church of the Epiphany." On the following Sunday, services were held according to the Rites and Usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in a Hall, [Then known as No. 67 North Street.] on the corner of Allen and Houston Streets, opposite the First Avenue. A Sunday School was organized with two Teachers and six Scholars. Two students of Columbia College took charge of it, the one, [The Rev. Lloyd Windsor, Missionary at Canaseraga, W. N. Y.] as Superintendent, the other, as Assistant [The Rev. James Williams, Rector of St. Mark's Church, Orange, N. J.]. These facts being stated to the City Mission Society, they, on the 14th of January, assumed the responsibility of sustaining the Mission, and adopted the name which had already been given to it.
Before this, however, those, who took the incipient steps in the movement, had consulted together about securing a clergyman, who should devote himself entirely to it. One, [Mrs. Cornelia Beach Lawrence.] of the ladies above referred to, named the present Rector as a suitable person for the position, offering to guarantee his salary for the first six months.
I met her for the first time in October, 1832, while the General Convention of the Church was assembled in this city. With some of her nearest relatives I had, in former years in a Southern city, [Savannah, Georgia.] been, on terms of intimacy. During the prevalence of an alarming epidemic, [Yellow Fever.] it was my privilege to administer to them the consolations of religion. I received from their lips at the approach of death, the testimony of Christian faith, and specific directions with reference to their children; and performed for them the last sad offices of the Church.
An interview with the sister of these departed friends [The Rev. Abiel Carter, Rector of Christ Church, Savannah, died November 1st, 1827. His wife, Mrs. Maria Beach Carter, died a few days before.] could not fail to awaken deep emotion. Some of their children were present. Past scenes of painful bereavement were [7/8] recalled. Her house for the time became my home. She alluded with great earnestness to the effort then making to establish a new Mission Church, and expressed the wish, that I should take charge of it. Little did I imagine, that this suggestion would lead to important results, determine my future field of 1abor, and furnish "the lights and shades" of a Pastor's life.
At her request on the 3d of January, 1833, the clergyman, who conducted the first services at this station, wrote to me on the subject. "There is," he says, "a prospect of getting up a Mission in the upper part of this city, in the most populous, but not the most wealthy part of it. Hitherto it has been an individual enterprise, in which I have been aided by a number of persons, among others your friend, Mrs. Lawrence, who has suggested your name, as a very desirable appointment for the labors of it. As soon as we can get matters arranged, it will be formally connected with our City Mission Society. * * *
"As we are anxious to carry our plans into immediate effect—you will oblige me by an early answer, stating, if so inclined, at what time you would be willing to enter on a sphere of duty, which I am satisfied will be a successful one."
A reply was promptly sent, in which I expressed a willingness to devote myself to the work, when the necessary arrangements had been made.
The present sketch would be incomplete, did I not also state that at an earlier period, several persons residing in the Bowery and its vicinity, unconnected with the city Mission Society, had often conversed together about establishing a Free Church. They entered heartily into this enterprise, and constituted the nucleus of the original congregation. Your Rector was chosen by them, in the latter part of January, and, on the first of February, by the City Mission Society, to take charge of the Mission.
I officiated here for the first time January 27, 1833. That evening I baptized two children, one of whom [Stephen Arnest, son of Mr. Frederic R. Lee.] lived but a few [8/9] years; the other was Joseph S. Taylor, the late Commissioner of Streets.
Services were held three times on every Lord's Day, and on one evening during the week. The district was divided into sections. The Teachers of the Sunday School engaged earnestly in their work. At their meeting on the 25th of February, the first of which any record is preserved, thirteen persons were present, including the Missionary. Among that number appears the name of our present Treasurer, [Mr. Valentine Clowes.] then a communicant of the Church.
Several of the Scholars, who entered the Sunday School at its commencement, are now communicants of the Church. One of them, [Mr. Wm. H. Lewis.] then a little boy, has five children in the School. A little girl [Miss Catharine Collins.] who joined the first class that was formed, will long be remembered. She very soon secured the confidence and affection of her Teachers. Her attainments and deportment were such, that before she had reached the age of thirteen years, a class was entrusted to her care. In this school some of her happiest hours were past, and her most permanent friendships formed. Here she first met the beloved partner of her joys. [Mr. Edgar M. Crawford.] They were confirmed at the same time, and came to the Lord's Table together. Wherever there was missionary work to be done, she was prompt and efficient. The fruits of her labor were visible in every direction. Being the first member of her father's family, who received the holy communion, she filled an important position; going steadily forward, she was privileged to see both her parents, and several others of the family, take upon themselves the vows of the everlasting covenant. All who knew her, concur in testifying, that she was a dutiful and affectionate child, an active and consistent Christian, a devoted wife, and a fond mother. She died as she had lived, trusting entirely in the merits of her Lord and Saviour. At the time of her death she had just [9/10] completed her twenty-first year. "That life is long, which answers life's great end."
The holy communion was first administered on Easter Sunday, April 7, to eighteen persons. The little band, who partook of the sacred elements, on that occasion, drew near with lively faith, and joyful hearts. They saw evident tokens of the divine blessing, and looked forward with the sure conviction, that the Lord would prosper the work in which they were engaged.
On the 28th of April, your Rector was cheered by receiving an offering for the poor, from a member of Christ Church. [Mr. Theodore Keese, Cooperstown.] This was the first, received for that object, from a person not belonging to the congregation. My labors, in visiting from house to house, called me daily to the abodes of indigence and suffering. The sick were often found, not only without the comforts, but without the common necessaries of life. This kind remembrance from a stranger, unsolicited, showed that the nature of these duties was appreciated, and furnished new cause for gratitude. From that time to the present, though he has lived for years in the interior of the State, he has regularly sent his offerings. May the Lord reward him for his beneficent acts.
The Rite of Confirmation was administered in our place of worship, June 23, to thirteen persons, only two of whom remain in the Church militant. We seem to belong to another generation, so numerous have been the changes around us. Those who were the actors yesterday, pass off the stage today. We mingle with them a little while, rejoice in their society, are animated by their example, and see them no more. "What shadows we are."
One of the departed, [Miss Sarah Deremer.] who then ratified and confirmed her baptismal obligations, and had previously been a teacher in the Sunday School, continued with us more than fifteen years, a remarkable example of patience and cheerful submission, under severe and protracted sufferings. Of her it might truly [10/11] be said, that, through suffering, she was ripened for glory. All, who visited her saw delightful evidence of the power of divine grace. Very rarely has an individual lingered, for so many years, apparently, on the borders of the eternal world. Never have I seen an instance, of more prolonged and acute pain. Yet when her end was drawing near, she remarked, "The Lord has brought me, through the dark valley, very gently, all the way, very gently." She then committed herself into the Saviour's hands, in the hallowed language of the first Martyr, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
At our first public baptism, August 4, four children were dedicated to the Lord. They all lived, until they entered the "holy estate of matrimony." But the eldest, [Mrs. Cornelia Kembel.] within about three weeks of her wedding day, exchanged her bridal attire for a shroud, and entered, we trust, into the rest which remaineth for the people of God. The other three are themselves parents, and their little ones have been brought to this font, and baptized. Two of the three are communicants, and one, being the first baptized, is the wife of a vestryman [Mr. George S. Hickok.] of the church. Thus the past and the present are connected together by indissoluble ties. Children rise up to take the place of parents. The kingdom of the Redeemer is extended.
It was very early apparent, that the hall in which our services were held, would not long answer for the purpose. Its limited space and inconveniences induced the friends of the Mission to adopt measures for the erection of a church. After an examination of various other sites, this was selected with great unanimity, and the corner stone laid on the 26th of August, by the Right Rev. Richard Channing Moore, Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia. "His address was listened to by a large congregation, with something of that feeling with which children assemble around an aged and venerated parent, that they may gather from his lips the words of wisdom and experience. He recurred to the depressed state of our beloved church within the period of his own recollection, then glanced [11/12] at its present happy and prosperous condition, noticing the fruitful cause of joy and devout gratitude, which the contrast presented. The influence of these considerations, and the impressions they made, were greatly heightened, from the fact alluded to, that this was the native city of the venerable speaker, that here he had been zealously and usefully employed, as an ambassador of Christ. Among those assembled were some of his former parishioners, the seals of his faithful ministry."
Alluding to the future worshippers in the new edifice, he said, "When the top-stone of this building shall be laid; when you enter the sacred temple now commenced, to worship and adore the Almighty; remember that it is the house of God, and the gate of heaven, over the threshold of which you will step. Remember, that the eye of Jehovah will be upon you, and that it is his revealed word to which you will be called to listen. Remember, that the devoutest attention to the preached gospel is necessary, that it may prove beneficial.
"When the preacher shall tell you, that 'If any man be in Christ, he must be a new creature,' let your prayer be, 'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.' When he shall hold up the Saviour to your view, as the only hope and dependence of the believer, 'the chief among ten thousands, and altogether lovely,' and beseech you to be reconciled to God, remember, 'That other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.' Instead of deferring an application for an interest in the merits of the Redeemer, embrace with fervor of heart the offers of divine mercy. 'Seek the Lord while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near.' Say not that on to-morrow, you will think of God and eternity, of heaven and of hell; but, 'to-day while it is called to-day,' embrace the invitation, reflect upon the uncertainty of life, and remember, that the Apostle has declared, 'Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.'"
An important step had now been taken in behalf of the Mission. To follow it up successfully required unwearied diligence. [12/13] The friends of the cause were not idle. Facts were collected bearing on the spiritual destitution of the district. The encouragement to be derived from what had already been accomplished, was forcibly urged. In the report from the Missionary, presented on the 29th of September, it was stated, that he had visited more than a hundred families, unconnected with any place of public worship, who rejoiced in the prospect of Christian privileges, which the contemplated edifice would afford. "Here," he said, "are an immense number of children, who, a few years hence, will be prominent actors on the stage of life; they will either strengthen the hands of the friends of morality and religion, or make bolder in iniquity the servants of Satan. All that is dear to us in social privileges; all that we value in the religion of Jesus, inspire us to make additional efforts to stem the torrent of vice, to take the youth of our city by the hand and conduct them to the Sunday School, and to the house of God; to point the poor, the unfortunate, the afflicted, the thoughtless, and the abandoned, to the Saviour of sinners as their only refuge?
"I would invite a person, who doubted the utility of these labors of love, to accompany me to an afflicted family, to whose wants relief had been administered. He could not fail to read in the countenances of the inmates, the grateful emotions which such a visit awakened, and observe the lively interest with which they listened to pastoral advice and consolation.—In other tenements, it may be in a room without a chair, or a stool, he might hear the children of poverty speak from heartfelt experience of the preciousness of the Saviour.—He might be taken to the bedside of an individual, who in health neglected his spiritual concerns, but in sickness sought the counsel of "a messenger of grace," made known to him his inward malady, was pointed to the great Physician, and became, in the judgment of charity, an humble disciple of the Lord Jesus.
"A great variety of cases has come under the notice and care of the Missionary. He might speak of a professed unbeliever, who for many years had not entered a house of prayer, brought, by the aid of divine grace, to feel her need of an [13/14] Almighty Saviour, renouncing her errors, clinging to the cross of Christ, and dying in the faith of the gospel.
"Can the Christian cast a cold and unfeeling look upon those who are strangers to his joys, on whose sensibilities the iron hand of penury is pressing? Shall they be borne down to the dust, and no effort be made to cheer their desponding hearts, and inspire them with the blessed hope of everlasting life? Did Jesus weep in view of human suffering, and shed his blood for its alleviation, and can his disciples, while enjoying the invaluable blessings of religion, make no efforts to extend to their destitute brethren the same privileges? Some of them are bound to you by ties stronger than the common ties of brotherhood. They were nurtured in the bosom of the church, and solemnly pledged themselves to the service of God in holy ordinances; but misfortune's chilling blast, or afflictive visitations of Providence, changed their circumstances, depressed their spirits, and deprived them of a seat in the sanctuary. They have wandered, as sheep without a shepherd, with no human eye to pity, no kind fraternal hand to lead them back to the Christian fold, and impart the necessary support and consolation. Shall these sufferers of the household of faith have no place in your compassion? If you love them not, nor afford them relief, how dwelleth the love of Christ in you?"
At the close of the first year, the missionary reported, that the teachers of the Sunday School had greatly aided him in becoming acquainted with the condition and wants of the families in the district. Within six weeks they had visited every family. An addition of more than a hundred scholars to the school, was one of the gratifying results. The school then embraced three hundred scholars, under the care of thirty teachers.
The year 1834 opened with favorable auspices to this Mission. The congregation had steadily increased in numbers, and in efficiency. Many difficulties had been surmounted, and formidable obstacles removed. On the 16th of February, divine service was performed in the lecture room of the church, and the communion administered to seventy-two persons. The [14/15] Sunday School was held, for a few months, in the building of Public School, No. 14, Houston Street.
On Saturday, June the 28th, this church was solemnly consecrated to the worship of Almighty God, by the Bishop of the Diocese, (the Right Rev. Dr. B. T. Onderdonk). We were favored with the presence on that occasion, not only of a large number of the clergy, but of the Bishop of Connecticut, (the Right Rev. Dr. Brownell), and the Assistant Bishop of Pennsylvania, (the Right Rev. Dr. H. U. Onderdonk), the latter of whom preached, and the former took part in the services.
This was the first church erected by Episcopalians in the city of New York, with the intention that all the seats should be permanently free. Not a pew, nor a sitting in it, has ever been sold or rented. No other church here in our communion has been so long sustained in the same way. It would have been impossible, by the ordinary mode, to have secured in this district such valuable results. These doors have been thrown open to all, who were disposed to avail themselves of religious privileges. The invitation, has been given in public and in private. "Whosoever will, let him enter this sanctuary, and worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
The great work to which the name of the church pointed has been kept, steadily in view. It has enlisted the kind feelings, and zealous co-operation of many persons belonging to other congregations. For such benevolent offices, they have our most grateful acknowledgements.
The subscription for building the church was headed by a member of the Church of the Ascension, [Mr. Samuel Ward.] "an early tried and active friend of the City Mission Society; ever ready with his advice, his encouragement, his labors, and his contributions." Of him I may speak without reserve, for he rests from his labors, and "his memory is blessed." Never shrinking from personal sacrifices for the temporal and spiritual benefit of his fellow creatures, he beautifully illustrated in his life, the salutary influence of the gospel.
[16] A call received from him one evening in February, 1837, made an impression on my mind which time will not efface. The great panic, or financial crisis, was at its height. The weather was bitterly cold; a snow storm raged with unusual violence, becoming hourly more severe. The thought of the suffering which it must occasion, pressed upon him with such force, that he could not rest, without doing something for its alleviation. He called upon a neighbor of a similar spirit, and stated his purpose. They went out together, buffeting the tempest, and through streets almost deserted, came across the city to my residence, and left a generous offering, which filled many hearts with joy and gratitude. The manner in which this was done, and the motives which prompted to its performance, show that acts of self-denial, for the comfort of the afflicted, bring with them their own reward.
Eternity alone will fully disclose, how largely this Church has been indebted to persons similar in character and spirit to those just alluded to. Many of them have already entered those blessed mansions, where sin and suffering will never be admitted. May their mantles rest on multitudes, who will find pleasure in a similar course.
During my connection with this church, I have baptized 2501, 253 adults, and 2248 children; married 760 couples; presented 915 for confirmation; enrolled 1494 as communicants; and attended 1362 funerals.
Our present number of communicants is about 400, eight who were with us in 1833, remain to cheer us onward. One of these in her 83d year, [Mrs. Anne Bennett, Sen.] though too feeble to attend church, continues to speak with a grateful heart of the goodness of the Lord, and the inestimable value of the salvation he has provided.
Of the ninety Episcopal clergymen, now residing in this city, only nine were here twenty-five years ago, but two retain the parochial charge which they then had. Nor have the changes in our Church been peculiar, but nine ministers of any religious denomination, are settled in the same parishes over which they then presided.
[17] Nine young men, who were confirmed here, have entered the ministry. Eleven others, who were Teachers in the Sunday School, but confirmed elsewhere, have taken Holy Orders. More than twenty churches in this city and its vicinity, either have or have had vestrymen, who were once connected with us.
The most remarkable circumstance, however, affecting us as a parish, has been the removal of our former members from this part of the city, and the coming in of foreigners speaking another language. This class, composed chiefly of Germans, embraces a majority of the population. Twenty-five years ago no Jewish Synagogues could be found east of the Bowery, now there are ten, five directly east of us. In the same district, at that time, there was but a single place of worship in which the English language was not used, now there are twenty-two places.—Yet there is still abundant work for many laborers. Persevering efforts, with the blessing of God, cannot fail of success.
Our Sunday School, including an Infant Department and a Bible Class, is in a flourishing condition, embracing forty-one Teachers and three hundred and forty-three Scholars. This school has been emphatically a nursery of the church. Its teachers have been most efficient helpers in the missionary work. Nor should I do justice to my feelings and convictions, not to acknowledge the meritorious labors of other members of the congregation. They have lightened my cares, and afforded prompt assistance in every good work. Those, who spend a portion of their time in promoting the welfare of others, can hardly fail of being blessed themselves.
To the youthful members of the congregation, my heart turns with no ordinary emotion. Twenty-five years hence you must be the support of this church. On your exertions and your prayers, will its prosperity in a great degree depend. Daily seek counsel from the Lord. He, who has called you into his vineyard, will never forsake those who trust in him. Be faithful unto death, and he will give you a crown of life.
Communicants of this church, what shall I say to you, that [17/18] I have not already said? Will you not take another step forward? Death and eternity are before you. More than three hundred, who have participated with you at the Lord's table, have gone to their final account. There are very few of your families, which have not lost a highly valued member. Will you not strive with all your might, while the day lasts, to perform what God hath appointed for you to do? Your Pastor has sympathized with you in your sorrows, and endeavored to impart to you the balm of consolation. In his own family, too, he has felt the hand of the Almighty. The little ones, whom he brought with him to this city, have long ceased to be numbered with the living. During March, in each of three successive years, the Lord took from his domestic circle, a beloved child. A fourth, [Ellen Mary.] the first born, a native of Georgia, joined this Sunday School, February, 1833, in the seventh year of her age. Here she enjoyed the instruction of faithful and devoted teachers. [Miss Amelia Battin, Mrs. Eliza Carson, and Miss Henrietta Woodham.] Nor is it the least touching remembrance of the past, that they went before her to the world of spirits. Their names were gratefully embalmed in her memory, and enlisted her warmest affections. While a member of the school, before her fourteenth year was complete, she dedicated herself to the Lord. Her last years at the parental home were actively and usefully employed. With a mind, mature for her age, disciplined by culture, and deeply conscious of her responsibility, she took charge of the monitorial class. Her pupils were much in her thoughts and bound to her by strong ties. With them she spent many pleasant and profitable hours. One of that lovely group, adorned by the most estimable and attractive qualities, was early removed to the paradise of God [Miss Eleanora Sterling].
Other duties soon claimed her attention. United in marriage to a faithful, earnest, and successful Pastor, [The Rev. John A. Paddock, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Brooklyn.] she entered on her new sphere of action, with a fervent desire to live to the glory of God. Yet little more than three years were allotted [18/19] to her. Scarcely had she become familiar with the "scenes in parish life," when the inroads of disease became apparent. In a long continued sickness, she bowed submissively to the divine will; and though loving, with all a woman's affection, those most nearly allied to her, cheerfully committed them into the Lord's hands. She and her child lie together, in our beautiful Greenwood."
Affecting lessons have been addressed to us. There is no time for indolent repose. Our years are rolling away. Our labors on earth will quickly be ended. Shall not the success, which God has granted, lead us to a more devout trust in his precious promises? We cannot succeed by mere human strength. The praise and the glory, for everything truly valuable, must be ascribed to the unseen Jehovah. If we look to him, he will direct our steps; his everlasting arms will be underneath us. His Providence will order all the changes of our lives. In affliction, the world recedes, but God draws near. Earthly hopes may be buried in the dust; the hope of heaven will always animate the Christian. The confident expectation of a reunion, with our departed friends, whom God has owned as his, will diminish the pain of separation. Sadness will be turned into joy. The dark valley will be illumined by the glorious beams of the sun of righteousness. The Saviour's power will be displayed. The wonders of Redeeming love will inspire new zeal. All may exclaim with devout gratitude "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."
Anniversary Services.
Anniversary services were held in this church, January 3, 1858. The Right Rev. Henry J. Whitehouse, D. D., Bishop of Illinois, preached in the morning, from Luke 12: 32, "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure, to give you the kingdom."—The sermon in the afternoon was preached by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D. D., Rector of Calvary Church, from Titus 2: 14, "A peculiar people, zealous of good works."—The Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler, D. D., Rector of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, preached in the evening, and took for his text, Mark 12: 37, The common people heard him gladly."
These discourses were listened to with great interest, by large and attentive congregations. Many, formerly members of the church, but who had removed to a distance, revisited, on this occasion, their early spiritual home. The holy communion was administered, and the bonds of Christian fellowship strengthened. Such a day will be long remembered.
Lewis Phillips, Elijah Guion, Rev. Lot Jones, Frederic R. Lee, and Darius Wells.BUILDERS.
Platt & Mersereau.This Church had no Vestry for twelve years after its organization. A Superintending Committee, appointed by the City Mission Society, on the nomination of the Missionary, performed the greater part of the duties, usually devolving upon a Vestry.
*Elijah Guion, 1833-1838; Darius Wells, 1833-1836; *Henry P. Robertson, 1833-1840; Frederic R. Lee, 1833-1835; John Ridley, 1833-1835; John W. Mersereau, 1833-1835; Moses Beadell, 1833-1835; *Edward N. Beadell, 1833-1835; John W. S. Hows, 1833-1834; Daniel Burtnett, 1833-1834; Daniel W. Townsend, 1834-1835, 1836-1838; Edwin Townsend, 1834-1835; Wm. T. Pinkney, 1835-1845, Warden 1845;Â Peter D. Collins, 1835-1845, Warden 1845-1847, 1848-1851; John A. McVickar, M. D. 1835-1840; *John Townley, 1835-1845, Vestryman 1845-1846; *Joseph Moore, 1835-1841; *Ludovic Harpel, 1835-1836; Alpheus Banning, 1835-1836; *John R. Coats, 1836-1843;Â Peter P. Bailey, 1836-1844; Joseph S. Perry, M. D., 1837-1838; *Jameson C. Summers, 1838-1839; Lyman Cobb, 1838-1840; *Thomas Harrison, 1839-1840; Charles L. Carpenter, 1839-1840; Robert Carnley, 1840-1845, Vestrymen 1845-1847, Warden 1847-1848. [22/23] Daniel P. Barnard, 1840-1842; James J. Wallace, 1840-1842; John T. Walton, 1840-1842; *Foster Rhodes, 1840-1842; *Lewis Phillips, 1840-1841; Abraham D. Breck, 1841-1842; Wm. N. Smith, 1841-1844, Vestryman 1846-1848; Reuben W. Howes, 1842-1845, Vestryman 1845-1846;Â Charles T. Crawford, 1842-1844; David Field, 1842-1843; *George Allen, 1843-1845; Valentine Clowes, 1843-1845, Vestryman 1845; John M. Bodine, 1844-1845, Vestryman 1845-1848; James Robinson, 1844-1845, Vestryman 1845-1850; Charles H. Roach, 1844-1845.
* Deceased.VESTRYMEN.
Samuel S. St. John, 1845-1855; *Andrew M. Shiers, 1845-1851; John Allen, 1846-1851, Warden 1851; Edgar M. Crawford, 1847-1856; Henry W. Belcher, 1848-1853; Elbert R. Sammis, 1848-1855; *Jared L. Moore, 1850-1854; Cornelius Minor, 1851; James Haggart, 1852; John Cox, 1853-1856;Â *James H. Gorham, 1854; R. Spencer Chapin, M. D., 1855; Edward D. Jones, 1855-1857; Thomas C. Lyon, 1856; Thomas Franklin Smith, 1856; George S. Hickok, 1857.
Church of the Epiphany,
SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY, AT 10 1/2 A. M., 3 & 7 1/2 P. M.
Lecture Friday Evening 7 1/2 o’clock
SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9 A. M. & 2 P. M.BAPTISM is statedly administered in the afternoon of the last Sunday in every month. The HOLY COMMUNION is administered on the first Sunday in each month, and on Christmas, Easter, and Whit-Sunday.