Project Canterbury Anglicanism in Australia
Cable Clerical Index
Index of clergy who served in the Anglican Church of Australia from earliest times through to those ordained or serving by 31 December 1961.
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William Grant Broughton, 1788-1853
Ernest Henry Burgmann, 1885-1967
Henry Hutchinson Montgomery, 1847-1932
Francis Russell Nixon, 1803-1879
William Tyrrell, 1807-1879
An Address to the Inhabitants of the Colonies Established in New South Wales and Norfolk Island. Written in the Year 1792.
By Richard Johnson, Chaplain to the Colonies.
London: Printed for the Author, 1794.A Charge, Delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of New South Wales, at the Primary Visitation, holden at Sydney, in the Church of St. James, on Thursday, the 3d of December, 1829.
By William Grant Broughton.
Sydney: Printed by R. Mansfield, 1830.Duty and Privilege of Holy Communion. A Sermon Preached at the Temporary Church of St Lawrence, Sydney, on Sunday, 2nd October, 1842; by the Minister of that parish.
Two Journals of Missionary Tours in the Districts of Manéroo and Moreton Bay, New South Wales, in 1843.
By E.G. Pryce and John Gregor.
London: The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1846.An Account of a Voyage in a Convict Ship,
with Notes of the First Itinerating Missionary in Tasmania
London: The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, March, 1847.Our Duty under Recent Perversions to the Church of Rome.
A sermon, Preached at Christ Church, St Lawrence, on Sunday, the 27th February, 1848.A Letter from the Lord Bishop of Melbourne
to the Honorary Secretary of the Special Committee for that Diocese, dated November 1849.
London: The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, June, 1850.Minutes of the Australasian Synod
From The Colonial Church Chronicle, and Missionary Journal, Vol. IV (June 1851), pages 455-465.Annals of the Diocese of Adelaide.
By William Norris, M.A.
London: Printed for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and sold by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1852.A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for the Colonies, &c. &c. &c. on behalf of the Melanesian Mission of the Bishop of New Zealand, and also on behalf of Missions to the Aborigines of Australia.
By Lewis M. Hogg.
London: George Bell, 1853.A Sermon Preached in the Chapel of Saint Augustine's College, on Sunday, October 25, 1857, after the Arrival of the Intelligence of the Death of Charles Marsden Betts, Curate of Goulburn, N.S.W.
By Henry Bailey.
Canterbury: St. Augustine's College Press, 1857.The Cruise of the Beacon: A Narrative of a Visit to the Islands in Bass's Straits
By Francis R. Nixon, Bishop of Tasmania
London: Bell & Daldy, 1857.Norfolk Island: Correspondence between His Excellency Sir W. Denison, K.C.B., Governor General of Australia and the Bishop of New Zealand.
With other documents relating to Norfolk Island, and its present inhabitants.
Bishop's Auckland: St. John's College, 1857.Synodical Action in Sydney.
By Robert Allwood.
From "Correspondence, Documents, etc.", The Colonial Church Chronicle and Missionary Journal, Vol. XII (No. CXL), February, 1859, pages 63-72.Lights and Shadows of Church-life in Australia, Including Thoughts on Some Things at Home.
By Thomas Binney.
London: Jackson, 1860. [External link]Diocesan Board of Missions.
[Account of Bishop J.C. Patteson's Address to the Board of Missions on the work of the Melanesian Mission]
From the Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday, April 16, 1864, page 5.The Chancel Monument. A Sermon Preached by the Rev Canon Vidal, BA at Christ Church, Sydney. On Sunday, the 8th November 1868.
The Melanesian Mission: A Letter to the Editors of the Australian Churchman.
By C. Hunter Brown.
Nelson: R. Lucas and Son, 1869.Notes [of a] Visit to Norfolk Island, the Head Quarters of the Melanesian Mission, in November, 1872
From the Journal of the Bishop of Auckland, New Zealand. [Bishop William Garden Cowie]
Auckland: William Atkin, 1872.The Proposed Bishopric of Ballarat
From Mission Life, Vol. III (1872), pages 726-728.Norfolk Island and Its Inhabitants
By Joseph Campbell
Sydney: Joseph Cook & Co., 1879.A Form of Prayer to be Used at Bush Services in the Diocese of North Queensland
Townsville: Printed by T. Willmett, Flinders Street, 1885.Bishop Broughton of Australia.
By Henry Bailey, D.D.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1891].
New York: E. & J. B. Young, [1891].Bishop Tufnell
From The Church Chronicle [Diocese of Brisbane], February 1, 1897, page 2.Colonial Church Histories: The Story of the Australian Church
By Edward Symonds
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1898.Handbooks of English Church Expansion: Australia
By the Rev. A. E. David, M.A.
London and Oxford: A. R. Mowbray & Co., Ltd., 1908.Thirty Years in Tropical Australia
By the Right Reverend Gilbert White, D.D., Bishop of Willochra
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1918.Florence Buchanan: The Little Deaconess of the South Seas
By Emlyn Jones
New York: The Macmillan Co., 1921.
London: The Central Board of Missions, 1921.The Constitutional History of the Australian Church.
By A. R. Giles.
London: Skeffington, 1929. [External link]Bishop Montgomery: A Memoir
By M.M.
[London] The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1933.William Grant Broughton, Bishop of Australia, with Some Account of the Earliest Australian Clergy.
By Frederick Taylor Whitington.
Sydney: Angus, 1936. [External link]All Saints' Church, Brisbane 1862-1937
By D. L. Kissick, B.A., With Preface by H. J. J. Sparks, Hon. Sec. Oxley Memorial Library
Brisbane: Published by All Saints' Church, 1937.
Reproduced online with the permission of the Rector and Wardens of All Saints' Church, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, 2006.The Life Story of the Rev. Frederick Robert Newton
By Henry Newton; Edited by Robert Leycester Dawson
Sydney: Building Print, [c. 1940]A Short History of the Church of England in Victoria 1847-1947
By Harry Wilfrid Nunn
Issued by the Editorial Committee of the Centenary Celebrations, Melboune Diocese, 1947.Extracts from Jubilate Deo Written by Fr Hogan, Rector of St George's Goodwood, on its fiftieth anniversary in 1953.
The History of the Church of England in Queensland.
By Keith Rayner.
A Thesis Submitted to the University of Queensland for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, December, 1962.Sermon Preached by Bishop Felix Arnott at the Solemn Requiem in Christ Church St. Laurence, Sydney, for the late Frank William Coaldrake, Chairman of the Australian Board of Missions and Archbishop-elect of Brisbane, on Friday, July 24, 1970.
From ABM Review, October/November 1970, pages 8-10.The Good Shepherd: Bishop Strong and the New Guinea Martyrs, Being a Sermon Preached in Commemoration of the Martyrs of New Guinea
By the Most Reverend Sir Philip Strong KBE CMG CStJ DD MA ThD formerly Primate of Australia and Bishop of New Guinea 1936-1962
At the Parish of Saint Peter, Melbourne on the Festival of the New Guinea Martyrs 2 September 1981.
Published at Melbourne by St Peter's Bookroom, 1983.The Anglo-Catholic Tradition in Australian Anglicanism.
By Dr. David Hilliard. This article is a revised version of a paper given at the 'Studying Australian Christianity' conference held at Robert Menzies College, Macquarie University, Sydney, July 1993. Published in St. Mark's Review, number 158, Winter, 1994. Reproduced with permission.St Mark's National Cathedral or Collegiate Church, Canberra: Anglicanism's Cultural Problem.
By Thomas W. Campbell.
A paper read at the 2002 Australian Anglican History Seminar, Morpeth, NSW, 21-22 September 2002.A Life in Order: The Memoirs of Brother Francis SSF.
Brisbane: The Society of Saint Francis, 2003.Religious Communities of the Anglican Communion: Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
By Thomas William Campbell.
Braddon, ACT: Published privately, 2007.Historical Note on the Diocese of Melanesia and the Mandated Territory of New Guinea (1885-1949).
By the Reverend Michael Blain in collaboration with the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown. 2008.Flood Tide in the Pacific: Church and Community Cascade into a New Age.
By Frank William Coaldrake
Stanmore, New South Wales: Australian Board of Missions of the Church of England in Australia, [1963].Christmas Letter.
By Philip Nigel Warrington Strong.
Brisbane: no publisher, 1966.Acceptance: The Next Step Forward.
By Frank W. Coaldrake.
Sydney: The Australian Board of Missions, 1967.Living with the Munpitch: The History of Mitchell River Mission, 1905-1967.
By Philip Freier.
James Cook University, Ph.D., 1999.Peter Bennie at All Saints, Wickham Terrace, and as Editor of The Australian Church Quarterly, 1952-1963.
By John A. Moses.
No place: no publisher, no date. [portable document format]