Project Canterbury

All Saints' Church, Brisbane 1862-1937

By D. L. Kissick, B.A.

With Preface by H. J. J. Sparks
Hon. Sec. Oxley Memorial Library

Brisbane: Published by All Saints' Parish, 1937.

Reproduced online with the permission of the Rector and Wardens of All Saints' Church, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, 2006.

THE REV. R. B. BATES, M.A., 1926.




1. The Wickham Terrace District Church
2. The Rev. John Tomlinson, B.A.
3. The Rev. Thomas Jones, 1865 to 1878
4. The Year of Rebuilding
5. 1870-1878
6. The Rev. C. G. Robinson, M.A.
7. 1896-1903
8. The Rev. Douglas Price, M.A.
9. The Rev. F. M. Nightingale, M.A.
10. The Rev. F. E. Maynard, B.Sc.
11. The Rev. R. B. Bates, M.A.

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

Project Canterbury