Project Canterbury

All Saints' Church, Brisbane 1862-1937

By D. L. Kissick, B.A.

Brisbane: Published by All Saints' Parish, 1937.

The Rev. Thomas Jones, 1865 to 1878

The second incumbent, the Rev. T. Jones, was the great formative influence in the life of the Wickham Terrace Church. Staunch to his principles despite the appellations of "Puseyite" and "Romish priest in disguise," he ever preached the Faith in its fulness and it is he whom we have to thank that our parish, and the whole diocese, has ever been true to Catholic principles. On the formation of the diocese, he came to Brisbane with Bishop Tufnell, was the first priest to be ordained here, and spent fifty-eight years labouring in the Diocese. Fearlessly and firmly he upheld his views, making many opponents but no enemies, every where he was respected and loved, and the whole body of the clergy looked to him for guidance in any question bearing on Diocesan policy.

Born in Preston, England, on 30th July, 1836, he was educated at the Grammar School there, then took a position as master at the Marlborough Grammar School. During this period he met Bishop Tufnell who persuaded him to take Holy Orders. He was ordained deacon at Salisbury by Bishop Hamilton in 1859, Dr. Tufnell being Prebendary of that Cathedral. The same year Bishop Tufnell was consecrated Bishop of Brisbane and the young deacon accompanied him to the newly formed diocese, arriving in September, 1860. He became curate of St. John's and worked half the Brisbane area, living with the Rev. R. Creyke in a house at the corner of George and Elizabeth Sts. He was ordained priest in June, 1861, and the next year he was sent to Rockhampton, where he built the first church and served the vast area from there north to Cape York and west to the border, an area now divided into the three dioceses of Rockhampton, North Queensland and Carpentaria. He was recalled to Brisbane on the resignation of the Rev. J. Tomlinson and installed as incumbent of the Wickham Terrace Church on 1st January, 1865. In a few years he rebuilt the church, then built as off-shoots those of Milton and Toowong. He was noted for his accessibility at all hours of the day and night and for his devotion to his calling. The garden around All Saints' Church paid silent tribute to the tasteful love of this esteemed pastor. He remained at All Saints' until 1877 when he went to England on vacation, resigning in July of the following year. He soon returned to Australia, and, after relieving the Dean of' Hobart, became Rector of Toowoomba in 1881. In the opening address of the next Synod, Bishop Hale (a low churchman) said: "I feel it due to Mr. Jones to say that whatever misgivings I may at one time have entertained about the advantage to the diocese of his return here on account of certain peculiarities which, however, in no way affected his high character, have been entirely removed." While at. Toowoomba he enlarged St. James', reopened St. Luke's, built two mission churches and also churches at Laidley, Gatton, Gehan, Meringadan and Crow's Nest. In 1886 he. was made Archdeacon of the Western District, but his work in that capacity, according to an article contributed to the "Courier, " soon after his death, it came to an end owing to a disagreement on a question of principle with the Bishop of the day." (Bishop Webber).

"The Venerable Archdeacon Jones, with the desire to be charitable which dominated him in all things, thought it better to leave Queensland for a while in the hope that resumed relations would be happier. Alas the charity was all on his side for his living was declared vacant, churches which he had opened were closed and remained closed for years and his band of workers was scattered. Notwithstanding all this, his charity never failed for he returned to his old diocese willing to take any position however small or humble, but for two years he was treated as if he had been a drunkard or an adulterer and denied the opportunity of ministering to the people who loved him so well. What happened at the end of two years is known only to the dead, but the Hon. J. R. Dickson (one time Premier of Queensland) paid a visit to the Bishop with the result that the reproach which the church people considered was cast upon them was removed by the reinstatement of 'Mr.' Jones as he had now become to his priestly work. An elderly soldier said to me: 'We Queensland people never forgave the Bishop for his treatment of the Archdeacon'. On again being licensed, he (in 1891) returned to All Saints' as curate or, to use Canon Robinson's words "took my place during my absence at General Synod and then continued as co-adjutor. Mr. Jones is so well known amongst us for his life, his conversation and good works that it would ill become me to utter any words in his praise. This only will I say, that we are glad, all of us, that Mr. Jones' old parish and old friends should have the benefit of his ministrations; until some post more worthy of his acceptance is offered to him. Meanwhile I am glad to learn from him that he has no present intention of leaving us."

He was made an honorary canon of the Cathedral, but in 1893 he resigned from the curacy of All Saints'. "We have suffered much in the loss of the services of the Rev. Mr. Jones, as all who knew him and had the benefit of his religious help must admit. He has gone as you are aware, to the old country on private business and carries with him, we are sure, the good wishes and kindly regards of this congregation," wrote Canon Robinson. On behalf of the All Saints' congregation, J. Wilton Brown and W. Horsley, wardens, presented him with the following address: 'It is with deep regret that we learn you are about to sever your connection with All Saints', wherein you have ministered from time to time for over thirty years, endearing yourself by your scholarly teaching, charitable actions, and affectionate sympathy to all with whom you have come in contact both as friend and spiritual adviser. We are sure we express the sentiments of the congregation in sincerely wishing you a safe and prosperous journey, trusting that while absent you will bear in kindly remembrance your circle of friends in Queensland, and that your useful and Christian life may be spared for many happy years to come. We wish you Godspeed and a quick return to your adopted land."

In 1894 the Rev. T. Jones became Rector of Indooroopilly, where he remained until 1918.

In 1896, Synod passed a vote of thanks to him for the great services he had rendered the Church of England in this Diocese. While at Indooroopilly he was again made an honorary canon, it being said that he conferred more honour on the diocese by his acceptance of this dignity than the diocese gave by its bestowal. When he resigned the Rectorship of Indooroopilly in July, 1918, he was given leave to officiate in the diocese, but he died a few weeks later, August 14th, 1918. Throughout his long and strenuous life he had consistently demonstrated the power derived from the Catholic Faith, a power ample to support man through life and death. "His mortal remains were brought to St. John's Cathedral, the beautiful structure which had replaced the tiny church where he was ordained. There the burial service was simply and impressively conducted by Archbishop Donaldson, assisted by Bishop Le Fanu, Canon Osborne, and Canon de Witt Batty. As the "Cathedral Notes" said, "The bell at St. John's welcomed him to Brisbane on that Sunday of long ago and now the bell of St. John's bade him farewell as he left for the last journey of all. May God grant him a place of refreshment, of light and of peace."

At All Saints' at 11 a.m. on August 21st, a Solemn Requiem was celebrated for the repose of his soul. Bishop Le Fanu pontificated, the Rev. F. M. Nightingale celebrated, the Rev. W. H. A. Stevenson was deacon and Canon Osborne, the senior priest of the diocese, preached. Thus passed the "grand old man of Queensland" but his name and memory will ever be cherished with affection. As one man said, "a better and stauncher Christian I have never known--good, warm-hearted, tolerant and cheery Tommy Jones."

On August 1st, 1923, the Thomas Jones Memorial Chapel was opened at the East Brisbane Grammar School. He had been connected with the school from its beginning in Toowong in 1912, and was the first clergyman to visit the new school after its opening.

During his life and after his death, all spoke of him in high terms of praise--from many sources come the following excerpts: "He ever upheld his Catholic principles and in 1906, went so far as to proclaim through the press that the Church was losing hold because she was not yet moving in the direction of the Catholic revival and that there was no hope for her until she got out of the groove she was in." "Everywhere he ministered he left the memory of a fragrant personality--a modern St. Francis, who loved with a passionate earnestness both his Creator and his fellowman. His love of Nature was deep but unobtrusive, he loved children and he loved home life. He reverenced the beauty and love of God revealed in nature and in human life. He raised his hat always if he spoke of God." We enriched All Saints' with many beautiful gifts. Nothing, in his opinion, was too good or too costly for God's House and the service thereof. On Sunday mornings no one could expect to get a seat unless he reached the church long before the hour fixed for the commencement of the service. When he came to All Saints' it stood in a paddock, unfenced and surrounded by logs and trees. He lovingly made and tended a garden around it and had the grounds fenced. Before the doors were opened on Sunday mornings men, amongst whom were the most representative of the community, would be found waiting to get in. The youthful clergyman asked his Bishop what was to be done under the circumstances and the tradition is that Bishop Tufnell replied 'Let them wait outside, they will only be the more anxious to come.' "

The Roman Catholic Archbishop, Dr. Duhig, said: "I would like to express my own, and the Catholic people's sympathy with the Anglican community in Queensland on the death of that universally esteemed and very venerable clergyman, the late Canon Jones. During his long life Canon Jones exercised in a remarkable way a variety of Christian charity, and not only the Church of which he was so worthy a minister, but all sections of Queensland, are the poorer by his death. Canon Jones has left a sweet memory which I trust will long be treasured by those who knew him. He was a personal friend of the late Bishop Dunne, and I know he entertained the most kindly feelings towards myself.

"Canon Jones was one of the great pioneers. There was nothing narrow in his life. Believing in his Church he had charity and sympathy and a word of kindness for all creeds and for people of no creed, and I feel that the death of a man like the late Canon Jones is a distinct loss to a community like this."

The "Cathedral Notes" stated: "Queensland has largely escaped the disunion so hampering to the work and witness of the Church and for her escape she has mainly to thank the pioneer labours of Canon Jones. He early fell under suspicion as a 'Puseyite' and was bitterly opposed through the early years of his ministry but he was one of those whom opposition stimulates rather than discourages and he contended manfully for the Faith, the whole Faith and nothing but the Faith. He was in many ways a typical son of the Oxford movement, he was no ritualist, he appreciated the dignity of ceremonial and beauty in all the accessories of worship but these things were always secondary. What was primary was his firm grip on all the great fundamental verities of the Faith, the Incarnation, the Atonement the real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints. For these things he fought and fought hard, making many opponents but no enemies. He fought until the battle was won and the results of his labours are to be seen to-day in the Church of Queensland which is wide enough to contain every shade of opinion which can legitimately be held by members of the Church of England, but is yet almost entirely free from any trace of party rancour or bitterness."

"It is to the fixed position he took up when rector of All Saints' that the Diocese, in all probability, owes its present harmonious character. Had he yielded to the almost incessant opposition to his teaching; had he, as he once thought of doing, returned to England, there is little doubt that those who reviled and libelled him in the press, who cut the Sacred Emblem from the Altar frontal, who set up a priest of the Church of England as a 'Protestant Free Church minister' in the School of Arts, would have captured the nomination of All Saints', and party spirit would have weakened the Church life of city and Diocese. However Thomas Jones was a strong man and stood his ground, with the result that the diocese to-day is united and the word 'party' is unknown. To his suggestion is due the 'Peattie Bequest' to the diocese and five churches. Mrs. Peattie told Canon Jones that she thought of leaving her money to 'the poor of the Protestant churches of Brisbane.' He pleaded with some success, for the settlers in the outlying districts that, by her means, they might have the Gospel preached to them." Mrs. Peattie had many times told Canon Jones that after her death the first charge on her estate would be the salary of a curate to assist him at All Saints'. He had, however, left the parish before she made her last will, so did not benefit by this clause except that he was Peattie curate at All Saints' for a short time during Canon Robinson's rectorship.

The "Church Chronicle" said: "A great part of his official income and also a great part of his private means were spent in furthering Church work. He was generous to a fault. Those in sorrow naturally turned to him for sympathy and comfort. His sympathetic nature and kindly consideration, his loyalty and friendship, and his spiritual gifts endeared him to all with whom he came in contact."

"If ever Queensland had a clergyman whose heart was filled with the love of his fellowmen, Canon Jones must be numbered as that man. That was his vocation, that was his life. Into it he poured his generous emotion, his boundless enthusiasm and his genial good nature. His generosity to the Church and to the individual has made his name a household word throughout the State. Above all else is that which can never be told until the books are opened on the Last Day, of numerous souls he has helped and encouraged in the path of duty and strengthened in the faith of Jesus Christ no less by wise, kindly counsel than by the consistent example he has shown as an English gentleman and a Christian priest through more than half a century in our land."

"If more of you parsons was like Tommy Jones we would be better Christians, " was the trend of one anecdote contributed to the "Courier."

"So many people benefited by him that in later life his wealth almost disappeared, he gave to others but remained shabby himself. In the early years of his ministry he bought land in rising towns, held it, and later sold it to Church committees at the original figure, not even adding interest. Gaol chaplain for many years, he was a friend to the prisoners and helped many a one back to a useful life in the community. He held the first clergy retreats in Queensland and it was his organisation of the work around Toowoomba which gave Bishop Dawes the model for the first Bush Brotherhood in Australia."

'Neither enterprise nor energy was lacking in him and the remembrance of the good work accomplished by him In the cause of education and in the relief of the deserving poor will not soon be forgotten. Money was scarce and employment hard to get and it was indeed well for many that they had so good a friend in the rector of All Saints'.'

The Church During the Rectorship of the Rev. T. Jones

Church work during the incumbency of the Rev. T. Jones at All Saints' falls into three periods, that from his induction to the building of the new church and the naming of it, the year of rebuilding, and the period from the reopening of the church to the close of his ministry in the parish.

No sooner had he entered upon his incumbency in 1865 than persecution began. He was attacked in the press for facing east during the creed and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, for using the Salisbury Hymnal and more particularly for using those hymns containing any reference to Our Lady (bringing from one parishioner the report 'to hear some people talk of the Virgin Mary would lead to the supposition that the Mother of our Saviour was a woman of improper character, fit only to be mentioned by Papists to ears not polite', for using candles on the Altar at Evensong and for having crosses marked upon articles in the church. Disregarding the antagonism, he laboured hard at Church extension, opening the first church at Toowong where he and the Rev. J. Bliss, of St. John's, alternated in taking the services, making plans to build another church at Milton since the congregation there had outgrown the limited space afforded by the Mortuary Chapel situated in the Church of England Burial Ground on Petrie Terrace, and for enlarging the Wickham Terrace Church or, alternatively, of building a second church in Leichhardt St., because it was already necessary to turn away many would-be worshippers through lack of space. Despite the crowded church he found it necessary to preach against the paucity of the collections which amounted to only £8 or £9 per Sunday, averaging 2d per head per week, "a disgrace to the handsome, well-dressed congregation and a reproach to their be-jewelled arms and necks."

This sermon evidently bore fruit for, at the next Easter meeting, the Rev. T. Jones congratulated the congregation on the prosperous condition of the finances, there being a balance of £15 for the year, while the Easter offertory amounted to £13. He nominated Mr. T. V. Dudgeon as his warden, the people electing the Hon. J. Douglas. The congregation asked that during the summer months the service should be shortened, and the incumbent agreed, saying he would be able to do this by having the Sacrament before 8 a.m. Thus was he enabled, without opposition, to introduce an early celebration, a practice which certainly found little favour in those early days, it being considered to smack of 'Puseyism.' At this meeting it was decided not to press for the issue of the land deeds until after the bill."For the regulation of the Church of England in Queensland" had to come before Parliament. This bill was not being well received by Anglicans as a whole, so little so that Sir Robert R. Mackenzie had its contents published in the press before it was debated in Parliament in order that it might receive thorough discussion. Generally it was regarded as definitely antagonistic to the growth of the Church and the Rev. T. Jones preached against it in a sermon entitled, "Sufferings and Trials the lot of the Church." This fine sermon is published in the appendix as it is certainly one which will contain some lesson for each generation. In it the Rev. T. Jones said that "the Church was endeavouring to avoid the extremes of Puritanism on the one hand and the errors of the Papacy on the other, and to make a goodly number more prayerful, more Bible-loving and more devotional."

Later in the year Mr. T. V. Dudgeon resigned from his position as clergyman's warden and Mr. W. M. Boyce took his place. At a meeting at about this time it was decided to appoint trustees for the land with as little delay as possible, the above mentioned bill not having got beyond the first reading. Wickham Terrace Church was in debt to the extent of £60, most of it for stipend due, so the decision was reached to use the offertory for the stipend and general expenses, while subscriptions were to be solicited to wipe out the debt and to begin a fund for improvements. The incumbent resolutely set his face against any means but direct giving for the raising of funds. A month later an association was formed to aid the minister, the trustees and the wardens in canvassing the district for subscriptions towards enlarging and improving the church building.

The first deed of grant for the land was issued on September 21st, 1865, although the land had been granted over nine years previously. The deed set forth that the grant was made "to certain people called Protestants connected with the established Church of England," the Rev. B. E. Shaw, John Douglas and R. F. Phelan being the trustees. A yearly quit rent of one farthing a year for ever was to be payable on demand and it was provided that the land could never be used for any but Church of England purposes.

It is recorded in the marriage register that marriages were performed according to "the rites and ceremonies of' the Episcopal Church of England and Ireland" (1864). Soon this formula was changed to "the rites and ceremonies of the Established Church of England and Ireland" (1865), but finally became "the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England" (1867).

At the beginning of 1866, the Rev. T. Jones sent his resignation to Bishop Tuffnell who was still in England. Meanwhile he continued to do his utmost for the welfare, of the parish and, despite the fact that the year of 1866 was one of financial depression, he called a meeting to suggest that, as a temporary expedient, the church should be enlarged by one-third and that a new church should soon be built. His untiring zeal had filled the church and held the congregations in a way which far exceeded the success of the previous incumbent, and the Hon. J. Douglas, in speaking to the proposal, suggested that the land should be mortgaged and the money used for a new church or for enlarging the present building and adding a chancel. He also hinted at the necessity for building a parsonage, (the Rev. T. Jones was at this time paying a high rental for one of Bishop Tufnell's cottages situated near the Windmill. Later he moved to another cottage on the site of the present Ballow Chambers.) The Hon. J. Douglas said that nothing could make the church building an ornament to the city but that it was at least a means of accomplishing much good. Mr. Ellis suggested that extra sittings could be provided by the addition of a gallery. The meeting reached no decision but appointed a committee, consisting of the wardens, the trustees, the Rev. T. Jones, Mr. E. McDonnell, Mr. Townson, and Mr. R. G. Suter (brother of the Bishop of Nelson, New Zealand), to consider the various proposals. At the Easter meeting, the committee reported that they had reached no decision. Two or three months later, the Rev. T. Jones secured the services of the Rev. E. Tanner to assist him in his ministrations to the rapidly growing congregations. He planned that the assistant priest should take services at Milton and Toowong on Sunday mornings, and in the new hall of the School of Arts (then in Queen St.) on Sunday evenings, thus providing for the overflow from Wickham Terrace Church. The Rev. E. Tanner proved to be an eloquent preacher but a somewhat lowchurchman and his introduction into the diocese was the beginning of a serious rift in the church. Those members of the congregation, together with others who had 'been fighting against "ritualistic tendencies," wished the services to be held both mornings and evenings in the School of Arts. The Rev. T. Jones objected to this, primarily because he considered that services should not be held in an unlicensed building (added to the fact that the School of Arts was within the boundaries of St. John's parish), secondly because many of those attending the School of Arts in the evenings went elsewhere in the mornings, mainly to the Valley where there was at that time no evening service, and thirdly because he thought that each clergyman should have a parish and that the logical thing to do was to make Milton a parish. The Rev. J. Bliss, incumbent of St. John's, was not in favour of two services per Sunday at the School of Arts but Messrs. Bernays, Abbott, McDonnell and Blakeney formed a deputation to ask Archdeacon Glennie to license the Rev. E. Tanner since Bishop Tufnell was still in England.

Meanwhile the Rev. T. Jones had left town, it was said to visit Warwick to obtain the Archdeacon's ear before the deputation reached him. The Rev. E. Tanner, alarmed at the uproar, wrote to the Bishop of Sydney for advice and Bishop Barker replied offering him a charge in Sydney which he decided to accept. But this effort at amendes was, somewhat nullified by his farewell address in which he urged the people to remember "that the laity as well as Bishops and Priests should have a voice in Church Government." This ill-timed statement, Bishop Tufnell intending. to form a synod on his return, added fuel to the flames, heated letters again appeared in the press concerning the "puseyite" practices at Wickham Terrace Church and portions of the church fittings were defaced.

Mr. R. G. Suter, clergyman's warden, openly declared that he did not like the Rev. T. Jones' ministrations and, at a meeting convened regarding the debt, the Hon. J. Douglas advised him to apply for the living of Maryborough as when the Rev. E. Tanner departed his staunch supporters left the Wickham Terrace congregation to shoulder a debt of £64 due to the School of Arts and, through this, the people had lost confidence and the collections were small. Although he liked Mr. Jones as a man of a kind and charitable nature, the Hon. J. Douglas continued, he would like to see in charge a clergyman who could exercise perhaps a stronger control over the thoughts and manners of his parishioners and, in view of this, he thought a change would be good for all concerned. Mr. F. O. Bryant spoke against these opinions, saying that Mr. Jones was an exceptionally able clergyman and the meeting closed with a vote of confidence in the clergyman and the wardens.

But the lowchurch party was not satisfied and, early in 1868, its adherents held a meeting, of which Mr. W. T. Blakeney was the leading spirit, to form the "United Church of England and Ireland." They stated themselves to be against the use of crosses, the eastward position and similar "High-church" practices as well as to the doctrine of the Real Presence. They decided to secure the election of members of Synod who would properly represent the large section who held these evangelical views. They obtained the services of the Rev. C. Searle, but the Bishop refused to license him whereupon this gentleman immediately held a meeting in the Protestant Hall and declared that he always had called, and would continue to call himself a clergyman of the Church of England. A deputation waited upon the Bishop to ask him to reconsider his decision, but he refused to do this and the malcontents, after for a time holding services in the School of Arts, erected a church in Edward St., under the name of "Christ Church, the Free Church of England."

The Rev. T. Jones objected strongly to the members of this church having representatives in Synod but with little success; they failed, however, to cause any dissension in that body, being neither able nor strong enough. One of their representatives, Mr. W. T. Blakeney was actually elected to the Diocesan Council but, fortunately he, on attaining that dignity, severed his connection with Searle's church. This "Free Church of England" continued to function in Brisbane for many years. When the Rev. C. Searle resigned, he was succeeded by the Rev. P. P. Agnew who after a disagreement with the Bishop of Sydney, had opened a similar church in Sydney. He was in turn succeeded by the Rev. Dr. Hughes. So great was the antipathy of these men towards ritual that they even refused to wear surplices.

During the years 1866 to 1868, the Church of England was having a difficult time. The ritualistic controversies in England were at their height and the colonial churches scarcely knew where they stood legally since the decision of the Privy Council in the case of Dr. Colenso, Bishop of Natal, had practically severed them from the English body. Bishop Tufnell returned from his visit to England in 1867 and a committee was formed to examine the forms of Church government in Australia and to report to a conference concerning the advisability of forming synods. The Queensland committee consisted of the Bishop, Archdeacon Glennie, the Rev. J. Bliss, the Rev. J. Matthews, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. F. O. Darvall and the Hon. J. Douglas. They decided in favour of holding synods and the first Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane was held in 1869. So busy were the clergy and the people with these matters that little' of what actually happened at the Wickham Terrace Church during these three years is recorded. One sermon we have, preached by the Rev. T. Jones on the day of humiliation ordered by the Government in consequence of the depression. The Rev. T. Jones in this sermon asked the congregation to consider if the Government of the State might not itself be to blame for this very depression since, by withdrawing State Aid from religion, it had caused a scarcity of clergy and an increase of immorality in the outlying districts.

The accounts of the Wickham Terrace Church for the year 1865 showed a debit balance of £1. The Easter meeting of 1867 was the last held in the church building, meetings after that date were held in the Leichhardt St. Church Schools buildings. At it the accounts showed a debit of £59 owing on the School of Arts services. Mr. W. M. Boyce was appointed clergyman's warden for the year and Mr. R. G. Suter was elected as people's warden. The congregation wished to return to the pew system for raising funds but the Rev. T. Jones refused to countenance such a retrogressive step. In June, the Bishop administered the Sacrament of Confirmation for the first time after his return from England. The candidates from the whole metropolitan area were brought to the Wickham Terrace Church for this Sacrament and numbered in all about 90; at least one of' these confirmees, Mrs. E. Weston of Sandgate is alive today.

There was once again a newspaper outcry against the Rev. T. Jones, this time because he did not preach a sermon on the second Sunday in each month as, on that day, Matins were followed by Holy Communion. Soon after his return, the Bishop preached in the Wickham Terrace Church against the scanty collections and, on another occasion, the Rev. T. Jones, talking on the same subject, berated the congregation on the prevalence of 'that contemptible coin, the threepenny bit.' The Leichhardt St. Schools were built during 1867, the land costing £158, the building £498, and a store, the revenue from which was to be used for school expenses, £619.

The Easter meeting of 1868 showed a debt of £90 and it was reported that the church porch and roof needed repairing. The Rev. B. E. Shaw had left the colony on account of ill-health (he had never been really well from the time of his arrival in Australia on account of long exposure after a shipwreck, of which he had been the sole survivor, near the Cape of Good Hope), and Mr. R. Phelan was living at Cleveland, leaving the Hon. J. Douglas as the sole trustee. It was decided to ask the first two to resign in order that others could be appointed but this resolution was not carried into effect for another twenty years. Mr. R. G. Suter was again elected people's warden, while the incumbent appointed Mr. W. M. Boyce as his warden. The offertories were still only about £8 per week so it was decided to open a subscription list to guarantee the stipend.

In September the enlarged St. John's was reopened and, in November, tenders were called for the enlarging of the Wickham Terrace Church, the trustees having borrowed £800 for raising the roof and improving the building. Arrangements were made for the School of Arts to be used for services during the alterations but, not wishing to incur any unnecessary expense, the' new west wall was to be erected before the body of the church was touched and the services were held in the church as usual during the construction of this wall, which was to enlarge the floor area of the improved building by one-third.

Project Canterbury