Project Canterbury

Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology

The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, John Cosin, Lord Bishop of Durham. Now First Collected.
Volume the Fourth: Miscellaneous Works
Oxford: John Henry Parker.

pp 469-471: Letter to Hyde

Transcribed by the Revd. Donne E. Puckle, SSC


My Lord,
. . . . When the Bishop of Salisbury returns his answer, I hope it will be to the king’s and your lordship’s full satisfaction. It is hard that Dr. Earles should be put to attend alone; but whose fault that is, I do not understand: we have been told here, that, besides others, Mr. Flood was sent for on purpose to assist him. I humbly thank your lordship for renewing your promises of the care that shall be taken for my own subsistence, whereof Lord Jermyn taketh no care at all; but the allowance, which he desired the king would make out of some monies that he would here find for his majesty, had no relation to me, but to the rent of a house only that he intended to take for the performance of our prayers, near to the palace royal, wherein we should have the protection of the Queen, if it might cost her no other expense: for they hold it here a mortal sin to give one penny towards the maintenance of such heretics as Dr. Cosin is. And in the mean while Dr. Goffe is newly brought to be a chaplain in this house; and hath his pension augmented, and all by the means of Lord Jermyn. It was expected that Cromwell’s death would have wrought a great change, both in England and Flanders, before now: but people say that the rebels are counted both by France and Spain.

The Duchess of Richmond hath been sick in her chamber a whole month together, and I have gone daily hence fifteen days to attend here there: she promiseth to be firm in religion, for which purpose I wish the king would not and then put a line in his majesty’s letters to her; for she is, and will be, more affected with what his majesty writes to her, than what all the doctors of the world can say besides. The Earl of Lichfield is at Blois, maintained there by her, who hath but little left of her own: he is under no tuition at present, unless Mr. Given, one of our late apostates, be again sent to hem, as I hope he shall not be. Lord Inchiquin went, a month since, with the Lady Dysart, whose great servant he is, towards Dieppe, and is not yet returned: his son is here, and, if anything may be had by it, we shall shortly have him a papist; for his mother can no longer keep him . . . . . It is a sad thing to say, but here in the French Court they wear mourning apparel for Cromwell, yea, the King of France and all do it; and Lockhart (for whom your lordship may be pleased to put 301 in the cypher) is shortly expected to come hither, and to be treated as before. I shall weary your lordship with decyphering so many words, and therefore I will take leave, and say no more than that I am,
My Lord,
Yours, &c.

Paris, Oct. 18, 1658.

(An Original.)

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