Sources and Structures of Authority in the Church 
An Anglican paper for the second Anglican/Oriental Orthodox Forum
at the Monastery of St. Bishoy, Wadi El Natrun, near Cairo, Egypt,
March 12-18, 1990.
The Implications of Ecclesiology for Proselytism and
Prepared by J. Robert Wright for the Theological Conversation on "Evangelism and Christian Formation" sponsored by the Joint Coordinating Committee of
the Episcopal Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, 22-25 January 1995, in Delray
Beach, Florida. It was published in The Anglican 25:1 (July 1996).
First Prayer Book of 1549 
A version of an essay published in But One Use, the General
Seminary Library's catalogue of an exhibition to commemorate
the 450th anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer.
Sarum Use 
An unpublished address given at the Miller Theatre, Columbia
University, on January 26, 2002.
Case for Charles
Preached at the annual Solemn High Mass of the Society of King
Charles the Martyr, 27 January 2002, in the Church of the Transfiguration,
New York City. It was subsequently published in The Anglican
31:3 for July 2002 and SKCM News.
Felix Culpa! [html]
Should Old Catholic Bishops Participate in the Laying-on-of-Hands
at Anglican Consecrations when Lutheran Bishops are Co-Consecrators?
Prepared for the International Anglican/Old Catholic Consultation
at Prague, August 23-24, 2002