II. The Garden
III. The Cup of Agony
VII. The Fall of S. Peter
VIII. The Penitent Restored
XI. Pilate and Herod Reconciled
XII. Christ Stripped of His Garments
XIII. Christ Crucified
XIV. The Crown of Thorns
XVI. Christ Condemned
XVII. Pilate Washing His Hands
XVIII. Christ Bearing the Cross
XIX. The Mourning Women
XXI. The Cross Lifted up
XXII. The Cross Dripping Blood
XXIII. Christ Prays for His Enemies
XXIV. The Promise of Paradise
XXV. The Blessed Virgin and S. John
XXVI. Christ Expiring on the Cross
XXVII. Christ's Body on the Cross
XXVIII. The Burial of Christ
XXIX. The Covering of Christ's Body
XXX. Christ Risen
XXXI. Christ Appearing
XXXII. The Forty Days
XXXIII. The Ascension
Project Canterbury