Project Canterbury
The Compleat Angler
Or the Contemplative Man's Recreation
by Izaak Walton
PISC. The Salmon is accounted the King of fresh water-Fish, and is ever bred in Rivers relating to the Sea, yet so high or far from it as admits of no tincture of salt or brackishness; He is said to breed or cast his spawn in most Rivers in the month of August: some say, that then they dig a hole or grave in a safe place in the gravel, and there place their eggs or spawn (after the Melter his done his natural Office) and then hide it most cunningly, and cover it over with gravel and stones; and so leave it to their Creators protection, who by a gentle heat which he infuses into that cold element makes it brood and beget life in the spawn, and to become Samlets early in the spring next following.
Observations of the Salmon, with directions how to fish for him.