Project Canterbury
The Compleat Angler
Or the Contemplative Man's Recreation
by Izaak Walton
PISC. There be also three or four other little fish that I had almost forgot that are all without scales, and may for excellency of meat be compared to any fish of greatest value, and largest size. They be usually full of eggs or spawn all the months of Summer; for they breed often, as tis observed mice and many of the smaller four-footed Creatures of the earth do; and as those, so these come quickly to their full growth and perfection. And it is needful that they breed both often and numerously, for they be (besides other accidents of ruine) both a prey, and baits for other fish. And first, I shall tell you of the Minnow or Penk.
Of the Minnow or Penk, of the Loach, and of the
Bull-head, or Millers-thumb.