Project Canterbury

William McGarvey

The Ceremonies of a Low Celebration, with Notes and Appendices. 
Philadelphia: Published by request, 1891.

Liturgiae Americanae, or, The Book of Common Prayer as used in the United States compared with the Proposed Book of 1786 and with the Prayer Book of the Church of England, and an Historical Account and Documents
Philadelphia: Sunshine Pub., 1895.

The Doctrine of the Church of England on the Real Presence
Examined by the writings of Thomas Aquinas
Milwaukee: The Young Churchman, 1900.

The Ceremonies of the Mass.
[with Charles Philip Augustus Burnett]
New York: Longmans, Green, 1905. [External link]

The Open Pulpit in the Episcopal Church
Philadelphia: 1908.

William McGarvey and the Open Pulpit: An Intimate History of a Celibate Movement in the Episcopal Church, and of Its Collapse, 1870-1908.
By Edward Hawks, Priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Philadelphia: The Dolphin Press, 1935.

Project Canterbury