SWEET baby, when thy father
Was granted to our love,
We hailed him, as a blessed streak
Of sunshine, from above:
And all his life, he still has shed
His sunshine, on our way:
And cheered us, with his brightness,
Through the dark, and cloudy day.Now, two and twenty winters
Have heaped on us their snows:
And, down the hill of life, our feet
Are tottering to repose:
When, once again, the love of God,
Upon our path, has smiled,
In the sunshine of our sunshine,
Our Willie's darling child.Thou meek and gentle Jesus,
We bring her to be Thine:
Baptized into the blessed name,
Of Thine eternal Trine:
And humbly, we implore Thy grace,
To keep her for Thine own;
And guide us all, to meet, at last,
Before Thy glorious throne.RIVERSIDE, ST. ANDREW'S DAY, 1854.
Project Canterbury