MAKER of all in Heaven and earth,
Lord of the hosts on high,
Thou Son, who, with the Father, art,
From all eternity,
'Twas Thou, who, when the world was new,
Creating man, of earth,
Didst give him, in Thine image made,
A soul of heavenly birth.And when by spite and fraud of hell,
That image was decayed,
Veiled in the flesh, 'twas Thou restor'dst,
The soul, Thyself hadst made.Great Shepherd, who Thy flock dost wash
In Baptism's sacred wave;
Be this the pool, to cleanse our souls,
Of all our sins, the grave;
That, buried there, with Thee, we may
With Thee, our life resume,
Who, of a Virgin born, wast made
The first fruits, of the tomb.Redeemer, Thou, who, to the cross
Due to our sins, wast led,
And there, salvation's countless price,
Thy precious blood didst shed;
Do Thou, our souls, renewed to life
From sin and death, set free,
That thus, Thy endless joy, O Lord,
Our heritage, may be.Then to the Father, and the Son,
Who rose, and reigns in Heaven,
And to the blessed Comforter,
Shall ceaseless praise be given.
Project Canterbury