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Text courtesy of Margaret B. Smith, Archives of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut
1335 Asylum Avenue; Hartford, Connecticut 06105


Rev. William Croswell, D. D.,

ALMIGHTY GOD, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when He shall come again in His glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and dead, we may rise to the life immortal, through Him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen.


LUKE I. 17 . . . To make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

As a principle of action--something essential to nerve and stimulate a man to great and noble deeds--it is well for him to feel, in some degree, his importance in society; to know that he has a position of influence and power; and that events of momentous interest are depending upon him. And in one point of view there is no individual, however humble his station, who may not and ought not to be deeply impressed with this conviction. For there is no individual, however humble his station, whose words and actions do not become incorporated into the general system of the world, affecting the conduct of mankind from generation to generation, and producing their appropriate fruits long after he himself has mouldered in the grave. As well in the moral as in the natural world, the mysterious process of reproduction is ever going on; and all of us are reaping here and reaping forever the harvest which we ourselves are sowing and have sown. In this point of view, no individual is insignificant, nor should any individual contemplate himself and his relations to man and to God, to time and to eternity, without the deepest emotions of reverence, sublimity and awe.

[6] But in another point of view and under another aspect of the case, all self-importance is annihilated, and all the glory of man is completely prostrated in the dust. For no individual, whatever his present position of influence and power, is really essential to the great interests of society. The father dies; but that does not destroy the family, though his existence once seemed to be essential to theirs, and we supposed that without him, they would be utterly helpless and dependent. The profound Statesman, the eloquent Orator, the great Expounder of the Constitution, the legal Hercules--each and all may die; but the vast and important interests of society are comparatively unaffected; and, so far as these interests are concerned, the death of such individuals is like the falling of a stone into the ocean, all traces of which are obliterated by the next returning wave. In two memorable instances we lost the head of the nation, at the very moment when the individuals who occupied that position had just reached the summit of influence and power. But the nation not only survived the shock, but scarcely felt it; and the great interests intrusted to their care were just as secure and are now as secure as though they had never lived or died. And so, in this point of view, it matters not who the individual really is, high or low, rich or poor, learned or ignorant, society moves on as it did before, its moral progress and development are not retarded, the grand concerns of the world remain as firm and settled as ever, and all human advancement and improvement are no more stopped or interfered with, [6/7] than is the course of the planetary system by the falling of an atom or the disappearance of a star.

So it is in the Church of God. Her apostles and prophets, her martyrs and confessors, her evangelists, doctors and pastors, though burning and shining lights, may each in their turn be quenched in death; and yet the Church lives, and not only lives, but often finds new strength and glory springing up from the ashes of her most beloved and devoted sons. Of this truth we have a striking illustration in the history of the Parish of the Advent, upon whose fifteenth anniversary we are assembled, and the very existence of which, at one time, seemed to be completely bound up in the existence of its first Pastor and Rector and Founder. For, humanly speaking, he was its soul and its life; and never was there an individual more exactly adapted to such a work in such a place; as though Divine Wisdom had prepared and fitted him expressly for it; and as though without him it could never have lived at all. Indeed I do not myself believe there was any other man in all the ranks of the clergy who could then have successfully organized a parish, in this city of Boston, on the true Catholic principles of the Advent. Such has been my impression, as well from my personal acquaintance with him, as from my knowledge of New England life and character under all the phases of church organization. And I am now more than ever persuaded of it, from what I find here of the ever-living freshness and fragrance of his memory. In him were combined, as it was said of Jeremy Taylor, "the [7/8] good humor of a gentleman, the eloquence of an orator, the fancy of a poet, the acuteness of a school-man, the profoundness of a philosopher, the sagacity of a prophet, and the piety of a Saint;" and hence he gathered around him a class of persons whom no other individual could possibly have reached; and there probably never was a pastor and teacher and guide, whose existence appeared to be more essential to any enterprise than did the existence of the Rev. Dr. CROSWELL to the enterprise of the Advent. But what was the effect of his most afflictive, sudden and unexpected death. I speak not of the effect as a bereavement, breaking the hearts of his immediate friends and "almost adoring congregation"; for they can never cease to lament his loss, and even now there are many mourning for him "as a mother mourns for her only son." But I speak of the effect upon the enterprise; upon the great Catholic principles on which the Advent is based, and for the maintenance and promulgation of which Croswell lived and died. Nothing, it seems to me, is plainer than that his death was the culminating point of their success throughout the American church. From that moment a new era dawned upon her hopes. Blind passion began to subside, and in some instances was changed into sorrow. Inveterate prejudice gave way; and thousands of tongues, north and south, and east and west, which before had been mute as the grave, were then heard proclaiming and defending the principles of daily worship; of frequent communion; of festival rejoicing; of fast-day abstinence; of [8/9] sacramental grace; of choral worship; of ritual reverence and solemnity; of altar offerings and oblations; of free church--Pope free, State free, mammon free; and of charity and good works as the only test of justifying faith. And now there is no one design or object, or element, or truth, involved in the original organization of this parish, which has not since received, in some form or other, the sanction of the American church. In the judgment of many, the darkest period in the history of the Church in this country, not excepting even the times immediately following the revolution, was the year 1844, in the very midst of which this parish was organized. For it was that peculiar period when party rage and malice reigned triumphant, and when the most devoted sons of the Church, bowing before the storm, were almost constrained to renounce the last lingering hope for the revival in her of Catholic love, energy and life. And then it was not until the light which followed in the track of Croswell's pathway to heaven, that the skies began to brighten, and that Churchmen began to feel that they had only experienced a purifying storm, preparing them and preparing the Church for an aggressive movement, now beginning and yet to come, which shall demonstrate her true character and establish her true position as the Church Catholic of this nation; and which shall "so exalt the mountain of the Lord's house above the hills, as that all nations shall flow unto it."

I need scarcely say that the immediate successor of the Rev. Dr. Croswell, though a prelate of distinguished abilities, had a position of exceeding difficulty [9/10] and peril; and nothing, as it seems to me, but his sound churchmanship and great energy of character, under God, could have carried him safely through them, with so much honor to himself and benefit to the Church.

But so far as the principles are concerned upon which the Parish is based, the time has now come when we should feel that they are triumphant; not only triumphant here and in this Parish, but throughout the American Church. Not of course that all opposition has ceased and all prejudice died away; but that they can never again be successfully opposed either in the Diocesan or General Councils of the Church; and what is still more remarkable and encouraging, a vast number of faithful and devoted men among the sects, though almost unconscious of it, are now advocating and defending the same eternal and everlasting truths.

Here then is unfolded the sources of my hope and strength. I know there is nothing narrow, nothing sectarian, nothing bigoted, nothing new, nothing fanciful, nothing ephemeral in any of those Catholic verities and usages which have here been established. I know that however generally and for a time, in consequence of the vibrations of society from one extreme to the other, they may be ignored and despised and crushed to earth, nevertheless they must rise again; and I see not how it is possible for any Churchman to observe the signs of the times, without perceiving that the fountains of the great deep are now broken up, and that Catholic verities and usages are now rising as a flood. [10/11] And as on the one hand no human power or might can possibly withstand the swelling tide, so on the other, the weakest and most insignificant of God's ministers, if only he is faithful to his trust and fears not to launch out upon the deep, in the Ark of God, must be borne along and lifted up on high.

My feeling therefore, on entering upon the charge of this most important Parish, is simply this;--Not that I am to lay the foundation; not that I am to settle and establish truths; not that I am to begin the work of reformation and restoration; for from such a task I should shrink in conscious weakness and fear; but that what I have to do, and all I have to do, is to stand upon the foundation already laid; to build upon principles already settled; and fearlessly and faithfully to act upon truths already received and established, and which have the sanction of the Church and the Omnipotence of God to sustain them.

As for instance, and in the first place;--

1. The Daily Worship of Almighty God, as provided for in our Book of Common Prayer, Morning and Evening, has now been celebrated in this Parish for fifteen years, and never has the fire which was then kindled upon the Altar been suffered to go entirely out. And what I have to do, therefore, in reference to this branch of the Public Service, is simply to go on; making the Daily Worship more and more a living reality among us; securing if possible a larger and still larger attendance; proclaiming and defending it as an Apostolic practice and one of the signs [11/12] and notes of Catholicity; and striving that its multiplied advantages and blessings may be more and more manifested in the hearts and lives of our people. God be praised, that this is not now the only Church in this City, in which the Daily Worship is celebrated; [* St. Stephen’s Chapel] and I have no doubt the time is not far distant, when the people themselves will demand it of all our Clergy, and when the daily incense of prayer and praise will ascend from every Altar.

2. So in reference to the constant celebration of the Holy Communion on "all Sundays and other Holy days." No man knew better than did the founder of this Parish, that the practice of solitary Masses, from which the Laity were excused or excluded, was one of the corruptions of Papal Rome, having its origin in the decay of primitive piety and the consequent neglect of the Holy Communion; and that one of its results, penetrating all branches of the Church, and even the sects, was the mere occasional administration of the sacrament as a decent rite and ceremony, and not its constant celebration as the ever-living feast of the Church, by which Christ communicates himself and all the benefits of his death and passion to every faithful soul. No man knew better than did the founder of this Parish, that the perpetual Communion of the body and blood of Christ, was the marked feature of primitive worship--the life, and light, and strength, and glory of the Church--and that it was her zeal and love and holy communion, which perished together; the one as [12/13] the consequence and witness of the other. No man knew better than did the founder of this Parish that it was one of the principal designs and objects of the Reformation, to restore the practice of the Primitive Church with reference to this sacrament; and hence the provision which has been made for its constant celebration in our Book of Common Prayer; and hence the establishment in this Parish, from the first moment of its organization, of the principle of frequent, constant communion. And although it has not always been administered on "all Sundays and other Holy Days," yet it has been nearly so, at least on all the greater and minor Festivals, and on every first Sunday of the month; and the intention and expectation undoubtedly was, that the Communion office should never be mutilated by the omission of the sacrament on any occasion of public worship. What I have to do, therefore, is simply to carry out this intention and as far as possible to fulfil this expectation. And may God of his infinite mercy grant, that it may be the means of reviving among us all the practices of primitive piety, zeal and love. [* See "The Weekly Eucharist," by the Rev. E. A. Hoffman M. A., an invaluable little work which ought to be in the hands of every Communicant.]

3. So in reference to those great Fasts and Festivals of the Church which are founded upon the Word of God; which have the sanction of all ages for their observance, which have been rescued from the contempt naturally heaped upon them in consequence of the additions and corruptions of Romanism; and which are not now so many as to make [13/14] them burdensome, nor yet so few as to destroy their influence and power. God be praised, that it is not my task to commence their observance here, nor to establish their value in your estimation. For you already know that they are bulwarks and defences of the faith, the witnesses of a good confession, and the monumental records of Catholic truth. All we have to do, therefore, is to go on with their observance, endeavoring more and more to practice the duties which they unfold, and seeking more and more to be changed and transformed by the truths which they teach. Already, and within a few short years, the popular mind in this country has undergone a total revolution upon this subject, and the time is not far distant when all good men will rally around the great Fasts and Festivals of the Church; when their power will be seen and felt as one of the mightiest instrumentalities of God for restoring the lost unity of Christendom; and when the multitudes will be guided by them to the Ark of safety, the Refuge of peace.

4. So in reference to the Choral Worship and Service. God be praised, that the principle has already been settled in this Parish, that the Worship of God--as it was in the Jewish Church, as it was in the Primitive Church, and as it now is in heaven--should largely partake of the melody of sacred song. Not in those artificial and sensual tones and cadences which are intended only to produce an impression on the people as an audience; but in those earnestly crying and supplicating sounds, mingled with the majestic and the solemn, which at once banish all [14/15] idea of display, and which gather up the minds and voices of the whole congregation and concentrate their every thought and feeling upon the Almighty Being who alone is addressed. Although not myself at all skilled in music, and therefore not alone competent to direct and instruct in this part of the Public Service, yet I have long been persuaded that one of the designs of our Reformers, as may be seen especially in the Prayer Book of the Church of England, was to restore the Choral Worship; and I have no doubt its restoration in this country, if rightly understood and practiced, will accomplish more in gathering the people together and awakening their religious sensibilities than the most eloquent, and impassioned Sermons. But the greatest care should be taken, both by the officiating Priests and Choristers, never to forget that their duty is only to lead the devotions of the Congregation, and not to monopolize and forestall them. For if there is any one thing which stands out more prominently than another in our Book of Common Prayer, it is the fact that our Congregations are not mere lookers on or hearers, as in the Church of Rome and among the sects; but they are made the universal sharers and partakers of the worship; and are recognized as a people with voices, having hearts to feel, and voices to utter in melody, the praises of our God. In this connection, may I not suggest that the members of the Congregation should be supplied with the same books which are used by the Choristers; that our children, all, as members of the Church, should be thoroughly instructed in the music of the Church; [15/16] and that there should be occasional meetings of the people for practice, especially in preparation for the celebration of the great Christian Festivals.

[* The following resolutions on the subject of Church Music were adopted unanimously by the House of Bishops at the recent meeting of the General Convention, with the request that they "be read to the several Congregations by the several-Ministers:"--

RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the House of Bishops, there is very much in the prevailing manner of conducting those parts of our public worship which require the aid of sacred music, to which the serious attention of the clergy and their congregations should be directed--as, not only not promotive of a devout spirit, but very injurious thereto; as directly calculated to nurture a lifeless formality, by making the congregation mere passive listeners to musical sounds, confined to choirs, in the formation of which there is often little reference to fitness of personal character; as virtually depriving the congregation of their proper privilege of uniting with their voices in the worship of the Church when its words are sung as well as when only read; as impairing the beautiful simplicity of our public worship, and thus rendering it in the parts referred to unadapted to the greater number of our people, and so taking therefrom one of its chief excellencies as being Common Prayer, accommodated to all conditions of worshipping Christian people; as causing moreover a needless delay and interruption of our Morning and Evening Prayer, by the introduction of music, especially such as is merely instrumental, which unprofitably and needlessly abridges the time allotted to the preaching of the Word, and, by fatiguing the hearers, both in body and mind, interferes with their ability rightly to receive the same; and lastly, as creating in all these particulars, an influence which in our opinion is decidedly counteractive of the proper work of God's Church, as His appointed instrument of cherishing and promoting His worship "in spirit and in truth."

RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the House of Bishops, the evils referred to proceed chiefly from the following causes, namely:--

First, from an oversight of the principle that the object of Church music is not the gratification of a cultivated musical taste, but by the aid of simple and appropriate music, to cultivate devout affections among all classes of worshipping people, and to enable them to commune with one another in the united and animated expression of the same.

Secondly, from the selection by organists and choirs of such tunes and chants as, on account of their not being sufficiently familiar to [16/17] the congregation, or from their want of due simplicity, the congregation cannot be expected to unite in singing.

Thirdly, from use of musical compositions, especially such as are called chants, which require too much time in the performance, and also from the introduction of voluntaries on the organ, before the chants, and between the verses of psalms and hymns, which, having no value but as exhibitions of instrumental music, are wearying to the congregation.

Lastly, from the extent to which the control of this part of the worship of the Church is virtually taken out of the hands of the Rectors of parishes, where alone the Church law has placed it, and is exercised by committees of vestries, and chiefly by organists and choirs.

RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the House of Bishops, there can be no material improvement of our public worship in the particulars mentioned, except as each parish minister shall faithfully perform the duty assigned him by the law of this Church, which, in the words of the Rubric is, that "with such assistance as he can obtain from persons skilled in music, he shall give order concerning the tunes to be sung at any time in his church, and especially shall suppress all light and unseemly music, and all indecency and irreverence in the performance."

RESOLVED, That it be recommended to all the pastors of our churches that they endeavor by all suitable measures to promote a general participation of their people, by voice, in those parts of our worship which are sung, as well as in those which are not.

RESOLVED, That in the opinion of the House of Bishops, it is particularly incumbent on the Rectors in our larger and older cities, to see that the music in their churches be so conducted as to afford a wholesome example to those in our humbler and younger congregations, who naturally look to such sources for guidance in matters of external order and expediency.

A true extract. from the Minutes:
Attest--LEWIS P. W. BALCH,
Secretary of the House of Bishops.]

5. So as it relates to Ritual Reverence and Solemnity. The principle has already been settled in this Parish, that the services shall be conducted "decently and in order," and fully in accordance with those solemn forms and ceremonies, recognized in our Book of Common Prayer, and sanctioned by the usages and customs, of the primitive Church. [17/18] And I have no doubt, it is one of the most attractive features of The Advent, that all kneel in prayer; that all bow at the name of Jesus in the Creed; that all stand in praise; that all turn reverently to the Altar, as the Church directs in the Trisagion; and that in each and every separate act of worship, there is the outward homage of the body as well as the inward devotion of the mind and heart. What we have to do, therefore, is simply to go on in the practice of these solemn and dignified forms of Christian Worship; neither adding to them nor taking from them, and so bearing our decided testimony, as well against the more pompous displays and unmeaning genuflections and gesticulations of the Romanists, as against the irreverence and impiety of sectarian indifference to sacred things, and to sacred persons and places.

6. So as it relates to Offerings and Oblations. The principle has already been established in this Parish, that no person should "Come before the Lord empty;" that every individual, rich or poor, old or young, should come with his gift and offering to God, of his substance and "of the first fruits of all his increase;"--that these gifts should be his sacrifices--not an offering of that which costs us nothing--but his sacrifices--the evidences of his sincerity, and the attestations of his faith; and that they constitute as much a part of public worship as prayer and praise; and as truly a means of grace as the sacraments themselves. God be praised, that the principle has been established, the commencement made, to bring back the Church in this respect [18/19] to the practice of Apostolic times; and our last General Convention gave to it its entire and unanimous sanction. But though the commencement has been made, no doubt much has yet to be learned by us all, in reference to this branch of our duty; and, therefore, as realizing my own awful responsibility, I shall not hesitate, from time to time, to unfold the blessings, on the one hand, to those who faithfully bring their gifts and offerings to God, and the curses, on the other, to those who, like Ananias and Sapphira, shall presume to "keep back a part," and thus to be robbers of the Almighty.

[* One of the most interesting discussions in the General Convention was upon the following resolutions reported by "the Special Committee on the state of the Church," and though at first there was some objection to them and some unimportant changes, yet they finally received the unanimous sanction of that body, as follows:

1. RESOLVED, That in the opinion of this House, it is the duty of every member of the Church to consecrate a certain proportion of his income to the advancement of the cause of our Lord and Saviour.

2. RESOLVED, That systematic and frequent offerings by persons and parishes, according to their ability, must be mainly relied upon, under the divine blessing, for the enlargement of the benevolent operations of the Church.

3. RESOLVED, That it be recommended to all Clergymen in charge of Parishes, to bring their flocks as near as practicable to compliance with the spirit of the Apostolic direction to the Church in Corinthians: "Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him, in store, as God hath prospered him; and that to this end, the Clergy bring the subject especially to the attention of the people, some time during the Advent season of each year.]

7. So in reference to the System of Free Seats. God be praised, that the principle has here been established and acted upon, from the first moment of the organization of the Parish, that there shall be no selling or renting of pews, and no ungracious, [19/20] unholy, unkind, unscriptural or cruel and pharisaic distinctions in this House of Prayer. And if there is any sight on earth more beautiful and heavenly than another, it is the sight which I have sometime witnessed in this house, and especially at this chancel rail--and of which I may now speak with exultation and joy--the blessed and glorious sight of the meeting together at the Table of our Common Lord, of all the extremes of society without any distinction; each and all the recipients of the same "body broken" and the same "blood shed" for the salvation of all mankind. As an American, and more than all as a Churchman, I rejoice in it, for all the ten thousand reasons which would lead me to rejoice in whatever concerns the welfare of our country and our Church. But more especially because I know that nothing but the extension of this Gospel principle everywhere, can eventually control and bind together the elements of fearful strife and discord--not destroying those distinctions in society which must ever exist--but softening, humanizing, ameliorating, and cementing them into one; and so elevating the poor and the depressed, and teaching humility and condescension to the rich and the great, as to realize, in the only way in which it can be realized, the dream of the enthusiast, that we are indeed all "members one of another," from the highest Archangel in heaven to the humblest mendicant on earth--all free, all equal, all brothers, all sisters, all "one in Christ Jesus."

8. So in reference to the System of Charity and Good Works, as the only test of justifying faith; and [20/21] the only means by which the Church can fulfil her divine mission for the instruction, reformation and salvation of the world. God be praised, that the principle has been settled in this Parish, that, as individual Christians, we have not to look for the evidences of our justification to the momentary feelings, emotions and impulses of the heart; but to those substantial fruits of faith which are manifested by works of charity and of mercy; and, as a Parish, the principle has long since been settled, that each and every individual has something to do in the name of Christ, and as a member of His body, for the good of man and for the glory of God. For it is not enough that we can prove, as we undoubtedly can, and have often done, that ours is a pure branch of the Catholic and Apostolic Church, which the Saviour founded, and which, as existing in this land, is freer and more Catholic, than any other in Christendom; but we must make manifest to the world those Apostolic fruits of faith and love, which can point to "the sick, the lame, the halt, the blind and the poor" whom our services have blest; and which can bring out the long retinue of reclaimed sinners and rejoicing saints, and can say, as did one of the ancient churches in the time of Roman persecution, "these are our treasures and the living witnesses of our faith and love." That is the conviction already established; and what we have to do therefore is simply to go on, in works of charity and of mercy; working as parents and sponsors in the care of souls, and for the nurture of the young in our houses; working in public and private schools [21/22] for Christian education; working in nurseries and infirmaries, and hospitals and homes for the sick and the friendless; working for the feeble, the aged, the widow and the orphan; working privately and publicly for the dissemination of Gospel light and knowledge; working everywhere and always; working in faith, working in prayer, working in love; not in our own name and for purposes of self-aggrandizement, but emphatically as true Catholic Christians, and in the name of Christ our Lord.

Now my own plan of Church work, for the Parish, is extremely simple, and requires no new organization or machinery. Having a list of the members of the parish, I propose to assign to certain individuals, with a corps of assistants, a definite charge for a definite period of time, receiving occasional written Reports from the principal of each department, from which information will be communicated to the Parish in occasional Sermons. As, for instance, A. B. has assigned to him, with a corps of assistants, that department of Church work which consists in looking after young men, strangers in the city or others, who may be seeking employment or homes or Christian fellowship, and who need the advice and help of friends. He calls his assistants together; they arrange among themselves the details of operation, and then at the proper time make their Report through the Principal, and are again assigned to the same duty or changed to some other. At the same time I find here an organization called "The Guild"--not uncommon especially in the Parish Churches of [22/23] England--by which an immense amount of Church work has been done, and in which some persons are deeply interested. That organization, if thought advisable by its members, may be continued, with some change in its constitution and canons, and a definite department of Church work will be assigned to it.

But there is one department of Christian charity, for which no systematic provision has been made in our Parish, namely--that which recognizes our relationship with the whole body of the Church, and especially with our own Diocese and with the Church Catholic of this land. As, for instance, scarcely a week passes, without some application for aid, either by some Church or Institution of our own Diocese, or by some Church or Institution within the bounds of our Union and recognized by our General Convention. To these appeals for aid we cannot turn a deaf ear, nor would we do so if we could; for we recognize in Church life an active sympathy with every member. But what shall be done? Shall we have a desultory method of charity for these objects, acting upon special appeals; or shall we have an established system? Shall we encourage the application of agents, calling upon individual members of the Parish at their houses or places of business; or shall we fully and thoroughly carry out the Gospel law of offerings laid upon God's altar, for every object of Christian charity and love? On this subject my own mind is fully decided. I am persuaded that the members of our Parish should act through the constituted authorities of the Parish, [23/24] and by the system of offerings in all their gifts for Church objects. And I wish it to be understood that no agent or applicant ever goes to any individual with any sanction or authority from me; and in order to avoid the necessity of all such irregular action, I now give notice that on the Third Sunday of every month, an opportunity will be presented to meet all such demands upon our charity; and offerings will then be received for church objects, in addition to the usual offerings for the support of our own Parish.

One thing more--never should we forget that we are AMERICAN CATHOLICS--not Roman Catholics, but so far as the peculiarities of Romanism are concerned always Protestant;--not even English Catholics, though we are indeed "indebted to the Church of England for our first foundation and a long continuance of nursing care and protection," just as our whole country is indebted to England for our "first foundation," and for all our fundamental principles of constitutional liberty and law; but now as a distinct and independent branch of the church of Christ, planted in this land by the Providence of God, and having an Apostolic ministry, worship, discipline, and system of doctrines, we are American Catholics. And never since the first three centuries of the Christian era, has any branch of the Church Catholic been placed upon the same vantage ground of purity, freedom and power, as is now the American Catholic Church in these United States. God be praised, that this Parish is a part and parcel of this particular branch of the Church of Christ; and [24/25] therefore we are bound especially to sympathize with all its suffering members, and with all its struggling efforts for the conversion of the world--bound not only by our faith in the Catholic Church, but by every principle of patriotism and loyalty. At the same time there is probably no single Parish in our whole country which has exerted a greater influence upon other parts of the church in raising the standard of churchmanship; nor one which has shared or does now share more largely in the sympathies and affections of bishops, clergy and laity. For these reasons I am especially anxious, that we shall be loyal and true, as well to our own Diocese as to the church at large; that the American Book of Common Prayer shall be our standard; that all our services shall be conducted in accordance with the spirit of this standard, as the simplest-hearted churchman would understand its directions in the most distant Parish of the West; and thus that our influence may not be lost, and that our example may be everywhere felt, and everywhere respected and safely followed.

In conclusion, brethren. We have but a few moments in which to dwell upon the words of the text, taken from the second lesson of this morning's service, and in the meaning of which is contained the whole design and object of my sermon. "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord" was the office of John the Baptist, with reference to the first coming of Christ in the flesh. "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord," is now the office of the Church and of the Christian ministry, with reference [25/26] to the second coming of Christ to Judgment. On this day, the first Sunday in Advent, the commencement of the Christian year, we look backward and forward--backward to "the great humility," the wonderful condescension, when the Saviour disrobed himself of "the glory which He had with the Father before the world was," and "took upon Him the form of a servant and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross"; and all this to "redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous of good works"; and then we look forward to "His second coming, in glorious majesty, to judge both the quick and the dead." Now to prepare us and to prepare all christians for this second coming is the grand design of the Christian Church; and of all our services in this House of Prayer. Our daily service, our ever recurring fasts and festivals, our constant communion, our choral worship, our ritual reverence and solemnity, our open doors, our works of charity and of mercy--all are designed and intended "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." And may I not say on such an occasion as this, as I know I can say in sincerity and truth, that "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord," is my object and design, and the deepest and most earnest longing of my soul. For this I labor and pray, and for this I implore your kindness, your sympathy, your forbearance, your cooperation and your prayers, that we may be indeed a people prepared for the Lord, and that we may be finally presented "faultless before His presence with exceeding joy."

                                                [27] APPENDIX.
                                                DEPARTMENTS OF CHURCH WORK.
                                                1. The aid of Young Men.
                                                2. New Parishioners.
                                                3. Sunday School.
                                                4. Distribution of Alms.
                                                5. Medical Aid.
                                                6. Sacred Vestments and Utensils.
                                                7. The Nursing of the Sick.
                                                8. Reading to the sick or poor or infirm or ignorant.
                                                9. Candidates for Baptism or Confirmation or the Holy Communion.
                                                10. Procuring and distributing of Church Books and Tracts.
                                                11. The Annual Christmas Dinner to the poor.
                                                12. Christmas Decoration.
                                                13. The Annual Children's Festival on Holy Innocents.
                                                14. The founding of a Home for the sick and friendless,
                                                15. The Church Building Fund.
                                                16. Printing.
                                                17. The Burial of the dead.


                                                [28] FORM OF APPOINTMENT

                                                That Department of Church Work to which you are assigned as . . .
                                                with . . .
                                                for one year ending the first Sunday in Advent, A. P. is . . .
                                                The members of this Department will meet together as often as . . .
                                                at such time and place as the Principal may direct, will arrange
                                                among themselves the details of operation, will keep an account of
                                                their meetings and work, and will make an annual written report to
                                                me, through the Principal, two weeks before the first Sunday in
                                                "Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus."
                                                "God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve
                                                and keep you."
                                                [29] CLERGY OF THE ADVENT.
                                                REV. JAMES A. BOLLES, D. D.,
                                                Rector and ex officio Member of the Corporation.
                                                REV. M. P. STICKNEY,
                                                Rector's Assistant.
                                                SEXTON--Hugh Taylor.
                                                OFFICERS OF THE ADVENT

                                                George C. Shattuck, Senior Warden & Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                William E. Coale, Junior Warden
                                                John P. Tarbell, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                Richard H. Salter, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation
                                                Fytche Edward Oliver, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation
                                                Joseph Burnett, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation   
                                                N. Austin Parks, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation   
                                                Richard H. Dana, Jr. Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation
                                                Frederick H. Stimpson, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation
                                                Robert M. Copeland, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation
                                                Henry M. Parker, Vestryman and Member of the Parish Corporation
                                                Charles P. Gordon, Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                Henry T. Parker, Member of the Parish Corporation.  
                                                S. Benton Thompson, Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                Horatio Bigelow, Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                Causten Browne, Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                Charles F. Shimmin, Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                William E. Townsend, Member of the Parish Corporation.
                                                HENRY M. PARKER, Clerk.
                                                FREDERICK H. STIMPSON, Treasurer.

EDMUND A. MATSON, Organist and Teacher.
CHORISTERS: John Bire, Jr., William H. C. Copeland, Samuel Frizzell, Thomas T. Gardam, William Glover, Tilon Robinson, T. Frederic Saxton, Oliver. S. Wells, Isaac Chase, Joseph Chase, William Frizzell, Thomas Frizzell, Frederic Jones, Robert Jones, Richard Justice, D. Edwin Newell, James H. O'Hara, William Herbert Pearson, Francis H. Ratcliffe, William Ratcliffe, Joseph Rogers, Charles S. Smith, David Thomas, Frederic Gray White.



ONE of the practical difficulties in the working of the Free Church System is that of obtaining and keeping up a correct List of all the members of the Parish,--there being no Account Book with the pew owners or renters--and there seems to be no way in which this difficulty can be overcome, except by printing for circulation in the Parish, an Annual Register of Names. The following Register is no doubt very imperfect, some names being retained of persons who may have removed from the Parish, and others omitted. But by the cooperation and assistance of the members of the Parish, who are hereby requested to give notice in writing to the Rector of any inaccuracies, the List may be made much more perfect another year. At the same time it must be a great convenience to the members of the Parish, to have such a List for occasional reference.


Adams, Miss Polly.
Ainsworth, F. S.
            Mrs. Mary C.
Anderson, Mrs. Mary Ann.
            Charles James.
Andrews, Mrs. Margaret.
            Frederic William.
            Miss Ellen.
Antcliffe, Mrs. Margaret.
Appleton, Jr., Joseph Warren.          
Ashburne, Mrs.
Aylwin, Charles Felix.

Bailey, Mrs. Adelaide Sarah
            James Franklin.
Bancroft, Miss Ellen.
Barker, James Elihu.
            James Maxwell.
Bates, Isaac C.
            Mrs. F.
            Joseph Cony.
Baxter, Miss Hannah N.
Benton, D. Webster,
            Reuben Pollard.
            Mrs. Iana.
            Alexander Reuben.
            Fanny Iana.
            Louis Charles.
Bigelow, Horatio.
            Mrs. Annie L.
            Adie Amelia.
            Horatio Ripley.
            Albert Smith.
            Joseph Smith.
            Annie Smith.
Blaisdel, John.
            Mrs. Mary.
            Mary J.
Blodgett, Mrs. Minnie.
Bolles, Rev. James A.
            Mrs. Martha E.
            Mary Frances.
Bond, George H.
            Mrs. Fanny.
            Leslie Eugene.
            Harriet Elizabeth.
            Thomas Henry.
Bowen, Mrs. Ann.
            William James.
            Miss Lydia.
Bozier, Miss Mary Ann.
Brady, Charles Otis.
            Mrs. Martha.
            Charles Otis.
            Eugenia Elizabeth.
            Alice Martha.
            Elmira Croswell.
            Cora Allison.
Brainard, Amos H.
            Mrs. Elizabeth.
            Amos D.
            Edith Isabel.
Blackbird, George.
            Mrs. Elizabeth.
            George Lishman
            Garafelia Kelsey
            Gardner French.
Bradbury, Miss Catha.
            Miss Mary Ann.
Bradfield, Mrs. Maria.
Brayshaw, Jacob.
Brewster, Augustus O.
            Mrs. Georgiana Augusta.
            George Bibby.
            William Malleville.
Bridge, Miss Jane P.
Briggs, Charles Edward.
            Miss Elizabeth Foster.
Brogden, Mrs. Mary Jane.
Brown, Mrs.
Browne, Mrs. Sarah.
            Mrs. Kate Eveleth.
            Alexander Porter.
            William Maynadier.
            Henry Rossiter Worthington.
Bruce, George W.
            Mrs. Isabella Spear.
            George Francis.
            Henry Elijah.
            Susan Maria.
            Samuel Curtiss.
Bunker, Mrs. Lydia.
Burnett, Joseph.
            Mrs. Josephine.
Burroughs, Miss Eliza.

Cabot, Miss Caroline W.
            Frederic Curtis.
Callahan, Miss Hannah W.
Carlisle, Jessie Melville.
            Emma Catharine.
Carter, Miss Ellen Maria.
Chase, Jr., Theodore.
Cheney, Samuel.
            Miss Ellen Hooper.
            Frederic Maurice.
            Francis William.
            Henry Williams.
Chevaillier, Mrs. Sarah C.
            Alice Adrienne.
            Charles Frederic.
Clark, Miss Sarah.
            Miss Lucy.
            Miss Helen A.
            Mrs. Margaret.
            William Joseph.
            John Stewart.
            Mrs. Maria.
            Charles W.
Clary, Mrs. Sarah.
Coale, William Edward.
            George Oliver George.
            Miss Elizabeth.
Cole, Mrs. Eliza.
Colson, Mrs. Elizabeth.
            Angelina Elizabeth.
            George Halliburton.
            Mary Delphia.
Condry, Dennis.
            Mrs. Catharine.
            Sarah B.
Connor, William H.
Copeland, Robert M.
            Mrs. Sarah W.
            Sarah W. I.
            William Henry Croswell.
            George Washington Doane.
Cormack, Hamilton M.
            Mark N.
Couthouy, Joseph P.
            Miss Mary G.
            Miss Josephine.
            William Croswell.
Cox, Edward Glover.
            Miss Sarah T.
Crompton, John.
            Mrs. Phebe.
            John Thomas.
Croswell, Mrs. Amanda.
Curran, Miss Mary Ann.
            Miss Jane.
            Miss Sarah.
Curtis, Mrs. Daniel T.
Cushing, Miss Olivia W.
Cutter, Mrs. Ruth.

Dale, William Johnson.
            Mrs. Sarah Frances.
            William Johnson.
            Theron Johnson.
Dalton, Mrs. Mary A.
            Miss Abby.
            Mrs. Susan.
Dame, Mrs. Mary E.
            Wm. Abram.
            Martha Tillotson.
Dana, Richard Henry.
            Jr., Richard Henry.
            Mrs. Sarah W. Sarah.
            Ruth Charlotte.
            Elizabeth Ellery.
            Mary Rosamond.
            Richard Henry.
            Angela Henrietta Charming.
            Mrs. Isabella.
            Isabella Hazen.
            James Jackson.
            Mrs. Thesta.
            Miss Matilda Adelphine.
Danforth, Mrs. Harriet.
Davis, Henry A.
            Mrs. Margaret.
            Florence Moore.
            Mrs. Rebecca.
Daum, Hermann.
De Bank, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth.
Decatur, Stephen.
            Mrs. Anna Rowell Philbrick.
Decatur, Maria Susanna.
            Edward Philbrick.
            William Beverley.
Dennie, Mrs. S. R.
Doherty, Alice Kezia.
            Mrs. Eleanor.
            Richard C.
Dolan, Mrs. Mary Ann.
Du Bois, Gilman Bradford.
Dunlap, John S.
            Mrs. Catharine.

Earle, Nicholas H. Eaton,
Eaton, William Storer.
            Mrs. Frederica W.
            William Storer.
            Georgiana Goddard.
Emerson, Lincoln F.
            Mrs. Eliza Mayhew.
Elton, Miss Cecilia St. Clair.
English, Miss Mary.
            James T.

Faris, Miss Frances.
            Miss Nancy.
Farmer, Mrs. Sarah J.
Faxon, Mrs. Cornelia.
Ferguson, Eliza.
Fisher, George.
Foote, Miss Mary Bradford.
Foster, Mrs. Hannah Maria.
Fuller, Mrs. Mary S.
            Oscar Lyman.

Fullerton, Mrs. Catharine F.


Gallagher, Mrs. Eliza.
Glover, William.
Golbert, George.
            Mrs. Mary Ann.
Golbert, Mary Ann.
            William Croswell.
            Helen Rebecca.
            George Abner.
Goodsell, Penfield Bull.
Granger, David.
            Mrs. Mary.
            Helen Frances.
Green, Mrs. Jane.
            Mrs. Emily.
Gregerson, Mrs. Elizabeth.
            James Roby.
            Elizabeth Sharp.
Grover, Miss Sarah Ann.
Guild, Miss Caroline E.

Haraden, Miss Lucie G.
Harris, Miss Eunice Thornton.
            Mary B.
Harrison, John Saunders.
            Mrs. Elizabeth Sweetser.
            Edward Augustus.
Harvey, Philip.
Haskell, Henry T.
Hall, Mrs. Mary.
Hawkins, Mary Ann.
Hayden, Mrs. Elizabeth.
Harvey, Mrs. Henry.
Hearsey, William Edward.
            Nancy Bakeman.
            William Edward.
            Francis Augustus.
            Sarah Ellen.
            George Whitton.
            Charles Augustus.
            John Albert.
            Mary Eayrs.
Hickie, John.
            Mrs. Jane.
Hickie, Anna Maria.
            William James.
            Isabella Jane.
            Ellen Eliza.
Hill, Miss Hattie Elizabeth.
Hitchcock, Robert Bradley.
            Mrs. Mary Ann.
            Miss Ann.
Hobbs, Charles Cushing.
Hogan, Catharine.
Holt, Benjamin Shurtleff.
            Deborah J.
Hooper, Miss Caroline K.
            Miss Mary Greenwood.
Horton, Mrs. Mary Ann.
            Mrs. Caroline Winchester.
Hosker, Anaster.
            Emily J.
Hunt, Henry Hall.

Ingraham, Miss Mary Sumner.

Jackson, Mrs. Susan.
            John Cotton.
            Lucy Cotton.
            Oscar Roland.
            Lydian Emerson.
Jacques, Miss Maria Renshaw.
Jewett, James.
            William Albert.
            Miss Corinna.
            Francis Augustine.
Johnson, Fleming Turner.
            Mrs. Clarissa Jeannette.
            Mrs. Martha.
            Mrs. Eliza.
Jones, Mrs. Esther.
            Mrs. Hannah G.
Jones, Henrietta.
            Mrs. Rebecca.
            Frederic H.
            Mary E.
            Frederic William.
            Mrs. Rosina.
            Fanny L.
            Robert M.
Jordan, Mrs. Sarah.

Kendall, Edmund H.
            Mrs. Ann Maria.
            James Theodore Edson.
            Mary Elizabeth.
            Harriet Maria.
            Edward Jarvis.
            George Henry.
            Mrs. Julia Josephine.
                        Henrietta Maria.
Kenway, Mrs. Mary Ann.
            Catharine Jane.
Kerr, Mrs. Mary.
Kettell, Mrs. Lois Jane.
Kimball, Henry.
Knight, Edward Ford.

Laggon, Mrs. Joanna.
Lamont, John.
            Mrs. Hannah.
            Eliza Jane.
            Lucy Amelia.
            Daniel Alexander.
            Robert John.
            Benjamin Greenleaf.
            George Dennie.
Langenbeck, Amelia.
Layton, Mrs. Lucy.
            William Henry.
Lash, Miss Mary Ann.
            Miss Susan.
Leary, Michael.
Leavitt, Mrs. Adeliza.
Lee, Joseph.
            Mrs. Jane.
            Mary Louisa.
Lees, Alexander.
            Mrs. Mary Ann.
            Theresa Marian.
Levi, Simon.
            Samson Robert.
            William Gould.
            Philip Tocque.
            Mrs. Ann.
Locke, Mrs. Jane Eaton.
            Mary Colman.
            Harriet Crawford.
            Mrs. Jeannette.
            Miss Jeannette A. R.
            Theodore Lyman.
Lombard, Miss Esther Winship.
Lovett, Mrs. Josephine Maria.
            Miss Ann De Wolf.
            Miss Josephine Elizabeth.
            James De Wolf.
Lowther, George W.
            Mrs. Sarah J. F.
            Anna Jane.
            George William.

Mair, George Herbert.
            Mrs. Sarah Wilkins.
Mandluff, George.
            Mrs. Anne.
            John Henry.
Mandluff, William Morris.
            George Howard.
Mansfield, John Robbins.
Marshall, Miss Charlotte Louisa.
Marrero, Mrs. Elizabeth Gerry.
Matson, Mrs. Hannah.
            Edmund Aubrey.
            Mrs. Ellen Maria.
            Ellen Olivia.
            Edmund Aubrey.
Maynadier, James.
McBrien, Osweld.
McGregor, Charles W.
McLellan, Eben.
            Mrs. Rachel.
McLintock, Mrs. Elizabeth.
Merwin, Mrs. E.
Metcalf, Theron.
Millet, William B.
            Eliza M.
            Frank Eaton.
Morey, Philemon.
            Mrs. Ruth L.
Morgan, William Charles.
            Mrs. Amanda Louisa.
Morrill. Mrs. Hannah.
            John Vaughan.
Morris, Thomas Downham.
            Mrs. Elizabeth Coffin.
            Roland Bunker.
            William D.
            Mrs. Maria C.
Morrison, Miss Mary Elizabeth.
Morton, Miss Mary.
Moses, Mrs. Sarah Jane.
Moulton, Mrs. Ellen Louisa.
Murdock, Miss Isabella.
Murphy, John.
            Mrs. Elizabeth.

Neale, Miss Melissa.
Newcomb, Miss Elizab. Wright.
Newell, Miss Ellen Augusta.

Oakley, Mrs. Mary.
Oliver, Mrs. Mary Robinson.
            Fytche Edward.
            Miss Isabella.
Ordway, Henry.
            Mrs. Margaret Ann.
            John P.
            Mrs. Eleanor.
            Arabella Eleanor.

Parker, Henry Melville.
            Mrs. Fanny Cushing.
            Charles Pomeroy.
            Edward Melville.
            Margaret Lincoln.
            Mrs. Elizabeth Allston.
            William A.
            Hugh L.
            Mrs. Eliza.
            Francis George.
            John Ellis.
            Robert Hugh.
            Sarah Ann.
Parks, Mrs. Mary Austin.
            Emily Foster.
            Adeline Augusta.
            Cornelia Eliza.
            Francis Parkman.
            N. Austin.
            Mrs. Martha Elizabeth.
            William Howe Austin.
Parks, Mary Maude Austin.
Patch, Mrs. Helen Dora.
            Helen Elizabeth.
Parrott, William Pearce.
            Mrs. Sophia Marion.
            Marion Elizabeth.
            Jane Kettell.
Pearson, George Batchelder.
            George W.
            Mrs. Augusta Barton.
            Harriet Augusta.
            Emma Frances.
            William Herbert.
            Charlotte Adeline.
            Edward Warren.
Pennock, Nathaniel A.
            Mrs. Emily G.
            Nathaniel Arthur.
            Susan Adelia.
Pike, Miss Eliza Margaret.
Place, Mrs. Margaret.
Powers, George Carrington.
            Mrs. Helen Greenwood.
            Miss Emma.
            Miss Charlotte.
Price, Joseph Perry.
            Mrs. Eleanor Perry.
            Eleanor Anne.
            Miss Anna Maria.
Pratt, Joseph Warren.
Proby, James.
            Mrs. Jane.
Putnam, Mrs. Hannah.

Rand, William Francis.
            Mrs. Nancy.
            William Jackson.
Randall, Henry.
            Mrs. Sarah Ann.
Randall, Mary Elizabeth.
            Samuel Haskell.
            George Henry.
            Charles Lawrence.
            Sarah Ann.
Raymond, Curtis B.
            Mrs. Lydia Newell.
            Mrs. Helen Sawyer.
Raynor, Henry.
            Mrs. Elizabeth.
Reed, Miss Louisa Williams.
Richardson, Enoch Sherburne.
            Mrs. Mary Frances.
            Anna Elizabeth.
            Jerome A.
            Mrs. Anna R.
Riley, Mrs.
Roaf, George William.
Robbins, Miss Annie S.
Roberts, Davis B.
            Lucy Adams.
            Coolidge Sutton.
            Mary Ann.
            Catharine Clary.
            Agnes Atherton.
Robertson, John.
            Mrs. Anna Morgan.
Rollock, John.
            Hiram Hodgdon.
Ross, Joseph.
            William Croswell.
            Mary Elizabeth.
            John Marshall.
Ruggles, Miss Mary.
Russel, Miss Charlotte Elvira.
            Anne Elizabeth.
Rutherford, Miss Susan.

Salter, Richard Henry.
            Mrs. Abby Wheeler.
            Helen Josephine.
            Mary Williams.
Salter, Richard Henry.
            Edith Augusta.
Sargeant, Miss Eliza A.
Sawin, Mrs. Charlotte.
            Elizabeth Lash.
            Mary Greenwood.
            Susan Lash.
Sanderson, B. H.
Seates, Mrs. Elizabeth C.
            Miss Mary Elizabeth.
Scott, Charles.
            Mrs. Theodosia.
            Fanny Theodosia.
            Mrs. Elizabeth Phebe.
Sever, Miss Mary.
            Miss Martha.
Shapley, Frederic A.
            Mrs. Anne Elizabeth.
Shattuck, George Cheyne.
            Mrs. Ann Henrietta.
            Eleanor Ann Brune.
            George Brune.
            Frederic Cheever.
            Miss Lucy B.
Sheafe, Thomas.
            Miss Maria Lang.
                        Charlotte Wayland.
Shepherd, John H.
Shorthose, Miss Grace.
Snell, George.
Sprague, Mrs. Harriet Boardman.
Stevens, James Monroe.
            Mrs. Mary Louisa.
            Harriet Amanda.
            Ellen Louisa.
Stickney, Rev. M. P.
            Mrs. Jane Frances.
            Anna Elizabeth Gray.
            William Brunswick Curry.
            Agnes Mary Palmer.
Stimpson, Frederic H.
Simpson, Mrs. Sarah W.
            Frederic Eaton.
            Susan Storer.
            Oliver Duncan.
            Catharine Frances.
            Theodore Fiske.
Stone, Miss Lucy F.
            Miss Lucy.
Stodder, Amelia Jane.
            Eben Augustus.
Story, Miss Mehetabel P.
Streeter, Alexander S.
Stuart, Miss Ann.
            Miss Jane.
Swift, Mrs. Mary.
            William C.
            Mary Elizabeth.
            Charles E.

Tappan, John H. A.
            Mrs. Catharine Orne.
            Elizabeth Orne.
            Martha Parker.
            Fanny Parsons.
Tarbell, John Parker.
            Mrs. Catharine Elizabeth.
            John Frankford.
            Catharine Amelia.
            William Croswell.
            Arthur Parker.
            Miss Elmira.
            John Adams.
            Joseph Henry.
Taylor, Charles Powell.
            Mrs. Henriqueta Delphina.
            Miss Elizabeth.
            Mrs. Mary Jane.
            William George.
            John Henry.
            Horatio Edwin.
Taylor, Frederick Patterson.
            Ann Henrietta.
            Mrs. Lydia Elizabeth.
Thayer, Mrs. Elizabeth.
Thomas, Miss Lucy Ann.
Thompson, S. Benton.
            Charles S.
            Mrs. Clara Grosvener.
            Mrs. Caroline.
Tonks, Mrs. Charlotte.
            Charlotte Ann.
            Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Towle, Miss Esther Dixwell.
Townsend, Elmer.
            Mrs. Wealthy Ann.
            Henry Elmer.
            Helen Cordelia.
            Benjamin Beecher.
Townsend, William Edward.
            Mrs. Ellen Eliza.
            Edward Britton.
            Walter Davis.
Train, Mrs. Eliza Gibson.
            Sarah Frances.
Tucker, Samuel. Mrs. Ann E.
Turner, George Hiram.
            Joseph Charles.
            Mary Jane.

Viau, Miss Sarah Elizabeth.
                        Mary Victoria.
            Frederic H.
Vickers, George.
            Mrs. Catharine.

Wainwright, Peter.
            Mrs. Charlotte.
Wainwright, Susan.
            William Lambert.
Wakefield, John Hancock.
            Mrs. Minerva Merrill.
            John Franklin.
Walker, Miss Emily Hurd.
            Miss Abby Johnson.
Wallace, Mrs. Louisa.
                        Sarah Jane.
Walsh, Mrs. Sophronia.
Waugh, Mrs. Mary.
Wells, Oliver Smith.
Wentworth, Mrs. James.
West, Miss Anna.
White, Mrs. Prudentia.
            William Fell.
            Mrs. Elizabeth.
            Alice Fell.
            Frederic Gray.
Wetherell, Leander.
Weatherdon, Miss Mary Ann.
Whitney, Rufus Hayden.
            Mrs. Emily Burton.
            Harry Francis.
            Lizzie Henrietta.
            Helen Marion.
            Kate Varnum.
Whitman, Mrs. Frances D. R:
Whitwell, Miss Anna Maria.
Wier, Thomas.
Wild, Miss Elizabeth B.
Wilder, Miss Anna Dora.
Willard, Miss Frances Augusta.
Williams, William L.
            Mrs. Elizabeth F.
            Miss Grace.
            Miss A. G.
Willoughby, Georgiana.
Wilson, John.
            Mrs. Mary Ann.
            Charles James.
Wilson, Mrs. Maria.
            Mary E.
Winchester, Mrs. Lucinda.
Winslow, Alfred Erving.
Wiswell, Henry Lewis.
            Anna G.
Wohlford, Lars Eric.
            Mrs. Ann Charlotte.
            John Herman.
            Mary Dorothea Charlotte.
            Lars Hugo.
            Hilma Ulrica Louisa.
            Emma Erica Christiana.
            Alfhild Virginia Augusta.
            Hannah Stella Wilhelmina.
            William Francis.
Wright, Daniel.
            Mrs. Harriet Ann.
            Frederic Stephen.
            Emily Roby.
            Horace Albert Roby.
            Harriet Elizabeth Roby.
            George Henry.
            Daniel William.
Wyman, Miss Isabella.
            Margaret George.
            Helen Oliver.

Yabsley, George.
            Mrs. Elizabeth.
Young, James.
            Mrs. Abby Esther.
            James Holden.
            Esther Manton.

Zarchus, Miss Sarah Ann.

Project Canterbury