Project Canterbury

 The Conversations at Malines

 Les Conversations de Malines


London/Londres: Humphrey Milford, 1927.

Prefatory Note

This pamphlet contains a Report presented to the Archbishop of Canterbury by the Anglican members of the informal Conference which, under the presidency of the late Cardinal Mercier, met at intervals in the years 1921-1925.

The Archbishop of Canterbury shares our opinion that the Report which was presented to His Grace may usefully be made public.

With a view to making clear what was the Archbishop's relation to these 'Conversational' meetings, we are allowed to reprint from the official Chronicle of Convocation a portion of the speech which the Archbishop delivered in the Upper House on February 6, 1924.

It will, of course, be understood that the responsibility for what was said by the Anglican Group at Malines and for this summary of the proceedings rests entirely with those who took part in the Conversations and who transmitted this Report to the Archbishop.

July 1927.

Project Canterbury