1. Marriage of Catechumens.
2. Marriage of Fallen.
3. Marriage Blessing on those married native-wise.
4. Burial of Catechumens.
5. Burial of those who die under Sentence of Lesser Excommunication.
1. Baptism of Adults.
2. Confirmation. Opening address.
Special Collects, Epistles, Gospels, Lessons.
FOR DISCUSSION.--English Spelling of Names, Places.
Importance of consistency in spelling, correct punctuation and legibility of all MSS. intended for publication.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
FORASMUCH as A. B.continues to sin most grievously in the sight of GOD and before you all, and we can find no signs of repentance in him, THEREFOR I, ., your Bishop, in the power committed to me in the Church of Christ, do now drive him forth from the Church of GOD, do cut him off from the Body of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and from the hope of Eternal Life. But, because nothing is impossible with GOD, let us humbly pray our most Merciful Father, to grant to this man that he may see how he has sinned, and fallen from his place as a child of God, and may even now, repent and be saved.
AND I strictly order all true members of the Church to, as far as is possible, have no fellowship with this person, until he shew true signs of repentance, and until I, or the Priest of this place grant leave to you so to do. Lest you also share in his condemnation in the sight of GOD and the Church.
FORASMUCH as A. B. has sinned before GOD and in your sight; In the power committed to me in the Church of Christ, I declare that he shall not take part in School or Prayers (for the space of ..) (or: until we perceive in him signs of true repentance,) and this sentence I pronounce in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Priest. Good people, we are met together to receive back amongst us this person, that he may join again with us in Prayer (and the Holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our LORD JESUS CHRIST).
Dost thou here in the sight of GOD and of this Congregation, acknowledge that you have sinned?
Penitent. I do acknowledge it.
Priest. Dost thou truly repent?
Penitent. I do truly repent.
Priest. Dost thou desire henceforth to live an upright and godly life?
Penitent. I do desire it, and may God help me.
Priest. May God, who has put this good desire into thy heart, help thee to live accordingly.
[5] Then shall the Penitent kneel down, and the Priest shall pronounce his Absolution in the form provided in the Service for the Visitation of the Sick. Then shall he take the Penitent by the right hand and raise him up, and the Penitent shall return to his place among the Congregation. Then shall the Priest say to the Congregation,
Let us now give thanks to Almighty GOD for that He has given to this person Repentance and Forgiveness, of all his sins, and received him once more as His true son, and let us say,
Then shall be said, all kneeling, the General Thanksgiving, inserting the words, "particularly to us who now desire to offer up our praises and thanksgivings for him whom Thou hast received back by Penitence and Absolution," and then proceeding directly to the words "And we beseech Thee, give us that due sense" and so to the end of the Prayer.
This form should be altered as necessary if there be more than one penitent received back at the same time, provided always that the Questions and form of Absolution be addressed to each one individually.
If this Service directly precede Matins or Evensong, the Minister shall begin with the Sentence "When the wicked man."
The congregation shall stand for this Service until the Thanksgiving.
The Minister, meeting the Corpse at the entrance to the Grave-yard, and going before it towards the grave, all say,
RA TASIK, alo ti qeteg o Loglue, o linai we wia apena, was alo moe qon tape Lent, me veveg ira malagagapalag alo nago sul wa me vivtigira alo marama iloke si te vaesu naatara alo qonin Lord, wa si namakalira te ge rasei we sea si a gogolo ape we ge tatas tamaine mulan.
Si te ge raka kel o linai veveg ilone we wia nane. Pa alo ni qale pea, we wia si alo masaoi iloke te vasogo mun kamiu nol o vavae vivnag mon God goro rasei amaira malagagapalag gate gilala o nomleas; o vavae vivnag nane we toga alo book Varue Lea tavaliu 27, wa alo raverave nan we seasea. Tur vava pirin momiuo val vavae vivnag mun o Amen: was alo kamiu we ilo vaglala ape lologagara non God goro ra ganganor, kamiu te nomleas mantag momiu we te vanvan nurnur ran alo qon nan iloke we malkeke wa te toavtag o line variava kamiu we vet was o vivnag non God we toga apena.
INEIA i gene vivnag we tin o totogale we titit si we vasaleg si a momogo goroa.
Ineia i gene vivnag we nom mataketake i tamana sii ravevena.
Ineia i gene vivnag we sau raka o tingoro vanua anon i tagvanuana.
Ineia igene vivnag we ge o matapei sin sipa ava nan namatesalana.
Ineia i gene vivnag we galoag ris o lea veveg mun ra salavano, ra manua, tara ro naro.
[8] Ineia i gene vivnag we vus pal natagvanuana.
Ineia i gene vivnag we risavag rasoan tagvanuana.
Ineia I gene vivnag we taur mona o som varavara goro sin vus mate i gene tapeto.
Ineira ira gene vivnag we lologona, wa we pulua, wa we pakapaka, wa we ararike, wa we momogo goro o vui sonson, wa we gosogoso, wa we woana soqosoqo, wa we wosawosag o som.
SOWO, nina we ilo vaglala was ineira no lira gene vivnag we lera nan o matesala taniniga tape lea non God (tama David we vava apena), nina a nomkel ape line veveg we kikina non God we malu goro nina, wa nina a vusiag kel sur i Lord God nina mun o tur nomleas wa mun o lolopepewu; nina a lolowono ape nonina o togara kiskislag wa a vavaul ape nonina o line variava wa a sike si a uwa o woai we sar ape togara wia. Nan ilokenake o parapara veta ape gar tangae nan si val tangae gate uwa o woai we wia te tara sur neia wa te savragia ilo av. O gene we kikina nane we roro ilo panen God we esu: Ni te ge tavtete avunara ganganor o ttiatiag nan, o av, o malauganqat, o lanvus wa o lan saqosaqo: te towo iloke mun neira alo nor o lasa tono. Ape ilo! i Lord me rowolue ma natanona si a sar munrasei we togatoga a marama ape nor o ganganor. Nava isei te tira lai alo qonina ni we susurut ma alolona? wa isei te gintag goro lai alo ni we nanalue ma? Non o rivriv alo panena, wa ni te wurvag non o tano pitpit, wa te sogon non o corn ilo qea, pa ni te sin qet o virotiu alo av tete pun mate lai. [8/9] Naqonin Lord we ras ma tama o tanun pal qon; wa alo o tanun nan we vava si o tamata wa o gene nan we togataga wasawasa, alo ine nane o tagea te rowo vivis mot ivunara, tama o vivtig mun ro toqamena, wa neira tete toa lai nan. Paso nan te nanalue alo qon sarsar goro ra ganganor wasmata o lologagara non God neira me sogon avunara kel alo nor o line masmastag, ineira qa me nom tagtageag o tar valenalena tape non o lolowia wa o lolomalumlum we rono maul, alo ni me loglogira vagae si a nomleas. Wa alo ilone nane neira te loglog inau (amon i Lord we vava) pa na tete ronotag; neira te sike vagvagaute nau, pa tete ilo suar lai; o manigiu neira me sirigavtag o lolomarau wa gate lav vasgot o line momogo goro i Lord, wa neira me nomvasigtag nok o vavae vasarig wa me nomtagtageag nok o vavae vatanau. W ate nene matila alo me tapag veta o mateima, wa te paere matila o magarosa aolo o masaoi ape veveg me wesu veta. E! linai we kikina we veveg taniniga iragai nane, was, Ira vivnag! tur van reag ilo av galava me ge taurmate mun Satan tara angel nan anana. O manigiu iloke, ra tasik, nina a ilogoro gaplot alo qon vaesuva qale toga, ape o qon siliga we rasu ma isei tete gagapalag lai alolona. Alo ti qale maran nina a nomtup ape marmararan wa nina a mauemule tama ira maran; si tete savrag reag nina alo silsiliga o areare aia wa o garagara ninnin. Nina nipea vava tagtageag o tarvalenalena tape lolowia non God. Ni we log magarosa nina si a nomleas, wa tolo non o lolomagarosa galava ni we vatavata was te nomvitag o togara tamoa alo nina te vusiag kel suria mun o toqai taurmate wa we nun. Si napuganina te tama o mea, pa te aqaga tama o snow; neira ta lawalawa tama o laqe, pa te tama o ul sheep. Tur tikula nomiu o tamtames nol (amon i Lord we vava) wa o kiskislag tete ge tutuag ran ikamiu. Tur savrag reag nomiu o tamtames nol kamiu me ge: tur ge momiu o toqai we garaqa wa o atai we garaqa: o manigiu o sava kamiu we maros we mate apena, ira mermerin Israel? ape nololok gate malakalaka alo igene we mate, amon i Lord we vava. O manigiu o ine tur vsiag [9/10] kel wa tur esu apena. Nina me ganganor, panava i Tataro apenina we toga amen o Mama, i Jesus Christ i Taniniga, wa ineia o tapetape ape nonina o ganganor. Ape me as raveagluea ape puganina wa me vus manamnamua ape nonia o ganganor. Nan o manigiu o ine nina a vusiag kel suria ape ni we lav vasgot irasei nol we nomleas mantag: nina a toga apesov was ni te lav vasgot nina wa te maros nomvitag napuganina alo nina te ukeg inina kel suria wa we van tataga namatesalena anaisa; alo nina te la non o qatiiwa we wia wa we veverag non o rene we mataketake, si a tataga ineia alo lolopepewu wa alo ronomalumuaga wa alo line lolotape, wa te mawuigoro o line vareg non o Vui we Rono. Nina a sike vagae non o ronoga wa a rowrowovag munia mun o line varean alo togara ilone ni me iloraka munina. Nina ta ge tamaike, Christ te vaesu nina nan o vivnag talo Lea wa nan o veveg we poa aneane ran te qalo iragai we tira ape galaona; wa ni map inina ape matuana wa te wievavae nina mun o line vawia non Tamana, wa te vareg munina si a taur usurag non o marana we lenas. I Lord ni vantak nina nol ilo marana nane ape non o magarosa we lava. Amen.
Lord, magarosa ikamam.
Christ, magarosa ikamam.
Lord, magarosa ikamam.MAMA avimama,
. ................ ganganor. Amen.Gag. Lord, Ka vaesu ira rowrowovag anama,
Sul. Neira we sov apeniko.Gag. Ka vatran si wo ma vunana o piriniva,
Sul. Wa ilogorora mun o mana we galava.[11] Gag. Ka pirin kamam, Lord i Vaesumam,
Sul. Wa si nasasama ni lenas Ka vaesu kamam: Ka vaesu kamam ira ganganor ape sasama.Gag. Lord, Ka ronotag nomam o tataro,
Sul. Wa nomam o awoa wo ni nina laiko.
LORD, kamam we tiasiko, Ka tinqoro magarosa nomam o tataro; Ka lolowia ikamam we vavaul muniko ape pugamam , Ka ul magarosa nan kamam o ganganor nol we mavat kamam we wonot nalolomam; mun Christ i Lord kamam. Amen.
GOD Turmana, Mama Turmagarosa, Ko we lolowia o tunun nol, wa gate nustup ilo isei Ko me tin meia: Ko gate maros si isei ganganor te mate, panava si ni vusiag kel nan o ganganor ni me ge ti, wa te vaesua: Ka nomvitag magarosa nupugamam wa ka ge masur natoqamam, ape nomam o ganganor we wonot nalolomam. O natev magarosa amaiko vagae: amaiko vires si a nomvitag pugai. Ka ukeg kamam, Lord turwia, Ka ukeg o sul anama Ko me tunkelira ti; nipea veveveg waririag ira rowrowovag anama, neira o tano gap, wa ira ganganor mamagarosa; pa Ka ge tikula nom o lologagara nan kamam we vavaul ape nomam o kiskislag wa we nomleas ran ape nomam o variava, wa Ka togtogoa ma si a pirin kamam alo marama iloke, si alo marama te mule ma kamam te toga amaiko; mun Jesus Christ i Lord kamam. Amen.
Paso nan o sul te vasogo tataga i Gagapalag o tataro iloke:--
KA ge ris kamam, Lord Turwia, wa kamam te wia mulan. Ka lolowia, Lord, Ka lolowia o sul anama we vusiag kel suriko mun o tantan, wa o garagara mamasa wa o tataro. Ape Iniko, God, we lolomagarosa wa we lolomalumlum. Ko we vaesu kamam alo we tira mun [11/12] kamam si a sar mun kamam. Alo nom o lolowia Ko we nonom ape magarosa. Ka vaesu o sul anama, Lord, Ka vaesu neira, wa nipea ukeg si neira a mataqurega. Ka ronotag kamam, Lord, ape nom o mararosa we poa. Tataga nom o lolowia valenalena Ka ilo kamam; ape we sar gina mun Natuma turwia i Jesus Christ i Lord kamam, i Tinanai, i Gagapalag sar apen kamam. Amen.
Paso nan i Gagapalag ni vava wa, I LORD Ni vawia nina wa Ni kokor goro nina; i Lord Ni ate kalo nanagona we lenas ivunanina, wa Ni la o tamata munina, ilokenake wa tituani ti tuai. Amen.
LORD Jesus Christ, Ko me nomvitag napugan ragai me vavaul apena muniko alo neira me nomleas kel; Ka ilo magarosa inau i ganganor we van ma suriko ilokenake si a gaganag lue ape pugak. Ko me nomvitag Mary ta Magdala wa i Vuspal avawo wolowolo; Nipea vure inau naniko. Ko me nomvitag napugan S. Peter alo ni me tala vagatol iniko, wa me map kel neia alo tanona; Ka nomvitag inau mulan.
Lord, nau we nomtup ape Ko me ukeg o mana mun nom o Loglue si a nomvitag napugan rasei we npmleas nun wa we nomtup ran Iniko; nau we tiasiko Ka la munau nom o sogov si na vavaul tataga nom o maros, wa [12/13] Ka ge si inau te taur o nomvitag pugai; Ko we esu wa we riga goro amen o Mama wa o Vui we Rono alo matev God tuwale ti tuai ti tuai. Amen.
ALO Sase _ Mama, wa o Natui, wo o Vui we Rono. Amen.
Nau we gaganag lue mun God Turmana, wa mun i Natuna Tuwale wora Jesus Christ, wa num God o Vui we Rono, wa alo nagora vavtig tavunana, wa numiko, mama, si nau me ganganor aneane alo nonomia, wa alo vavae, wa alo gagapalag, wa napugak we poa apena. We raka sage nau we gaganag lue was (nan o qon ilone nau me vavaul ti alolona) nau me ava tamaike:
(Iake ka gaganag lue napugama nan.) Ape ganganor iloke wa ape pugak nan nau gate nomkel lai apena, wa ape ganganor nan nau gate gilala apena, nau we toga lolowono, wa nau we tias nompepewu o nomvitag pugai nan God, wa non o sogov sin a wurvag nalinak; wa naniko, mama, nau we sike o vavae vatogo wa o nomvitag ganganor. O manigiu o ine nau we tias God o Mama i Turmana, wa mun Natuna i Wotuwale Jesus Christ, wa mun God o Vui we Rono, si Ni magarosa nau, wa si iniko, mama, te tataro ape nau mun Lord God inina. Amen.
I LORD inina Jesus Christ, pa Ni me la o mana mun non o Loglue si a ul o ganganor nan ira ganganor we nomleas nun wa we nomtup ran Ineia, talo non o magarosa we lava Ni nomvitag napugama nol: wa mun o mana me ukeg ti ma munau, na we uliko nan napugama nol, alo Sase Mama, wa o Natui, wa o Vui we Rono. Amen.
GOD Tur magarosa, nau we lolowono ape nau me tames goro nom o Lea. Nau we nustup nok o ganganor nan [13/14] ape neira we tira goro nom o tapeva wa nom o lolowia. Nau we maros si na nustupura raka sage nan amoa, wa nau we tias aneane si Ka sogov ma munau si na wurvag nalinak, wa si na ukeg kel nau muniko anaisa si a gagapalag muniko. Amen.
MAMA Tur magarosa, inau we varean aneane Iniko ape alo nom o Tapeva sur inau Ko me nomvitag napugarak nan. Ko gate ge reag nok o tataro wa nom o lolomagarosa nan nau. Ko me la kel munau o lolomasekeseke tape ra natuma. Nau we tias Iniko si Ka pirin nau sin a toga peteniko anaisa. Ka pirin nau si na toga mamata goro o meregaleva nan nau wa tames goro Ko. Ka pirin nau si n ge ronoga Iniko mun o togara we wia wa l lolo maskara; mun Jesus Christ i Lord kamam. Amen.
LORD Jesus Christ, Ka vawia i rowrowvag anama qara gagapalag ilokenake munau alo Sasama. Ka pirin nau sin a lolomaran kel ape vavae ni me vava vatanau inau nia, wa si na ge tataga. Ka lin siwo avunana nom o sogov si a varagai naatana ape gagapalag muniko, wa Ka lav vasgotia anaisa ilo tur line qaraqara alo nom o Marana tavunana. Ko we maranaga amen o Mama wa o Vui we Rono, God tuwale wora ti tuai ti tuai. Amen.
That it be decided whether to reprint or revise the present P.B.; at present it seems uncertain.
That it would be very unwise to revise the P.B. until we have the proposed Revised English P.B. before us.
That this applies especially to the Office for Holy Communion.
If a reprint is decided on, that need not preclude additions, e.g., of Collects, Epistles and Gospels, and special services as an appendix.
Are the present special Collects, Epistles and Gospels authorized?
If additions are authorized, one should be Collect, Ep. and Gosp. for the Transfiguration. The American P.B. has Ep. 2 Pet. 1. 13-19, Gosp. Luke 9. 28-36; the following is a trial translation of the Collect:--
GOD, Iniko me ge nanalue vawo tauwe mun ratol me iloraka ti si a gaganag we tira apena, i Natuma tuwale wora, natarapena me sea, o gene vagis qa, alo siopa we aqaga les wa we sinasina; Ka vasoal magarosa ma mun kamam si kamam a toga wasawasa lai nan val sava tea talo marama iloke we ge kiria naapemam, wa si namomam anaisa si a sagarag i Maranaga alo matevuna tur lulum; Ineia amaiko, o Mama, wa amen o Vui we Rono, we esu wa we maranaga, God tuwale ran, o marama o ulusui tagai. Amen.
"Lord kamam" or "Lord ikamam"? the vowel seems needed for Melanesians.
[16] In a reprint or revision, at the end of prayers there should consistently be a ";" before "mun Jesus Christ i Lord kamam."
Opening Sentences. Should these be allotted to seasons? they are often used very inappropriately; should more be added?
"Kamam we logwia" should be clearly divided. ? as in the Accession Service. (N.B. Should we have a Mota Acc. Service.)
"Gagapalag nol," three divisions,--at "Marama nol" and "Ira nat Tanun."
Creed. "Inau" or "Nau." Nicene and Apostles' Creed vary. Why?
Before the preces, "I Gagapalag ni tavaraka" should be "I Priest" if we adhereto that custom.
Two Collects Matins,--"o varuei" not in parentheses, but "o vatoliu" has them.
(i.) Add rubric ordering a Sermon.
(ii.) The additional Litany Intercession needs clearer expression as to its place. ? print in italics.
(iii.) The Collect should be so headed. Also the Ep. and Gosp. in the Ord. of Priests. The divisions of the service might be made more clear by headings and marginal notes.
Ash Wednesday. Is "O qon tuwale" correct? Gen. 1. 3, is rather different. ?"O qon ape qeteg Lent; O qon o moai alo Lent." c.f. p. 279, "O Sunday o moai alo Lent."
Other sub-titles of Holy Days might be better expressed.
In "Vawaul Ganganor" "o manigiu ineia;" the ";" is wrong. "a toga wia,"--was the old "o" a misprint or true Mota idiom.
If many of the Psalms were printed in sections (notably [16/17] Ps. 107) it would be a great help to intelligent reading of them. (Kirkpatrick's Book might be used as a standard.)
If an appendix with special services in printed with the P.B., add a revised Office of Preparation for Holy Communion, (a) for use in Church, (b) for Private use.
Insert S. John's Day in the Lectionary.
Put "St." or "S." before Saints' names throughout the whole prayer book as in the English book.
Cut out redundancies from the Exhortation in Matins and Evensong.
In the suffrage--"Lord vaesu i maranaga" not "ira maranaga nan."
In the GRACE print the inclusive and not the exclusive pronoun to harmonise with the words in the N.T.
The Lord's Prayer--instead of "tama ikamam we nomvitag napugara" print "tama ikamam we nomvitag mun ragai nomam o pug avunara" as in S. Matt. and S. Luke.
In the Litany insert a prayer for the king and royal family.
Print the Commination Service.
Print the entire Psalter.
Revise the Psalm list.
Point for singing a certain number (a selection) of psalms to unify the pointing at all schools.
Revise the Holy Communion service:--
1. Revise some of the rubrical directions, i.e. Before the Blessing erase "ni tavaraka" because the Priest is already standing.
2. Cut out the prayer for the king, and insert the name of the sovereign in the Prayer for the Church Militant.
3. Omit the Ten Commandments, and insert in their place the summary of the Law, "Hear, O Israel," etc.
[18] 4. Cut out all but two or three of the Offertory sentences.
5. Change the expression, "Nipea siplag ilo nalinamum si we wia."
6. Print the Exhortations at the end of the Service instead of in the middle.
Re-write a Form of Prayer for the Visitation of the Sick, and discard the present form.
Insert a prayer for the Departed.
In the Marriage Service print the prayer for the gift of children.
Consider the advisability of printing 'i' instead of 'o' wherever it occurs before "Vui we Rono."
When the pronoun for the Divine Name forms the subject, should it not always be printed with a capital? as--Iniko, Ko, Ka, Ineia, Ni, etc.
In the Lectionary substitute "Ruruntap" for "Rararao" in the Holy Week lessons. In the Bible the book is called "O Line Raruntap," and not "Rararao."
The second morning lesson for Good Friday should be S. John 18 and not S. John 17.
Revise the Collect for Lent 2. Write "nan val malagene.nan val nonomia ganganor" to bring out the force of "ALL adversity and ALL evil thoughts."
Revise the Collect for 1 Trinity. Write "vatran" for "vatogoa" to bring the thought into harmony with the words of the Epistle.
Revise the Collect for 9 Trinity. We pray, not for the Holy Spirit, but for a spirit, a character, that thinks and acts rightly.
In reprinting the Marriage Service make a clear mark of division between the parts which a teacher may use and those which may be said by a Priest.
In the Church--
ALO Sase Mama, wa o Natui, wa o Vui we Rono, Amen.
SI kam qe tataro, te la; kam qe sike, te ilo; kam qe ninnin te waka mun kamiu.
Lord, magarosa ikamam,
Christ, magarosa ikamam.
Lord, mamarosa ikamam.MAMA avunana, Nasasama ni rono.
GOD Turama, Ko me vatavata ti si Ko te ronotag irasei qe tataro alo Sasan Natuma; Kamam we tiasiko, Ka tinqoro magarosa ikamam we tataro-tias muniko ilokenake; sogov ma mun kamam o gene nan kamam we tataro nomtup apena, tama Ko we maros; nomam o magarosa ni tagea nan kamam, wa Naroroma ni nanalue apena; mun Jesus Christ i Lord kamam. Amen.
At the Porch--
Inina tataro ape College iloke, wa ragai nol tapena.
I Lord ta tete taur o ima, neira te taur natila.
[20] LORD Jesus Turwia, Turmagarosa, kamam we tiasiko Ka vatanau, Ka vawia kamam, si nomam o nonomia wa nomam o gagapalag nol a wia lai mun o tanun anama nol talo College iloke. Ka ge si kamam nol we toga iake, a gagapalag saratuwale si a varpirin kamam wa si a ge ronoga Nasasama Turlenas. Ka nomvitag napugarasei nol, Ko me iloraka neira si neira a liwoagoro iake, wa ge si alo valval gene neira we ge, neira te gagapalag tinegaro lai si nom o Marana ni poa sage, Nasasama ni lenas ran. Ka valawar nalolora nol we ge taurmate neira iake si a gagapalag muniko anaisa, neira ronotag aperig, neira mawui ran ape sava tea me vatvatogo neira, si me vatran neira apena, tataga nom o maros; nom o Loglue we Rono ni wia apena, wa neira te taur lai o Esu Galava amaiko alo Marana ilone, Ko we esu wa we maranaga aia, amen o Mama wa o Vui we Rono, God Tuwale, ti tuai ti tuai. Amen.
At Western corner of the Verandah--
Nina tataro ape Ima Gopae a , ragai nol we gagapalag aia, ragai nol we risa aia.
"O val savasava nan kamiu we maros o tanun nan neira ge mun kamiu, tur ge momiu tamaine mun neira; ape o ike nake o Lea wa Prophet nan."
LORD, kamam we tataro muniko apen rasei nol we gagapalag muniko alo Ima Gopae a .., Ka manag nor o gagapalag nol, Ka la muneira o menaro, o lolomamagarosa, wa o ronomalumuaga. Ka ge si mun nor o togara neira a manasag lue Jesus i Vaesu.
Wa apen ra gopagopa we risa aia, Ka ge masur, Ka tuan seasea ineira ape gene nan me qalo valura; ineira toga sov alo tine gopae, wa neira rowolue wasawasa anaisa nan nor o togara mamagarosa tea. Kamam we tataro tamaike o manigiu i Jesus Christ i Vaesumam. Amen.
[21] LORD, kamam we vareaniko apen ratasimam me toa veta nan o marama iloke we sagesaru, * * * Ka nomvitag napugara nol, wa Ka lav neira, wa ikamam, ilo Esu galava; mun Jesus Christ, i Tinanai, i Tataro apen kamam. Amen.
HYMN 85, during which proceed to the Centre of the Verandah. At Centre of Verandah--
KA vasoal gamam sinaga ma, Ka ilogoro, si kamam a la malakalaka alo tur vulara.
GOD Turmana, Lord goro o Vaunana wa o Tano, kamam we esuesu, we alial kelkel, wa we togatoga alo Iniko; wa Ko we na o loa sin rowo raka avunara ganganor tara ra wia mulan, wa we ge o wena sin wena avunara taniniga tara gate taniniga. Kamam we paere muniko si Ka ate magarosa ma avunamam o sul anama, wa Ka vawia kamam mun nom o vawia tavunana; Ka ge mun kamam o tau mas, o sinaga te lul apena, si natoqamam a toqovag nom o alena nan, kamam a varean vagae Iniko alo nom o Laglue we Rono; mun Jesus Christ i Lord kamam. Amen.
GOD, Mama avunana, Ko we sogov ma si o tano ni mana, o sinaga ni lul apena, wa o sheep wa o cow nan te qoqoqo, wa o iga te qoqo nomala alo lama; Ka vawia o gagapalag nan natanopanemam mun nom o Vawia tavunana, wa Ka ge kamam a taur momam nom o alena nan, si kamam a gagapalag nia si a ge ronoga Iniko, si a pirin ira masara, wa si a ge masur natoqamam; mun Jeus Chrsti i Lord kamam. Amen.
[22] At Eastern corner--
Inina tataro ape Gagapalag iloke a Melanesia, wa raka sage amaira talo vanua
nan a ..GOD Taramana, o vanua mot nan ti nernerei..
LORD Jesus Christ, Ko we vatran ra salama we rono si a manasag o Lea we Wia mun o vol sul.
LORD Jesus Turwia, me vatavata si Ko te toga men Nom o Loglue gai ge vunvun o marama; wa Ko me tira pirin i salama we rono S. Paul, wa me varagai ti ineia alo ni me vagona ape togara masmasawora; Ka gagapalag pirin irasei nol we vagona alo we manmanasag o Lea we Wia mun o sul nan a marama; Ka sigag lue napanema o natua ni a pirin wa si a turgorora alo neira we vagona alo mateawota nan; Nasasama Ni rongoa, Ni lenas apena. Amen.
In Church--
GOD turmana, Ko me sogov ma mun kamum.
MAMA avunana..
GOD o Mama, God o Natui, God o Vai we Rono, vawia kamam ilokenake, wa anaisa, tete paso lai. Amen.
Project Canterbury