Project Canterbury


Diocese of Melanesia

Pastoral Letter

From the Bishop to his Clergy.



Printed at the Melanesian Mission Press,
Taroaniara, British Solomon Islands.



Transcribed by the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown
Bishop of Malaita, Church of the Province of Melanesia, 2006

[1] O Letter amon i Bishop munra Gagapalag anana.

December 2, 1954.


Magarosa, o masaoi tagai alo tuara Sala si na rave mun kamiu ape tuan gene nau me monog rorono wa me tataro apena. Nina nol we gilala si o tuan soesoe ima, o Loglue, alo vanua nan iloke we mageregere, wa na we sov naapek si kamiu we maros wa we maros nerei, tama inau gina, si o Loglue ta Melanesia te maremare alo we nomtup nonina i Lord Jesus Christ. Sin tamaine na we maro mok si val priest wa val deacon alo Tano-ilogoro a tataga nok o lea nan iloke.

A. Val tau te vile valval mun kamiu o book we log si o Diary. We tama mun kamiu si a rave valqon alo mawaoi nan alolona o sava kam we ge, wa ivea kam me van, wa o val gene tape line tataro kam me gagapalag. To pirin kamiu si a rave siwo o sava me gona mun kamiu si we nom varuarua apenaa wa we maros we varus i Bishop si i Archdeacon apena. Tur kokor goro o book iloke, sin toga nerei i Bishop wa i Archdeacon ape ilo lai alo rara we vaatev kamiu, wa tur mulevag alo kamiu qe nina ape Retreat nan val tau na we nom vasarig apena.

B. O Retreat nan. Na we nom vasarig ape Retreat nan alo val district,alo masaoi we wia mun ragai we ilogoro ilone. Ra ilogoro nan nake:

Eastern Solomons--Mama D. A. Rawcliffe.
Malaita--Mama P. B. Baker.
Guadalcanar--Mama R. P. Garrity tana Mama D. S. W. Hoey.
Gela--Mama Dr. C. E. Fox.
Santa Ysabel--Mama Archdeacon H. V. C. Reynolds.
New Hebrides--Mama Archdeacon A. E. Teall.

[2] Alo we gaganag mun kamiu o vula apena kamiu nol te van. We tira ran ape nonina o gagapalag i nina a aseg o masaoi ape toga rorono amen God, wa a la tamaine o sinaga vui.

Alo we vug apena te aseg o qon tuwale i nirua ape kakakae ape nonina o altag goro o sul, si kamiu a varsikesike apena amaia we ilogoro o Vugtuwale.

C. O Vasugrono. We tira mun ra Matagisgisgoro si neira me la veta o Varagai wa we tataga mora o line tataro alo Loglue, wa si neira a lolomaran mantag amoa ape gene neira a ge. Turpea iloraka gap o Matagisgisgoro arivtag o Vaugrono. Si we ilo i o reremera gate vasugrono te mate wun, o vatogo si isei tea me varagai veta, o deacon si o priest ta tagai apena, te vasugrono o reremera ilonemun o vavae iloke: "(Isei nasasana) Na we vasugrono iniko alo ase Mama wa o natui wa o Vui we Rono." Sin qe esu vava mun o priest si o deacon sin lav pata laia ilo Loglue.

D. O Bible. O tanun gagapalag we nun wa we kokomag talo Loglue o tanun we lolomaran o Bible, was te vasogo o Raverave we Rono valqon. Gate sasarita si a tinqoro o takele vavae we vasogo alo Ima we rono. Namonina si a qeteg tape nonina o Bible wa we vasogo ape togavana i Lord nina turwia wa Non o line vatogoa, tamaine nonina o tapeva suria te qeteg o tapeva we nun wa we gagapalag. We tira mun kamiu si a vatogo o sul anamiu si a vaogo o Bible. We, na we gilala wa we lolowono apena si o book o tapai ran, wa o tuan vanua apena gate leas tiqa o Vatavata we garaqa alo vavae namora. We tamaine wa, nava tuwale apena, tur ge ilo tama we lai si a vatogo o sul anamiu ape Bible, wa ape vasogoa.

E. O Varagai. Na we nonom aneane ape school varagai si we tam avea. Valsei we sike o Varagai te gilala matapulea alo vavae namona o ike nan: o Nomtup, o Tataro mon Lord, o Lea Vatran 10; wa te vatogora ape Varus Valui wa o Sacrament talo Loglue, wa si neira we lai ape valui, alo we varusira apena, tuan gene gate gona. Na we nonom i anaisa te qisan lai o book vatogoa si a pirin ra gagapalag tara vatogo. Na we nonom kam te pirin kamiu kel mun o nate book we log si "The [2/3] Faith of the Church," si kamiu qe vasogo lai, ape vavae vatogoa namomiu. Na we gilala si ra vatogo alo vutre vanua nan we vatogo veta ragai we sike o Varagai, nava we tira mun kamiu si a ilo momiu si ra varagai we lolomaran mantag o Nomtup amoa nan kamiu we takira ma sur nau. Si a ge lai tamaine, alo kamiu we vaatev tiutiu navanuamiu, tur vatogora, tur altag gorora. Alo tau nan ilokenake nataura tuanira gate sasarita mantag, wa tamaine mok o lea si nipea we tak ma isei ape Varagai si natauna gate 11 tiqa. Alo we vatogo isei te vatogoa o vula 3 si we sal ilone. Tur ilo vaglala ape me vasugronora veta. Gaganag muneira si a taur tamavea wa alo masaoi tamavea o Sacrament.

F. O Viletuwale. O gene we gona we qoqo ape Viletuwale, nava a Loglue we vava vaglala, wa nasagerana o vavae vatogoa mon i Lord. O Loglue gate ukeg o Vilewora, wa tamaine gate ukeg isei sin lag mulan alo rasoana qale eu. Ilogoro nan wa ge ava o Lea iloke talo Loglue. Si ko qe nam varuarua varus nau. Te rave siwo amen o Government val Viletuwale, wa kam te taur lai o paper apena amen o Government D.O. alo vanuamiu, si a Taroaniara.

G. O Line Vatogoa ape Lag. We tira mun nina, ra gagapalag, si a vatogo mantagira nan amoa alo neira we nonom si a lag. Anaisa si pulrua qe maros si a lag, vatogo mantag rara ape Sacrament Viletuwale. OI priest, si o deacon, te vatogo rara mun a vavae vatogoa 5 (si we sal) tamaike wa:

1. O manigiu o sava we lag (ilo alo qeteg Viletuwale alo Book Tataro).
2. O manigiu o sava o Loglue gate ukeg o Vilewora (ilo o vatavata alo Viletuwale alo Book Tataro).
3. O vavae vatogoa mon o Loglue apen rasei we gevtag rasoara, si we pakapaka, si we toga popolotag, si we lag rua.
4. O gene we tira ape mereata wa ape tavine si a ge, alo ulus Viletuwale alo Book Tataro, was a toga tuwale alo imanrara, wa we ilogoro tamavea ra natunrara.
5. We votogora ape Line Viletuwale wa o sava tea we tira si a ge.

[4] H. Mixed Marriages, was o Viletuwale amen ragai alo linai we sea. Na we vasosov kamiu si a gatogoro, si qe lai, iloke nan, ape we qeteg o vilewora wa o sipa nan o Loglue, wa raka sage si qe lag amensei alo Loglue ta Rome.

Tuan gene mulan si a nomkel. (1) Ilogoro i nataunsei qe lag me nina 16. (2) Rara nol we wasawasa nan o rasoai qale esu. (3) We lai si tagai ape viletuwale tataga o Raverave alo Book Tataro we gatogoro tuan sogoi wa lag.

I. O Ganarono. Alo tau nan iloke tuaniu we ganarono pa gate ge taurmate mantag, wa gate garagara mamasa amoa nan we lav o Ganarono. Na we vava ape bua, ape gea, wa ape smoke. Te vatogo ra nomtup si alo neira qe la o Ganarono neira a garagara mamasa, wa tamaine te ukeg o ike nan alo kule tine qon amoa.

O Bua. Na gate gatogoro mun kamiu ira Gagapalag anak o bua, pa na we vasosov ran kamiu, turpea ge soqosoqo, ape ilone te ge goro kamiu, tete ava lai, nan wa ge ura nomiu o gagapalag tama ira Manmanasag, wa ira Ilogoro o gene vagis mon God, wa tamaine te map o mala makaliu mun o ul anamiu.

Na we gategoro iloke nirua: we dami alo Week we Rono wa alo Retreat.

J. Ape we kokor o Sunday. Na gate map o lea ape kokor o Sunday, nava nina nol to nomkel si ilone o qon raka sage ape momogo God, wa ape vareania ape Tavaraka kel mon Lord inia, wa tamaine valsei me varagai a la o tinegaro si a van ape Eucharist. Valsei alo Loglue te pirin ape Tataro Matava wa apeTataro Ravrav alo Ima we rono namora. Turpea ge alo Sunday o mawmawui te ukeg lai, tama alo tuqei, si we ge o copra, we manig ape lala, si we wolwol alo ima wolwol.

Na me rave o letter iloke si a pirin kamiu alo gagapalag we tira mun kamiu, wa si a ge maur o esu vui, wa o pultuwale talo Loglue alo vanua nan iloke.

Tur poulsalamiu wa Bishop goro kamiu,


[5] Pastoral Letter from the Bishop to his Clergy.

2nd December, 1954.


I regret that there was not time for me to write you in the last Sala about a number of matters concerning which I have given prayerful consideration. We are all aware of certain weaknesses in the structure of the Church in these islands, and I am confident that it is your wish and hope as it [is] that of mine that the Church in Melanesia should be strong in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. To achieve this end it is my wish that the following instructions should be followed by every priest and deacon in the Diocese.

A. Each year you will be supplied with a book which is called a Diary. In a space provided for each day, you must enter what you have done or where you have been and give details of the Services taken by you. It will be good for you to make a note of any special difficulties or problems you want to speak about to the Bishop or Archdeacon. This book must be carefully kept and should be available to the Bishop and the Archdeacon when they visit you, and you should bring it with you when you come to the annual Retreats for which I am arranging.

B. Retreats. I am making arrangements for Retreats to be held in different Districts, each at a time convenient to the Conductor. The following are being responsible for the different Districts:

Eastern Solomons--Fr. D. A. Rawcliffe.
Malaita--Fr. P. B. Baker.
Guadalcanar--Fr. R.P. Garrity or Fr. D. S. W. Hoey.
Gela--Rev. Dr. C. E. Fox.
Santa Ysabel--Archdeacon H. V. C. Reynolds.
New Hebrides--Archdeacon A. E. Teall.

[6] When you are informed about the dates, all clergy must attend. It is most necessary for our Ministry that we should set aside a time to be quiet with God, and so receive spiritual refreshment.

At the time of the Retreat, a day or two will be set aside for general discussion on pastoral work, to enable you to discuss problems and difficulties with the Conductor.

C. Holy Baptism. Godparents should be confirmed members and practicing ones of the Church, and should receive careful instruction beforehand on their duties. No godparent should be chosen at random, this is, at the last moment. When an unbaptised child is likely to die it is the duty of the teacher or any confirmed member of the Church, if no priest or deacon is available, to baptise the child using the following words: "(Name the child) I baptise thee in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." If the child lives, the priest or deacon must be informed so the child can be received into the Church.

D. The Bible. A true and obedient member of the Church must be a Bible Christian, that is read his Bible every day. It is not sufficient just to hear the lesson in the Church. We should learn to love our Bibles and the reading of the Life and Teaching of our Blessed Lord. As we learn to know Him and His teaching so will our love for Him become real and effective. So it is your duty to teach your people to read the Bible. I well know with sorrow that there is a grave shortage of books and that there are some islands which have not even the New Testament in their own language. In spite of these difficulties you must do your best to teach your people about the Bible and how to read it.

E. Confirmation. I am very concerned about the preparation given to confirmation candidates. Every candidate should know the following in his or her own language: The Creed, the Lord's Prayer, The Ten Commandments. In addition they must receive instruction on the Catechism and the Sacraments of the Church, and be able to answer simple questions on the same. It is hoped at some later date to have [6/7] printed a book of instructions for use of the clergy and teachers. For those of you who are able to read and understand "The Faith of the Church" I would suggest that you use that book to help you to give your instruction. Although I know that much of the instruction is given by the village teachers remember that it is your responsibility to see that the candidates are properly instructed in the Faith before presenting them to me. To enable this to be done it will be necessary for you to give instruction and supervision each time you visit their villages. Of recent years many candidates have been too young and so in future I make a ruling that no candidate should be presented for Confirmation under 11 years of age. Instruction should cover a period of not less than three months. You must make sure that the candidates have been baptised. The course of instruction should include careful teaching as to HOW and WHEN to receive the Sacrament.

F. Marriage. There are many difficult problems in connection with Marriage, but the Teaching of the Church is definite and based on the teaching of our Lord. The Church does not recognise divorce and so does not allow a person to marry again while the other partner is still alive. You must be very careful not to break this law of the Church. If you are at all doubtful, the case must be referred to me.

All marriage must be registered with the Government, and you can get the necessary forms from the Government Officers on your island or from Taroaniara.

G. Instructions before Marriage. I feel that it is very necessary that we, the clergy, should give more careful teaching to those who are about to be married. In future, a couple desiring to be married should receive careful instruction on the Sacrament of Marriage. Such teaching should be given by the priest or deacon concerned and consist of at least five lessons, namely:

1. The reasons for Marriage (see first part of the Marriage Service.)
2. The reasons why the Church does not permit Divorce (see the vows in the Marriage Service).
[8] 3. The Church's teaching about those who put away husband or wife, commit adultery and fornication, and about those who have more than one husband or wife.
4. The duties of man and wife as given at the end of the Marriage Service, namely, the family life including parents' responsibilities to their children.
5. Instruction on the actual service, including manual acts.

H. Mixed Marriages. This means the marriage of a man or woman to a person of another denomination. I would urge that such marriages be discouraged as it often follows that such marriages lead to separation and the turning away from the Church. This is particularly so with regard to marriages with those belonging to the Roman Church.

There are three other points to remember: (1) Make sure that those desiring to be married are not less than sixteen years old. (2) That neither of the parties has a husband or wife living. (3) That they are not within the prohibited degrees of marriage as stated in the Prayer Book.

I. Holy Communion. Of recent years, some communicants have been careless in their preparation and observance of fasting before receiving the Sacrament. I mention the chewing of betel nut, kava drinking and smoking. The faithful must be instructed that they are about to receive the Holy Food, and the Sacrament should be received in a state of fasting, and therefore none of the above three things should be done after midnight.

Betel nut. To my clergy, while I do not prohibit you from chewing betel nut, I do strongly urge you not to do it to excess, as such of course would make you incapable of fulfilling your Ministry as faithful evangelists and stewards of the Mysteries of God, and thus set a bad example to your people.

There are two occasions on which I ban the chewing of betel nut, namely in Holy Week and during Retreats.

[9] J. Sunday Observance. While I do not make definite rules on Sunday observance, we must all remember that first and foremost it is a day of worship and of thanksgiving for the Resurrection of our Lord, and as such every communicant should make the utmost effort to be present at the Eucharist. All members of the Church should be present at both the morning and evening services held in their church. Working in gardens, making copra, the buying in stores, diving for shell, or any unnecessary work should not be done on Sunday.

I have written this letter with a desire to help you in your pastoral duties and with a view to deepening the spiritual life and unity of the Church in these islands.

Your sincere friend and Bishop,


Project Canterbury