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I wish it were possible for many of our good friends in different parts of the world to journey through Melanesia on our Mission yacht, M.V. "Southern Cross." But it is not possible. Those of us who have the privilege of so doing, and of working among the peoples of these islands of the South Seas in the building up of our Lord's Kingdom, have therefore the responsibility of telling friends, both by word of mouth and in letters, of that work. In our deputation work (often involving arduous travelling) and by our articles written for "The Log"--whether it be "The Log" published in London or that now published in Sydney (until recently in New Zealand)--we do our best to do so. The Bishop's Annual Report need therefore be but a general survey rather than an exhaustive description. It shall again be written in the form of an imaginary voyage.
We will begin our journeyings from the South. We have come up from Sydney by the inter-island boat from Sydney and call first at Norfolk Island. Our plans of remaining here for some days have gone awry, and we have only a few hours instead of days. But we land and make our way to the Vicarage, where the Rev. E. Lawton is in charge. Opposite the Vicarage is the very beautiful Patteson Memorial Chapel of Saint Barnabas, still well cared for by our people. The Bishop's House is let to the Island authorities as a Hospital. At Kingston is All Saints' Church, until recently a Government building, but now handed over to us in exchange for a small paddock. In spite of semi-blindness, Mr. Lawton regularly and thoroughly visits the whole population, and the present results of his work are most encouraging.
As I have already said elsewhere, sentimental reasons will always bind Norfolk Island to the rest of the Diocese; but I cannot but feel that the work there would be better supervised if it were attached to one of the Australian Dioceses. Moreover, owing to the slump in the Island's trade--due to the embargo placed by New Zealand on Norfolk Island bananas--we are also at the moment faced each year with providing a proportion of the Chaplain's stipend.
We then pass on to Vila, where the "Southern Cross" awaits us. I had had great hopes of real development in the work in Southern Melanesia during 1934. But owing to the very unfortunate attack of blindness of Archdeacon Godfrey, who was incapacitated for some months, the recently arrived "Patteson" did not complete all the work which normally she would have undertaken. (Mr. Milner, a layman from New Zealand, is in charge of the "Patteson.") In addition to the Archdeacon's illness, both Mr. and Mrs. Teall were on furlough during the later months of the year, as also were Sister Cavers and Miss Fagan.
We spent some four or five weeks in this part of the Diocese. There were two Ordinations--the one of three priests, and the other of three deacons--and we were also able to hold two Conferences of the local staff. At least the native clergy were present in force on each occasion, but it was not possible to have the white staff down from Vureas. I have already written of the two ordinations and given a brief summary of the matters discussed at the conferences. These latter included the methods of taking services, the visitation of the sick, suqe, kava drinking, and all-night dancing. We also discussed the division of the whole Archdeaconry into "pastoral areas." I also tried to impress upon the native clergy the importance of increasing "alena"; the advisability of establishing central village schools, and the division of teachers into two classes--fully recognised teachers and readers.
The College at Lolowai has remained closed practically the whole year pending the arrival of the Rev. V. Reynolds from New Zealand, although Archdeacon Godfrey was able to have one or two promising young teachers with him for a time for some preliminary training with a view to ordination later.
On Raga, Miss Fagan and Sister Cavers continue their excellent work among the women, with Lama-laga as their chief centre. The house at Bwatnapni has during the year been put into a better state of repair, and here these two women workers were able to make a prolonged stay, and attend to many sick people who were brought down from bush villages, hitherto hardly touched by our work. The native clergy, Judah Butu and Matthias Tarileo, continue their work here, reinforced now by Henry Tavoa and Mark Gamali, the latter a recently ordained deacon. These are all splendid men. I moved Simeon Langlangmele over to Lolowai with a view to his assisting Mr. Reynolds there, and from time to time visiting Maewo.
The Brothers are also established at Bwatnapni, and I hope that in the near future they will be able to extend their work. They have been somewhat lacking in leadership, but during 1935 Tasiu Ben (Bani) will return to take charge of their work both on Raga and Aoba. Ben is now a deacon.
[3] There has been some difficulty in Central Raga during the past two years by reason of a "prophet," who has succeeded in getting a good deal of influence, but I believe that the native clergy will be able to deal with him in a determined manner, and, I understand, already his influence is on the wane.
You will already have read in "The Log" of the big Meeting of men at Lamalaga on the matter of suqe, kava drinking, etc. There were about fifty "die hands" who refused to come into line; but I hear that the others are very glad to have a final pronouncement from the Bishop on the matter, and the younger men at all events are glad to know where they stand.
Maka, on Malaita: A Training School for Native Ordinands. On Aoba, Sister Thompson and Miss Bowden have been living at Tavolavola, where a good deal of medical and educational work has been undertaken. In addition, Sister Thompson has paid periodical visits to other centres, and has been able to do much useful work. In one or two places, however, the native women have made it quite clear that they do not want a white woman to live amongst them. This naturally gives rise to suspicions that things are happening which they know to be contrary to our teachings, and, so far as the heathen are concerned, things that they are not prepared to give up. However, the persistence of the work of these two women (together with the pastoral work of Simeon, Mackenzie Mumeg, and Wilson Rong) will, I have no doubt, do much to bring about a better state of things.
[4] The Brothers on Aoba are at work towards the western end of the island. The heathen here are of a particularly stubborn nature, and a good deal of opposition is met with from members of a "sect." In a way it is rather sad that things have not progressed more on Aoba, in view of all the work that has been put in on the island in the past.
Maewo, which has been previously under the charge of Judah Butu (a very fine native priest, but now suffering a good deal from an injured leg), is now being regularly visited by Mama Simeon. The population has dwindled to about 600. The villages are small and at long distances from one another.
Going north from Maewo, we pass into the Banks. We first call at Merelava, still under the charge of Harry Vanva. There is a population here of about 400, all of whom are baptised, and about half of whom are confirmed and regular communicants. This is a very happy island, and we cannot be too thankful for the work which Harry has done. On our several visits to the island we had with us two or three white women. These went ashore, and on each occasion were able to do a good deal of medical work. I had hoped that it might be possible to have two white women remain on the island for some weeks once or twice a year. The "Patteson" should enable us to do this, but plans have been upset this year by Archdeacon Godfrey's indisposition. Martin Marau made a stay of some days on Merelava, and received a very warm welcome from his kith and kin.
The sea was kind to us when we came to Merig, and we were able to land and see the people and "exchange" the local teacher. There are only 44 people on the island, and, as landings are often difficult, the teacher has to be left a good deal to his own resources.
From Merig we made our way to Gaua, now under the charge of Stephen Wetelwu. He was ordained priest during our visit to the South, and will he assisted very soon by Leonard, who will be returning in June of this year after a two years' course at Siota. Of the 640 people on the island, 600 are baptised, and rather less than one-third of this number confirmed. There have been real difficulties on Gaua, but I hope that under Stephen's leadership things will now make a rapid improvement.
At Motalava, Basil Tagar (a deacon) is exercising an excellent influence, and apparently has been able to keep a check on suqe and kava drinking. The folk here seem to be a very happy crowd, although the proportion of adults who have been confirmed seems to be a very small one. However, they are sending both boys and girls to Vureas and Torgil, and I think we may look for a general all-round improvement.
The situation at Mota is rather sad when one remembers the names of white workers who in the past have been associated with it. The folk seem to have little or no backbone, and several of the villages have almost reverted to heathenism. The larger villages promised [4/5] to do their best to visit these backsliders and encourage them to make a new start; and, although they would give no small boys for Vureas during our June visit (later on Archdeacon Godfrey had more success), one very promising youth who had passed through the Junior school came on to Pawa in the Solomons for further training with a view to his becoming a teacher.
Vanua-Lava is more particularly important to us, because here are to be found our two central schools. At Vureas, while the Tealls have been on leave, the Rev. E. A. and Mrs. Codd, together with the Rev. P. C. Williams, have carried on. We arranged to limit the number of boys at the school to 68--the course to be a four years' one--and the annual allotment of 17 boys is to be made proportionately among the Islands. The boys who pass through the grades at Vureas satisfactorily, and who desire to do so, will then, by permission of the Government, go on to Pawa for their senior course. Everything at Vureas was very jolly, and the whole place is being kept very spick and span. The same may be said of Torgil, where Miss Simson has been in charge. She came back to the Mission at a moment's notice to help us in the difficulty created by the resignation of Miss Hurse. She has had to assist her Miss Muir, a trained teacher from New Zealand; and at the end of the year the staff was further reinforced by the arrival of Miss Samuels, a trained nurse. Very shortly I hope to free Miss Simson to return to full time medical work in a district, which is the work which she would definitely prefer, although she has been very happy at Torgil, and has certainly helped us very considerably by being so content. There has been an increase in the number of girls at the school, and the old objection of Raga people to sending their girls here seems to be overcome. I had the privilege of dedicating the new School Chapel--a memorial to Bishop John Selwyn.
Mackenzie, who assisted at Vureas, as well as being occupied in some district work on Vanua-Lava, is now a priest, and has gone, for a time at all events, to Aoba. But the staff at Vureas have been able to put in a good deal of time on district work among the 470 who constitute the population of the island. It is rather strange to note that, whereas teachers report that the whole of the population has been baptised, only 80 have as yet been confirmed.
Ureparapara and Rowa are the two remaining islands of the Banks Group. On the former Bartholomew, a very faithful teacher, has carried on his work, and I was most anxious to admit him to Holy Orders, but owing to the closing of the College there was not much opportunity for his training. A number of lads from Ureparapara are at Vureas, and two others at Pawa.
Proceeding northwards from the Banks we come into the Torres, four small somewhat isolated islands. Adams Toweia, who had spent a year at Lolowai, having been made a Deacon, has now returned to take charge of the work here. Readers will see from the [5/6] accompanying figures that the population is now very small; but although at first many of the people seem to be very depressed, our visit stirred them up a good deal, and I believe that the faithful Adams will be able to do much to bring renewed interest into their lives. Unfortunately, I was only able to give him a small dinghy which we had been previously using on the "Southern Cross." So his journeyings will be very much limited by considerations of weather.
During the latter months of the year Mr. Cameron Buffett was in the South undertaking much repair work at the various white stations. A small dispensary has been built at Lamalaga to enable Sister Cavern to cope with the increased number of sick who visit there, and accommodation has been provided for some serious cases to remain. The building of this dispensary was made possible by the generosity of friends of Melanesia, and the grant of £200 per annum made by the British Government for medical work in the area has made it possible for us to extend our activities in what must always be work of primary importance in the Mission.
The work in the South will always be difficult. The islands are small, and very frequently big seas make travelling difficult and unpleasant, while on the islands the populations (excepting Raga and Aoba) are small and scattered. Workers there will never have the inspiration of numbers, but there is much to be thankful for in these Islands, and I do think that those who have worked here in times past can feel nothing but thankfulness for the way in which the work which they begun is being continued.
[7] ARCHDEACONRY OF THE SOLOMONS. In the Solomons, 1934 has been a year of progress--a time of consolidation and of new beginnings.
At Santa Cruz and the Reefs, although Mr. West has been on furlough for the greater part of the year, Wilson Doedoke has been in charge, and has carried on splendidly. It has been possible, with the new ship, to make several extended visits, and these have had a very heartening effect upon the people. In the Reefs the folk are keen Church people and most generous in their contributions, although these are principally in kind. They send in on every visit of the ship supplies of food to Bunana, and large numbers of baskets plaited by the women. I had proposed to leave two white women here for two or three months, but various reasons prevented me from doing so. There are still many heathen in Santa Cruz, although we have had the great joy of introducing Brothers into a large area, which hitherto has been adamant in refusing teachers. I believe that most of the heathen will soon be under instruction. It will be a great day when we can claim the whole population of the Reefs and Santa Cruz as members of the Christian Church.
Babies at the Mission Hospital, Fouabu, Solomon Islands. On Utupua the five villages have fallen into a very sad state during the period of no visitation; but with the three visits of the ship during the year, new life has come into the people, and they gave a most cordial welcome to the Brothers who have gone there to re-establish the Church until teachers are available.
[8] At Vanikoro there is a very small but keen community. At Buma (certainly this is only a small village) they were delighted when we called and anchored there. On the other side of the island, where the District Officer has his headquarters, it was good to find most of the local natives and police-boys regularly attending prayers, and real encouragement to find the District Officer himself frequently sharing in the services--an act of witness from which many white men shrink.
Tikopia was overjoyed to see the ship again--indeed we made two visits during the year. On the first occasion we brought in five youths for a short period at Tabalia with Dr. Fox; and on the second occasion brought in boys for Marovovo, three teachers for a refresher course at Siota, and several others (at the request of the Chief) with a view to seeking Government permission to make a settlement on Vanikoro or Santa Cruz. There are still heathen on Tikopia, but, with the renewed enthusiasm, I hope that they may soon be won. We owe a great deal to a teacher--Ellison--for the splendid way he held things together during three very difficult years.
We paid one short visit to Anudha, and found that the two Tikopian teachers in charge had carried on their work perfectly normally in spite of the prolonged absence of the ship. I was able to exchange the teachers, and, although the population is small, I hope that we shall be able to pay at least one regular annual visit.
San Cristoval will be the first island in the Solomon Group that we shall approach as we proceed northwards through the Diocese. During the year, the Rev. L. Oldham has replaced Mr. de Voil as Priest-in-charge. He is assisted now by two native priests (George Gilandi and Elias Sau) and one deacon (Simon Mwaerha). Thanks to the generosity of the English Committee, I was able to give the island a good whaleboat, fitted with a small engine and equipped with sails. This has been called the "Drew" in memory of one who gave many years of service on the island; and, by means of it, I hope that the work will considerably develop, particularly at the south-west end of the island. There is now a group of Brothers at work in the Star Harbour area, with Funarite as their base. On Santa Anna and Santa Catalina things are developing well; and although the latter island has hitherto been closed more or less to Mission influence, we have at last made an entry, and some boys have been sent to [8/9] Marovovo. The folk are most anxious that they should eventually have as a teacher one of their own boys, but this of course must of necessity be some time in the future. Meanwhile, one of the Brothers--a Santa Anna boy--with a companion will be sent there, and will, I hope, soon overcome the shyness of the people in receiving a teacher.
There is much still to be done on San Cristoval. Other Missions are at work, and there are difficulties. The people are not very generous in the matter of almsgiving. There are, however, some very fine Christians among them. For a time Miss W. Wilson was stationed at Maru Bay, but the experiment was not a success.
At Pamua, Mr. Freshwater is now in charge. I was able to take him to Rabaul in October, where he remained for some weeks at the Government Experimental Farm. He returned to Pamua with a big load of native vegetables, rice, etc., and is now making efforts to establish a similar farm. By this means I hope it may be possible to encourage our people from all over the Solomons to send young men who will be prepared to study the new methods of agriculture which, in the Mandated Territory, have proved to the natives their superiority over the old ways. A simple rotation of crops not only enables them to retain gardens at comparatively short distances from their villages instead of pushing further and further away into the bush, but at the same time provides natural manuring for the ground, which does much to improve native agriculture and enable folk to get full value from what is grown.
We are grateful to Mr. Ashley, the Resident Commissioner in the Solomons, for his good offices in facilitating arrangements for this farm.
The estimated population of this island is 6267, of whom 1146 are baptised adherents of the Church. Easter communicants numbered 514. The number of Church villages is returned at 36, there being 64 teachers and assistant teachers. It is apparent, therefore, that much still remains to be done.
Ugi is close at hand. It is known best to us as the site of Pawa School, but there is a native population of 247, nearly all of whom are baptised, although only 99 are communicants. All five villages have resident teachers and, thanks to Bishop Dickinson's schemes of medical and educational work, there is much new life in them.
From Ugi we pass to Ulawa with its population of 928. Until this year there remained several heathen villages, who were adamant in their refusal to have teachers. These have now given way, thanks to Martin Marau's persistent efforts, and practically all the inhabitants of Ulawa are now Christians or under instruction for Baptism. There are some 400 communicants in the ten definitely Church villages. Martin continues to do splendid work, being constantly on the move from village to village. All the Churches are kept clean; the teachers appear to be keen on their work; and the general state of the island shows what is possible under a native priest who has a real vocation [9/10] and has been well trained. Two of Martin's teachers have been for a time at Siota preparing for ordination. One will return to his home district on Guadalcanar; but the other will soon be able to give Martin good assistance, and, in the course of time, much relief from his long walks along particularly pernicious coral paths.
Sikaiana lies well over 100 miles north of Ulawa. During the past year Frank Bolland, the son of Mama Hugo Toke, has been in charge. He is a probable ordinand, but has meanwhile replaced the Brothers who previously had been on the island, but who now, in accordance with our avowed principles for the Brotherhood, have been withdrawn, seeing that the whole island is at all events nominally Christian. Readers will know of the very high opinion of the intelligence and keenness of the folk of Sikaiana held by all members of the white staff who come into contact with them. Not only are they producing fine lads for the schools--and, during the past year, girls for Bunana--but several Brothers, and now two Ta'ina (Sisters) are witness to the keenness with which these people have accepted Christianity. This is, I think, all the more surprising because of what is normally regarded to be a general trait of moral weakness in peoples of Polynesian or Micronesian origin.
The population has increased in nine years from 235 to a number just over 300, and all but five old people have now been baptised or are under instruction for Baptism.
Lord Howe--perhaps better styled by its native name, Ontong Java (seeing that there are so many Lord Howe Islands)--is another island inhabited by people of non-Melanesian stock. Some years ago another Mission made efforts to evangelise these people, but eventually withdrew. There are only about 750 people here, living on two small islands at opposite ends of a wonderful lagoon. We made our first entry in August, 1933; but during the past year we have made several short visits, and a group of Brothers has been at work on Leueneua. Later in the year we were able to send two others to Pelau, at the far end of the Lagoon. Meanwhile a number of lads are at Marovovo, where they appear now to have settled down very happily. The Brothers report great enthusiasm for "school" among all the people, and the Chief has asked for advice and direction in certain native customs which already he feels to be contrary to Christian teaching. These customs include the procession of virgins at a certain time each year, the custom of tatooing and weeping at graves (often prolonged by widows for a period of two years, to the utter neglect of their families), and long prayers to ancestors in cases of sickness. Medical care is very badly needed at Lord Howe. It is not possible at present to leave a white member of the staff there for any extended period; but on each visit of the ship one or other of the members of the nursing staff of the Mission visits and does much medical work. In due course I hope that we shall be able to claim the whole population, amounting to about 750, for the Church. [10/11] Indeed, it would almost be correct to say that the whole population are already under our influence, if not actually under instruction for Baptism.
Santa Isabel would almost naturally be our next place of call. Readers of "The Log" will know the history of the Church in this island. Its population of 4603 is entirely Christian, and considerably more than 50 per cent. are confirmed and regular communicants. There are 54 villages, each with a resident teacher, and the return of Stephen Talu and Eric Gnorko brings the number of native clergy up to six. It is here that during the past few years the Rev. R. P. Fallowes has put in such splendid work. It is a matter of very great regret both to his own people on the island and to members of the white staff that, at the end of the year, he was compelled to go south in such a state of health that makes his return to the Diocese very inadvisable. We are grateful to him for all that he has done, and wish him renewed health and vigour in whatever new work he may undertake.
Medical Work. During Mrs. Sprott's absence on furlough, Miss Stead carried on the women's work at Lichfield House, which has become a fine centre where much useful work is being done. On Mrs. Sprott's return Miss Stead had to cross to Marovovo to take charge of the medical side of the work at the school during Mrs. Warren's period of leave. We are much indebted to the Mothers' Union for the financial support of Miss Stead.
[12] Readers of "The Log" will know that during the, year the "Southern Cross" paid a visit to Kia, where there is a very fine community. In the near future I hope they will have their own priest, for hitherto they have been rather far away to receive regular sacramental administrations.
Santa Isabel continues to produce both for the Brothers and for reinforcements in the teaching staff in other parts of the Diocese a regular supply of well trained missionaries. A real problem on the island is the "conflict" between Church and Government in the matter of recognition of marriage, but I have every hope that this will be settled at no distant date.
At Lambe (or Cape Marsh, as it is often called), Wilson Muani is now in charge. There are three good Church villages here with a population of 142, all of whom are baptised and 83 of whom are communicants. Wilson is a man of real character, and will do much to strengthen Church life in this interesting group of small islands--largely covered with plantations and employing a good deal of indentured labour. The keenness of the people is evidenced by the fact that all but two of the communicants turned up to make their Christmas Communion when the "Southern Cross" visited the Group a few days after Christmas.
At the moment it is rather difficult to see how much active work can be carried on among the "immigrants" from other islands at work on the plantations; but, with the goodwill of the local residents, I hope that something may be done in this matter during the coming year.
Savo now has its own deacon, John Pita, who will, however, be proceeding to Maka shortly for a further course of training. We have five villages on the north coast of this island, with a total population of just over 400--about 50 per cent. of the total population. There have been difficulties here, but with the regular visitation undertaken by Mr. Caulton from Gela there is every prospect of renewed enthusiasm. Quite a number of boys were received at Marovovo from Savo during the year, and the people have been most liberal in their gifts of vegetables, etc., for the schools.
Gela, like Santa Isabel, is entirely "our" island. The whole population of 4400 are baptised, and the total number of communicants is 2796. There are 43 villages under the direction of five native clergy and 78 teachers. Mr. Caulton is in charge, assisted by Mrs. Caulton, who does much medical and teaching work at Halavo and in the neighbourhood. The native priests are all old men; nevertheless, they stick to their work with a fine tenacity. John Pengone, Clement Kelo, Johnson Tome are names which will be well remembered by old friends of Melanesia.
An article on the work of the Church in Gela appeared in "The Log" during the year, written by Mr. Caulton.
Southward from Gela lies Guadalcanar, a large island with a very scattered population of just over 14,000 people. During the year, I [12/13] divided the whole of the island into six "pastoral districts" under three native priests and three native deacons; while two groups of Brothers are working here--one in the Marau Sound area, and another inland from the Tasimboko coast. On this coast, thanks to the work of Robert Kakau and the splendid assistance of Miss Wench, Church life, which had become very deadish, is now being much renewed. But much remains to be done. Hugo Toke is still full of energy, although much relieved that Savo and Cape Marsh are now not included in his district. James Toganiande has carried on in a wonderful way on the weather coast, and it is a great joy to know that his area is now considerably reduced by the placing of two deacons in the Kolina and Marau areas. There has been a good deal of un-Christian propaganda along this coastline, but I am sure that the re-organisation that has taken place will cause much increased zeal among our own people. At Marau Sound there is now a small Sikaiana colony, which, I hope, will somewhat relieve the situation created on that island by the increased population.
At Marasa, Mama James has established a small central village school for boys, such as those established by Mr. Fallowes at Marana-tabu and Ben Hageria at Muana. I hope that similar schools will be established in other districts--each under a teacher specially trained to teach school subjects at the Sisters' School at Siota. By this means we shall be able to give a good general education to a largely increased number of boys, and limit the numbers proceeding to the Central Boarding Schools, where only the best (that is, those likely to become teachers or Brothers) would then be received. Some other arrangement would then also be made to deal with lads from purely heathen or backward areas.
To the south of Guadalcanar lie the two islands of Rennell and Bellona. The latter is as yet closed by Government to Mission work, although we were able to pay one visit there before this embargo was put on. We have, however, established a good deal of touch with the people of Rennell, and, although things are still in a very early stage of development, there are some good promising boys at Marovovo, and some older youths have spent a period with the Brothers at Tabalia. Two other Missions are "competing" for Rennell. I think anything in the nature of competition is to be deprecated, but it is a tragedy which is the result of Christian disunion, and at the moment must be endured.
Malaita is the last island in the Solomons with which we have to deal. It has by far the largest population of any island in the group, the figure being given in a recent report as 40,067. In S. Mala, James Uge has now the assistance of Willie Wate, a newly ordained deacon. The people here are, on the whole, keen; although in the Supeine area they seem to have lost a good deal of their former keenness. This situation, I hope, will be altered when Wate is able to visit regularly these villages. South Mala contributed the sum of [13/14] £50 last year as alms, and, in addition, there has been much Church building and renewal of schools. There are still a number of heathen villages, but a group of Brothers is now at work, and I hope that several large bush villages will shortly receive teachers. Actually, we have 20 villages in this southern part of Mala, and James estimates the number of baptised at just over 2000. There have been a number of first class recruits for the Brothers from Mwlande and Saa districts during the past two years. In Central Malaita--where the college for training ordinands is now being established at Maka under the Rev. J. Edwards, together with his school for "bush" lads--most of the work is at the moment being undertaken by Brothers. During 1935 Mr. H. Hipkin will return to direct the work in the Uuru area, where there are still memories of Mr. Hopkins. The work in this area will be facilitated by the generous gift of a launch by the Parish of St. Mary, Stafford.
The Brothers have made considerable progress on Mala during the past year, but there is a real difficulty in the matter of language, both in the Ari-Ari, Koio and Kwarai districts. We have had to face a good deal of misrepresentation in Central Mala, but I am most hopeful that real progress will be the result of the Brothers' work.
In North Mala, the Rev. A. Mason continues his splendid work, with Fiu as his base. Mrs. Mason has done much work among the women and girls in the Fiu area. Mr. Mason's district work has been somewhat reduced by the presence at Fuabu of the Rev. A. A. Butchart--who now, at the beginning of 1935, is being compelled, for reasons of health, to return home. Jack Talofuila, who much misses the presence of the Rev. H. J. Nind, who retired during the year after 33 years' invaluable service in Melanesia, still carries on in the Fouia district. Here among the artificial islands the Brothers, too, are doing good work; but there is a really urgent need for teachers for new villages--a demand which, at the moment, we are quite unable to meet. Three of the recently ordained deacons will soon be at work in North Mala, and, as a result, I hope that in time the Church will be very strong in this and other parts of the island.
The presence of the Hospital at Fuaba--recently deprived of the services of a doctor, but most competently run by the three Sisters--is a great asset in our work. I wish it were possible for more support to be forthcoming for this side of the work; and I am sure the adoption of "a bed" at the Hospital would not only be of real value to us, but would create a living interest in the work of the Church among people in parishes or individuals who would be prepared to undertake such a project.
It has been found impossible to re-open the leper work during the past year. We hope to do so during 1935--at first in a small way among out-patients. With a further income of £250 per annum for this purpose it would be possible to re-open Qaibaita. The need is urgent, for there are reputed to be at least 400 lepers on Mala alone.
[15] The work at the schools during the past year has gone on steadily. At Pawa, Bishop Dickinson has had the assistance of the Rev. W. Dickie and Mr. Lloyd Averill, and for a time also the assistance of the Rev. L. Oldham and the Rev. J. Gilbert. The school curriculum has been somewhat changed--the early morning being devoted to lessons, and later hours to garden work. The latter are now worked by "islands" instead of on a school basis, and the boys are growing their own food. This, in the course of time, will involve considerable saving in cost of maintenance. There are some 110 lads at Pawa, including a contingent from Southern Melanesia. Similarly, at Marovovo things continue to flourish. A visit here is always a tonic, and, although the numbers during the year were increased to a figure which is rather above the average we budgetted for, it has been absolutely necessary to take steps to make up some of the leeway lost by the enforced cutting down in numbers of a few years ago. Owing to sickness, Mr. Warren was compelled to proceed home on furlough rather earlier than he had hoped, but in his absence Mr. Seaton has carried on admirably.
Bunana is now in charge of Miss Safstrom, assisted by Miss Piers, Miss Wench having handed over the school on her return from leave in May after some eleven years' invaluable service. It has been possible to increase the number of girls, and there are now 50 at the school. The extra "hands" available for garden work--together with the introduction of artificial manures in the gardens--have enabled the increased demand for food to be met without additional cost to central funds.
At Hautabu, Mr. and Mrs. Isom have continued their great work with the printing press. The account of the output of the press, appended to this report, speaks for itself of this invaluable side of the Mission's activities.
I feel it hardly necessary to write much concerning "the Brothers," now under the leadership of Tasiu Charles. Although he would be the first to disown it, he is increasingly becoming the obvious "Father" of the Brothers. New developments within the Brotherhood are possible; for example, it is Dr. Fox's (I beg his pardon! Tasiu Charles) great hope that there may be groups of "teaching" Brothers in charge of District Central Village Schools. He also has great hopes of using small dramatic performances of incidents and parables from Scripture as means of teaching in both Christian and heathen areas.
At Siota, the College has continued of function under the charge of the Rev. R. E. Tempest. It was a great joy to me to ordain, on S. Thomas' Day, seven young teachers whom (with others) he has been preparing for Ordination during the past eighteen months. During the coming year he will be retiring from the Mission, after nearly eighteen years' service, and will carry with him the affectionate regard of many men both in the Banks (where he worked for some seven years) and in the Solomons.
[16] Here, too, at Siota, the Sisters of the Cross carry on their invaluable work. They are now reinforced by two Sikaiana "Ta'ina," Miss Christine Woods (a novice from Queensland), and some native "postulants." The "model" school is of very great value as a training place for village teachers: the medical work at the Sisters' dispensary is most important, and the knowledge that we have at the centre of the Diocese a group of women living under a rule which includes constant prayer for all workers throughout Melanesia makes us thankful that such a "power-house" is available to us.
During the latter part of the year Major Robinson, the General Secretary of the Mission, visited the Solomons and spent three weeks or so with me on the "Southern Cross" visiting our stations, and thereby renewing his knowledge of local conditions. His visit was a great encouragement to the members of the staff, and did much to eradicate feelings that may have existed before between some members of the staff and the Central Office.
[17] ARCHDEACONRY OF NORTHERN MELANESIA. As will be known to most of my readers, during the past year the Mandated Territory of New Guinea has been constituted as the Archdeaconry of Northern Melanesia. The Australian Board of Missions has also agreed to regard this area as part of the Diocese of Melanesia, in so far as its grants are concerned--previously a grant was made to "Old" Melanesia, and the grant for the Mandated Territory was administered from the Sydney office of A.B.M. This anomaly now ceases. Mr. de Voil is now in charge at Rabaul as Archdeacon. In the February, 1935, number of the English "Log," he has written a very comprehensive report of the situation in the North, as we found it in the October visit of the "Southern Cross" (the ship had made a previous visit in January). There is, therefore, I think, no need for me to repeat what he has so clearly written of in that article. In New Britain there are real possibilities in the Arawe and Sag-Sag districts. The Rev. H. Thompson, assisted by Mr. Wiedeman, the Rev. K. FitzGerald, and Tasiu Ini, is now in general charge of that area, and will shortly open a central school at Kumbun (modelled upon those at Marovovo and Vureas) with a view to building up a body of native teachers to occupy the villages which at present are being generally supervised by members of the white staff. When these teachers are available the white men will be released for pioneer work further inland, where, we understand from Government patrols, there is quite a large untouched native population.
A second launch given by St. Mary's, Stafford, has now replaced the old launch previously in use on this coast, and I have every hope that in the near future we shall see real developments in this area. There is a known population of some 31,000 natives at this end of New Britain, and of these we may reckon some 3000 as adherents, of whom 210 are baptised. I had the great joy of administering the Sacrament of Confirmation to eleven well prepared candidates during my October visit.
On the mainland, with his base at Wau and his work among a large white population in the goldfields, is the Rev. V. Sherwin, who will always be remembered for his pioneer work at Sag-Sag. After preliminary investigations are completed, I hope that reinforcements of staff will be available for the new work we hope to undertake among the newly discovered tribes in the interior of New Guinea. Meanwhile I fervently hope that the appeal sent out by the English Committee for new funds for this work (it must be expensive, for all transport will be by air) will be sympathetically received, and meet with much success. I hope, too, that the Church in Australia--seeing that the work in the Mandated Territory is essentially largely her responsibility--will be able to give us further assistance.
There are some big problems to face in this northern archdeaconry. In certain area some other Missions have long been established. We [17/18] have no desire to overlap or to compete. But there are areas where we can do much work, and we are very anxious to undertake it. The estimated native population of the Mandated Territory was, until recently, a figure of just over 400,000. This has now, by the recent discoveries, been increased by some 50 per cent. Are they to be won for our Lord and His Church? The answer lies with the Church in England, in Australia, and in New Zealand.
As yet, in spite of the splendid work of some individuals, we have but "scratched the ground" in the Mandated Territory.
* * * * * District Medical Work in the New Hebrides Islands. I cannot close this report without further expressing the gratitude of members of the staff to our friends who, by the gift of new ships, have so much increased our transport facilities. The "Patteson" has done good work in the South. The "Southern Cross" has done "wonders." She began her journeyings two or three days before 1933 passed. Up till the end of 1934 she has done 17,890 miles within the Diocese. Not only has she enabled me to move about quickly and comfortably over that distance and bring in and out boys and girls for school; teachers, clergy, nurses to centres of work; stores to all stations; but she has been the means of rekindling a wonderful new enthusiasm throughout the length and breadth of the Diocese. We are well served by the officers, and in Captain R. A. Williams we have a splendid commander whose sole interest is the making of the ship a real agency of efficiency to advance the work of the Mission. [18/19] "Southern Cross" is not only a bond which is increasingly strengthening the bonds which bind together the peoples of our scattered islands into a Oneness in Christ, but a constant reminder of the love and remembrance of many folk in the three great countries from which we draw our spiritual and financial support.
* * * * * During the year, the transfer of our business offices from Auckland to Sydney--a logical development in the history of the Mission--has given rise, I fear, to some heartburnings in New Zealand. Melanesia is an associated missionary diocese of the Province of New Zealand. She is more: she is the spiritual daughter of the Church in New Zealand. I am confident that as time goes on it will be a strengthening of the ties, and not a severance, that will be the mark of our relationship. No one regrets more than I that a feeling should have arisen that I have taken a step towards a severance. I speak not only for myself, but the whole staff, when I say that there is no such desire or intention. We are all very grateful for the splendid work of the Melanesian Mission Trust Board, and the now dissolved Finance Board--and indeed for all the help and encouragement and friendship of clergy and laity in New Zealand.
* * * * * I suppose no annual report is complete without some reference to the financial situation. Those in authority in England, New Zealand, and Australia know that a budget of estimated expenditure and income was prepared last November. That estimate disclosed a probable deficiency of approximately £4000. It is quite obvious that such a state of affairs cannot continue. "Cuts" have been introduced into the Melanesian Mission administration on previous occasions, and it may be necessary to do so again. It is extremely difficult to "live" down to a fixed income in such an enormous diocese, so far flung, and where there are such exceptional pressing needs and opportunities for advancement. However, I am determined that the Mission shall not get into a chaotic state of indebtedness, and, unless I have definite assurance of increased income, I shall be most reluctantly compelled to exercise "cuts." In order that you may better understand the position, I would like to tell you how at least one "cut" very seriously affected, and indeed still affects, the work of the Mission. Before my advent into the Mission, it had been necessary, on account of finance, to reduce the number of native trainees at some of the schools. It is from these schools that the Mission gets its native teachers; and without these native teachers the work cannot be maintained, and any advance is quite out of the question. As a result of that "cut" the Mission is to-day suffering from a shortage of teachers, and, in many instances, in districts recently opened up, it has been impossible to supply native teachers, and urgent demands from heathen villages have had to be refused. It is a very serious state of affairs indeed. It may be said that the Mission vessel "Southern Cross" is an [19/20] expensive item. It is! It must be remembered, however, that the vessel is the very life blood of the Mission. I am convinced that the "Southern Cross" is being run as economically as possible. With those best able to advise me, I have thoroughly investigated every possible avenue of economy, and I can see no alternative but to reduce the work unless increased income is forthcoming. It is right that you should be told these things. I shall continue to watch the situation very closely. You may rest assured that every saving that can be effected will be carried out.
* * * * * There are so many to whom I wish to express our thanks. I fear to begin to name them, lest I miss some.
To the heads of Government--to Mr. Joy, the Commissioner in the South; to Mr. F. N. Ashley, the Resident Commissioner in the Solomons, for many kindnesses, both personal and "Mission"; and to General McNicholl, the Administrator of the Mandated Territory. (The lastnamed took over during the year from General Griffiths, an Administrator of the very finest type, to whom we owe many thanks for kindly encouragement and assistance.)
To many friends in commercial undertakings, not omitting some of the traders in the islands (especially Mr. Laycock and Mr. Bignall of Santa Isabel for innumerable kindnesses to Mr. Fallowes and Mrs. Sprott); and to the airways companies of New Guinea, who most kindly convey our goldfields chaplain about his "impossible" parish free of cost.
To one and all of the Committee in England for their constant support and confidence; to members of A.B.M., and those of the New Zealand Board; to the Editors of "The Log"; to my Commissaries; and to all Associates. A warm welcome, too, to those gentlemen who have consented to act as an Advisory Committee in Sydney--C. Bellamy, Esq., Canon W. J. Cakebread, Sir George Julius, and the Rev. Dr. Micklem.
And I would add my personal thanks to members of the staff who, by their ready co-operation, make the work of the Bishop much lighter than it might otherwise be; and especially to Major Robinson for his readiness to be a "shuttlecock"--stationed in Auckland, Sydney, no matter where--if only he may serve the best interests of the Mission.
And, lastly, a word of thanks to God for the many blessings vouchsafed to us during the past year. How many times, as one goes down the coasts of the bigger islands, looking up at the thickly forest-covered covered hills and mountains, does one remember the words of the Psalmist: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help (our help)"? And then the answering: "My (our) help cometh even from the Lord, Who hath made heaven and earth."
"The hills stand about Jerusalem: even so standeth the Lord round about His people." "Thanks be to God!"
_____Five events stand out in importance among all the year's happenings. On March 29th, Maundy Thursday, there arrived at Lolowai, after many perilous trials, our long hoped for ketch, the "Patteson." June heralded the first visit of "Southern Cross VII." On St. Peter's Day, at Lolowai, Adams Towia (Torres), Mark Gamali (Raga), and Wilson Rong (a Meralavan for Aoba) were ordained deacons. On July 1st, Miss Bowden and Sister Thompson were settled at Tavolavola, Aoba, and so established the long hoped for and prayed for Women's Station for work amongst Aoban women and girls. Then on July 15th, again at Lolowai, the Revs. Stephen Wetelwu (Gaua), Basil Tagar (Motalava), and Mackenzie Mumeg (Vanua-Lava) were ordained priests.
The "Southern Cross," with the Bishop on board, left us after four crowded weeks. Alas! for us in the South, we can receive no more than one visit a year.
The "Patteson" has given us splendid service. Her first trip to the Banks was a direct run to Vureas with 26 boys for the school.
In May, five girls from Aoba and Maewo were taken to Torgil School; and a first tour was made of the Banks and Torres Islands, three weeks being spent away from Lolowai. Owing to nor'-westerly weather and consequent impossible landings, the Islands of Meralava, Merig, and Mota could not be visited. We made a return trip the first week in June, and landed successfully at those three islands, services being held on Mota. Two more scholars were also taken to Vureas.
Towards the end of August, another attempt was made to visit the Banks and Torres. On this occasion there were 17 passengers, consisting of the Banks Islands clergy, who had completed a refresher course at Lolowai, their families, and two more boys for Vureas. We made successful calls at Meralava, Gaua, Vureas, Mota, Motalava, and Ureparapara inside the crater. Rough weather made landings impossible at the outside villages on Ureparapara, and compelled us to abandon the trip to the Torres. A call was made on the way back at Vureas, from whence we had to beat a retreat to Gaua; then round to Lakona, where we were held up for four days.
The Banks and Torres were again successfully visited between September 27th and October 11th. I had no engineer, and had myself to act in that capacity. We distributed pay to the clergy and teachers, and gave supplies of wine, wafers and candles for Holy Communion, and school materials for the village schools.
[22] In addition to all the above, the "Patteson" made many trips to the stations on Aoba, Raga, and Maewo, went once down to Vila and twice over to Santo, the total mileage covered exceeding well over 2000--since her arrival.
In the Banks and Torres the seas were consistently bad, with strong tides and high winds. The vessel, being only 21 tons gross, was naturally very lively, but she proved herself to be a first-class sea boat, quite the best of her kind in the New Hebrides. The engine is most reliable (given proper care) and economical to run, with plenty of power to keep the vessel up to head seas. In favourable conditions we constantly averaged 7 1/2 knots under power alone, and up to 9 knots with sail added. We are all very proud of our staunch little craft, but wish--owing to the demands now being made upon her as a passenger carrier--that she were a little bigger!
The work is full of hope, and we have much cause for thankfulness. One was amazed at the real Church life found in the isolated places like Ureparapara, Toga and Loh, in spite of the depression due to dwindling population and lack of sacramental help over very long periods. Ureparapara has now a total population of 101, Toga numbers 64, Loh 52; Tegua is completely depopulated. Hiw numbers 105, but was dirty and depressed. A very large number of penitents was received back into Church in October, and a teacher from Loh, Robin Letahau, was placed there to try and build up again. Adams is full of enthusiasm, and, in a very small boat, pays frequent visits up to Hiw and down to Toga. The people appear to be much cheered at having their own deacon. One hopes that, if found worthy, the time will not be far distant when he can be advanced to the priesthood, so that his people may receive the regular sacraments of the Church.
I made a personal appeal to the British and French Resident Commissioners to stay the total depopulation of the Torres by at least stopping the recruiting of women and girls away from the group. They immediately responded to the appeal, and have ordered the cessation of such recruiting.
During my three visits--once on the "Southern Cross" and twice on the "Patteson"--I blessed the marriages of about one dozen couples. There are more babies in the group than there has been for many years, so there is still hope even for the Torres.
A great need is medical help. Much can be done from the "Patteson" by means of injections for yaws, and distribution of medicines for hookworm, malaria, and tinea. But it is a man's job; the. "Patteson" was not made for women, and no nurse could stand the physical strain of constant travel on her. One wonders if a young man with sufficient medical training can be found for this splendid [22/23] work, and be an instrument under God to save from extinction not only the Torres Islanders, but the people throughout the Banks also. It is not too late, but may soon be so!
On Motalava, under Basil Tagar's leadership, there is a real revival of Church life. All the Churches are in beautiful order, and services are well attended.
Mota needs a strong mission by "the Brothers" to win the people back to Christ. There are still a few faithful souls. A fine new Church has been completed at Tuge-Tap, and services are still held at Kohimarama.
Gaua and Lakona are quite waking up under Stephen's leadership. There are very few unbaptised people left; and the offertories are among the best in the Banks. The total population is down to between 600 and 700, with an average of three males to two females.
Our great needs are a sufficient staff of white priests to train teachers and clergy; to guide and encourage the native Church; to conduct refresher courses and retreats both for teachers and clergy, in order to foster spiritual growth; and, as mentioned above, an extension all through the islands of the medical work.
One of the Nursing Staff inspects the sick at a native village. [24] APPENDIX II.
_____(Contributed by Archdeacon de Voil.)
_____The Archdeaconry of Northern Melanesia--that part of the Diocese within the Mandated Territory of New Guinea--differs from the rest of Melanesia in that a large part of the work of the Church at present is among the white residents.
The southern and central parts of the Diocese have but one staple industry, the production of copra. The Government staffs are few, and are widely scattered, and the islands themselves are not on any particular trade route. Consequently there are no large industrial or governmental centres, and no large white population.
In New Guinea the situation is quite different. Besides the copra industry there are numerous smaller subsidiary industries, and within recent years gold mining on the mainland has developed at an astonishing rate. This has caused a remarkable development in air transport in the territory. Still more recently has come the opening up of areas on the mainland which have been found to have a huge native population. These factors have brought a large white population into the territory, both for the industrial undertakings and for the various Government services; and, as the islands are in the direct sea route from Australia to the East, there is also a large number of white people continually passing through the ports.
There are two large centres of white population, and various smaller ones. Rabaul is the chief port, the centre of Government, and the headquarters of the large commercial concerns. Wau, on the mainland, is the centre of the gold mining industry. At both of these centres we now have a Church and a resident priest, and at both of them there is a growing need for an assistant priest. During the coming year we are hoping to build proper accommodation for the clergy at both of these places.
Here the work is that of an established parish, as at home, but is more complicated, since the white population is continually changing as people go on leave or finish their term of service. Occasional services are taken at the smaller white centres of Kokopo, Salamaua, Lae, Bulolo, and when the staff is increased it should be possible to go further afield without disorganising the established work. At Rabaul there is an increasing number of children attending Sunday School, and plans are afoot for beautifying our already delightful Church.
[25] There are numerous white children living with their parents away from these larger centres, and we hope to be able to get in touch with them and develop some kind of "Sunday School by Post" on the lines of what has been done in Canada and in some parts of Australia.
The native work of the Diocese is at present confined to the south-west coast of New Britain, with headquarters at Arawe. A strong station under the Rev. H. Thompson is being built up, and he has been assisted by Mr. Wiedeman, Mr. Francis, and Mr. Fitzgerald. Through the help of St. Mary's, Stafford, a new launch has been purchased--to replace the one which has long been in use here, and which recently caught fire--so the work there should have a new lease of life. At Sagsag the work is under the Rev. Ini Kopuria and the other "Brothers" from the Solomons, and they seem to be doing extremely fine work and are very happy. If we can only get the Brotherhood idea and method established firmly in this territory, we shall have done a very great deal towards the evangelising of the peoples of New Guinea.
There is hope that we shall be able to commence work in virgin territory on the mainland of New Guinea. Investigations and plans are afoot, but it is futile to attempt a work which in any event is bound to be most expensive unless there is ample support available in man-power as well as money. There are various other Missions working in the territory which are long established, and have large resources of all kinds. Some of them do not always seem to use fair methods in their work, and have no hesitation in taking advantage of the weakness of another Mission body; consequently it is absolutely essential that whatever work we undertake must be on the strongest possible lines.
The New Britain work needs to be put on an even stronger foundation than it already is. We need a strong staff for the Central School at Kumbun, for on that depends our future supply of teachers. We also need more men for medical and evangelistic patrol work along the coast and in the interior. There are large areas here still untouched where we should be welcomed. Unless we have these additional men and are able to follow the natural development of the work, our situation may well become precarious in the future. As it is, working with inadequate staff, the results have been most encouraging, and very friendly reception has been the rule in nearly every place which has been visited. Mr. Wiedemann has done a large, amount of medical work, as well as being responsible for all the launch work and much direct evangelical work.
The Bishop visited all the native work in the "Southern Cross" in October, and at Kauptimeti the first group of our people were confirmed. This should mark a big step forward in the life of our infant Church, and should be a forerunner of many more confirmations in those parts.
[26] The effect of the visit of the ship is hard to overestimate. For both whites and natives a new era of Church life has begun this year, as the Diocese has come forward at last to take up her full responsibility. Up till now it has been hard to avoid the feeling that the various parts of the Church's work here have been just isolated units. Now we are beginning to find that we are members of a larger unity and fellowship.
The appointment of an archdeacon in Rabaul and the regular visits of the Bishop in the "Southern Cross" should help to develop this sense of unity, particularly if, with another priest in Rabaul, it is possible to visit the more isolated parts of the territory and show that the Church really does realise her responsibility of caring for her people wherever they are. This past year will be memorable in the annals of the Diocese, not so much for the actual work achieved in this northern part of Melanesia as for the sound foundations which have been laid for future work.
Outpatients' Day at the Mission Hospital. [27] APPENDIX III.
_____ORDINATIONS, 1934.
_____At. S. Paul's, Lolowai, on Friday, June 29th, 1934, being the Feast of S. Peter:--
To the Diaconate: Adams Towia, Wilson Rong, Mark Gamali.
At S. Paul's, Lolowai, on Sunday, July 15th, being the 7th Sunday after Trinity:--
To the Priesthood: Basil Tagar, Mackenzie Mumeg, Stephen Wetelwu.
At S. Mary's, Marovovo, on Monday, August 6th, being the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord:--
To the Diaconate: Philip Charles Williams.
At S. Mary's, Marovovo, on Saturday, September 29th, being the Feast of S. Michael and All Angels:--
To the Priesthood: William Bent Seaton, Elias Sau.
To the Diaconate: Benjamin Bani, Clare Wilson Muani, Simon Mwaeraha,
Charles William Browning Parapolo, John Pita.At S. Luke's, Siota, on Friday, December 21st, being the Feast of S. Thomas:--
To the Diaconate: Willie Au, Eric Gnokoro, Stephen Hagesi, Edward Kasute,
George Kiriau, Samuel Sasai, William Atkin Watehaaodo.Totals: Priests, 5; Deacons, 16.
_____Archdeaconry of Southern Melanesia: S. Martin, Qatvenua, Raga.
Selwyn Memorial Chapel, Torgil.Archdeaconry of the Solomons: S. Mary, Tuo, Reef Islands.
Christ Church, Nabau, Santa Cruz.
S. Michael, Rupe, Ulawa.
S. Columba, Koloie, Santa Isabel.
S. Clement, Buma, Santa Isabel.
S. Michael's and All Angels', Bagavu, Santa Isabel.
S. John Baptist, Banisokeo, Santa Isabel.
S. Matthias, Muana, Santa Isabel.
S. Mark, Rara, Gela.
S. Mary, Vuturua, Gela.
Church of the Resurrection, Lonapolo, Gela.
S. Michael, Marasa, Guadalcanar.
S. Mark, Gorabau, Guadalcanar.
S. Mark, Longu, Guadalcanar.
S. Mark, Binu, Guadalcanar.
S. Barnabas, Saa, South Mala.
S. Andrew, Noranora, Ulawa.
S. Barnabas, Nukapu, Reef Islands.Archdeaconry of Northern Melanesia: S. Michael, Kauptimeti, New Britain.
The Brothers' Chapel, Sag-Sag, New Britain.____________________ APPENDIX V.
_____The Sacrament of Confirmation was administered in ten centres in Southern Melanesia, the candidates numbering 105 males and 106 females.
In the Solomons and Santa Cruz, at 78 centres, 700 males and 694 females were confirmed.
In New Britain, 11 young men were confirmed at Kauptimeti, and at Rabaul two (white) women.
Totals: 90 Centres--816 males and 802 females.
_____(Contributed by Mr. F. Isom.)
_____The white staff was on leave in Sydney until the first week in April, so that the year under review is really only eight and a half months. The native staff carried on in our absence to a certain extent, and had the station opened up and cleaned ready for our return, after they had shut up the place for two months.
Only one large book has been printed during the year, a reprint of the Fiu Prayer and Hymn Book, 500 copies, 368 pages. About 3000 writing and exercise books have been ruled and issued. A second edition of the Brothers' Prayer and Hymn Booklet has been issued, and the 1500 copies have all been distributed. Several other small booklets have been printed, and the usual Mota Newspaper (two issues) and Calendar. A large number of books already printed have been bound up. About £100 of official and non-Mission work has been executed.
Mr. Buffett came over for a week or two and assisted in making some alterations and repairs to the house. Press buildings and houses have been painted during the year, and all roofs were painted. All the painting has been done by the Press staff, as has also all of the bookbinding, folding, collating, etc.
We have had the privilege of the Rev. R. P. Fallowes' residence with us for two months while doing the revision work of the Bugotu Prayer Book, and we have much appreciated the weekly Eucharists in our Chapel for the Press staff.
The output of the Press for 1934 was approximately £450. It is impossible to issue a full statement of the cost of the Press, owing to various payments having been made to Siota, and no record has yet reached the writer; also freight costs cannot very well be computed. In regard to work done, the past nine months have been some of the busiest the writer has ever known, and he is grateful for the loyal co-operation of the whole Press staff.
In conclusion, the writer would like to express, on behalf of his wife and himself, his cordial and grateful thanks to the Rev. M. A. Warren, the Office staff of the A.B.M., and also to the members of the Women's Auxiliary for much valuable assistance and willing help during their recent furlough.
[30] Young Melanesia. [31] Work Executed at the Melanesian Mission Press during 1934. MOTA: 150 Prayer Books, cloth bound; 148 Hymn Books (complete), cloth bound; 60 Hymn Books (complete), paper covers; 1250 Calendars, 1935, 24 pp. and cover; 1250 Newspapers, May, 48 pp. and cover; 1260 Newspapers, October, 67 pp. and cover; 60 "Ilo Rovonoa," bound limp cloth; 500 Brothers' "Inina," 5 pp., folded.
SAA: 87 Prayer and Hymn Books, bound cloth.
FIU: 550 copies Prayer and Hymn Books, 368 pp., printed and folded; 240 copies Hymn Books, 120 pp., printed and folded.
VATUVANA: 76 Prayer and Hymn Books, hound card; 50 Prayer and Hymn Books, bound cloth; 24 Gospels and Acts, bound cloth.
GELA: 360 Companions' Leaflets, 16 pp., printed; 200 Hymn Books, paper covers, bound.
BUGOTU: 500 Communicants' Manuals, bound cloth; 500 G.S.S. Booklets, 200 pp. and cover; 500 Daily Prayers in Bush Language, 16 pp. and cover; 560 Companions' Leaflets, 16 pp.
Ruled Books: 400 Note Books, 48 pp. and cover; 650 Squared Arithmetic Books, 48 pp. and cover; 630 Copy Books, 64 pp. and cover; 850 Exercise Books, 64 pp. and cover; 650 Writing Books, 64 pp. and cover; 92 4to Writing Pads, feint ruled; 15 Writing Pads, feint ruled and patent binding; 2200 8vo. Note Headings (4 kinds); 4000 4to Note Headings (5 kinds); 2350 Cards (various, 12 kinds), printed on; 285 Parcels and other Books; 800 Envelopes (3 kinds), printed on; 2375 Customs Forms, printed on; 96 Books, re-bound or repaired; 9 vols. Part Works, bound.
English: 19,200 various Official and other Forms; 100 3 pp. Leaflets; 200 Service Sheets, red and black; 250 Tulgai Club Rules, 16mo., 12 pp. and cover; 25 Chit Books, 60 l.; 1500 Chits; 1500 Brothers' Prayer Booklets, 28 pp. and cover; 2 Order Books, 360 pp., printed and feint ruled; 5 Record Books, 48 pp., feint ruled; 200 4to Circulars, blue and black; 4 Engineers' Log Books, 480 pp., printed and feint ruled.
[32] The Bishop. M.V. "Southern Cross VII."
_______________________________________________Wholly set up and printed in Australia by D. S. Ford, 44-50 Reservoir Street, Sydney.