Project Canterbury

S. Barnabas' Chapel, Norfolk Island.
(From a photograph by Rev. L. P. Robin.)







Author of "The Story of a Fellow Soldier," "An Elder Sister," "At The Lion,"
"An Outlying Hamlet," etc.








Transcribed by the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown
Bishop of Malaita, Church of the Province of Melanesia, 2007

"Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the east, even the Name of the Lord, the God of Israel, in the Isles of the Sea."--ISAIAH xxiv. 15 (R. V.)

Melanesian Mission Staff

Note on Names and Pronunciation


Chapter I. Where is Melanesia?

Chapter II. Norfolk Island and Santa Cruz

Chapter III. In Mota and Merelava

Chapter IV. "Besopè"

Chapter V. What People Said when They Heard it

Chapter VI. Five Years' Interval

Chapter VII. Two Cruzian Castaways

Chapter VIII. Everyday Life at Norfolk Island

Chapter IX. Changes and Developments

Chapter X. In Ysabel: Bera's Mourning

Chapter XI. The New Chiefs of Bugotu

Chapter XII. Soga's Mourning

Chapter XIII. Florida Chiefs and Teachers

Chapter XIV. The Village of Mango

Chapter XV. The First Vaukolu--1888

Chapter XVI. "A Centipede"

Chapter XVII. The Vaukolu of To-day--1901

Chapter XVIII. Guadalcanar and Mala

Chapter XIX. Ulawa--A First Sermon

Chapter XX. Taki

Chapter XXI. Santa Cruz

Chapter XXII. Waiting at Toga

Chapter XXIII. Mota and Motalava

Chapter XXIV. Up-To-Date--Forty Years Ago and To-day

Appendix I. Head-hunting

Appendix II. Labour Traffic

Appendix III. Political and Ecclesiastical Spheres

Appendix IV. "Footprints"

Appendix V. General Statistics of the Present Day

Map of the South Seas.


THERE is already so much printed literature about the Melanesian Mission, that it seems at first sight as if another book on the subject could not be needed; but the very plenteousness of the supply has been found to confuse and discourage the would-be reader. He does not know where to begin.

Therefore the authorities have felt there was room for a short statement of facts, which would act as an index to those who are anxious to study the subject in the existing literature; whilst it would tell the general reader who does not wish to give much time to learning about each particular Mission, what the Melanesian Church has done and is doing. It could in no way rival Mrs. Armstrong's most interesting History, which is, and will long remain, the standard authority on the subject.

It had at first been intended that the book should take the form of a continuation to "The Story of a Fellow Soldier," a small life of Bishop Patteson, written some thirty years ago by the present author, but as the scheme developed it was found necessary to tell the story from the very beginning, although years of the Founder, and of Melanesia's first Bishop, have been merely sketched in.

The author can claim to be very little beyond a compiler. The story has been largely told in the words of the Missionaries themselves, but she hopes that her love for the subject may be found to have enabled her to arrange the materials in an attractive form. It has been grievous to have to leave out so much that is of the deepest interest.

[viii] It is impossible to thank by name all who have so kindly helped her in the. work--Mrs. John Selwyn, Dr. Codrington, and the Rev. J. Still, as well as those at present on the Mission staff. She has been largely indebted to Bishop Montgomery's "Light of Melanesia" and to the Rev. C. W. Browning's papers on the Solomon Islands, in the Evangelist Monthly of 1901; whilst personal help has been given her by the last named, as well as by the Rev. H. Welchman, and, above all, by the Organizing Secretary, the Rev. L. P. Robin. Without the constant co-operation of the latter the work could not have been done, and she feels it impossible adequately to thank him for the time and trouble he has given up to it.

Such as the little venture is, it goes forth to the world with earnest hopes that it may be used for God's glory and the good of His Church in Melanesia.

Winchester, December, 1902.

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