VOL. 1          NASHOTAH HOUSE, JUNE, 1884.          NO. 7.

William Adams
From a picture taken in 1847.

Extracts From Bishop Kemper's Diary in Regard to Beginnings of Nashotah.

July 29th, 1846. The Bishop returned to Milwaukee, his temporary home, from a visitation of Indiana, "with Dr. Shelton and Rev. Mr. Hall, of Ashtabula. They have been to Nashotah and were delighted." A missionary meeting was holden; many of the clergy being present, "consulted with Akerly, Davis and Breck concerning a charter for Nashotah." Aug. 7th, Nashotah, where the Bishop remained until the 11th, part of the time being occupied in making arrangements for his future home adjoining Nashotah. 9th--Being Sunday, "service at 11; preparatory service in parlor with the Com. (an invariable custom of Mr. Breck's), also a short preparatory service in School House with Sunday School children. There are catechetical and other classes here. I lectured in the afternoon concerning missions and theological training, conversing with the students. Aug. 1st--Started at 8 for Nashotah; dinner at Prairieville; saw Mr. W. T. Ward, lately settled there; appears to be a zealous churchman. Met S. and Mr. S. Breck at my house three carpenters at work; several of the students have been very ill." This was the only sickly season there has ever been at Nashotah or its neighborhood. ''Breck absent all day on Parochial duty; expects many baptisms; sat up late with him. Mr. Adams will stay; that other clergy are not to be expected; told him my readiness to assist. 2d--Holy Communion at 6; at 7 Mr. Adams' classes began, as study was resumed yesterday. Aug. 20th--Nashotah, Sunday; full church; twenty-five confirmed; Welsh, Irish, English, American and Swede. I catechised the children and administered the Holy Eucharist, and at the second service I addressed the students on spirituality and self-control. Many of the old country people staid to dinner; some came eight miles in ox carts.

Oct. 12th, Milwaukee--Here Mr. Breck; I examined and approved of his discipline. He takes Mr. L. with him to Nashotah; they walk; he thinks he may join them and open a parish school at Nashotah. Nov. 1, Nashotah--Extract from record of 'Ministerial Acts.' 2d--6 A. M., prayers; M., blessing at-noon services; 6 P. M., prayers; 7, acted as professor of Pastoral Theology, and closed with prayers. 3d--6, morning prayers; M, blessing at noon; P.M., Evening Prayer. 4th--Morning Prayer; A. M., Litany; P.M., Evening Prayer 5th--A, M., instituted Rev. James Lloyd Breck Rector of St. Sylvanus Parish. 6th--Morning prayer, noon, evening prayer. 8th--Preparatory service with communicants."

"Diary for Nov. 5, Lovely day, Thanksgiving and Institution kept together. A good many communicants; dinner in the open air, well covered by the trees, on the brow of the lake; the congregation had brought a most bountiful supply; many from Lisbon, Waukesha, Waterville, and the surrounding neighborhood. 9th--Moved to the house." The home which remained as such during the remainder of his life. The Bishop, whenever at home during this winter, met the candidates every Thursday evening for instruction; lectured to them every Sunday evening, often after having officiated at Waterville in the morning, sometimes even at Lisbon or Waukesha. " December 24th--Sent Mr. Adams on his way to Lisbon where he is to be to-morrow. We all rode up to Church in the evening in the ox wagon. The Church was beautifully dressed and lighted up; very full; I read prayers but not the lessons; we staid to supper; very good. Breck preached lo-night; it was simple, earnest and good. 25th--I preached; in the evening all from Nasho-tah, with the Unonius's, and Mr. S. Breck's family were here." Changed the next year to Epiphany evening, but continued for twenty years after as the " Bishop's Epiphany party." January 15th, 1847.--Here Mr. Breck concerning the charter; determined to apply at once; to have no more than seven trustees, nor less than five (S. Breck, Adams, Akerly, S. Davis, and two of the Brotherhood); to call it Nashotah House. Feb. 25th--At service at Nashotah, and then attended the examination of the six; here some of the clergy. Feb. 28th--Second Sunday in Lent; prayers by Millett, lessons by Akerly, sermon by Hoyt, presentation by Adams and Breck. Admitted to deacon's orders, F. R. Haff, David Keene, I. P. T. Ingraham, George R. Bartlett and John Johnston. Administered Eucharist to fourteen clergymen and a large congregation. March 9th, Lisbon, A. M.--Lesson read by Mr. Keene; admitted to Deacon's orders, William C. Armstrong; presented by Breck; dined at Champney's, and home by dark. July 27th--Here, Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swift, of New York, and children; they had been spending the whole day at Nashotah and were delighted; Mr. Swift's family remained with us, Dr. Muhlenberg staying at the Mission. 28th--Here, Mr. Breck, Dr. Kip and friends to dinner; Dr. Muhlenberg not well enough to come; with Dr. Kip, etc., to Nashotah; long talk with Dr. Muhlenberg; has read the rules; they have a great deal of practical wisdom; all at chapel prayers. 29th--Dr. Kip preached at the Mission and spent the day there. 30th--Dr. Kip and his friends started at 10; Dr. Muhlenberg and Mr. Breck came down; Dr. M. is in favor of a charter and a close corporation; of soliciting funds for a building to be erected now in part, etc.; opposed to the twice daily repetition of 'dearly beloved'; wishes introits, etc., with the Communion."

Nov. 1st, 1847--The Parish School House was opened by a service, and a lunch partaken of and contributed by the entire neighborhood; Mr. Sorenson and Mr. Wheeler, candidates, assisted in teaching; a year or two previous a small class from the neighborhood had been taught by some members of the class ordained the previous February. Nov. 19th--After the Bishop's return from General Convention, "I walked to Nashotah; saw the improvements, houses, school house, etc. Dec- 8--Visited the parish school and new scholars to-day. 15 and 16--Occupied in attending examination of all the classes at Nashotah; on 16th, dined at Mission; preached the Matriculation sermon; heard the essays of 5; all to tea with me. 25th. Christmas--Off by daylight for Lisbon; a full congregation; there were between 30 and 40 communicants, most of them Weavers; we had many invitations to dinner, but we started at once for home, which we reached by sunset; walked to Nashotah and preached there; a very large congregation. 26th--Up at 4; started before sunrise, passed Johnson's Mills 5 miles, and then 4 miles more to Mr. Unonius' in the woods; he has a good and large log-house; after some hot coffee, he and I off in his cutter about 34 miles; sleighing pretty good, but road full of stumps; a Norwegian settlement; a Church is to be built; service at a log-house; very full, many had to stand; long hymns sung; I, in robes, U., in surplice and ruff; all the prayers with his back to the people; a litany, but no response; the Collect, Epistle and Gospel for St. Stephen's; home an hour after sunset. Epiphany, 1848--At Church where Adams preached and I ad. Eucharist; an Epiphany party to Nashotah; all here, and some clergy from Milwaukee. June 22--Attended examinations at Nashotah all day; Rev. Mr. Gear, of St. Anthony with us. 23 and 24--Examinations. 25--Admitted William Leach and Martin F. Sorenson to deacon's orders; sermon by Mr. Gear; Mr. Sorenson was to take charge of the Scandinavian parish, being himself a Dane. August 6--Dr. Shelton preached; Mr. Breck went to Waukesha for me; quite warm; had to attend funeral of a young Englishman from Hawks; I spoke at the house and rode to W.'s grounds, which occupied me 3 1/2 hours; Dr. Shelton staid with us. August 15--Attended examinations at parish school, which were exceedingly well conducted. Aug. 29--Mr. Breck considers he is about carrying out the original designs of Nashotah. Sept. 21st--Meeting of Trustees of Nashotah House, (first meeting). 24th--Nashotah, coutirmed 5 and admitted Sorenson to Priest's orders. Sept. 13--Here Breck has several new students; a family of 30; expects move; has 60 in parish school; Rev. A. D. Cole has been here, might be induced to take St. Silvanus if Markoe does not (he had offered to take the rectorship by Mr. Breck's desire); Mr. Cole advises Breck not to go east to solicit funds! 25--Attended Matriculation of students at Nashotah House; 18. Dec. 12--Returned from a long visitation of Indiana 13--At Nashotah and instruct. Here Rev. G. Jones, who has joined Nashotah as a Prof. 21st--Attended meeting of faculty and authorized Breck to buy the land for Nashotah House. Dec. 28--Attended meeting of Trustees of Nashotah." Mr. Adams' house had been built the preceding summer, part of the bouse now occupied by Dr. Kemper, in which resided Mr. Sexton, a small part of the house where Dr. Egar afterwards lived, also the Farm House, afterwards known as the Old Refectory, Mr. L. B. Seymour having taken charge of the farm and being an active member of the parish. Boys were also taken as academical scholars, boarding with Mr. Sexton, Mr. Seymour, etc., but being altogether under the authority of Mr. Breck. Thus closes the year 1848. One more number will end the Early Days of Nashotah.

The following is an answer given by Canon Bright, Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Oxford, to one asking a hint as to some general reading preparatory for the practical issues of to-day, Atheism, Latitudinariamsm, etc. His name and experience will give it great weight.

"As for works of the sort you refer to, I might mention

Cheutlieb--Modern Doubt and Church Belief, translated in Clark series. A very good hand book.

Luthardt--Fundamental Truths of Christianity; also translated, Clark series.

Bp. Ellicott--Modern Unbelief, S. P. C. K.

Mailland--Helps to Faith, S. P. C. K.

Some other publications of the Christian Evidence Society, such as Faith and Free Thoughts, or Credentials of Christ, or Strivings for the Faith, are commendable.

Wace's Bampton Lecture, in part,

Wace's Christianity and Morality are admirable works.

Flint on Theism is another good book. I don't know his Anti-Theistic theories. He is a Presbyterian divine.

I should also mention a charming little book by Professor Shairp, of St. Andrews, Culture and Religion; and there is another volume of his, called Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, which sets forth the Christian Faith, that is, in its personal relation to our Lord as the great and sufficing "moral motive power."

Shairp is an earnest representative of the spiritual as opposed to the material or mechanical theory of life. This, I think, is the first point to aim at; Does A. B. believe in himself as spiritual being, not a mere result of mechanical combinations? If he does, he is "on the road to Damascus," his own personality will suggest to him a Supreme-Personal Being as its author, and its sense of obligation will speak of a moral God. Until he thus appreciates himself, how can he appreciate the evidence for theism? When he does vitally believe in God he will (unless his mind is most inconsequential) be led to see that such a God may, in all reason, be believed to have spoken to man more clearly than through even the manifold evidence of nature or of man. And so he will, by degrees, be prepared to accept the gospel, 'my soul, my God, my Christ,' that is the process."

Church Schools and Colleges.

It is intended to render this section of The Scholiast valuable by publishing "budgets" from St. Augustine's, Canterbury, and all the theological schools in the land which are in communion with the Church. By issuing each month letters from some one of our Seminaries it will be happily practicable to get a general knowledge, and interest in all our institutions. Indeed, one can readily imagine the good resulting from a realization of our earnest wish in this matter. We anticipate kindly co-operation in our endeavor.

SEWANEE! The soft, musical name has a charm even to those who know nothing of its meaning and history, but what a depth of meaning it has to one who knows the history of the struggles of the "University of the South.'' To such an one it speaks of the "Faith once delivered to the Saints," and tells how it was spread and is upheld in our southern land. It was as far back as 1857 that Leonidas Polk, Bishop of Louisiana, propounded to the other southern Bishops a scheme for founding a Church University. There were, at that time, several prosperous colleges in the South, but none of these were wholly under Church influence. The Bishops had several meetings on the subject, and finally chose the plateau of the Sewanee Mountains, a spur of the Cumberland valley (10,000 acres of which was offered them by the government) as the best location for the proposed University. An endowment fund of about $3,000,000 was pledged, and the cornerstone of the main building was laid with great state in the fall of 1860. A description of the ceremonies on this occasion was written by a young missionary who was present, the same who is now Bishop of Florida. This was the planting of the University, but the prosperity which had favored its beginning was not to continue. The sword of war swept through the fair south-land, scourging the evil and good without distinction. Every vestige of the University was swept away--even the cornerstone, which had been hallowed by the Blessed Trinity as a sure foundation, was blown to atoms. The money which had been pledged for endowment was all lost, some of the original movers in the enterprise were killed, and all hope seemed dead. But there were some holy sons who still believed that GOD had not forsaken his people; one of these, the present Bishop of Tennessee, was particularly active in stirring up the Church to its duty. Immediately after the war Dr. Quintard was consecrated, and he resolved in this matter "to do or die," so, after an almost fruitless effort in this country he went to England, and, after the Lambeth Conference in 1867, he interested many people in the movement. The Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Tait) and many of the Bishops and nobility helped on the movement by their prayers and gifts, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge donated books for the library. Thus encouraged, the University was opened with a few students on the 18th of September, 1868. From the first, the idea of the University has been that above all things it should be Churchly, so it has never looked for or expected much patronage outside of the Church. The life of "the Man Christ JESUS" has always been the model set before her students, and religious and moral training is a definite part of her curriculum. After some sixteen years of active life, the University shows us some handsome stone buildings, a number of beautiful residences and about 200 students in her different departments. She points with pride to the men who compose her Faculty, and feels sure that not everywhere can be found such men as Dr. Elliott, Dr. DuBose, Prof. Gailor or Dr. Shoup. Among her residents she counts Bp. Green, Bp. Gregg and Bp. Quintard. This brief sketch can give but an inadequate idea of the University, but if it gives any idea, the writer will be satisfied. Let us now turn our attention to a single department of the University. In the original contemplation it was designed that a Theological Seminary should form a department in the University, but, for many years, things were in such a condition that it was rendered inexpedient; finally the way was made clear, and through the instrumentality of Bp. Quintard, GOD moved the heart of a pious lady, and she offered to build a Hall for the study of Theology, so a beautiful structure arose and was named in honor of S. Luke. At present there are some 14 students in the three classes, the course is full and thorough, comparing favorably with other Seminaries. The students are not under a strict discipline, as other members of the University are, but much is left to their own sense of right and wrong. All are obliged to attend Matins every day in S. Augustine's Chapel with the whole school, but Evensong is sung daily in S. Luke's Chapel, which is connected with the Hall. There are two early celebrations of the Blessed Sacrament each week, one on Sundays in S. Augustine's, and on Thursdays, in S. Luke's. The Vigils of Saints' days and Holy days are observed by singing Evensong at 7:30 o'clock, with a sermon. All take great interest in these services, and do as much as they can to make them cheerful and attractive. The altar in S. Luke's Chapel is especially pretty, always being vested in the color appropriate to the season, and being adorned with cross, candles and flowers. To go into a more minute description of the many attractions of Sewanee would occupy toi i much of your valuable space. It may be that at some future time I may be able to give the readers of the SCHOLIAST a short description of student life at the University of the South. The life in a "University town" must be very different training for the Priesthood to that in your quiet and secluded Nashotah, but, no doubt, both are equally calculated to effectively educate and train men for this, their "high calling in Christ JESUS."     R.

ST. AUGUSTINE'S, BENECIA.--From the San Francisco Evening Post we extract these interesting particulars:

The closing exercises of this distinguished institution of learning occupied the attention of the professors and students for a week, ending on Thursday last. Oral examinations began on Thursday, the 15th, and continued steadily for three days. On Sunday, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wingfield held special religious services in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul preaching a baccalauerate sermon and administering the Holy Ordinance of Confirmation. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were spent in written examinations upon the various studies of the term just closed. On Wednesday evening a large audience assembled in Eulexian Hall to hear the cadets declaim.


Thursday morning opened bright, beautiful and clear. Benicia was all excitement. It was commencement day at the college. At 9:30 o'clock, the final services were held in Epiphany chapel, by the President. The music and sing, ing were conducted by Professor W. A. Sieber in fine style. The Bishop made a closing address, full of tender counsel and expressive of his great satisfaction with the study and conduct of the cadets during the past year. About eleven o'clock, the Alumni, Faculty, Speaker of the day, Board of Trustees, and friends of the college formed a procession and marched to Eulexian Hall, under the escort of the corps of Cadets, in command of Major H. E. Hackett, N. G. C. On the stage were the President of the college and the Faculty; also Captain Russell, U. S. A., Ordnance Department; Rev. W. L. Githens, of San Francisco, and other gentlemen of distinction. After music by the band, the President introduced Cadet Captain Andrew J. Powell, of Oakland, Cal., who, after a very graceful salutatory address, delivered an oration on "American Institutions."

Bishop Wingfield was the next and final speaker of the day, choosing for the subject of his most able and eloquent address the class motto of this, the seventeenth year, "Vero Vel Nihil." His speech was a powerful and earnest appeal, full of most wise and earnest advice to the young men of the audience. The patient attention of the vast assembly testified to the appreciation of the words delivered with so much sincere and heartfelt conviction.


After the diplomas had been delivered to the graduates, the Bishop of Northern California, in touching language, spoke his final words, and pronounced a benediction on their bared heads, and the large audience adjourned to the spacious campus to witness the exciting competitive drill of the cadets.

--In a letter to the Bishop of the Diocese, declining the invitation to preach at Nashotah on St. Peter's Day, the Rev. Dr. Hobart says:

"Since receiving your most kind letter, the death and funeral of the Senior Warden of my parish, under circumstances that made special demand upon my time and thoughts, has prevented me from answering. But had it not been so, I would have wished to think over the possibilities of accepting your invitation, for I did not want to say no.

Yet, I must come to the conclusion that I cannot accept an offer which is in every way so gratifying, and presents the prospect of very great pleasure, and in many forms. * * *

It almost seems strange that such an opportunity should occur just when I cannot avail myself of it. To visit the scenes in which my ministry began, to strengthen some of the old links of friendship and aquaintance, possibly to render some service that would be acceptable to you and your Diocese, would be a privilege certainly not beyond my good will to enjoy, but quite beyond my merit."

Those remembering Dr. Breck's work on the Pacific, will enjoy the account of S. Augustine's. Of Dr. Adams' picture we feel proud. The cut of St. John Chrysostom's is had by the kindness of Mr. French, of Delafield. Finally, to the contributors for this copy we proffer heart-felt thanks.




J. Jameson, B. C. Lamplugh, J.H. Sellers,
S.T. Smythe, Rev. R.H. Weller, Jr.
E.S. Welles.

Monthly, during the Seminary Year.


E.S. WELLES, Editor in Chief.    J.H. SELLERS, Business Manager.


Fifty cents, in advance, for volume of eight numbers.

Single copies, five cents to subscribers; otherwise, ten cents. Special arrangements made for extra copies. Money orders or cheques to be sent on Oconomowoc, Wis. Please do not send stamps, if avoidable. Address on business, etc., Editor of the Nashotah Scholiast, Nashotah, Waukesha Co., Wisconsin.

Entered at Nashotah P. O., Wis., as second class matter. Printed by BURLESON BROS., SUSSEX, Wis.

Notice to Alumni.

We send a copy of this number of the SCHOLIAST to all of the Alumni, in the hope that they can, by their presence on St. Peter's Day, respond to the following invitation: Rev. and Dear Brother:

You are most cordially invited to attend the Services at Nashotah, on Sunday, St. Peter's Day, June 29, 1884. Please come as early in the week preceding, and remain as long after as may be agreeable to you.

Bishop of Wisconsin.

President of Nashotah House.

NASHOTAH, Wis., Ascension Day, 1884.

It is quite necessary that answers to this invitation be sent as soon as practicable, addressed to

Nashotah Mission.

WE send this copy, officially, to the Alumni of Nashotah House. That very many of them may be able to accept the invitation herein given is our earnest wish. Nothing so gladdens the heart of a mother as a sight of faraway sons, nor do the children at home enjoy any the less, the company of their older brothers. Then, too, a hearty, full response to the invitation will prove especially beneficial and gratifying at this time. Nothing should stand in the way of it. A sight of old places and faces and familiar scenes is promised you, and every old boy who enters the grounds will be" received with open arms, by faculty and students alike. ''Haec olim meminisse juvabit.''

Your comfort is assured, for the genial hosts of Shelton Hall will care for you.

This, is to all our friends, more especially the Alumni. Out of a constantly increasing list (this issue is 900), there are perhaps fifty Alumnic subscribers, while there should be at least three times that number, i. e., three-fourths of the whole body. Then, too, we should have more help in extending the circulation in parishes, where it could be readily accomplished by simply distributing papers, with a word or two of commendation. We could speak of some glorious exceptions to this too general unhelp, Mr. Brainerd, Mr. Tschiffely, Mr. Yundt, and a few others.

Now, we do hope, forthwith, to have real cooperation from all old students, as we soon enter upon our second year. For "lives there" an alumnus or old friend "with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said," what do they at Nashotah?

In answer to numerous inquiries we state that there remains a limited number of this volume up to date, which can be disposed of at usual rates. Orders will be received at the office for these as well as for extra copies of the commencement issue, which is to contain, among other things, a late picture of Bishop Kemper, likenesses of the Founders and of an early worker at Delafield, in addition to a full resume of the commencement. It has been thought that the Alumni, as a body, might wish to order a considerable number of the July issue for distribution. This suggestion seems well worth consideration.

Perhaps the greatest disappointment to our visitors is a great lack of which we wish to speak, earnestly hoping that this may catch the eye and touch the heart of some one able, and glad of an opportunity to do a good deed for old Nashotah. Our very air is full of loving traditions and memories of Bishop Kem-per and our three Doctors,--every one who comes within the spell, hears constantly about them, and yet there is nowhere in the Institution any adequate likeness of any of these men. From the wall of the dining room of Shelton Hall could hang nothing which would give to all more intense satisfaction than large oil paintings of these of whom we speak. This is no passing fancy of ours; for it is really a matter of deep regret that we have nothing of the sort.

Before our next issue the majority of the students will be scattered, As it is hardly customary to say good-bye after parting, the SCHOLIAST wishes to make its bow, and to give the sincere thanks of the Brotherhood to the members of the House for their kind support and ready sympathy.

We wish, however, to speak more especially with the members of '84, whom we will not see often hereafter. We can somewhat appreciate the feeling of the Seniors, now that the period approaches to which they have so long looked forward. The desire to leave Nashotah for their appointed work in the world is now mingled with real sadness in the thought of parting forever from professors and Mends, and scenes so endeared to them in many ways, ways of which we need not speak, why Nashotah goes deeper into the soul and life of her students, yet above and beyond even this comes the call of duty--marked out for everyone is a God-given destiny.

"The harvest is great," weary souls are yearning for guidance, the duty of '84 is before them, to make full proof of their Ministry, and in the strength of GOD may they go forth. May the day of their graduation be all that they wish. We join them in expressing our real sorrow at the enforced absence of Mr. Schubert. We trust his health will allow him to return soon to his studies, and to our midst, where he will be heartily welcome.

Though we will miss his class-mates (and miss too, the mother of one of them for whom, kind soul, we have all formed a warm attachment), yet, we wish them true joy with GOD-speed.

As the paper is printed some distance from the seminary, many articles necessarily appear in its columns of which we never see proofs. This will account for some few errata which from time to time are seen, as tendencies for tenderness in the last issue, "A Day at Nashotah House;" requires for requiris in the same copy; versatillity for versatility in a previous number. The charitable and allowable supposition when such errata are noticed, is that the copy was not in fault.

Nashotah Close and Chapel

--Bp. Brown has returned to his Diocese after a somewhat prolonged stay in the East.

--Mrs. McCarter, of Milwaukee, spent some days with Mrs. Dr. Kemper, previous to departing for a sojourn of some length in the Bast.

One of the enjoyable social events of the past month, was a " spread " given by Mr. and Mrs. Lamplugh. We were fortunate enouglj to be present and thus return our thanks.

--As we go to press our attention is called to the very touching allusion made to the recent death of the Rev. N. R. High, '59, in the Convention address of the Bishop of Ohio.

--Mrs. Wilson, daughter of Mrs. S. R. Kemper, is spending the summer with her parents at Cedarly. Mr. Wilson does business in Milwaukee, coming out for a day occasionally.

--Mr. B. C. Lamplugh, of the Junior Class, has been receiving a visit from his mother and sister, Mrs. D. C. Mayne. The daughter of the latter was baptised in the Chapel on Whitsun eve.

--The SCHOLIAST wishes to extend congratulations to two members of the House whose birthdays have been within the last few days, the Rev. Professor Riley and Mr. Joseph Jameson of the Junior class

--The Rev. H. B. and Mrs. St. George, of Milwaukee, gave us all the great pleasure of a visit of some days during the fourth week of April. Of Mr. St. George's preaching, one of our Professors speaks in very high terms: 'His is a model of paternal and pastoral eloquence."

The Venerable Arch Deacon Kirkby, D. D., will preach on St. Peter's Day, in Nashotah Chapel, at close of the term. All will be glad of the opportunity to hear and see this experienced and interesting Missionary.

--We are more than glad to welcome back to his practice at Delafield, Dr. Sperry, who has been viewing the "Great West" for some months. His conclusion is, that, " be it ever so humble, there is no place like home."

--Dr. Pfaff has returned to Indianapolis to take a lucrative practice. We were sorry to see him go, for he has made hosts of friends during his short stay among us May every success attend him in his new field of labor.

--"Oconomowoc Seminary. Miss Jones' 25th Anniversary." The commencement day will be June 20, 1884. " Morning Prayer in Zion Church at 8:30 A. M. Graduating exercises at Mann's Hall at 10:30 A. M. Reception and Luncheon at the Seminary at 1.00 P. M.

--''The fourteenth annual report of the St. Mark's Workingmen's Club and Institute," of Philadelphia, has reached us. The Club is so well known that no description of it is needed. The report shows unflagging interest and regular advance. GOD grant it a long life of usefulness.

--The Rev. B. F. Cooley of Gethsemane Church, Fargo, D. T., who paid us a visit a short time since, writes: "I find matters in good rendition on my arrival home. My service was very enjoyable on Sunday last, and the music judged to be very fine--ten men, sixteen boys and a good congregation."

--In a rather recent note from Miss Mary Cole, headed Baltimore, she writes:

"I am glad to hear good news from Nashotah, and only wish we were there to breathe a little of the delightful air, it is so very warm here. Mother and I have had a pleasant trip, enjoying Richmond and Washington very much."

--Mr. Robertson James of Milwaukee, a brother of Henry James, the author, visited the Hall some days ago. A recent visit to his studio, in Delafield, was full of interest. Besides employing himself with painting some beautiful scenes about his summer home, he is also a pleasant and very acceptable addition to society.

--On the evening of St. Peter's Day, Prayer will be said in S. John Chrysostom's, Delafield. This exquisite church will be decorated especially for the occasion. The Bishop and all vis iting clergy are expected to be present at the service. The congregations of Waukesha, Oconomowoc, Sussex, Pine Lake, etc., will be invited to take part in the ceremonies.

--Dr. Wiley of Fond Du Lac. and Geo. W. Lamb of Milwaukee, spent Trinity Sunday at the Seminary. With the visitors, we enjoyed a repast at Mr. Stanley's room the preceding evening.

Mr. Riley received a unanimous call to Zion Church, Freeport, Ill., a few days ago, which, of course, he could not accept.

--Our Curator has just added to the west front of Shelton Hall a neat floor, with a large comforting awning. To be trite, this "supplies a need long-felt." Reference to the Hall, in last issue, will show what a great improvement in its appearance (as who can doubt it would be in all other ways?) would be made by building the porch on the excellent plan kindly drawn by Mr. Thomas, last summer.

--Lack of space has occasioned, in a number of instances, the omission of personal, as well as other items. Perhaps, then, it is not too late even now, to reach into the basket and bring to light things which should never have gone there. We enjoyed visits from Mrs. Plant, Tipton, Mo., and Mrs. Delano, of Kenosha, early in the term. The repetition of the visit, in either or both cases, would be more than welcome.

--St. John's Hall, Delafield, is daily developing new marks of strength and reality. In our next we hope to give our readers some account of this school, its past work, and workers. Suffice to say that, at a recent vestry meeting, the school property was leased to Mr. S. T. Smythe. The Hall will be formally opened by the Bishop of the Diocese and the Rev. Professor Adams, Sept. 11th, 1884. Mr. Smythe, Head Master, will issue a circular in a few days.

--The many friends among our subscribers of the rector of Church of the Advent, Boston, will be glad to have reprinted the following from the "Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror" of 31st ult. "Father Grafton speaks wholly without notes and with great force. He seems full of a divine message and speaks with power. * * He always reminds his hearers a little of the best French preachers. His style is more or less tinged by his familiarity with Lacordaire and Brydaine, and with the older great preachers. But on Wednesday night he rose, as a competent critic assures us, above any merely modern preaching."

--The Sunday School of S. John Chrysostom's enjoyed a grand pic-nic on Nashotah grounds Thursday, the 5th. The luncheon and romps, followed in due time by the procession and bright chapel service, rendered the day one to never be forgotten by many of the happy children. Those in charge are to be congratulated on the happy way in which everything went along. The pleasantest feature of all, though, to our mind, was the visit of the school in a body to Mrs. Dr. Adams.

That the 11th, when Holy Innocents' and St. Mary's do likewise, may be as pleasant, is our wish.

Commemoration Day at Kemper Hall.

Dr. Kemper and his sister spent the anniversary of their father's death at Kemper Hall, where Mrs. Adams remained some days on a visit.

It was truly touching to hear Dr. Adams, in Morning Prayer in Nashotah Chapel, say the special collect, and many of our hearts were joined with him and his in thanking GOD for the good deeds and example of our first missionary bishop.

The number at Kemper Hall, for the day, was large; among them the Bishop of the Diocese and visitors from Milwaukee, Chicago and (which was especially gratifying) from Kenosha itself. The appreciation the townspeople now have of the school may be seen in the fact that between twenty and thirty day pupils are in attendance.

An elegant luncheon was furnished by the sisters in the dining room, while the young ladies of the senior class served. Evensong soon followed, always a delightful office at the Hall. It was choral. The anniversary sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Vibbert, of St. James' Church, Chicago. It was thoroughly good and in keeping with the occasion, its purpose being to show that Christ alone is the Foundation of the Christian Life. After this service came the reception in the parlor, followed by a ramble about the grounds, to which pleasurable pastime, however, a shower put an end.

All were more than delighted by the manifestations on every hand of real work done by the Sisters. We speak advisedly in saying, to the minds of many competent judges there is no better school in the whole North-West. Yet, when one stops to think, how could it be otherwise? For how and why do the Sisters work?

One of the Chicago clergy expressed himself as only disappointed in not meeting more of the Wisconsin brethren on such an occasion. Might not a great deal be gained in unnumbered ways if the professors in the institutions and the clergy, of the diocese should make a point of being present at the various commencement and special exercises, even at the expense of losing a day or two. In this way they could give themselves mutual help and real enjoyment, as well as confer a benefit and pleasure on the students with whom they might come in contact.

At this time it is well for the old friends who are reading his diary in the pages of the SCHOLIAST to remember that it was after much prayer and consultation as to what would be the truest and most lasting monument to him, that Kemper Hall was undertaken.

Founded by the "angelic" Armitage as the memorial of all his children in the faith to the ''apostolic" Kemper, GOD grant it the life, nnd influence and friends it richly deserves.

In the next issue the Diary will give an account of the call and arrival of our present President, to take the office he has filled so well for so many years. We know that all will enjoy having his likeness. With the picture of Dr. Hobart we will print an extract from Dr. Gray's letter respecting his old friend.

Azel Dow Cole
From a picture taken in 1856.

A Plan for the Weekly Catechising.

The following order for Sunday School or Catechising, has been found useful by the author, and to remedy or avoid certain defects in the customary system:

1. Let the school be opened without prayer, singing, or other devotion. Let the rector or superintendent then give out the lesson for the day, which should be five or six sharp, pointed questions on some important truth of the Catholic Faith. This lesson is to be learned in the school and not at home. The books containing the questions are not to be taken home by the scholars. They will be distributed at the opening of the school, and collected by the secretary immediately the questions have been committed to memory by the pupils. This only ought to consume about twenty minutes. Experience proves that children will not learn their Sunday lesson at home. This method does not require them to do so, and consequently obviates this evil. We hear a great deal about incompetent Sunday School teachers. This plan only demands of a teacher punctuality and an ability to read. They are not expected to explain the lesson. This is not their business. They are only asked to teach children the answers to certain questions. The book used by the writer is Trinity Catechism, the best suited for this plan of any he has met with. The questions and answers are simple and to the point. The Leaflets, so generally used, are not suitable for the purpose. They are too long, and bring in many things not necessary to the ''soul's health" of any child of GOD. Time is too short to be spent in teaching children about the snakes, bays, rivers, seas, and what-not of the Bible. The main things are the Creed, Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments, The Church, The Ministry, The Sacraments, Worship and Christian Living. These five or six questions are intended for the whole school except the infant class. They are taught to say the Creed, Lord's Prayer, Gloria Patri, Ten Commandments, and other things suitable to their years.

2. At the close of the lesson, the secretary collects catechisms, distributes papers, exchanges library books, and does such other work as is necessary. The secretary and his assistant keep the entire record of the school--which scholars and teachers are absent, the books given out and the offertory received. The teachers have nothing to do with this part of the work.

3. Next comes the service and catechising. If the catechumens are in a Sunday School room, they should be brought into the Church. If the parish have a boy-choir, they should vest and take their places in the chancel. The rector will, of course, wear his cassock, surplice and stole. The children, choir and rector can, if preferred, enter the Church in solemn procession, with cross and banners. When all are ready the service will begin.' It can be taken from the Prayer Book, or from other sources. In all cases let it be brief, lively and musical. A great trouble with most such services is their extreme length. This should, by all means, be avoided. At the conclusion of the service and a hymn, the rector will be in the catechising. The ground work of this will be the five or six questions before mentioned. These the children have already learned, and are therefore prepared to be intelligently instructed. The rector should have the children, en masse, repeat over and over again, the answers to the questions. He should explain these answers, and have the explanation repeated until thoroughly learned. He should illustrate them by simile and anecdote, and endeavor to make "the catechising" as bright and interesting as possible.

4. After a hymn, offertory and closing collects, the children quietly leave the Church as after any other service, but in case of a procession, they, with the choir and rector, march into the school room and are there dismissed. It may be noticed that the writer has not mentioned a Bible class. Such a class is no part of the priest's weekly catechising. It can be held at any time and in any place. The writer's experience is, that when the fundamentals are faithfully taught, the Bible will take care of itself. A desultory study of the Scriptures is of little consequence. A Bible class which ignores the Church, Ministry and Sacraments, can only be said to be better than nothing. A few words as to the time. It is quite general to have Catechism immediately after morning service. This is a mistake. It is only done for convenience, a motive which should never enter into the consideration of a true Priest. Between two or three o'clock is the better time. Children like to have some place to go of a Sunday. Oftentimes the day is long to them. The three o'clock Catechism breaks the afternoon, gives them somewhere to go, and keeps many of them from the streets and perhaps worse places.

Kalamazoo, May 12, 1884.



'47. The Rev. G. R. Bartlett always assists at the Cathedral services when in Fond du Lac.

'51. We hope to see the day when some, at least, of the reminiscences and items of early Nashotah, arranged so carefully by the late Dr. Schetky, may be made public. He was very painstaking in these matters, as was seen in "Dr. Breck's Life." In looking over one of his interesting "bundles" the other day, we came across an " Office of Devotion of the Fraternity living at Nashotah Lakes." Dr. Breck's name was written on the cover, and it was evidently he who had copied out the whole office. The copy, though well preserved, bears the marks of age; it is surely a treasure.

'52. Bp. Thompson performed the marriage ceremony of a daughter of his friends Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, at the Cathedral, Milwaukee, June 10th.

'53. Bp. Brown procured while East the $1,300 which was promised some years ago, for the new Hobart Church for the Oneidas. The contract has been let, and thus Mr. Goodnough keeps up his good name among them.

'53. Rev. Th. Green, Rector Emeritus of St. John's Church, Wausau, has been (and we think still is) doing work at Mosinee, Wis.

'58. Rev. De Lancey G. Rice is at present assisting the Rector, Dr. Henshaw of All Saints' Memorial Church, Providence.

'61. The good people of Marinette are just completing a rectory for the Rev. Wm. Dafter, who has been living at Oconto, and doing work at these two places and at Peshtigo.

'62. At his recent visitation to Sheboygan, Bp. Brown confirmed seventeen, nine of whom were men. Mr. Blow, the rector, is now East. His friends will be pleased to know that his health is much improved.

'65. Rev. Geo. Vernor is doing remarkably well at Appleton, Diocese of Fond du Lac. The site for the new church is good.

'65. Rev. W. C. Pope maintains his usual conscientious work at Church of Good Shepherd, St. Paul.

'56. Rev. C. C. Tate, Trinity Church, Niles, delivered an address at a recent convocation in Indiana, of which the diocesan paper spoke in high terms.

'67. Rev. T. D. Pitts is now Missionary at Orange Lake, Fla.

'68. We have not had our letter from the Rev. Geo. Wallace, but The Anglican Church Chronicle, Hawaii, of which interesting paper he is one of the editors, says: "We have received with great pleasure the Nashotah Scholiast. * We wish our new contemporary success, and also the realization of its hopes of enlargement." From The Chronicle we also find that Mrs. Wallace has charge of an Academic School for girls. Our prayer is that she may meet, in this undertaking, with the success a daughter of Dr. Cole deserves.

'66. We occasionally see the parish paper of Christ Church, Dayton, and it only goes to confirm what comes from other sources that the Rev. J. T. Webster is a true laborer in the Vineyard.

'70. Rev. John Blyman expects to live at Madison, Fla, henceforth, where he has St. Mary's Church, in addition to Christ Church, Monticello. Mr. F. K. Adams, now at Madison, speaks highly of him.

'71. Rev. R. B. Wolsely has just completed a church building at De Land, Fla.

'72. The article of Rev. B. A. Brown in this issue will undoubtedly be read with much interest. It seems to us as a timely word on an all-important subject.

'73. Before us is a large poster which will explain itself. It reads: "Japan and the Japanese, a beautifully illustrated Lecture, instructive and amusing, by the Rev. W. B. Cooper, for many years Missionary to Japan, in Cooper Union Hall, on the evening of Thursday, April 17, at 8 o'clock."

'73. Rev. Geo. S. Todd recently showed us through St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, of which he is chaplain. The new building is characteristic of the city in all ways but one: it is very large and imposing, expensively, even elaborately fitted up, adapted to every disease and hurt flesh is heir to; but owing to the extra paper and plaster, and to hollow tiling in the walls, the hospital will always be quiet.

'73. Rev. E. K. Sweetland has taken a number of Celebrations in the Chapel lately. His gardening seems to agree thoroughly with his health. His family proves one of the surest factors of our Chapel congregation.

'73. Mrs. Ward continues to write encouraging news of her husband, GOD grant that our prayers for him may be answered.

'74. Rev. J. R. Bicknell, now of Jeffersonville, Indiana, has declined a call to the charge of St Andrews' Chapel, Jacksonville, Fla.

'77. The Evening Bulletin had an interesting record of the laying of the St. Mary's Orphanage corner stones, of which we spoke as about to take place, in our last issue. The account concludes:

"Congratulations and social interchanges followed, and the company gradually departed, feeling that the afternoon's exercises had indeed marked a most important epoch in the history of the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island, as witnessing an official sanction upon the first enterprise of its kind within the history of the diocese, if not of New England as well, and for results thus far, too much cannot be said in praise of the persistent zeal and labors of the Priest of St. Mary's Church, East Providence," Rev. D. I. Odell.

'79. From the Church Eclectic for June we quote:

"The NASHOTAH SCHOLIAST has a fine account of Buddhism in Japan, by the Rev. J. McKim, one of the missionaries, and a son-in-law of Dr. Cole. Nashotah has builded for the Church throughout all the world."

'80. Rev. W. H. Milnes is missionary in charge of Sumter Co., Fla.

'80. It is expected that the Rev. S. W. Moran will be assisted in his work at St. John's, Newport, this summer by the Rev. J. E. Wilkinson, '81, who is, at present, studying at Harvard.

'80. Rev. C. T. Susan is doing real work at Portage, Wis., whither he has recently gone.

'81. Rev. G. Thorpe is spending the last weeks of his vacation in Michigan. The SCHOLIAST hopes his health will be entirely renewed by this much needed rest.

'83. St. Paul's Church, Hudson, of which Rev. J. Slidell is Missionary, is said to be one of the most churchly and beautiful edifices in the La Crosse Convocation. It is cruciform, built after plans by Wentworth, of Boston, with sittings for between two and three hundred; a spacious, well arranged Chancel, the windows of cathedral glass, with the exception of the Chancel window, which is a triplet, the gift of the Sunday School children, a memorial to Bp. Kemper, containing in the central lancet a full length figure of St. Paul, and being in all respects one of the most beautiful windows in the diocese. On the occasion of the Dedication Service, the morning of Trinity Sunday, Prayers were read by the Rector, and by the Rev. A. B. Peabody,' 55, the veteran Missionary of the St. Croix Valley. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Fayette Durlin, of Grace Church, Madison, who was at one time Missionary at Hudson, and who accompanied Bp. Kemper on one of his earliest visitations to the Western portion of the diocese. The Holy Communion was administered by the Bishop. After Evening Prayer, at 5 o'clock, a sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Gilbert, of Christ Church, St. Paul. The gift of flowers, for decorating the Church, was very generous, and the arrangement very tasteful. The church lot is large, affording ample room for a Rectory and School-house, and the work of the Rev. Mr. Slidell is very encouraging.

'84. Rev. J. B. Williams took duties at Oshkosh, Wis., on Whitsun Day. He will probably go to Greenburg, Diocese of Pittsburgh upon Graduation.

The Late Presiding Bishop

An Episcopate extending over fifty-two years, and a ministerial service of sixty-seven years was ended, when on the last day of May the venerable BENJAMIN BOSWORTH SMITH entered into rest. The active ministry of this revered Prelate embraces the years of the vigorous life of the American Church, dating from the glorious Episcopate of Bishop Hobart. He had seen and largely shared in the growth and extension of the Church. When his Episcopate began, the lakes and forests about Nashotah were the homes and haunts of the Redman. In the vigor of his life he visited Nashotah, and to his last days he cherished pleasant memories and a warm interest in this school, of whose whole history and growth he was an eye witness and helpful friend. Honored by the Church at home and abroad, revered and loved through the extent of our land, he rests from his labors and many good works do follow him.

St. John Chrysostom's, Delafield

Book Notices and Reviews.


Many reviews have already been written of this remarkable "Life." At so late a moment as this, since its publication, we can hardly be expected to say anything new, and we despair of saying anything worthy of its illustrious subject. Bishop Whittingham was, in a sense, one of our founders; that is to say, it was under his teaching and inspiration that the plans for the foundation of Nashotah House were conceived. By his counsel the project was matured, only after a prolonged period of prayer. He welcomed the first intimation of the project with the words, "For this, God's Holy Name be praised." He lived to see Nashotah House grow until its sons were to be found in America, in Europe, and in the Isles of the sea. One of its founders he carried with him to Bonn as his Chaplain and Theologian; one he lived to see almost elevated to the rank of the Saints; one has survived him, full of learning, full of experience, full of honors, toiling still on the spot to which he came when he was in the freshness and brightness of his early manhood. We feel, then, in a sense, that Bishop Whittingham belongs to us of Nashotah, and we lay upon his grave, therefore, this tribute of homage to his name and memory. We confine ourselves, however, to remarks upon his character rather than upon his career. It would be interesting, were there space and opportunity, to follow him through his remarkable boyhood, moulded by a most remarkable mother; through his equally remarkable seminary life; through his pastorate at Orange, and at St. Luke's, New York; through his journeys abroad; through his most memorable and influential career as a professor in the General Seminary; through his difficult diocesan administration; through his relations with great ecclesiastical personages and events; through the incidents of his fortunate and happy mission to the Old Catholics at Bonn; but all this is forbidden us by the limitations which must be placed upon this article. We may say, in one word, however, that his life was a wonderful phenomenon of acquirement, of talent, of influence, of toil and vicissitude. He never seems to have had a childhood. As Emerson says of Carlyle. "He was a man from his youth." He had a great heart, warm affections, very great sensibility, but all these were overshadowed and dominated by his extraordinary mentality. He began his life, one might say, with Latin and Greek; he went on to the acquirement of Hebrew, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Maltese (in some slight degree), Welsh, and, in the last two years of his life (through what we have heard called in him a sort of "improbus labor,") Coptic, with which last he is said to have occupied himself on his death-bed. This represents but one department of his learning, but one leaf of the book of his life--Ab uno disce omnes. His toil in every direction was marvellous: his accuracy as to facts always to be counted on; his conscientiousness in research extreme. [He, on one occasion, told the writer of this article that he had gone over the whole question of lay baptism eighteen times.] In everything that respects scholarship and learning the Bishop was pre-eminent, and yet, in his case, as in so many others, the paradox was strikingly illustrated, that a man's strong point is always his weak one. Bishop Whittingham was so much a man of books that he was through all his life characterized by what Dr. Mahan kindly but accurately described as a "bookish way of looking at practical matters." He was apt to see a given theory with the clearness of a legist's apprehension, and through thick and thin he called upon men to see only what was "nominated in the bond." The charm of that way of looking at things is great; it simplicity is most attractive, but it presupposes an all-embracing prescience in certain varieties of law; it seems to take for granted immutable circumstances, and assumes that the multitude possess minds of the legal cast, instead of the kinds of hearts and heads that the people, as a matter of fact, are generally endowed with. But the Bishop's one weakness lay in his ''bookishness."

As for the rest, we behold nothing but the man, the scholar, and the prelate, ''sans peur et sans reproche." He was a true knight and a true Saint in the antique sense of both terms. Chivalrousness was an instinct of his nature; meannesses and smallnesses of any kind were impossible to him; conscious unfairness he was incapable of; meddlesomeness he abhorred, as every true gentleman does; truth, adherence to fact, in the pure white light of absolute veracity, was to him like the breath of his nostrils. He was brave to martyrdom, as was illustrated when he sacrificed the peace and happiness of a long term of his life to his views of political duty. He had indeed a knightly soul through and through. And he was a Saint as well; we nowadays use this word very loosely, applying it often to many sweetly and often indolently good people, but the old Saints were always heroes in their way, positive, clearly-cut virtues united to deep humility, to all sorts of self-denials and self-crucifixions, made up the metal of the old sanctity.

Bp. Whittingham had all these in his makeup. His virtue was not a mere absence of evil, it was positive attainment in the life of the spirit. His life was temperate, abstemious and lowly; [some instances of this last trait are handed about among those who knew the Bishop best, which are too marked for our common place age to comprehend, were they detailed.] His presence was the expression of the inner man. His figure was tall and spare, his face pale, his eyes were large, full, kindly, yet blazing with what Juvenal would have termed "indignatio." His manner was eager, his tone earnest and emphatic, his demeanour markedly modest and reverent, his speech and look magnetic, the whole impression made by him was that of a great prelate and apostle, one who might have been the companion of Cyril of Jerusalem, or Gregory of Nazianzus. He was like a bit of antiquity let down into our prosaic day. Ah, that antique greatness and strong and holy simplicity! Why do we see so little of it? Is it because our ideals are those of the present rather than of the great thoughtful past? Bp. Whittingham was a student of history and a master of it. History probably formed or at least perfected his ideals, He knew what spirit to follow. He knew the type of character, of aim, of idea, which, in the long run of things God always sets his seal upon. He knew also what order of ideas and virtues men are most helped and elevated by, and he both taught and loved those virtues and ideas. Bp. Hobart had said to him in his youth "my young friend, take little thought about present consequences. Set yourself upon principle and trust God with the result." These words were prophetic of just what Bp. Whittingham did through all his life. What he saw he followed. He was not one of those men of whom Emerson speaks, who "live on the brink of mysteries and harmonies into which yet they never enter, and: with their hand on the door-latch die outside." What he saw, we repeat, he followed, and lived) not fanatically, for he was too great to be fanatical about anything; yet, nevertheless, with his whole mind, soul, heart and energy. So he always impressed the people he met, with his moral greatness, his veracity, his insensibility to every consideration but what was true,: what was to the glory of God, what was right in principle and lawful in practice. Bp. Whittingham once wrote respecting Bp. Onderdonk of New York (whom he bravely defended through all the sorrows of that most maligned and unhappy Prelate), "he is a pillar of adamant not to be moved from the truth and right as he sees and feels it." These words might fitly have described himself. But this high courage was not allied to any conceit of self.

Dr. Whittingham was, as we have already intimated, one of the most humble of men. He once wrote: "I am continually longing for the power of shrinking into some station of perfect subordination and concealment; the lowest menial office in a religious house would be a blessing to me, and when I hear of such a life an unspeakable craving for it swells my heart. And yet I know this is miserable cowardice, and feel guilty almost as a deserter. God help me! He only can hold me up!" From these words it is evident that Dr. Whittingham had great personal humility but no less the courage of office and responsibility. Personal diffidence and private self-distrust are always beautiful, but official weakness is never a grace. Conflict between the courageous acceptance of the responsibility of office and the sense of personal littleness is a cruel ordeal which only brave and conscientious souls venture upon.

Bp. Whittingham was too essentially brave to be wanting in "the spirit of power" when occasion required, notwithstanding the humility of the man, and in this respect also he was notably conformed to the antique models of episcopal virtue which he so suggested and illustrated.

Further observations upon Bp. Whittingham's character, time and space forbid us. We can only say in conclusion that it is worthy of much close examination and thought; for its antique mould makes it far deeper and fuller than it would appear to mere cursory observation. It was a very great character! Clear as crystal, pure as snow, simple as a child's, strong as a soldier's, humble as an anchorite's. What more could it have been! Can we find in our age any much grander figure? Where indeed shall we turn for his like? He was worthy of the place he will find beside Andrewes for learning, Ken for piety, Laud for courage of martyrdom.

Mr. Brand deserves every commendation for the admirable way in which he has presented to the world the portrait of his Bishop and friend. One does not see how his task could have been better done with a view to the presentation of Dr. Whittingham's life to the masses of churchmen interested in his name and history. A Dr. Dryasdust might indeed have attempted a more "learned" Life, that is, one which made more of the scholar than of the man, in the late Bishop of Maryland, but possibly only a dozen men could have read with pleasure or patience a compendium of learned glosses on the recondite points which the "profound" writers or "profound" readers delight in.

The mass of us un-"learned" people thank Mr. Brand for giving us just what he has afforded us, in the simple, fair and satisfactory presentation of the Life of Bp. Whittingham to the average comprehension.


DEAR S.: Your anecdote of "dip and all over," reminds me of a similar one as told by a well-known Southern Bishop.

In slavery times it was necessary for a negro to get written permission from his master before he could "jine" any Church. Pompey "got religion" among the Presbyterians, and having received the necessary letter, joined that body. In about three months he came to his master for a letter to "jine de Methodists." 'Why, Pompey, what's the matter with the Presbyterians?" "Waal, massa, I ain't got nothin 'ginst de Presbyterians; but its mighty dismal for a nigger." So he got his letter and went away. Not long after he came once more for a letter to "jine de Baptis'." "Look here, Pompey, didn't I give you a letter a few weeks ago? What's the matter with the Methodists?" "Waal, massa, you know de Methodists, dey have dem enquiry meetins, and you know it don't do for a nigger to be enquired into." "Well, Pompey, why the Baptists?" "Cause, sir, wie de Baptists hits dip and done wid it." A.


For Daily Bread.--T. Whittaker,10; Mrs. Sarah Gracie, 25; S. S. St. Peter's, N. Y., 10; E. Phillips, M. D., 5; Rev. E. C. Laughlin Jr., 5; St. Mary and Holy Cross, South Portsmouth, R. I., 31; St. Mary's Guild, 10; Lion, Little Neck, L. I., 8i.44; Edward Baker, 10; J. F. Prior, 5; per Neas, 2; C N. Y., A. A. E., 30.50; per do. St, Andrew's, Augusta, 2.50; per do. St. Paul's, Oxford, 12; John H. Carswell, 50; a poor church-woman, 1; St Paul, Yonkers, N. Y., 5; St. Matthew, Norfork, Neb., 2; S. S. St. Paul's, Norwalk, Ct., 18.67; Rev. Dr. Gray, per Prof. Riley, 10; Mrs. Gallatin, 20; Chas. H. Contoit, 20; Theo. H. Mead, 10; William Moore, 50; Ladies' Missionary Aid Society, St. Peter's, Phila., 28.51; St. Stephen's Mission, Longmont, Col, 2; Rev. Geo. G. Carter, 50; St. Luke's Memorial Church, Bustleton, Pa., 3.05; Greville E. Fryer, 10; "I.," 5; St. James, New Haven, 5; Grace, Menominie, Wis., 4.35; Mrs. Mary S. Bradford, per Rev. R. H. Weller Jr., 40; St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 100; Rev. Mr. Conover, 11; Benj. C. Dean, 10; A friend in Exeter, N. H., 5; "May God bless Nashotah," 10; In memory of a beloved aunt, 5; E. S., 5; Charles R. Train, 20; Mrs. Wm. Appleton, 10.

For Endowment.--"M.," 5.

For Clothing Room.--The Box from Ladies' Missionary Society, Philadelphia.

President of Nashotah Mission.
NASHOTAH, Wis. June 3,1884.


A Theological School founded in 1841 by the Rev. Messrs. Breck, Adams and Hobart under the patronage of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Kemper, first Missionary Bishop of the American Church.

The Child of faith, it seeks to educate its Students in the power and life and works of Faith. Its Professors and Students are still, as they have been since its foundations, "pauperes Christi." They are still dependent as they must be until endowments shall be secured, upon the benefactions of the Faithful.

Faculty.--Rt. Rev. E. R. WELLES, S. T. D. Rev. A. D. COLE, D. D., President, Pastor, and Peter Hubble Professor of Pastoral Theology. Rev. WM. ADAMS, D.D., Professor of Systematic Divinity. Rev. LEWIS A. KEMPER, D. D., Professor of Exegesis, Biblical Literature and Hebrew. Rev. T. M. RILEY, M. A., Professor of Ecclesiastical History.

Mr. Richard Humphrey, Curator.

All communications should be addressed to the President.


Course Four Years. Preparatory Course in Grammar School, Six Years.

A School where the son of every Churchman in the Northwest should be educated.

A School whose aim is to carry into practice the words of its great first Warden, James deKoven:

"Work hard, Play hard, Pray hard."

For catalogues, dates of entrance examinations, and all information, apply to REV. DR. GRAY, Warden.



Province of Illinois.

Founded, 1868; Enlarged, 1872 and 1880; Destroyed by Fire, 1883. Re-built and Re-furnished, 1883.

VISITORS: The Bishops of the Province.

Rev. C. W. LEFFINGWELL, D. D., Rector.


Nebraska Diocesan Schools.

Rev. R. DOHERTY, Rector.

Rev. Dr. McNAMARA, President.

For Circulars and Terms, address as above.



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