Project Canterbury

The Communion Service from the Book of Common Prayer
With Select Readings from the Writings of the Rev. F. D. Maurice, M.A.

Edited by the Right Rev. John William Colenso, D.D.
Lord Bishop of Natal.

London: Macmillan and Co., 1874.

Transcribed by Charles Wohlers, 2006.


OUR Lord's Sacrifice is not merely a pattern or example of our sacrifices, nor merely the power by which these sacrifices are effected. It must have an entirely distinct character; otherwise it is of no worth as an example or as a power. The Sacrifice of Christ is that, with which alone God can be satisfied, and in the sight of which alone He can contemplate our race. It is, therefore, the only meeting-point of communion with Him. But, this communion being established, it must be by presenting the finished sacrifice before God, that we both bear witness what our position is, and realize the glory of it.--Kingdom of Christ, vol. ii. pp. 91, 93.

Project Canterbury