Project Canterbury

Ritual Notes on the Order of Divine Service.

By the Editors of "The Order of Divine Service," &c., &c.

Oxford: Mowbray & Co., 1894.

General Index.

Ablutions, The — 42, 43, 46, 47, 78, 79, 89, 92, 93, 94, 113.

Absolution for the Dead, The — When the Body is present, 100; When the Departed is a Bishop or Priest, 102; When the Body is not present, 102; When there is no Catafalque, 103; When the Holy Eucharist is not Celebrated or Celebrated without Sacred Ministers, 102; The Order of the Service, 103.

Acolytes, The — To light and extinguish the Candles at Solemn Services, 2, 29, 53, 87, 92; Do not carry Candles on Good Friday, 12, or at the Gospel on Palm Sunday, 11, or during Holy Week, 94, or at Requiems, 18, 85; In Processions, walk on either side of the Cross-bearer, 9, 21, but, if passage too narrow, precede the Cross-bearer, 21; Allowed no head covering, 22; Duties at Solemn Evensong, 29; At the Holy Eucharist, 53, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92; When folded Chasubles are worn, 86; At Funerals and Requiems, 18, 26, 85, 100; At the Asperges, 96; Always genuflect to the Altar, 50, 55; During the singing of the Gospel by the Deacon, do not make the Sign of the Cross or any inclination or genuflection, 63; Kneel at Collects in Requiems, 85; Incensed with a single swing, 52, 73, 30.

Advent, Of — 6.

Agnus Dei, Of the — 40, 46, 75, 76, 112; At Requiems, 18, 84, 85, 86, 112; Always said in the plural number, 18.

Alb, The — 3; Must be of linen, 3; Always worn with Amice and Girdle, 5; Rarely worn, except at the Holy Eucharist, 5; Worn by Bishop, if administering Holy Baptism solemnly, 23; Prayer to be used after putting on, 31; Worn by Deacon and Sub-Deacon as well as by Celebrant, 3, 51.

All Souls’ Day, Of — 15; Kept on November 3rd if the 2nd be a Sunday, 15; Has no Second Vespers, 15.

Alms-basin or dish — 34, 45, 51, 69, 87.

Altars, The — 1; The High Altar, 1; Those in Side Chapels, 1; May not be used as a cupboard, 1; To be covered with three linen cloths, 2; Of the Altar Cards, 6; Of Flowers in Advent and Lent, 6, 10; Altar to be denuded of all ornaments, except Cross and Candle-sticks on Maundy Thursday, 12; Of the Approach to the Altar at the Holy Eucharist. 32, 52, 53, 87, 90; Of the incensing of the Altar at the Holy Eucharist, 56, 70, 90; At Solemn Evensong, 30; Altar not to be censed at a Solemn Te Deum, 22; Manner of incensing a Side Altar at the Magnificat, 30.

Amice, The — 3; Must be of linen, 3; Always worn with Alb and Girdle, 5; Rarely worn, except at the Holy Eucharist, 5; Worn by Bishop, if administering Holy Baptism solemnly, 23; Prayer to be used while putting on, 31; Worn by Deacon and Sub-deacon as well as by Celebrant, 3, 51.

Antependium, Of the Altar — 1; To be of rich material, 1; Of the Colour of the Day, 1, 4, or appropriate to the Service, 4, 18; Sometimes replaced by a permanent decoration, 1; Sometimes desirable to place the Antependium for a special Service over or under that of the Colour of the Day, 9, 12, 15; Altar to be unvested after Solemn Celebration on Maundy Thursday, 12.

Antiphons, Of — 29, 30, 98, 99.

Archbishop, Cross of — How carried, 23, 48.

Ash Wednesday, Of — 10.

Ascension Day, Of — 13.

Asperges, The — 95; Made on all Sundays but never more than once on the same day, 96; Manner of Blessing the Water, 98; Order of the Service, 99.

Banners — Not to be triangular nor to resemble military flags, 23.

Baptism, Holy — 23; Two Stoles required to be used, 23; If Water blessed in Service, Violet Vestments not changed till afterwards, 23; In Private Baptisms, only Surplice and White Stole needed, 23; Water may be blessed only in the Church, 23.

Bell, The — At the Sanctus, 46, 75, 89; At the Elevations 46, 92, 93; Unnecessary, if Sanctus sung by the Choir, 75.

Benedictus qui venit — Sign of the Cross made at the, 37, 46, 74, 109; Not made by the Sub-deacon, 74.

Bier, The — Where placed, 26, 100; To have, at least, three lighted Candles on either side, 26. See also Catafalque.

Biretta, The — Worn by the Celebrant and Sacred Ministers, 32, 52; Carried in the hand during Processions inside the Church by all but the Officiants, 22; Not worn between the foot of the Altar and the Sedilia, 98; Not worn by the Sub-deacon when carrying the Cross, 22, 100; Worn sometimes while bowing to the Altar, 32; Never worn by Cross-bearer, Thurifer, Acolytes or Master of Ceremonies (although in Holy Orders), 22; When worn while sitting, always removed before standing, 66.

Bishop, The — Entitled to additional Candles when Celebrating, 2; Should consecrate Chalice and Paten, 2; Always wears the Stole pendant, 5; Uses Amice, Alb and Girdle when officiating or assisting pontifically at Choir Offices, 5; Wears Cope when assisting pontifically at Holy Eucharist or Choir Offices, 5; also at Processions, Solemn Baptisms, and Confirmations, 22. 23; Should carry Pastoral Staff in his left hand, 22, 23, 24, 48; Should not use Pastoral Staff, unless vested in Chasuble or Cope or, at least, in a Stole, with the Mitre, 48; May administer Holy Baptism vested as a Priest but more fittingly in full Pontificals, 23; May make the Absolution at a Requiem, although not the Celebrant at the Holy Eucharist preceding, 100; Incensed with three double swings, 51, but after the Officiant, 51.

Black, Of — Used at Funerals, 4, 26, at Requiems, 18, on Good Friday, 4, 12, on All Souls’ Day, 15.

Blessed Sacrament, The — Incensed with three double swings of the Thurible, 51; Saluted by a genuflection, if reserved in the Tabernacle, 32.

Blessing, The — 42, 43, 46, 78, 79; Omitted in Requiems, 18, 84; Of the Water, omitted in Requiems, 18, 35, 85, 107, but Incense blessed as usual, 84, 101; Of the Ring, in Holy Matrimony, 24; Of Holy Water, 98; Of Candles, 9; Of Palms, 11.

Boat, Incense — Carried by the Thurifer or by a boy appointed for the purpose, 55.

Book-markers — 6; To be arranged by the Celebrant, 31, or by the Deacon, 52.

Bows, Of — To the Cross of the Sacristy, 32, 44, 47, 52, 53, 82, 83, 87, 89, 90; To the Cross of the Altar, 32, 33, 43, 44, 50, 54; Towards the Cross at the Holy Name or Gloria Patri, 33, 36, 62; But during the Gospel the reader bows towards the Book, 34, 64; In the Creed, 34, 45, 64, 65; In the Gloria in Excelsis, 42, 46, 78, 79; At the Benediction, 78, 79; To the Celebrant, 44, 45, 46, 47, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 66, 82, 83; To those who are incensed, 52, 58, 59, 72, 73; To the Book of the Gospels, 62, 63; At the Elevations, 46, 75; To the Cross of the Sub-deacon, 101; On one occasion at the words Through the Same CHRIST our LORD, 39, 111.

Breads, The — Placed in readiness before the Service on the Credence, 44, on the Paten or in the Ciborium, 51, 87, 90; After being offered, placed on the Corporal, 35, 68.

Burial of the Dead, The — See Funerals, also Requiem Eucharists.

Burse, The — 3, 5, 31; Placed against the gradine on the Gospel side, 32, 66, 87; Carried with the opening towards the Priest, 31; Placed on Credence with the opening to the wall, 51.

Candles, Of the Acolytes’ — At Solemn Evensong, 29; At Processions, 21; At the Holy Eucharist, 53, 55; At Funerals, 26; At the Absolutions, 100; Method of carrying, 55 Not required on Good Friday, 12; Not used at Gospel on Palm Sunday, 11; or during Holy Week, 94; or at Requiems, 18, 85; Processional Lanterns may be substituted for outdoor use, 26.

Candles, Of the Altar — 1; To be of white wax, 1; On Good Friday and at Requiems, of yellow or unbleached wax, 1, 12, 26; Six to be lighted at Solemn Services on Sundays and Festivals, 1; Two sufficient on Simples and Ferias, 1; Four sufficient on lesser days and at Requiems, 1; Two to be lighted at Low Celebrations, 1; Four if a Bishop be the Celebrant, 2; Seven at a High Celebration, if the Bishop of the Diocese be the Celebrant, 2; Order to be observed in lighting and extinguishing, 2; Not to be extinguished till after the Celebrant has read the Last Gospel, 2; Six to be lighted at a Confirmation, 23; Six at a Funeral if solemnly rendered, otherwise two, 26.

Candles, Blessing of — 9.

Candles, Lighted — Carried on the Purification, 9; At a Requiem Eucharist, 85; At the Absolution for the Dead, 100; By the woman at a Churching, 25; Two required at Communion of the Sick, 25; One at Holy Unction, 25; Six to be placed round the Bier or Catafalque at a Funeral or Requiem, 26, 15, 102.

Candle, Of the Paschal — 13.

Candlesticks, The Altar — Their number, 1; Material and design to be same as Cross, 1; Not permissible to be replaced by Candelabra with branches or by brackets fastened to the wall, 1; Not to be veiled in Passiontide, 11; Not to be removed on Good Friday, 12.

Cantors, The — 22, 29, 101, 102. See also Cope-men.

Cards of the Altar, The — 6.

Catafalque, The — Erected at Requiem Services, when the body of a departed person is not present, 15, 102; Where placed, 15, 26, 102; To have, at least, three lighted Candles on either side, 26, 102; May be dispensed with, and a Pall or black Cloth used instead, 103.

Celebrant, The — His duties at a Low Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, 31, 105, at a High Celebration, 52, 105, at a Choral Celebration without Ministers and without Incense, 87, at one with Incense, 90; At Votive and Requiem Eucharists, 18; At Solemn Requiems, 84; At the Asperges, 96; At the Absolution for the Dead, 100, 102; On the Purification, 8; On Palm Sunday, 11, 94; During Passiontide, 11, 94; On Good Friday, 12; At Solemn Evensong, 29; At Vespers of the Dead, 15; At Processions, 21; At Communion of the Sick, 25; At Holy Matrimony, 17, 24; May not receive his Vestments from the Altar, unless he be a Bishop, 22; Does not genuflect to the Altar unless the Blessed Sacrament be present or reserved in the Tabernacle, 32, 50, 54; Incensed with three double swings, 51, but with two only, if Bishop be present, 51; Only incensed at the Offertory, in Requiems, 18, 84; Prayers while vesting, 31, at the Holy Eucharist, 105-113.

Censer, The — See Thurible.

Ceremonies, Master of — See Master of Ceremonies.

Chalice, The — To be of gold or silver, 1; The cup if silver, to be gilt within, 2; The cup to be plain within and without, 2; The stem to have a boss in centre, 2; Should be consecrated by the Bishop, 2; Not to be handled by a laic without special permission, 2; To be prepared by the Celebrant, 31, or by the Sub-deacon, 2, or by the first Acolyte, 87, or by the Master of Ceremonies, 90; To be placed on the Altar at a Low Celebration or one without Sacred Ministers, 32, 87; On the Credence at a High Celebration, 51.

Chalice. Veil of the — 4, 5; To cover the foot of the Chalice, 31, 32; The hinder part to be turned over the Burse, 32; When removed from the Chalice to be folded in three and placed, at a Low Celebration, or one without Sacred Ministers, on Epistle side of the Altar, 34, 88, 93, at a High Celebration, on the Credence, 67.

Chasuble, The — 3; Its colour, 4; Its use, 5; Prayer at putting on, 31; To be placed on Sedilia when the Holy Eucharist is preceded by a Procession, 22, 9, 11, 51, or by the Asperges, 96; Not to be received from the Altar, except by a Bishop, 22; At Requiems, to be exchanged at the Sedilia for a Cope before the Absolutions, 100, 103.

Chasuble, The Folded — Used by Deacon and Sub-deacon at certain times, * 6, 9, 10, 48; Always Violet, 48; The Deacon’s to be removed after the Epistle and resumed after the last Ablution, 86; The Sub-deacon’s to be removed during the Collect and resumed after the Epistle, 86.
*During Advent and Lent and on all Fasts and Vigils, but not on the 3rd Sunday in Advent, 4th in Lent, Christmas Eve (if it be Sunday), or on the Whitsun Ember Days.

Choral Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist — Without Incense, 87; With Incense, 90.

Christmas-tide, Of — 7; Ends with Octave of Epiphany, 8.

Churching of Women, The — 25.

Ciborium, The — Similar to Chalice and of same material, 2; To have a cover, 2; May be blessed by a Priest, 2; To be placed on Corporal behind the Chalice, 35, 68; To be uncovered before Priest offers the Paten and covered again afterwards, 35, 68; Uncovered and placed in advance of the Chalice before Consecration and re-covered and re-placed afterwards, 38, 74, 110; Held by the Deacon at the Oblation, 68; Uncovered and covered by the Deacon at a High Celebration, 74, 76; Carried by the Sub-deacon during Communion of people, 78.

Clergy, The — Method of Incensing, 52; Communion of, 5, 41.

Cloths of the Altar, The — 2; Rules for changing, 95.

Collects, The — 27, 33; Position of the hands at, 33; Suggested Collect for Dedication Festival, 16; In Requiems, Acolytes to kneel at the Collects, 85; Number at Requiems, 18, 27; at other Votives, 18; Suggested Supplemental Collects, 27.

Colours of the Sacred Vestments, The — 4; At Votive Eucharists, 18; At Procession on Purification, 9, 48; Not permissible to intermingle the colours so that one set of Vestments may serve in place of two, 4.

Communion, The — Of the Celebrant, 40, 76, 112 Of the Assistants, 46, 89; Of Clergy in Choir, 5, 41; Of the People, 41, 78, 113; The Priest when carrying the Blessed Sacrament not to bow to the Altar, 41; A Priest or Deacon assisting the Celebrant to give Communion, to wear a Stole, 5.

Communion of the Sick, The — 25; Same Vestments to be used for a Celebration as in Church, 25; White always the colour for Communion with Reserved Sacrament. 25; Violet, if Order for the Communion of the Sick be used, 25.

Confirmation, Of — 23.

Cope, The — 3, 55 Always used in Processions, 5, 21, 54; At Solemn Evensong, 29; When Holy Baptism is solemnly administered, 23; At Confirmations, 23; At the Asperges, 96; At Funerals, 26; At the Absolution for the Dead, 100; At Vespers of the Dead, 15.

Cope-men, The — 22, 29, 96; May not wear Birettas, unless in Holy Orders, 22; Incensed with two double swings, 51.

Corporal, The — To be of fine linen, 2; Its dimensions, 2; No embroidery on its surface, except a small Cross in front, 3; To be folded into nine parts, 3; To be unfolded and not shaken out, when placed on the Altar, 3; Not to hang over the edge of Altar, 3; To be kept in its Burse, when not in use, 3; To be spread by the Celebrant at a Low Celebration on arriving at the Altar, 32; At a High Celebration by the Deacon, during the Creed, 66; At a Solemn Requiem, at the Offertory, 84; At a Choral Celebration without Sacred Ministers, before the Service, 87, 90; Improper to turn back a corner over the Paten, 42; To be changed, at least, every three weeks, 95; To be washed first by one in Holy Orders, 95.

Corpus Christi Day, Of — 14

Credence Table, The — 44, 51, 87, 90.

Creed, The Nicene — Inclinations made during its recital, 34, 45, 64, 65; Sign of the Cross at the conclusion, 34, 45; If Sacred Ministers sit while it is sung by the Choir, they uncover twice during its recital, 66, and kneel at the Incarnatus est if it be Christmas Day or the Annunciation, 66, 88; Assistants kneel when Choir sing the Incarnatus est, 65, 67, 88, 91, 92; Omitted in Votives and Requiems, 18, 84.

Cross, The Altar — Should be large enough to be seen by the people, 1; Should have a Figure of our LORD but sufficient without, 1; To be placed between the Candlesticks, 1; Unnecessary, if the Crucifixion be depicted immediately over the Altar, 1; Veiled during Passion-tide, 11; Unveiled on Good Friday, 12; Incensed with three double swings, 51.

Cross-bearer, The — 21, 26, 9, 11, 100, 102; Allowed no head covering, 22.

Cross, the Processional — 9, 11, 21; to be made to take off the Staff, 22; to have a figure of our LORD upon it, 22, to be kept covered when not in use, 23; Required at Funerals, 26; At Solemn Absolution for the Dead, 100; Carried without Staff at the funeral of and Infant, 22, 26; to be veiled in Palm Sunday, 11; Carried by the Sub-deacon on the Purification, 9, on Palm Sunday, 11, at the Solemn Absolution for the Dead, 100, 102; But one Cross to be carried at a Funeral, 101.

Cross, Signs of the — To be engraved on the foot of the Chalice, 1; Embroidered on Fair Linen Cloth, Corporal, Pall and Purificator, 3; On the Stoles and Maniples, 5; To be made in the water with the right hand at the Benediction in Holy Baptism, 23, with the dry thumb on the forehead of the newly baptized, 23; Made by the Priest upon himself and Oblations, 31-44, upon others, 37, upon the Book, 34, 44; at the Holy Gospel, 34, 44, with the Paten, 35, 40, with the Chalice, 36, 41, 42, with the Host, 40, 41, over the Thurible, 56, 70, over the Deacon, 62, over the Sub-deacon, 60, at the Asperges, 97, at the Blessing of Holy Water, 98, at the Absolutions, 102; Made by the Server, 44-47; by the Deacon and Sub-deacon 52-82; by the Master of Ceremonies, 53-83; by the Acolytes, 53-83; by the Thurifer, 53-81; Not made by the Acolytes at the first Gospel, 63; Omitted at the Introit in Requiems, 18, 84, 85. See also pp. 105-113.

Cruets, The — To be prepared on the Credence, 44, 51, 87, 90; To be rinsed out after use and to be washed every month, 95; Manner of presenting, &c., 45, 46, 67, 68, 79, 80, 88, 89, 93.

Dalmatic, The — 3, 5; Prayer at putting on, 52; Not worn in Advent and Lent, 6, 10, nor at the procession on the Purification, 9, 48, nor at the Absolutions, if the Celebrant be not vested in Cope, 100; Worn on Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, 6, 10, and on the Whitsun Ember Days, 14.

Deacon, The — His duties at the Holy Eucharist, 52, 105; At Requiems, 18, 84; At the Asperges, 96, At the Absolution for the Dead, 100; On the Purification, 8; On Palm Sunday, 11; during Holy Week, 12, 94; At Processions, 21; When wearing the folded Chasuble, 86; Always genuflects to the Altar, 54; When presenting any object to the Celebrant, to kiss first the object presented and then the Celebrant’s hand, 56, 68; All such kisses omitted in Requiems, 18. 54, 84, 100; Does not strike his breast at the Agnus Dei in Requiems, 84; When Sub-deacon carries Cross will always walk at Celebrant’s left, 9, 11, 21, 100, 102; Incensed with two double swings, 51; Not incensed in Requiems, 18, 84; Prayers while vesting, 31, 52, at the Holy Eucharist, 105-113.

Dedication, Feast of — 16; Not observed unless Church consecrated, 16.

Dignity of Feasts, The — Of the Occurrence, 18; Of the Concurrence, 20.

Easter-tide, Of — 13.

Elevations, The — 38, 74, 75, 77, 89, 92, 93; Thurifer incenses the Blessed Sacrament with three double swings at each Elevation, 75; but in Requiems this is done by the Sub-deacon, 85; Celebrant’s Chasuble to be raised by the Server or Deacon during the Elevations but not when he genuflects, 46, 74; or by both Acolytes, 89, or by Master of Ceremonies, 92.

Epiphany, The — 8.

Epistle, The — To be sung by the Sub-deacon, 60; By the Celebrant or by the first Acolyte or Master of Ceremonies, if in Holy Orders, at a Celebration without Sacred Ministers, 87, 91, 92; A genuflection to be made during the Epistle on Palm Sunday, 12, 61, 94; Deo Gratias always said at the conclusion, except on Good Friday, 12, 45, 94.

Evensong, Solemn — 29.

Fair Linen Cloth, The — 2; To be embroidered with five Crosses, 2; Should be changed once a month, 95; Should be brushed daily and kept covered, 95.

Feasts, Dignity of — 18.

Finger-towel — See Napkins.

Flowers, The Altar — Not to be used during Advent and Lent, except when Deacon and Sub-deacon wear Dalmatic and Tunicle, 6, 10, nor during Procession on the Purification, 9, nor at Offices of the Dead, 15, 26.

Funerals, Of — 26, 16, 84, 100; Place of Sermon or Funeral Oration, 100; Order of Procession at, 101; White the colour at Funerals of Infants, 4, 26.

Genuflections, Of — To the Altar or Blessed Sacrament, 32, 44, 50, 54; After the Consecration, 38-43, 74-81; During the Creed, 34, 64, 65, 66; In the Epistle, 12, 61, 94; In the first Gospel, 7, 8, 12, 34, 45, 63, 64, 94; Not made by the Sub-deacon or Acolytes, 62, 63, nor by the Celebrant when reading the Gospel secretly, 94; At the last Gospel, 44, 47, 80, 81; Made by the Deacon to the Cross of the Sub-deacon, at the Absolutions, 101; Not made by a Priest carrying the Blessed Sacrament, 41.

Girdle, The — To be of linen or thin hemp, 3; May be of the Colour of the Day but more properly White, 3; Always worn with Alb and Amice, 5; Rarely used, except at Holy Eucharist, 5; Worn by Bishop, if administering Holy Baptism solemnly, 23; Prayer on putting on, 31; Worn by Deacon and Sub deacon as well as by Celebrant, 3, 51.

Gloria in Excelsis, The — Inclinations made during its recital, 42, 46, 78, 79; Sign of the Cross at the end, 42, 46, 78, 79; If Ablutions already taken, Celebrant and Sacred Ministers may sit while it is sung by the Choir, 78; sometimes omitted in Advent and lent, 6, 10, and in Votives and Requiems, 18, 84.

Gloria Patri, The — Not said at the Introit or after the Psalm Lavabo in Passiontide, 11, 36, or in Requiems, 18, 36; Altogether omitted on three last days of Holy Week, 12.

Good Friday, Of — 12, 94.

Gospel, The — To be sung by the Deacon at a High Celebration, 62, or by the Celebrant at a Choral Celebration without Sacred Ministers, 88, 91; Read secretly by the Celebrant at a High Celebration, 60; Genuflections made during the Gospel on certain occasions, 7, 8, 12, 34, 45, 63, 64, 94; The Gloria Tibi before the Gospel always said or sung, except in Holy Week, 12, 45, 94; The Laus Tibi at the end always said by the Sub-deacon or Server, except on Good Friday, 12, 45, 60, 88, 91, 94, See also pp. 106-107.

Gospels, Book of — Incensed with three double swings 51; Kissed by the Celebrant, 34, 64, 91, but not in Requiems, 18, 34, 84.

Gospel, The Last — Always the same unless two Festivals occur on the same day, 44, or it be Christmas Day, 7; Signs of the Cross made at the beginning, but Book or Card not kissed at the conclusion, 44, 80, 81, 113; Genuflection always made when ordinary Gospel recited, 44, 47, 80, 81, 113 and on Christmas Day, 7; The Gloria Tibi is always said before and Deo Gratias at the conclusion, 47, 113.

Gradual, The — 33, 45, 60, 88, 90, 91.

Green, Of — The ordinary colour from Epiphany to Septuagesima and during Trinity-tide, 4.

Hands, Of the — Held joined before the breast when not carrying anything or otherwise ordered, 32, 54; Usually held extended for the prayers and joined at the concluding sentence, 33; Held extended throughout the LORD’s Prayer, 33, 40; To be extended and then rejoined at Let us pray and The LORD be with you, 33; But The LORD be with you before the Gospel to be said with hands joined, 34, 62; Hands raised and then extended at Lift up your hearts, 37; The left to be extended on the breast or placed on the Altar or on the Book when making the Sign of the Cross with the right hand or turning over the leaves of the Book, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 43; Thumb and forefinger of each hand to be kept joined from the Consecration to the Ablutions, 38; Acolytes, when not carrying anything, to hold their hands joined before the breast or their arms folded, 57.

High Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, Of — 51-83, 105-113.

Holy Water, Of — The Manner of Blessing, 98.

Host, The — After being offered on Paten, placed on Corporal, 35, 68; Elevation of, 38, 74, 110; Fraction of, 40, 111; Making Sign of Cross with, 39, 40, 41, 111, 112; Portion placed in Chalice, 40, 76, 112.

Humeral-Veil, The — 48; Placed on the Credence, 51; When assumed by the Sub-deacon, 68; When removed, 76; Not required at Requiems, 48, 85.

Hymns, Of — See Office Hymns.

Incarnatus est, The — When recited by the Celebrant, all kneel on one knee, 34, 64, 65, on both knees, when sung by the Choir, 64-67; Sacred Ministers uncover if they are sitting when it is sung by the Choir, but must also kneel on Christmas Day and the Annunciation, 66, 88.

Incense, Of — 51; Ordinary form of Blessing, 56, 106; At the Offertory, 70, 108; Persons to be incensed to be saluted before and after, 52; Manner of using at a High Celebration, 56, 62, 70, 72, 75; At a Choral Celebration, without Sacred Ministers, 90; At Requiems, 18, 84, 100; At Solemn Evensong, 30; In Processions, 21; At Solemn Te Deum, 22; Not to be put a second time into the Thurible during the Magnificat, 30.

Inclinations, Of — See Bows.

Introit, The — 33, 58, 59, 87; Sign of the Cross omitted in Requiems, 18, 84, 85.

Judica, The Psalm — 105; Omitted in Passion-tide, 11, 32, 105, and in Requiems, 18, 32, 105.

Kisses, during the Holy Eucharist — Of the Altar, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 105-113; Of the Paten, 40, 76, 111; Of the Sacred Vestments, 31; Of the Missal, 34, 64, 91, 107; Made by the Deacon, 54, 56, 62, 68, 76; By the Sub-deacon, 60: By the Server, 44, 45, 46, 47; Omissions in Requiems, 34, 46, 84, 85, 86, 101, on Good Friday, 94, in Presence of Blessed Sacrament, 5.

Kyries, The — Said alternately with the Server, 33, 106; Said at a High Celebration at Epistle corner, not at centre of the Altar, 58.

Lavabo, The — Psalm said by the Celebrant, while drying his fingers, 36, 108; Gloria Patri to be omitted in Passion-tide, 11, 36, 108, and in Requiems, 18, 36, 108; Dish and Towel to be placed on the Credence, 44, 51; Presented by Server at Low Celebrations, 46, at Choral, by the Acolytes, 73, 88, 93; By the Deacon and Sub-deacon at Solemn Requiems, 84.

Lent, Of — 10.

Low Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, Of — 31, 105-113.

Maniple, The — 3, 5; Prayer at putting on, 31; Not worn in Processions, 5, 22, 51, nor with the Cope, 5, 9, 11, 48, 96, 100, a possible exception, 5, 12.

Master of Ceremonies, The — His duties at Solemn Evensong, 29, at the Holy Eucharist, 53, 85, 86, 90, 91, when folded Chasubles are worn, 86, at Funerals and Requiems, 26, 85, 100, at the Asperges, 96, on Palm Sunday and during Holy Week, 11, 94, in Processions, 22; Always genuflects to the Altar, 55; When the Deacon genuflects in the Gospel does the same, but towards the Altar, 63, 94; May not, under any circumstances, wear the Biretta, 22; Incensed with a single swing, 52, 92, 94, 30.

Matrimony, Holy — 24, 17, 18.

Missal, Of the — 6; Should be prepared, at a Low Celebration, by the Celebrant, 31, at a High Celebration, by the Deacon, 52; At a Low Celebration to be placed closed on the Altar, 32, 45; At a High or Choral Celebration, to be placed open on the Altar, 51, 87; To be closed by the Celebrant at a Low Celebration, 44, by the Sub-deacon at a Choral Celebration, 80, or by the Master of Ceremonies, 92.

Napkins or Finger-towels, Of the — Their size, material and shape, 3; More than one to be prepared if several Priests celebrate at same Altar on same day, 3; How held by the Server, 46, by the Acolytes, 73, 88, by the Deacon, at Solemn Requiems, 84.

Octaves, Of — 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15; Colour of Feast to be used throughout Octave with certain exceptions, 4; On Sundays within Octaves only two Collects, to be said, 27; Office Hymn to be of the Sunday, except in four instances, 50.

Office Hymn, The — 7-14, 28, 48-50; Proper place immediately before Benedictus, or Magnificat, 28; Usually corresponds with first Collect, 28; That of the Sunday to be used on Sundays within Octaves, with but four exceptions, 50; Same at both first and second Evensong, 28, 50; Should be said, although Office not chorally rendered, 48.

Pall, The — To be of linen, 3; Its dimensions, 3; To have a small Cross in centre of upper side, 3; Must be first washed by one in Holy Orders, 2; Placed on top of Paten, 31; May be used to cover the Paten while the Priest is giving Communion with the Chalice, 42; At a High Celebration, the necessary coverings and uncoverings of the Chalice to be made by one of the Sacred Ministers, 74.

Pall, Funeral — 100; Flowers not to be placed upon it, except in the case of an Infant, 100; May be used in place of a Catafalque, 103.

Palms, Blessing and Distribution of — 11 May be placed on the Altar on Palm Sunday, 11; May be carried by the Acolytes at the Gospel, in place of their Candles, 12, 94.

Palm Sunday, Of — 11, 94.

Paschal Candle, The — 13.

Passion-tide, Of — 11, 94.

Paten, The — To be of gold or silver, 2; If silver, upper side to be gilt, 2; Inner part to be perfectly plain, 2; Should be consecrated by a Bishop, 2; Not to be touched by a laic without special permission, 2; Placed on the Chalice until the Offertory, 31; After the Oblation (at a Low Celebration) placed partially under the Corporal till after the Consecration, 35, 40; At a High Celebration held by the Sub-deacon, 70, 76, except in Requiems, 84, 85; Held by the Sub-deacon during Communion of the people, 78; To be passed over the Corporal to collect any fragments that may remain thereon, 41, 42.

Patron, Feast of — 15.

Pentecost, Of — 14.

People, The — To be incensed with one single swing, 52, 73, 30, 94; Not incensed in Requiems, 18, 84; Sprinkling of, at the Asperges, 97; Communion of, 41, 78; Method of distributing Candles to, 9, or Palms, 11.

Prayers of the Celebrant, etc., The — 105; while vesting, 31, 52; Before the Altar, 32, 54, 105; Before the Gospel, 34, 62, 106; At the Offertory, 35, 68, 107; At the Incensing, 108; Before and after the Consecration, 37-40, 74, 109-112; Before Communion, 40, 76, 112; At the Ablutions, 43, 113.

Processions, Of — 21, 48; Order of, 21; Method of commencing and concluding, 22; Course of, 21; No notice to be taken of Side Altars passed on the route, 22; Processional Cross to be carried with Figure away from Procession, 22; All taking part to be uncovered, except Officiants and Bishop, 22; Special observances on the Purification, 9; On Palm Sunday, 11; At Funerals, 26, 101, 102; Ordinary method of entering the Choir, 29, 52-55, 87, 90 97; If Bishop of Diocese present, to carry Pastoral Staff in his left hand, 22, 48; Cross of the Archbishop never carried by the Archbishop himself, 48, The Figure to be turned towards the Prelate, 23.

Purification, Feast of the — 8, 48.

Purificator, The — To be of linen, 3; Its shape and dimensions, 3; Its adornment, 3; To be placed over the Chalice, 31, round the stem of the Chalice when the Priest pours in the Wine, 35, over that part of the Paten which is not under the Corporal, 36; Spread over the Chalice after the Ablutions, 43; To be clean for each Celebration, 95; To be washed first by one in Holy Orders, 2, 95.

Red, Of — Days on which it is used, 4; Used at Votive Eucharists, 18, on Holy Innocents’ Day, if it be Sunday, or Patronal Feast, 4, 8, and always on Octave Day, 4.

Requiems, Of — See Absolution for the Dead, also Funerals and Votive Eucharists.

Requiem Eucharists, Of — 16; When prohibited, 17; Variations in order of Service, 18, 84.

Rogation Days, Of the — 13.

Sacristans, Rules for — 94.

Septuagesima, Of — 10.

Server, The — 32-47; Communicates next after the Celebrant, 46; Always genuflects to the Altar, 50.

Stole, The — 3, 5; Prayer at putting on, 31; To be worn by Clergy in Choir when making their Communions, 5; Not to be kissed in Presence of Blessed Sacrament, 5; Two to be used at Holy Baptism, 23; May be used with or in place of a Cope at Funerals, 26, 102; Not to be worn in Choir nor at Evensong, 29; To be worn by Priests assisting at an Ordination, 5; May be worn by the Preacher, 5; Always worn pendant by a Bishop, 5.

Stole, The Large — Worn by the Deacon at the times folded Chasubles are used, 48, 96.

Sub-deacon, The — His duties at the Holy Eucharist, 52, 105; At Requiems, 84; At the Asperges, 96; At the Absolution for the Dead, 100; On the Purification, 8; On Palm Sunday, 11; During Holy Week, 12, 94; At Processions, 21; When wearing the folded Chasuble, 86; Always genuflects to the Altar, 54; When the Gospel is sung by the Deacon, does not make the Sign of the Cross or any inclination or genuflection, 62; Does not present the Water for Celebrant’s blessing in Requiems, 85; Does not wear the Humeral-Veil in Requiems, 85; Does not strike his breast at the Agnus Dei in Requiems, 85; In Requiems, incenses the Blessed Sacrament at the Elevations, 85; When carrying the Cross, always does so with head uncovered, 22, 100; Incensed with two double swings, 51; Not incensed m Requiems, 18, 84; Prayers while vesting, 31, 52, at the Holy Eucharist, 105-113.

Surplice, The — Always used by the Officiant, except at the Holy Eucharist, or Services immediately connected therewith, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 96, 102; At Communion of the Sick, with Reserved Sacrament, 5, 25; By a Cleric assisting to give Communion, 5; By the Server 44; By the Assistants on all occasions, 23, 24, 25, 29, 53; But a Bishop officiating pontifically, will use the Rochet or Alb instead, 23.

Te Deum, The — Not said at Mattins in Advent nor from Septuagesima to Easter, 10, nor on Rogation Monday, 13, nor on Feast of Holy Innocents, unless it be Sunday or the Patronal Feast, 8; If Incense used when sung solemnly, Altar not censed, 22.

Thurible, The — Method of using, 52; Of carrying, 55.

Thurifer, The — Duties at Solemn Evensong, 29, at the Holy Eucharist, 53, 86, 93, at Funerals and Requiems, 26, 86, 100, at the Asperges, 96, in Processions, 21, 53; Always genuflects to the Altar, 55; Allowed no head covering, 22; Has no duty in Requiems before the Offertory, 86; But if present in Sanctuary, should not make the Sign of the Cross at the Introit, should kneel at the Collects and stand at the Credence during the Gospel, 86; Should perform the duties of the Acolytes, if they are otherwise engaged, 75, 86, 94.

Title, Feast of — 15.

Torches, Of — How carried, 77; Number varies according to the solemnity, 77.

Torch-bearers, The — Duties of, 77; Acolytes must act in their place if no others provided, 73, or two standard Candlesticks placed on the floor may be substituted, 89, 93; At Requiems and when there are Communicants, the Torch-bearers to remain till the first Ablution, 77, 86.

Trinity Sunday, Of — 14.

Tunicle, The — 3, 5; Prayer at putting on, 52; Not worn in Advent and Lent, 6, 10, nor at the Procession on the Purification, 9, 48, nor at the Absolutions, if the Celebrant be not vested in Cope, 100; Worn on Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, 6, 10, and on the Whitsun Ember Days, 14.

Unction of the Sick, Of — 25.

Veils, Of — Crosses, Images and Pictures to be covered with violet Veils in Passion-tide, 11; Stations of the Cross excepted, 11; Processional Cross to be veiled on Palm Sunday, 11; White Veil for Altar Cross on Maundy Thursday, 12; Black on Good Friday, 12; Crosses unveiled before Reproaches on Good Friday, 12; Altar Candlesticks not to be veiled, 11.

Veil of the Chalice, The — See Chalice Veil.

Vessels, The Sacred — 2, 95

Vestments, The Sacred — 3, 48, 95; Their material and colour, 4; Their use, 5, 48; The Amice, Stole and Maniple to be kissed before being assumed, 31, or presented, 44-47; Prayers to be used while vesting. 31, 52; Not to be received from the Altar by anyone, except a Bishop, 22.

Violet, Of — Days and occasions on which it is used, 4; Used at Votive Eucharists, 18; at Procession on Purification, 9; at Holy Baptism, 23; at Visitation and Unction of the Sick, 25.

Visitation of the Sick, The — 25.

Votive Eucharists, Of — 16; Days on which such Celebrations are forbidden, 17; Variations in order of Service, 18.

Water, Of Holy — Manner of Blessing, 98; Used at the Asperges, 96, at the Absolution for the Dead, 100.

White, Of — Days and occasions on which it is used, 4; Used at Votive Eucharists, 18; at Holy Baptism, 23; at Confirmations, 23; at Holy Matrimony, 24; at Churchings, 25; at Communion of the Sick with Reserved Sacrament, 25; at Funerals of Infants, 4, 26; at Special Thanksgivings, 4.

Whitsun-tide, Of — 14.


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