Project Canterbury

Beginnings in India

By Eugene Stock, D.C.L.

London: Central Board of Missions and SPCK, 1917.

Chapter I. The First Anglican Mission
Chapter II. The First Work in Bengal
Chapter III. The First Bishops
Chapter IV. The First Christian Villages
Chapter V. The First Educational Missions
Chapter VI. The First Indian Clergy
Chapter VII. The First Work in the Punjab
Chapter VIII. The First Work in Three Great Cities
Chapter IX. The First Work among the Hill Tribes
Chapter X. The First Work among Women
Chapter XI. The First Divinity Colleges
Chapter XII. The First Medical Missions
Chapter XIII. The First University Missions
Chapter XIV. The First Effort to Revive an Ancient Church
Chapter XV. The First Steps toward an Indian Church


THIS book has been written at the request of the Central Board of Missions, and, as I understand, is to be one of a series of small and popular books on Missions Overseas. The subject, which was given to me, is perhaps not quite clearly indicated in the title. It is not the Beginning of Anglican Missions in India as one great enterprise. It is the Beginnings of different sections or departments of that enterprise; and some of these Beginnings were much later than the general Beginning. A glance, however, at the Table of Contents will make all clear.

My instructions were to tell of Anglican Missions, and the book is in the main confined to them. But Xavier, Carey, Duff, and other distinguished missionaries not of our communion, find incidental mention. I should gladly have told of the work of other Missions if the scope of the book, and its limited size, had permitted.

Another necessary limitation has been to India proper. Burma and Ceylon are not included, although they are both in the Ecclesiastical Province of India and Ceylon.

There is scarcely anything in these pages that has not appeared in print before, much of it in many forms. But new books on old subjects are continually needed for new generations of readers. I humbly commend this one to the Divine Blessing.

E. S.
September, 1917.

Project Canterbury