¶ Here begynneth a good deuoute Boke to the honoure of god
of our lady his mother
& of all sayntes
and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones
to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here Masse. And how salutaryly they shall Confess them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy Sacrament or table of our sauyour Jhesu chryste
With dyverse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned
Composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde
frere mynoure
of the ordre of the Obseruauntes.
Howe the preest after Cõnfiteor gothe to the autler
with great reuerence |
How the preest after that with great reuerence doth begynne
the masse |
Howe the preest |
Howe the priest dothe come agayne to the aulter |
Howe the preest with scylece doth make redy |
Howe the preest beynge in the myddes of the aulter: begynneth
to synge with a hygh voyce the preface |
Howe after that the preest hath songe the preface they do
synge Sãctus Sanctus Sanctus |
Howe the preest after the fyrste Memento |
Howe the preest is in his fyrste Memento |
Howe the preest doth make fyue crosses upon the hoste afore that he do consecrate it in the sacrament. |
Howe the preest maketh clene his hãdes upon the aulter as puryfyenge them. |
Howe the preest after that he hathe lyfte the blyssed body
of oure lorde |
Howe the preest after the eleuacion doth stande upryght wt
his armes spred abrode |
Howe the preest after this dothe make .vii. crosses upon the Sacrament. |
Howe the preest beynge in his seconde Memento |
Howe the Preest after the Memeto witha hygh voyce dothe synge to the father celestyall: Pater noster qui es i celis. |
Howe the preest doth breke the holy sacramet in thre partyes and saythe thre tymes: Agnus dei qui tollis peccata mudi miserere nobis. |
Howe the preest brekynge the sacrament doth let one peace fall in to the chalyce. |
Howe the preest dothe take the paxe holdynge the sacrament
a lytell space in his hands |
Howe the preest dothe take the blyssed sacrament with both
his handes |
Howe the preest dothe take all that is within the chalyce and dothe emptye it & leue it open. |
How the preest cõmeth with the chalyce towardes the ende of the aulter takynge wyne for the percepcyon. |
Howe the preest in the myddes of the aulter doth tourne hym
i dysioynynge and takynge his handes asondre sayth |
Howe the preest doth tourne hym sayenge |
Project Canterbury