Project Canterbury

The Deity of Christ
Four Sermons preached during Advent,
1921, in Grosvenor Chapel

by Charles Gore, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D.

Milwaukee: Morehouse, 1922

Sermon I. The Great Question
Sermon II. The Faith of the First Disciples
Sermon III. Definitions and Objections
Sermon IV. The Difference It Makes


THESE sermons were not designed for publication, and the subject of them demands more continuous and elaborate treatment than can be given it in four unwritten addresses. But they were found useful to some at least who heard them; and they were taken down by a skilful reporter. Thus, as on a former occasion, I have agreed to their publication in the hope that they may serve to confirm faith in our Lord. If any one feels that the argument is abrupt and inadequate, I do not doubt that he feels rightly, and I will say that I am hoping, before this year is out, to publish a volume on The Person of Christ in which the subject will be, I trust, more adequately treated.

C. G.

The Feast of S. Paul. 1922.

Project Canterbury