Project Canterbury










American Churches in Europe


April 19. 1899.










Bishop in Charge.

The Rev. ROBERT J. NEVIN, D. D., LL. D.
President of Convocation.

Secretary of Convocation.



The Rev. ROBERT J. NEVIN, D. D., LL. D., President,
58 Via Napoli, Rome.

The Rev. TALIAFERRO F. CASKEY, Secretary, 5 Reichsplatz, Dresden.

The Rev. WILLIAM S. ADAMSON, 21 Boulevard Victor Hugo, Nice.

The Rev. JOHN B. MORGAN, D. D., American Church, Paris.

ALBERT JESSUP, Esq., American Church, Paris.

THOMAS LINN, M. D., 16 rue Massena, Nice.

PETER NAYLOR, Esq., 37 Boulevard Victor Hugo, Nice.

WRIGHT E. POST, Esq., American Church, Paris.




The Rev. H. F. ALLEN.





The Rev. JOHN B. MORGAN, D. D.

The Rev. ROBERT J. NEVIN, D. D., LL., D.


The Rev. H. A. VENABLES.



In Order of Settlement

The Rev. ROBERT J. NEVIN, D. D., LL. D.,
Rector of St. Paul's Church. Rome.

The Rev. JOHN B. MORGAN, D. D.,
Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris.

Rector of St. John's Church, Dresden.

Rector, Church of the Holy Spirit, Nice.

The Rev. H. A. VENABLES,
Rector of St, James Church, Florence.

The Rev. H. F. ALLEN,
Chaplain, Christ Church, Lucerne.

Assistant Minister, Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris.

Minister, St. Luke's Church, Paris.

Assistant Minister, St. James Church, Florence.

Assistant Minister, Church of the Holy Spirit, Nice.

Rector, Emmanuel Church, Geneva.


An informal Conference of the Rectors of the American Churches in Europe, was held at Nice France, Febr. 27. 1889 in pursuance of the following call from the Senior Rector.

S. PAUL'S CHURCH, ROME, Febr. 1. 1889.

Rev. and dear Brother.

Your attendance is earnestly asked at a Conference of the Rectors of the American Churches in Foreign Countries, which at the request of a majority of the same will be held, D. V. at Nice, France, on Wednesday the 27. of Febr. at .hour and place to be appointed by the Rector of our Church at Nice.

The primary object of this Conference is to consider; First, Ways and means towards securing for our Churches in Foreign Countries (a) a fair representation in the Councils of the Church, and (b) an Episcopal supervision in keeping with the teachings of the Church, and equal to the ever increasing demands of this field.

Secondly, such other matters affecting the common interests of this field as may be suggested by individual members of the Conference.

Faithfully your brother in Christ,

Rector S. Paul's Church, Rome.

This conference was attended by the Rectors of the Churches at Rome, Nice and Geneva. Letters of adhesion were received from the Rectors at Florence and Dresden, the latter suggesting also "that a second Conference, at which laymen might be present, should be held during the summer at which more official action could he taken than at a mere conference of the Rectors".

A series of Resolutions were passed unanimously at this Conference, of which only the last two need be given here, [6/7] as leading up to the First Convocation of the American Churches in Europe.

VI. Resolved, That the Resolutions adopted by this Conference be submitted to the Rectors of the Churches abroad, who have not been able to be present at the Conference, for their consideration

VII. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Conference, be requested to communicate at once, with the Bishop in Charge, and ask him to authorize the holding of a Convocation of all the clergy of the American Churches in Foreign Countries, and representatives of the Laity, at Geneva, Switzerland, at the end of May, or at some other suitable place and time, for the purpose of choosing one clerical and one lay Delegate to represent them in the House of Deputies of the General Convention of the P. E. Church in the United States of America.

In answer to this Resolution the Secretary (Rev. John Cornell) received from the Bishop in Charge the following authorization.

RALEIGH, March 19. 1889.

My dear Mr. Cornell.

I received some days since a letter from Dr. Nevin telling me of your late Convocation--Paris and Dresden seem not to have been represented. The Resolution passed, asking for representation in the Gen. Convention, has my most cordial approval; and I hereby authorize the call of a Convocation of the clergy and laity of the several Foreign Congregations, at such time and place as you may deem best, for the purpose of electing one clerical and one lay Delegate to represent the Foreign Churches at the next General Convention.

Very faithfully yours

Bishop in Charge of the Foreign Churches.




The first Convocation of all the clergy and representatives of the laity of the American Churches in Europe, met in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris, France, at 11 a. m. June 12. 1889 at the call of the Bishop in Charge, the Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman D. D. made through the Rev. John Cornell Secretary of an informal Conference of Rectors held at Nice, Febry. 27. of the same year. The Holy Communion was celebrated at 11 a. m. by the Rev. Dr. Nevin, after which Convocation adjourned to meet in the vestry of the Church at 3 p. m.

Convocation met pursuant to adjournment, Present the Rev. Drs. R. J. Nevin, and John B. Morgan, and the Rev. Messrs. T. F. Caskey, John Cornell, G. E. Purucker, G. Monroe Royce, Edmund B. Russell, being the full list of all the clergy. Of the laity was present Dr. Theodore S. Evans, Warden of Holy Trinity Church, Paris. On motion of Mr. Purucker, seconded by Dr. Morgan, Dr. Nevin was unanimously elected President. Mr. Cornell and Dr. Morgan were nominated for Secretary. On ballot taken, Mr. Cornell was elected Secretary. Dr. Morgan and Mr. Caskey were nominated for Treasurer. On ballot taken Dr. Morgan was elected Treasurer. The first business in order being the election of a Clerical and a Lay Delegate to the General Convention. Dr. Nevin was unanimously elected Clerical Delegate, and Mr. Cornell, Alternate. For Lay Delegate Mr. Howard Potter having been nominated by Mr. Caskey, and Mr. Wright E. Post by Dr. Morgan, on ballot taken, Mr. Howard Potter was elected. For alternate Lay Delegate Mr. Wright E. Post was nominated by Dr. Morgan and Mr. Frederick W. Jones by Mr. Caskey. On the second ballot Mr. Post was elected. [7/8] The Convocation unanimously adopted the following Preamble and Resolutions in the way of instruction to its Delegates to Convention:

"Whereas, the Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America is based on the principle of a representation of all its membership both clerical and lay in the councils of the Church, and

Whereas, the American Churches in Foreign Countries have been from the beginning self-supporting, and represent a most influential and a steadily increasing element in the Church's life; therefore

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Convocation that a fair representation, both clerical and lay, in the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, with full power to vote should be given to this Jurisdiction, and that the General Convention be respectfully petitioned to grant the same."

The Resolutions passed by the Conference of Rectors at Nice the previous Febry, and which had been communicated immediately after that meeting to all the rectors for their consideration were taken up; and after a long and full discussion of various plans by which a more efficient Episcopal supervision might be hoped for, on motion of Dr. Morgan the following Preamble and Resolution were unanimously adopted:

"Whereas, the present system of Episcopal oversight for the Churches in Foreign Countries, exercised at a distance of from four to five thousand miles at the nearest, and subject to change every three years or oftener, was devised when but one chapel had come into existence, and that one was without any permanent dwelling place; and

Whereas, the Churches abroad have now increased to six, all of them owning consecrated buildings which represent an aggregate of Church property greater than that of some of our home jurisdictions; therefore

[9] Resolved, That it is the conviction of this Convocation that the system of Episcopal oversight, as then devised, is no longer equal to the greatly increased importance and reality of the work done by the Churches abroad, and that the Presiding Bishop and the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America be therefore respectfully but earnestly petitioned, to consider seriously whether some better provision cannot be made for the Episcopal oversight of the American Churches in Foreign Countries."

On motion of Dr. Morgan it was

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Convocation that the extension of the American Church in Europe, both in the way of permanent Churches and summer chapels, should be taken into early and serious consideration."

After Resolutions of thanks to the President of the Convocation, and to the Rector and Vestry of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris, on motion Convocation adjourned to meet on the call of the President at time and place to be determined by him

R. J. NEVIN, President.
JOHN CORNELL, Secretary.

The above Resolutions and petitions were presented to the General Convention in New York Oct. 1889. by the Clerical Delegate.

The House of Deputies without the least opposition granted the Delegates of the American Churches in Europe, the same right of representation on the floor of the House, without a vote, which is given to the Missionary Jurisdiction, but neither the Presiding Bishop nor the General Convention seemed ready to consider seriously whether some better provision cannot be made for the Episcopal oversight of the Churches in foreign Countries".

At the same time the Committee on Canons forced through an Amendment to the Canon on foreign Churches, [9/10] changing the quorum of the Standing Committee, in such a way as to make it impossible to hold a meeting of the Committee for nine years.


MAY 18. 1892.


The second Convention of all the Clergy and representatives of the laity of the American Churches in Europe, met in St. James Church, Florence at 11 A. M. May 18. 1892 at the call of the then Bishop in Charge, the Rt. Rev. Wm. Croswell Doane D. D., made through the Secretary of the Convocation by letter dated Albany Dec. 25. 1891. The Holy Communion was celebrated by the Rev. Dr. Nevin assisted by the Rev. Messrs Cornell and Royce.

At 12 M. the Convocation met in the Vestry in business session. Present Rev. Dr. R. J. Nevin, Rev. Messrs John Cornell G. Munroe Royce and H. A. Venables, and Mr. Thomas Bell, Warden of St. James Church Florence.

The Convocation was organized by the election of the Rev. Dr. Nevin President, the Rev. John Cornell, Secretary and the Rev. Dr. John B. Morgan, Treasurer.

A letter was received from Dr. Morgan dated May 14. 1892. regretting that he could not attend on account of an engagement in Paris made before he received notice of the meeting Apl. 10. A letter was also received from the Rev. W. S. Adamson, Geneva regretting his enforced absence, and authorizing the Secretary, in case it could be done to vote for him by proxy. A letter was also received from the Rev. T. F. Caskey, regretting that he could not attend.

On motion of Mr. Royce, Dr. Nevin was nominated Clerical Delegate to the General Convention of 1892 and [10/11] there being no further nominations was unanimously elected. Rev. Win. S. Adamson was elected Clerical Alternate Mr. A. E. Jessup was elected lay Delegate and Mr. G. F. Coddington, Alternate.

The following Resolution was unanimously adopted

"Resolved, That the Resolutions in regard to a fair representation of the foreign Churches in General Convention, and a better provision for their Episcopal oversight, which were unanimously adopted by the whole body of the Foreign Clergy in a Convocation held in Paris June 12. 1889. be reaffirmed, and that the Delegates of the Convocation be instructed to present them to the General Convention in Baltimore".

At the request of the Bishop in Charge the Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane D. D. certain proposed amendments to the Canon on Foreign Churches, drawn up by him and previously communicated by him to the several rectors, were taken up for consideration The proposed amendments were very sweeping and covered the entire extinction of vestries and the American system of lay representation, the conversion of the Churches into Chapels, the rectors into chaplains, the practical subjugation of the Standing Committee and Delegates to the General Convention to the accidental Bishop in Charge, the transferrence of all property to a Board of Trustees created by the Legislature of New York, and the endowment of the Bishop in Charge with the power of delegating his delegation to another Bishop. On motion the following Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted,

Whereas, the existing congregations of the American Church on the Continent of Europe were severally organized as Churches and not as chapels, and as such have been distinctly recognized as a separate jurisdiction by the General Convention, and have acquired the large property they now hold under such constitution, therefore

Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convocation the changes in the existing Canon, proposed by the Bishop in [11/12] Charge of Foreign Churches, are of doubtful constitutionality and would be distinctly prejudicial to the interests of said Churches.

"Resolved, That if it be found desirable to organize additional congregations, either as summer chaplaincies, or in places where they could not be duly organized as Churches, according to the regular order of the Church's Constitution, in the opinion of this Convocation the organization of such congregations might best be provided for by a special Canon which should not touch the constitution of the existing Churches.

On motion of Mr. Royce the President was requested to draft Rules of Order to govern the future meetings of the Convocation and to submit them to the next meeting of the Convocation, with any suggestions that may be made by the several clerical members. On motion the Convocation adjourned to meet at the call of the President.

R. J. NEVIN, President.

JOHN CORNELL, Secretary.

The Clerical Delegate to the General Convocation of 1892 was prevented from going to America by the appearance of the cholera in Italy. The petition of the Convocation to the General Convention was entrusted by him therefore to the Bishop in Charge for presentation in the House of Bishops, and to Mr. Stephen P. Nash, a member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Churches, for presentation to the House of Deputies. Together with the proposed amendments of the Bishop in Charge it was referred to the joint Committee on the Revision of the Constitution and Canons, there created, and so shelved until 1898.

The Bishop in Charge failed to call any meeting of Convocation in 1895. The Clerical Delegate elected in 1892 attended the General Convention at Minneapolis in 1895, and was granted a seat in the Convention, as holding over until the appointment of a successor. This General Convention [12/13] was wholly taken up with the work of the Committee on Constitutional Revision which was not able to get half way with its report, so that the Canon on Foreign Churches never came under discussion.




The Third Convocation of the clergy and representatives of the laity of the American Churches in Europe met at Nice, France, May 25, 1898, pursuant to the following call.

May 8. 1898.

By direction of the Bishop in Charge of Foreign Churches in Europe a Convocation of the clergy and representatives of the laity of said Churches will be held in Nice, France, on Wednesday, May 25, 1898 for the purpose of choosing one clerical and. one lay Delegate to the General Convention of 1898, and considering such other matters as the Bishop in Charge or members of the Convocation may desire to bring before it. The acting Secretary, Rev. W. S Adamson, will appoint the hour and place of meeting.

President of Convocation.

The Holy Communion was celebrated at 9.30 a. m. in the Church of the Holy Spirit by the Rev. Dr. Nevin assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Adamson and Venables. The Convocation afterwards adjourned to the rectory and met in business session at 10.30 a. m. Present Rev. Dr. R. J. Nevin, Rev. W. S. Adamson. Rev. H. A. Allen, Rev. H. A. Venables, representing a majority of the American Churches in Europe, and Mr. J. H. de Robiglio, Vestryman of the Church in Nice. [13/14] A letter was read from the Rev. Percy Gordon of Geneva who had promised to attend but was prevented by a call to a home parish. Letters were also received from Rev. Richard Hayward, and the Rev. Isaac Van Winkle, stating that they greatly regretted not being able to be present, and from Mrs. Caskey of Dresden, stating that her husband was absent in America. A telegram was received also, while the Convention was in session, from the Rev. Dr. Morgan, saying that he greatly regretted that a critical case of sickness prevented his coming.

The Convention was organized by the election of the following officers. President Rev. R. J. Nevin, D.D., L.L.D. of Rome. Secretary Rev. W. S. Adamson of Nice. Treasurer Rev. J. B. Morgan, D.D. of Paris.

On motion of Mr. Adamson Dr. Nevin was nominated Clerical Delegate to the General Convention and there being no other nomination, was unanimously elected.

The Rev. John Cornell was elected Clerical Alternate. Mr. Wm. Fitzhugh Whitehouse was elected lay Delegate, and Mr. F. W. Rhinelander Alternate.

The following Rules of Order were reported by the President and adopted

I. The Convention, whether at triennial or special meetings, shall be opened by a celebration of the Holy Communion at a time to be appointed by the Rector of the parish in which the Convention is held.

II. At each triennial session the Convention shall elect a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall continue in office until next triennial session, or until their successors shall be appointed.

III. The Order of Business shall be

A. Business proposed by the Bishop in Charge or his representative.

B. Unfinished business from last session.

C. New business proposed by members.

[15] On motion it was unanimously resolved that the Resolution in regard to a better provision for Episcopal oversight of the Foreign Churches, which was unanimously adopted by the whole body of the Foreign clergy in a Convocation held in Paris June 12. 1889, be reaffirmed and that the Delegates of the Convocation be instructed to present them to the General Convention in Washington.

The Convocation proceeded to consider the Report of the Joint Commission on the Revision of the Constitution and Canons, to be submitted to the General Convention at Washington, as far as it concerned the American Churches in Europe. After careful discussion of the amendments proposed by the Committee, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That this Convocation respectfully demurs to the Amendments made in the proposed Canon. 48 Sec. 7 on the grounds:

1. That such legislation is a violation of the contract under which the Foreign Churches were taken under the direction of the General Convention and therefore would be of no force unless accepted by the individual Churches.

2. That the proposed legislation fixes no limit to the duration of the Bishop's visit, nor to the number of persons by whom he may be accompanied.

3. That the necessary expenses of the Bishop are duly provided for by the appropriation (proposed) of five hundred dollars by the General Convention.

4. That it is unjust to lay upon the Foreign Churches, many of whom are not self - supporting, a greater burden than is laid upon Missionary Jurisdictions.

Resolved, That this Convocation objects to the Amendment proposed in Canon 48 Sec. 8 on the ground, that the proposed Canon instead of diminishing, increases the impracticability of the present Canon because

1. The proposed Standing Committee is too large and cumbrous to be of use, consisting, as it would, of at least twenty persons.

[16] 2. The proposed Standing Committee consists of two bodies widely separated as to place, each of which may meet and act separately without regard to one another and therefore with possible injustice to their respective rights and privileges.

3. While it is provided that they may meet of their own accord and agreeably to their own rules, when they may be disposed to advise the Bishop, this is contradicted by the preceding provision that the presence of the Bishop in Charge or of his representative, shall be necessary to a quorum.

On motion of Mr. Adamson, seconded by Mr. Allen, it was unanimously resolved that this convocation having received through its President the greetings and blessing of the Rt. Revd. William A. Leonard D.D. lately appointed Bishop in Charge of Foreign Churches, acknowledge with gladness the Bishop's kind remembrance of them, and the special interest he has already exhibited in the foreign field of the Church, and beg to assure him of their conviction, that under his care, its work will advance to a larger degree of usefulness than ever before. By unanimous resolution the following telegram was sent to the Presiding Bishop at Middletown, Conn.

"The Convocation of Foreign Churches sends affectionate greetings and best wishes. Nevin, Adamson, Allen, Venables." On motion it was

Resolved, That when this Convocation adjourns it adjourns to meet, subject to change by the President of the Convocation, at Lucerne, Switzerland, on Wednesday July 8. 1899. After the usual resolution of thanks, the Convocation adjourned at 6 p. m.

R. J. NEVIN, President.

W. S. ADAMSON, Secretary.


It will be seen by the Journals of the first three Convocations of the Churches in Europe that the rectors of the same have from the beginning sought three things.

1. A fair representation in the councils of the Church. 2. A real and churchly Episcopal oversight. 3. A carefully considered extension of the American Church in Europe.

It is to be noted also that the second and third Convocations, which represented a bare majority of the Churches in Europe, made no new departure in any point but simply reaffirmed, again and again, the unanimous voice of all the clergy expressed in the Convocation at Paris.

It has been very difficult for these Churches to get a hearing, for a single Delegate without a vote can exercise little influence in the great House of Deputies of the American Church, and, unlike the Missionary Jurisdictions, they have no representation in the House of Bishops, for their Bishop in Charge is one whose own the sheep are not. After nine years of repeated knocking at last the doors were opened wide enough at the Convention in Washington to gain there a hearing, and the Petition of the Convocation for a better Episcopal oversight has been referred to a joint Commission of representative Bishops, clergy and laymen, who are charged with the duty of seriously considering it and reporting in 1901.

The General Convention also created a workable Standing Committee, elected by and composed of workers in the foreign field, so that the Bishop in Charge will no longer be a nullity helpless to act in any important matter, without the advice of a Committee which he could not possibly get together.

The House of Deputies went further, and in revising the Constitution voted an amendment by which the Delegates from the Churches in Europe, as also from the Missionary Jurisdictions should be given the right to vote in the General Convention, when the vote was not taken by Dioceses and [17/18] Orders. The House of Bishops cut off this right from the Foreign Churches, although retaining it for the Foreign Missionary Jurisdictions whose Delegate might be a Japanese or an African. And when the House of Deputies refused to concur in this monstrous discrimination against their brethren in Europe, finally refused the right to vote to all Missionary Jurisdictions, rather than extend it to the Churches in Europe.


APRIL 19. 1899.

The Convocation met pursuant to the following call--

PARIS, FRANCE, April 6, 1899.

Reverend and dear Sir,

According to Title III, Canon 6, § 7 of the Digest, an Annual Convocation of the American Churches on the continent of Europe must be held, to consist of the Clergy, and one lay delegate, from each Church or Chapel belonging to the jurisdiction.

Notice is herewith given of the meeting of such Convocation in the Church of the Holy Spirit, Nice, France, on Wednesday morning, April 19., 1899, at 10 o'clock. The service will be that of the Holy Communion, at which time the Bishop will deliver an address or charge.

It is of great importance that every Clergyman entitled to a seat be present, and that a lay delegate be chosen to represent his Parish or Mission.

A better organization of the Convocation, and Rules for its regular government, and necessary legislation, should he the order of the day, and to this end an urgent request is made that all representatives will present themselves at the time and place above indicated. The business of Convocation should not occupy more time than one full day of session. Please send to me at earliest convenience, the names of clergy and lay delegate to represent your Parish.

Bishop in charge.

The Bishop in Charge celebrated Holy Communion, assisted by Rev. R J. Nevin D. D. L.L.D. as Gospeller, and Rev. W. S. Adamson as Epistoler.

The Bishop delivered the following charge--


Brethren beloved. I bring to you greetings in the Lord as we meet in Convocation for the special object of exciting [19/20] interest in our common service for Christ and His Holy Church. It is meet and desirable that such Conferences should be held from time to time, in order that there may be mutual exchange of ideas, sympathetic suggestions that may aid us in doing better work for God and above all that we may secure the spiritual. uplift and stimulus, that the blessed Sacrament, and fraternal association must necessarily develope in clergy and people situated as you are here on the Continent of Europe--related to differing nations and races of peoples--with a modus vivendi that adapts itself to circumstances and conditions of environment as you find them. Your Convocations must be more personal in their nature, than if you were at home in a unified Diocese, and with a sympathetic atmosphere surrounding your life and labors. The danger of isolation will be avoided by such comings together, and the consequent danger of segregation and independence one of another, and of the Mother Church in the United States, must be the out come of these councils, and contacts. For the soldiers in line of battle feel stronger, and better guarded as they close up ranks, and touch each other shoulder to shoulder so in our clerical work, and in our ecclesiastical life, we need the benefit and excitation of faith and love, that such gatherings must assuredly accomplish. We are not here for Canonical legislation, but for brotherly advisements. Our laws are made for us and the great Church to which we owe allegiance, when it holds its Triennial Convention. We cannot make rules that will affect our separate Parochial prerogatives, nor can we presume to overpass the lines that are drawn about each organization that we represent. Loyalty to our general Digest of Canon law, is all that can be expected or desired, but that very loyalty of children to the Home and to the Mother would in most affectionate manner, bring us together from time to time for stimulation of zeal, exchange of courtesies, and union of hearts in our Master's work, that so returning to our tasks we may take heart and be encouraged. And how at times you must long for such convenings, how when you are lonesome at your post, and when the seasons of travel and of tourists are closed, how your spirits must yearn for some congenial touch and some [20/21] paternal word of revival and advice. I think I can enter into an appreciation of all this by reason of my more intelligent acquaintance with your situations after my winter's visitation. And therefore I hail and approve most heartily of these annual gatherings, when allied and associated thus together around the common altar of the Divine Saviour you may confer together "of those things that pertain to His Kingdom", and receive from one another an exchange of opinion and a proffer of suggestion and of value in your necessities. But before I present to you my statement of work done, it is my duty to remind you of the great losses our Church has sustained during the past twelve months.

About the time of the assembly of your last Convocation God called to Himself the Rt. Rev. Charles Todd Quintard D.D. L. L. D., Bishop of Tennessee. He was personally known to most of you. And had a reputation for his geniality his vigor and forcefulness, and for his brilliant oratorical powers. He was one of the veterans among the Bishops, a revered Elder, and a well beloved Overseer. Since his departure we have learned of the death of the learned and scholarly Bishop of Iowa, the Rt. Rev. William Stevens Perry, D. D. L.L.D. whose industry in research and accuracy in statement and painstaking laboriousness in recording events, made him the chosen Historiographer of our American Church. He was known and highly esteemed both at home and abroad: and the great Universities of Britain did him conspicuous honor. Far away on the northern California coast died last year the Missionary Bishop Wingfield. He had toiled at his distant post unremittingly, and had builded foundations for the future and when wearied by his endeavors, he broke into a wreck of his former powers, he thus lingered for months till "he fell on sleep". The latest bereavement the Church has sustained has come to us all as a personal affliction, because we have this winter been called upon to mourn for our beloved Presiding Bishop the Rt. Rev. John Williams D. D. L. L. D. Bishop of Connecticut.

He was the most conspicuous Prelate in our branch of the Anglican Communion, famous for his learning, his wisdom and his skill. For long years he has stood foremost in council, [21/22] and to him his brethren loved to accord leadership. He possessed rare gifts, and he used them for God's glory and for the benefit of His Holy Church. I suppose he has ordained more men to the office of Priest and Deacon than any other of our Bishops, and thus widened the extent of his influence. He was a wonderful teacher of Theology, a keen logician and an expert in Ecclesiastical History. A Bishop with large heart and of generous methods but yet an uncompromising Anglican Churchman whose "Fathers" he loved to read and quote. I remember how vigorously he insisted that his candidates and students should become proficient in a knowledge of the incomparable writings of Bull and Beveridge and Hooker and Pearson rather than followers of Germany's Theologians whose conclusions are so liable to lead to rationalism. And I can do no better in this most halting tribute to this great Bishop than thus to refer to his conviction on a subject, that as loyal Priests of our Faith, we ought never to lose sight of. I had a loving visit with him a few hours before sailing for Europe last January, and departing from his side with his dear Blessing on my head and his earnest prayers for success in my mission to you, I feel sure that you will share it with me as we gather here for our work and service in Christ's name. From your clerical members no one has been taken by death, but from your several parishes a number of faithful laity have been summoned into the presence of the King of Paradise. Some of these were loyal and generous supporters of your works--some were gentle sufferers--some were dear and intimate friends and associates. What a comfort to know that you were able to minister to their spiritual needs in the hours of weakness and of dying. We commit and commend them each and all to the care of our consoling Lord, as here we kneel together and use the Church's prayer. "Almighty and everliving God we yield unto Thee most high praise and hearty thanks, for the wonderful grace and virtue declared in all Thy saints who have been the choice vessels of Thy grace and the lights of the world in their several generations; most humbly beseeching Thee to give us grace so to follow the example of their steadfastness in Thy faith, and obedience to Thy holy [22/23] commandments, that at the day of the general resurrection, we, with all those who are of the mystical Body of Thy Son, may be set on his right hand, and hear that His most joyful voice; Conic ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world. Grant this O Father for Jesus Christ's sake our only mediator and advocate. Amen.


In July 1897 while attending the Lambeth Conference in London I received appointment from the Presiding Bishop to take charge of our American Churches and Chapels on the Continent of Europe, this position having been resigned by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Doane, Bishop of Albany. A visitation was made of a portion of the field during September, at which time 1 confirmed six candidates in St. John's Church Dresden; and three candidates in Holy Trinity Church, Paris. I also visited the Mission at Munich, and Christ Church. Lucerne. The Mission at Munich was started by the Rev. T. F. Caskey of Dresden. The Rev. Edw. Houghton gave to this post his services for nearly eighteen months, at his own charges, and I make grateful mention of this free will offering. The Rev. G. Monroe Royce is now giving his services to this cause. My second visitation began Jan. 4. 1899 when I sailed for Italy. The services rendered, aside from assisting the clergy at different times by preaching and by celebrating the Holy Communion have been as follows. At St. Paul's Church Rome Jan. 29. Baptised two children: on Feb. 19. confirmed six candidates in same Church. In St. James Church Florence on March 26. confirmed four candidates. In Church of Holy Spirit Nice confirmed five candidates on March 12. At the American Mission in Munich on March 23. confirmed three candidates. There is no Rector at present in Geneva, consequently my services were restricted to a celebration of Holy Communion and preaching; The Rev. Geo. Clark Cox will enter upon duty there May the 1. At St. John's Church, Dresden on March 26. confirmed ten candidates. That same evening I was glad to go to All Saints Church and confirm [23/24] seventeen candidates for the Rev. Mr. Moore the English Chaplain. At St. Luke's Chapel Paris, April 1. confirmed three candidates. On April 9. in the Church of the Holy Trinity Paris, confirmed twenty four candidates. I also baptised in this Parish two children on April 10. Sermons and addresses deliverd 30. Holy Communion celebrated 19 times Baptisms 4, Confirmations 72. In this connection it would be unbecoming if I did not make public acknowledgement of the affectionate and generous hospitality which has been proffered to me and mine, everywhere we have been, and in each Parish we have visited. I have been gratified and touched by the evidences of regard and kindness that were manifested and it is with thankfulness that I make this reference, recording my deep appreciation of the love and good-will of the clergy and the people. I have also enjoyed the opportunity of meeting the Vestries of each of our Churches for consultation, and also for a better knowledge of the temporalities committed to their charge, and in every instance have esteemed the courtesy and confidence extended to me.


I shall not attempt to describe to you the interesting session of the late General Convention in Washington last October, because I have asked the Rev. Dr. Nevin, your clerical Deputy to that Body, to prepare and present before you an account of its work Suffice it to say that after considerable discussion and investigation of the former laws regulating our Churches in Europe, a very admirable Canon was passed under whose directions we are now convened. It is a wise improvement on former legislation and provides for the annual election by this convocation of a Standing Committee of four clergymen, and four laymen, resident in Europe, and not mere travellers, or residents of the United States, who shall act when necessary with the Bishop in Charge as his council of advice and also advise him as to needs that may arise during his absence. One of your principal duties will therefore be, the election of this Standing Committee, which should certainly be representative in its character and personnel.

[25] Growing out of the debate on our Continental work, it was the express opinion of General Convention that we should not increase our present number of Churches or Congregations. Our policy has been to furnish the services of the American Church only in such large centres in Europe, as gather together a considerable number of resident American Colonists; or in such places where very great numbers of Americans congregate or travel during summer months. This is already provided for except at Interlaken where I am considering the desirability of arranging our services in one of the prominent hotels. The English Church is so generous and liberal in her provision for her people as well as our own, that it would be impolitic and quite unnecessary for us to untertake duty where she is already well established. As it is now, there is much difficulty in maintaining and supporting resident clergymen; while in one case there is no provision whatever for salary or rents, and we have to find a minister who will at his own risks and charges undertake the mission. The Church at home has no Society as in England for founding and perpetuating these Chaplaincies, and so our case is a simple one, and our policy plain if not peremptory. What we must do is to strengthen what remains and is already in our charge by earnest spiritual toil, and on the material side by building, where necessary, substantial structures and by accumulating permanent endowments that shall forever maintain our well begun undertakings. To this end I believe the better organization of the Churches in this Convocation is advisable, so that out from your central and annual gatherings may go a larger stimulation and radiation of light and strength for your service of souls. I find after conference with the local vestries, that the indebtedness on these Churches of ours is unappreciably small, of course the fact remains, that offerings and weekly maintenance are liable to flux and change. This is at times embarrassing, but as a rule, each year produces its sufficient sums to meet current expenses. But I must indicate to my brethern here assembled the need for constant reminder to these roving congregations, that our maintenance depends upon their grateful liberality. There should be in [25/26] each Church a better and wider system of advertisement. The hotels should have large not small posters, with plainly printed announcements of these services of the American Church. A photographic illustration of the building itself would attract the eye of the passing tourist, while after the manner of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood at home cards of invitation should be sent on Saturdays to each American registered as visitor at the hotels. It will not do to despise these matters, for they are legitimate, if not necessary. Books of Subscription too should be carefully utilized, and vestries should be aroused to the importance of this duty. I cannot fail to remind you of the real value of a weekly or bi-weekly reception for resident and traveling Americans, either at your pleasant Rectories, or in your Parish halls or rooms. When there is no Rectory or Hall there ought to be one built or purchased, because it is of recognized importance as rendezvous for your peculiar constituency, a home and place of refuge and comfort to many of your country men who are sensibly affected by such home gatherings in a genuinely consecrated spot.

My careful examination of our properties, our work and our outlook leads me to the reflection, that we may well rejoice before God, because of the labors and the gifts that have vouchsafed us such a goodly heritage and such an attractive series of Churches and Chapels. I stated at the outset that these Conferences ought to be of spiritual value to each of you my brothers; and if for you then ultimately for those to whom you minister. We are so human that we need the excitation of association. Rome realizes this, and wisely orders Retreats for her clergy from time to time. Do we not also require such aids for the soul? We may not as I said before make laws, but we can make advance in personal earnestness by our Convocation. What we do here cannot disturb or modify our parishes; but again what is done for each separate soul assembled thus, may produce fruit in the parochial life, and in the individuals our lives may impinge upon and touch. What are our dangers here in Europe personally? My observation impels me to some reflections

that I trust will prove of practical benefit, and to them I would briefly direct attention. Situated as your work is in these interesting cities the inclination is to permit the missionary spirit to droop and die. You think that your work is in itself Missionary for all work for Christ is missionary. But how does it differ from work in New York? There the service of priest and people is also missionary. We are "sent" by Christ to work in His vineyard but not alone for ourselves. Whether in the midst of a high civilization or in the jungle, or on the western prairies we are sent to do two things, first to build up the wall nearest to our hand, second to go forth and subdue the outlying districts to Christ. Our religion cannot be selfish, isolated, or circumscribed. It is outspreading, permeative and progressive. No real work is done for Christ that fails at this point, and conspicuous is the fact that in semi-civilized, or even savage sections the converts of the Cross soon learn that having received of the good things at the Table of the King's bounty, they are then and therefore themselves to give forth of their benefactions, for the help, edification, and salvation of others. When you hear of the Indian convert bringing to the altar steps his gifts of wampum, and skins of beasts, and basket-work as an offering to be dispensed, and the income therefrom to be his contribution for preaching the Gospel somewhere else--you find an illustration of the principle. The tendency here is to secure such funds for the support of the local work alone. Little is done beyond this. In some places not a single dollar is contributed for the saving of others; no eleemosynary or charitable service is rendered to the wretched and poor, and orphaned, and enfeebled that literally lie at the Church portal. Our American Church whether here or at home, or in Japan or Africa, is a missionary Church, and each Christian Communicant is to be taught, that he himself because he is baptised into Christ, is a branch of the True Vine, and must therefore bring forth fruit. Each Christian is to be instructed in this primal principle of our religion, and from each of your people should come annually not merely the sustentation funds for which they receive an ample return in service and ministration, [27/28] but also a glad and willing offering for the sending out of the light of the Gospel of peace and love into the dark places of humanity. That is why I would urge upon you the development of hospital and dispensary work in your cities; abundance of money and of personal aid, and of hearty cooperation will follow, and furthermore the spirit of Christian liberality will in like proportion be increased, and your parochial support will be enhanced and the enlargement of your influence will be the outcome. For it is almost axiomatic, that if you dry up the spirit of missions in your parish you interfere with and paralyze the freedom of Christ's grace and life in your individual souls. Let me now speak to. you affectionately, but none the less plainly and forcibly of the need for the cultivation of the interior and spiritual life in yourselves and in your families. And what is said of and to the reverend clergy must find reflex in the laity, since "like priest like people" is a proverb proven by many generations of observation. The Devil I am confident finds it important to occupy his ingenuity constantly in tempting the shepherds that so he may also catch the sheep as well, and of his manifest and manifold efforts I believe he approches us with subtle endeavor to render us lazy and worldly minded. The minister of Christ is tempted to laziness. He is prone to think that he is doing his best, that he has exerted every possible effort, that there is nothing more for him to do, and that his responsibility is ended. He is inclined to favor himself, to take life a little easier, to settle down, to become perfunctory. This lethargy of impulse affects his habits. He ceases to pray as regularly, as fervently, as frequently as at an earlier stage in his ministry. He ceases to visit his people with the same interest that once made him an eager seeker after souls. When it is possibly or comfortably convenient he reduces the number of his public services because so few people attend them and because there is some objection to such multiplication, forgetting the while that he himself requires their stimulus and their grace more than any other member of the flock. Indeed just here he is liable to separate himself from his people, forgetting that his and their spiritual interest are identical, that he with [28/29] them and they with him become inseparable quantities, and that they are more or less interdependent in this sacred relationship. With this temptation to laxity, is the inclination to cease hard study, hard reading a regular rule of daily application at one's desk, and a constant delving into the depths of the Holy Scriptures. Old sermons are drawn forth and refurbished, new sermons become rarer, the easier habit of extemporizing follows, and a dilletanti clerical life is the ready result. I have seen men of real intellectual force, drop down quietly and steadily and imperceptibly to themselves (but to no one else) below the line of mediocrity settling into the dulness and professional inertness that the keen eyed layman is quick to detect. Sometimes we hear that the pulpit has lost its power and if this be true (though I do not believe it) the fault is with the man who fills or tries to fill the pulpit. Everybody in this day and generation is awake and active and intelligent and many are intellectual, therefore the priest must beware lest he trifle with his responsibilities, and depend too much upon his Order, his office, and his established place in life. In this generation, as never before we must be rigorous and regular and earnest and patient in our prayers our religions services and at our books. The people will not thrive on, indeed they will reject, a diet of husks, and that which they expect from us we must be ready and willing to give, to bring forth treasures new and old from the boundless treasures provided for us of God. An industrious, never satisfied, vigorous ministry is requisite, if we expect to do our Masters bidding well, and if we hope to overcome the wiles of our arch tempter who would if possible seduce the elect. And now in conclusion let me consider with you the great importauce of sustaining a high spiritual standard as servants of the Lord Jesus. He said to his chosen ones: "Ye are the light of the world". And then again He said: "Take heed lest the light that is in you be darkness". A light can grow dim; it may still burn and not go out. But the oil may become thick, the wick soiled and heavy and the flame may thus be deteriorated and even become offensive. The world expects light from you and me it expects bright [29/30] light, undimmed and unremitting. Alas how often we allow the flame to burn low and how often we may thus mislead those who place implicit trust and faith in us as guides. "We have this treasure in earthen vessels" says the Apostle and how very earthen we are we each know too well and too sadly; and how often reduced in these vessels is the grace of which we are posessed. Yet spirituality is something we may cultivate, augment and develope. We can grow in this grace and produce daily fruitage, evident in a holy and humble walk before God. But how gracious and many are our diversions and how rigorous as well as insidious are our temptations. The world and its seductions alluring surround us and press on us, and would win and draw us away from our posts, and from the Lord's dear side, until we become so affected by this pressure, that at last we become worldlyminded Priests. The social side of life is presented to each of us constantly. We dwell in the midst of the world. We must do so, and yet we are warned that we are not to be of the world. It is a difficult position, and it entails a constant, never-ceasing watchfulness "lest we enter into terntation". I am a believer in the importance of this social contact, because if it be consistently utilized it will give to the Minister of Christ a power and an influence over the children of this life, such as can never be secured by monasticism and isolation: and yet this entails peculiar dangers and is often a real strain on the soul's nerves. Singularly enough the people of the world, are the very first to criticize a worldlyminded clergyman: they sneer at him, they hold him up to ridicule, while at the same time they smile in his face, and invite him into their presence. The most charitable friends we have are our own loving communicants; and the severest espionage we endure is from them who never follow with us religiously. Now you and I are to be very cautious and very careful and very prayerful in these matters. Then there are some places to which we may not presume or dare to venture. We must not permit our garments to be spotted and we must not go so near to the fire as to come away with the smell thereof clinging to our robes. No Priest should [30/31] allow himself to go where he would be unwilling to have Christ find him and this is a safe rule for us to follow. There is no law, for each man is to be in his religious liberty "a law unto himself". But there will some day be "One who judgeth" and before Him you and I must stand, having the record of our life and actions with us. Spirituality in conduct must indicate the mind and temper of the man, and to be spiritually-minded is life "while to be carnally-minded is death". Nothing dims our light so fully as the earth damps and we must be ever alert, ever careful in the scrutiny of our rules of life, of our daily walk and our conversation, so that we may free ourselves from the environment that will dull our luminousness and get us up at once unto a purer and more wholesome level. . We are in greater need of prayer, I mean that constant habit of communion with our Lord, so that we may talk with Him as we journey, as we walk the highways of duty and so behold ourselves in an atmosphere that will itself protect us as we become enveloped in it. For this reason too, I think that more than any other man in his congregation the parish priest needs the help and benefit of regular sacraments. Suppose that no one comes at the early hour on the quiet sunday morning. Surely the minister himself is there to feed on heavenly food, to secure needed grace and life from the hands of Christ. He who has, then special demands from within for holiness and patience and watchfulness, surely he most requires this gracious refreshment. So too, there are many denials and sacrifices and penalties of the harder law of life, that the priest must impose upon himself in order that he may "keep himself under". This is the very expression St. Paul uses "I keep myself under lest that by any means, having preached the Gospel to others, I myself become a castaway". I realize that there are many things in themselves, perhaps harmless, that we must eschew. We are sometimes victims of a code that is relentless, yet what difference does it make if we are called to relinquish mere bagatelles and baubles when eternal issues are at stake. History shows how worldliness has in the past crept into the Church, and destroyed the earnest spirituality of the [31/32] clergy and you and I are to be ever mindful of our constant obligation to avoid all things contrary to our profession and "to walk as becometh the children of light". These then are my charges to you dear brothers and these my loving and fraternal words of advice and counsel. Standing as you do in lands where alien religions and practices are predominant, where tides of worldliness ebb and flow with at times fierce strength, your duty is plain to maintain the interest of the church by preaching fearlessly her sound and helpful doctrines by holding aloft her apostolic and pure creeds, by duly administering her unmutilated sacraments and by so deporting yourselves as watchmen and stewards that await anxiously their Lord's coming, as will increase holiness in your own lives and impart spiritual vitality to those over whom the Master of the Divine Household hath placed you "until He come". And may He grant us all sufficient grace for these necessities, these endurances and these obligations.

Immediately after the services, the Convocation organised in business session. The Rt. Rev. Wm. A. Leonard in the chair. The Rev. Wm. S. Adamson was elected Secretary.

There were present Rev. R. J. Nevin, Rev. T. F. Caskey, Rev. Wm. S. Adamson, Rev G. Munroe Royce, Rev. Pedro S. Mesny, and Messrs Peter Naylor, Henry de Meli, and Dr. Thomas Linn representing respectively the congregations at Geneva, Dresden, and Nice. There were present also Rev. W. J. Hamilton, Rev. J. F. Langford, Frederick Fairbanks Esq. of the Vestry of the Church in Dresden, Comte Joseph de Robiglio and Horatio R. Bigelow M. D. of the Vestry of the Church in Nice.

The minutes of the last meeting of Convocation held at Nice May 25. 1898 were read and approved.

On motion of Dr. Nevin the Bishop was requested to appoint a Committee to revise the rules of order of Convocation and report during the present session. The Bishop appointed Dr. Nevin, Mr. Caskey and Mr. Naylor.

The reports from the following parishes were then read see Appendix III.

[33] The Convocation then took a recess until half past two o'clock. During the recess, the members of the Convocation and visitors were entertained at luncheon by the Vestry of the Church of Nice.

The Convocation resumed its sitting at 3 o'clock.

The Committee appointed to revise the rules of order reported the following resolution

Resolved, that at future meetings of the Convocation a majority of all the Churches belonging to the Convocation represented, whether by a clerical, or lay delegate, shall constitute a quorum.

Mr. Caskey presented a minority report that a representation of two thirds of the Clergy should be necessary to constitute a quorum, irrespective of the lay representation, and moved the same as an amendment.

Mr. Royce moved us an amendment to the amendment, that where a meeting of Convocation shall have been called by the Bishop, or other proper authority, the persons present shall constitute a quorum.

On vote taken the amendment proposed by Mr. Royce was lost.

Mr. Caskey, with the consent of the Convocation, withdrew his amendment.

The majority report of the committee was then adopted. The Committee to revise the rules of order reported further resolutions, viz:

Resolved, that the Secretary of the Convocation be instructed to print the proceedings of the Convocation including the Bishop's Charge, and the reports of the several Churches at the close of each meeting.

Resolved, that a copy of the same be sent to the Registrar of the General Convention, to every Bishop of the Church and to the Librarians of the seminaries and Colleges recognised by the Church.

On motion of Dr. Nevin, seconded by Mr. Caskey the foregoing resolutions were adopted.

[34] The Convocation proceeded to the election of the Standing Committee. On the call of the Bishop for nominations for four Clerical members, the following gentlemen were put in nomination Rev. R. J. Nevin D.D. L.L.D. Rev. John B. Morgan D.D. Rev. Wm. S. Adamson Rev. Taliaferro F. Caskey.

There being no further nominations the Secretary was instructed to cast one ballot and the foregoing gentlemen were unanimously elected.

On the call by the Bishop for four lay members, the following gentlemen were nominated. Peter Naylor Esq. Albert E. Jessup Esq. Thomas Linn M.D. Wright E. Post Esq.

There being no further nominations the Secretary was instructed to cast one ballot and the foregoing gentlemen were unanimously elected.

The Rev. Mr. Caskey invited the convocation to hold its next session in the Church of St. John Dresden.

On motion of Dr Nevin, it was resolved that this Convocation accept the hospitality offered by the Church of Dresden, to meet at the call of the Bishop or the Standing Committee.

On motion of Mr. Caskey it was resolved that the very cordial thanks of the Convocation are tendered to the Rector and Vestry of the Church of the Holy Spirit Nice, for the courtesies shown to the Convocation during its sessions.

The Rev. Mr. Caskey read a paper prepared at the request of the Bishop on American Churches in Europe.

The Rev. Dr. Nevin presented the following report of the delegates to the General Convention at Washington which on motion was accepted and ordered to be entered on the minutes.

The delegates elected by the Convocation of Foreign Churches at Nice to represent said Churches at the General Convention of the P. E. Church held at Washington Oct. 4. 1898 respectfully submit the following report.--

I. The petition of the Foreign Churches for a consideration of a better system of Episcopal supervision, which was unanimously passed by the Convocation of Paris 1889 and [34/35] reaffirmed by the late Convocations at Florence and Nice, gained at last a hearing from the House of Bishops and was referred to a joint commission to report to the General Convention in 1901.

II. Title III. Can. 3. Sec. III, subsection VII was amended to read after the word "arise" in the fourth line, "A Standing Committee consisting of four clergymen and four laymen shall be constituted as follows, and shall act as Council of advise to the Bishop in Charge of Foreign Churches. They shall be chosen annually to serve until their successors are chosen, by a Convocation duly convened of all the Clergy of the foregoing Churches or Chapels, and of one lay representative of each Church or Chapel chosen by its vestry or committee.

The Standing Committee shall be convened on the requisition of the Bishop whenever he may desire their advice, and they may meet of their own accord when they may wish to advise the Bishop. When a meeting is not practicable the Bishop may ascertain their mind by letter"--

III. Your delegates secured the unanimous adoption by the House of Deputies of an amendment to the constitution Sec. VI Art. I by which one clerical and one lay delegate from each Missionary District and from the American Churches in Foreign Lands were given seats in the House, of Deputies as a constitutional right, with a right to vote whenever the vote was not taken by orders.

The House of Bishops threw out the Foreign Churches from this right: The House of Deputies by two successive and almost unanimous votes refused to concur in this discrimination of the House of Bishops against the Foreign Churches. Finally, at the very close of the session in order to save the adoption of the revised constitution, a compromise was reached by dropping out the whole section so that the Foreign Churches stand precisely as before, on the same footing as the Missionary Districts.

Your delegates beg especially to call the attention of the Foreign Churches to the importance of the Change by which [35/36] the election of their Standing Committee is put entirely in their own hands, and to the desirablenes of arranging for a full representation, in the meeting of Convocation, which the new Bishop in Charge will convoke during his coming visitation for the purpose of electing said Standing Committee.


The minutes of the present meeting were then read by the secretary and after Prayers and Benediction by the Bishop the Convocation adjourned.



Rules of Order adopted 1888 and 1899

I. Convocation, whether at triennial or special meetings, shall be opened by a celebration of the Holy Communion at a time to be appointed by the Rector of the Parish in which the Convocation is held.

II. At each triennial session the Convocation shall elect a President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall continue in office until next triennial session, or until their successors shall be appointed.

III. The Order of Business shall be

A. Business proposed by the Bishop in Charge or his representative.

B. Unfinished business from last session.

C. New business proposed by members.

IV. At meetings of the Convocation a majority of all the Churches belonging to the Convocation represented, whether by a clerical or lay delegate shall constitute a quorum.

V. The Secretary of the Convocation shall print the proceedings of the Convocation including the Bishop's Charge and the reports of the several Churches at the close of each meeting, and send copies of the same to the Registrar of the General Convention, to every Bishop of the Church and to the Librarians of the Seminaries and Colleges recognised by the Church.


Minutes of the Organization of the Standing Committee of the American Protestant Episcopal Churches on the Continent of Europe.

NICE, April 20. 99.

Per order of the Bishop in Charge, the Standing Committee of the American Churches on the Continent of Europe was convened in the rectory of the Church of the Holy Spirit at 11 a. m. There were present clerical members: the Rev. Dr. Nevin and the Rev. Messrs Adamson and Caskey; lay members: Mr. Peter Naylor and Dr. Thomas Linn The Bishop took the Chair and stated that the object of the meeting was the formal organization of the Committee. On motion of the Rev. Mr. Caskey, the Rev. Robert J. Nevin D. D. of St. Paul's Church, Rome was elected President. On motion of the Rev. Mr. Adamson the Rev. Taliaferro F. Caskey of St. John's Church, Dresden was elected Secretary. The Bishop then withdrew stating that he desired to recognize the fact that the Standing Committee met not only at the call of the Bishop but also of their own accord when they may wish to advise the Bishop.

The elected officers then took their posts, and the President, after thanking the Standing Committee for the honor shown him, suggested that as there were no special calls for their action before them either from the Bishop or the several Churches the only immediate business seemed to be the adoption of Rules of Order which might well be made provisional seeing that the field, to the care of which the Standing Committee was called", differed much from that of ordinary dioceses. On motion of Rev. Mr. Adamson, seconded by Dr. Linn the Rules of Order of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of New York were provisionally adopted for the government of this Committee. An informal discussion followed upon the duties and limitations of a Standing Committee in the jurisdiction of the Foreign American Churches. An interchange of views upon the place of next meeting [38/39] resulted in a general preference for Paris, subject to the suggestions of absent members. On motion of Dr. Linn, seconded by Mr. Naylor the Committee adjourned to meet at the call of the President.



from April 1. 1898 to April 1. 1899.

Organised November 27. 1873.

Rector, Wm. S. Adamson.
Curate, Pedro S. Mesny.
Senior Warden, Dr. N. W. Williams.
Junior Warden, Harold S. Van Buren Esq.
Clerk of Vestry, Dr. Thomas Linn.
Treasurer, Wm. S. Adamson.

Baptisms 1, Confirmed 5, Burials 7, Communicants 85.

Public services on Sundays 110, on other days 97, total 187.

Holy Communion, In public 68, In private 3, total 71, services held during eight months of the year.

Receipts and Offerings.

Expenses and Salaries Fr. 22117.65
Endowment . Fr. 56 987.84
Repairs and Improvement Fr. 1800.60
Special Charities Fr. 675.20
Total Receipts and Offerings Fr. 23578.50


Church and Grounds, Fr. 300000. Rectory and Grounds, Fr. 250000.
Amout of Insurance, Fr. 150000.

WM. S. ADAMSON, Rector.

(no report).

[40] PARIS. ST. LUKES CHAPEL, Parish of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Curate in Charge, Isaac Van Winkle, ministers among a population coin· posed chiefly of students in Art, Architecture, Music, Languages. Hence but few of the statistics of an organized parish can be given.

Families 6, permanently resident, Baptisms 7, Infants 4, Adults 3, Confirmed 5, Burials 1. Communicants 14 permanent, on Christmas-Day 108 received Holy Communion, an Easter-Day 98.

Public services 3 on sundays, 2 on Holy Days. Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon with additional services in Advent and Lent.


Church is a temporary iron structure on leased ground.

J. VAN WINKLE, Minister.


Date of Organization, Easter Monday March 29. 1869.

Rector, Taliaferro F. Caskey.
Senior Warden, Henry A. de Meli.
Junior Warden, Charles L. Cole.
Clerk of Vestry, William A. Spring.
Treasurer, Frederick C. Fairbanks.
Societies, Dorcas Society, Kings Daughters.

Families 86, Baptisms 2, Confirmed 14, Marriages 2, Burials 1, Communicants 80, last reported 65, Admitted 14, Received by letter 1, total 80.

Public services 206, on Sundays 156, on other days 50.

Holy Communion, In public 69, Sunday school 36, teachers and children.

Receipts and Offerings.

Parochial Marks 15 918.96
Expenses and Salaries Marks 18 267.02
Special Charities Marks 1748.34
Special Offerings for Rectory Fund Marks 10635.49
Total Receipts and Offerings Marks 29333.64


Church Mk. 200.000. Buildings Mk. 75.000. Estimated Valne Mk. 325.000.
Insurance Mk. 217.800.



Chaplain, G. Monroe Royce.
Treasurer, George J. Pierre.
Institutions, Free Reading Rooms.

Baptisms 1, Confirmed 4, Marriages 2.

Public services, Sundays and Saints days at 11 a. m. Holy Communion 12 times in four months.

Receipts and Offerings.

Communion Alms, Marks 657.85 for four months.

Expenses Marks 45 per month, no salary.

Gifts and Special Offerings Marks 455.

Total Receipts and Offerings Marks 1112.83.


Church Hall.

G. MONROE ROYCE, Chaplain.


Date of Organization 1859.

Rector, R. J. Nevin D.D. L.L.D.
Senior Warden, Wm. Stanley Haseltine.
Junior Warden, Luther Terry.
Clerk of Vestry, John B. King.
Treasurer, Hector de Castro.

Institutions, St. Paul's House for Nurses (temporarily closed).

Baptisms 6, Infants 5. Adults 1, Confirmed 6, Marriages 3 all English, Burials 8 (5 English), Communicants at Easter 275.

Public services 259, Sundays 156, on other days 103.

Holy Communion 122, In public 121, In private 1. Sunday School 8.

Receipts and Offerings.
Italian Lire

Offertories and Communion Alms 7156.00
Expenses and Salaries, Subscriptions 8905.00
Repairs and Improvements (1898) 17179.00
General Missions 216.00
Italian Mission Work 1000.00
Special Charities 295.00
Gifts and Special Offerings 635.00
Total Receipts and Offerings 35386.00

[42] Property.
Italian Lire
Church 1900000.00

Rectory 200000.00
Amount of Insurance 550000.00
Total of Property 450 000.00

The Church was open throughout the whole year of 1898 taking during the Summer months the care of the two English Congregations in Rome.

R. J. NEVIN, Rector.


Rector, Herbert A. Venables M. A. Oxon.
Curate, Francis G. Burgess.
Senior Warden, W. W. Baldwin M. D.
Junior Warden, H. G. Huntington.
Treasurer, Dr. A. V. Elliot.

Families 105, Confirmed 4, Burials 3, Communicants 120.

Receipts and Offerings.

Parochial . 3 115 Lire
Communion Alms 7547 Lire
Expenses and Salary 2108 Lire
Total Receipts and Offerings 10662 Lire


Church with few rooms adjacent estimated Value about 40000 Lire.


Date of Organization August 25. 1873.

Rector, George C. Cox.
Senior Warden, Peter Naylor.
Junior Warden, Henry T. Barbey.
Clerk of Vestry, Peter Naylor.
Treasurer, James T. Bates.

Baptisms 1, Burials 1, Marriages 1.

Public services, Every Sunday 10.30 a. in. and 4 p. m. Fridays and Holy Days 10.30.

[43] Receipts and Offerings.

Parochial, including Communion Alms Fr. 4899.85
Expense and Salaries Fr. 6491.25
Endowments Fr. 5500,00
Gifts and Special Offerings Fr. 1717.05
Total Receipts and Offerings Fr. 6616.90


Church and Grounds, value about Fr. 100.000.

PETER NAYLOR, Senior Warden.


Chaplain, Henry F. Allen.
Treasurer, Ernest Williams.

Offertories and Communion Alms Fr. 1157.85
Reserve Fund Fr. 2520.00
Expenses and Salaries Fr. 2638.25

The American Church at Lucerne is open only in the summcr from the middle or first of June until October. Last summer (1898) owing to our war the number of Americans travelling in Switzerland was much less than usual.

There are three services every Lord's Day. An early morning celebration, morning service and Mid-day celebration and Evening Prayer. The average attendance at the Sunday morning service is perhape 120. At the second celebration 20 persons. At Evening Prayer 20 persons. We expect to receive through the offertories of the summer on an average 2500 Francs and there are usually other gifts for the parish - fund from private individuals, several articles of ecclesiastical furniture have recently been presented to the parish.

HENRY F. ALLEN, Chaplain.

Project Canterbury