Project Canterbury

The Children of Jesus.

A Manual of Devotion for Children at the Holy Communion.

Toronto: Timms and Co., 1892.

“Jesus said suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.”

Before God’s Altar-throne, on bended knee,
In humble adoration kneeling, see
A throng of little children, learning there
The Christian’s joy in worship, praise and prayer,
“O Lamb of God!” Hark! How sweetly they sing,
Their infant voices raising to their King!
Who, that hath heard this Heavenly hymn of praise,
But from this world of sin the heart would raise.

Here may Thy children, Lord, be ever led
To gaze on Thee! to see the “Living Bread!”
Here, too, may they be taught in Heavenly love
To seek the good, and hate the evil more.
Ere long, may they beneath the Holy Rood
Receive from priestly hands that Blessed Food,
Strengthened thereby in grace, one day to stand
As Saints of God in Heaven at His right hand.


1. The boys and girls should be taught to read the responses together.

2. The object of this book is chiefly to give the Parish Priest, Parents, and School Teachers a means of teaching their children how to pray when they come to the Holy Eucharist, and not merely, as is often the case, let their thoughts wander away, or fix themselves upon vacancy.

“Did’st thou but know the gift of God and Who it is that cometh to them, how would’st thou hasten thy steps, and quicken thy pace to welcome Him.”

The Worship of the Children of Jesus.

The Preparation.

In the name + of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Teacher. Let us pray.

Children. O Lord Jesus Christ show me my sins.
O Lord Jesus Christ make me sorry for my sins.
O Lord Jesus Christ wash me from my sins.


Teacher. Let us be silent for a moment, and try to think of our sins as God remembers them.

What have we thought wrong? (A pause)

What have we said wrong? (A pause)

What have we done wrong? (A pause)

Teacher. Let us be very sorry for these sins.

Children. O Jesus, make me sorry for my disobedience, and give me grace to be more true and faithful for the future.

Teacher. Let us pray.

Children. Lord, come to us that Thou mayest cleanse us.
Lord, come to us that Thou mayest heal us.
Lord, come to us that Thou mayest strengthen us.

And grant that having received Thee, we may never be separated from Thee by our sins, but may continue Thine forever, till we see Thee face to face in Thy Heavenly Kingdom, where with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Thou livest and reignest, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

The Good Intention.

Teacher. Let us tell God why we come to His Holy Altar.

Children. My God, I am here because Thou didst call me, and I want to obey and please Thee.

My God, I am here to worship Thee, as the blessed Angels do in Heaven.

My God, I am here to ask Thee to bless our Parish and Church.

My God, I am here to thank Thee for all Thy good gifts.

Processional Hymn.

The service of the Holy Eucharist begins, all kneeling. Join heartily in all the Prayers and Responses.

The Gospel.

Before the Gospel stand and sing:

Glory be to Thee, O Lord,

After the Gospel sing:

Thanks be to Thee, O God.

The Offertory.

At the presentation of the offerings, stand and sing:

All things come of Thee, O Lord;
And of Thine own have we given Thee.

The Consecration.

Before the prayer of Consecration, sing:

Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the Highest.

After the prayer of Consecration, sing:

O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world: grant us Thy peace.

The Communion.

If because you are not yet Confirmed, or for some other good reason, you do not go up to the Altar to receive the Holy Sacrament, remain kneeling when others go up, and say privately one or more of the following prayers:

Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come under under my roof, but speak the word only, and Thy servant shall be healed.

Lord for tomorrow and its needs,
I do not pray;
Keep me, my God, from stain of sin,
Just for to-day.

Let me both diligently work
And duly pray;
Let me be kind in word and deed
Just for to-day.

Let me be slow to do my will
Prompt to obey;
Help me to mortify my flesh,
Just for to-day.

Let me no wrong or idle word
Unthinking say;
Set Thou a seal upon my lips,
Just for to-day.

Let me in season, Lord be grave,
In season gay;
Let me be faithful to Thy Grace,
Just for to-day.

And if to-day my life
Should ebb away,
Give me Thy Sacrament Divine,
Sweet Lord to-day.

So, for to-morrow and its needs
I do not pray;
But keep me, guide me, love me, Lord,
Just for to-day.

Prayer for one not yet a Communicant.

O BLESSED JESUS, I long for the time when I may be permitted to draw near to Thy Altar, to receive the Holy Sacrament of Thy Body and Blood; and now I beseech Thee, by the nearness of Thy Presence and by the power of Thy Love, prepare my heart and cleanse my soul from whatever Thou findest in me, which makes me unfit to receive Thee. Amen.

O LORD, take Thou my heart, for I cannot give it Thee; and when Thou hast taken it keep it, for I cannot keep it for Thee; and save me in spite of myself, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

If you still have time to spare while others are receiving DO NOT LOOK ABOUT YOU, but remain on your knees and pray for others, or for any special grace you require, or for strength to overcome any special sin. On making any particular request, say:

O ETERNAL FATHER! I come to this Holy Communion of Thy dear Son’s Body and Blood, humbly beseeching Thee because of It, in It, and with It, to grant me (Here name your request.)

After the Blessing.

O HOLY TRINITY, let the performance of this my bounden duty and service be pleasing unto Thee, and grant that this Holy Sacrifice, which I, though unworthy, have joined in offering up to Thee, may be accepted by Thy Divine Majesty, and through Thy mercy be a propitiation for me, and all those for whom It has been offered; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Recessional Hymn.

Nunc Dimittis: “Lord now lettest—"

N.B. Do not leave the Church before the Clergy have retired from the Altar.

A Short Meditation on Our Blessed Lord, Present in the Holy Eucharist.

RECOLLECT, O my soul, where thou hast been, and what thou hast been doing. Thou hast been with Christ, Who is both God and Man, Who once was crucified for us on Mount Calvary; Who now comes to us in a Divine Mystery under the forms of Bread and Wine. Thou hast been joining with the Priest in pleading before God the Father, the Sacrifice of His Son once offered on the Cross. Thou hast been uniting with Angels and Archangels, in singing Holy, Holy, Holy, to the Ever-Blessed Trinity. Thou hast received Christ in the Holy Communion, you who are His Own image and likeness, though soiled and stained by sin. He has come to you and is now within you, to wash you from your sin, to show you His Life as a pattern for your own, to pour into you His grace that you may serve Him. Desire, O my Soul, to be made like unto Christ in all things, and, so far as is possible for man, to imitate His virtues, especially His Love, His Humility, His Purity, His Obedience. Seek from the Lord, O my Soul, so completely to do God’s will, to serve Him, to love Him, and to obey Him, that He may say of me as He said of David, “I have found a man after My own heart, which shall fulfill all My will.” Amen.

Advice to Communicants.

1. Make a rule of always communicating early, in order that you may receive fasting, according to the custom of the Church.

2. After the Consecration Prayer do not sit; either kneel or stand.

3. When the time comes for communicating, hold yourself in readiness to go up to the Altar; take off your gloves and put aside your veil.

4. When waiting in the Chancel or aisle for room at the Altar, kneel rather than stand.

5. Kneel down reverently at the Altar step, and, as an act of faith, say secretly again and again. “Lord it is good for me to be here;” or “Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldest come under my roof.”

6. Receive your Lord’s Body into the palm of your right hand, steadying your right on your left, and holding it well up. Then take it from your palm into your mouth, to avoid dropping any portion.

7. Next, on receiving the Precious Blood, take hold of the Chalice firmly by grasping its stem with both hands.

8. On leaving the Altar say: “Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.”

9. Always take with you, and use during a Celebration, some little book of private devotion.

10. Never be cast down if you do not seem to get on as well as you expect. You cannot become holy all at once; it is a life-long work. You may often fall into sin after Holy Communion, through former bad habits and sudden temptation; but never give up. If you fall, repent at once; confess your sin to God, seek His help, and try harder and more humbly for the time to come. But never cease to trust in Jesus, for to do so is certain ruin. Your clergyman will always be very glad to help you when you are in doubt and trouble; never be afraid or ashamed to speak with him.

A Catechism

Why do you believe that the Lord Jesus is really present in the Holy Communion?—Because I believe that when he took bread and wine and said, “This is My Body,” “This is My Blood,” He meant what He said.

What must you do before Holy Communion?—Prepare myself.

How?—By trying to remember what I have done wrong.

What then?—I must be sorry and confess it.

What next?—I must try to lead a new life.

What must you do during the service?—Pray to Jesus.

What must you do after Holy Communion?—Thank Him. (“Jesus I thank Thee.”)

When you are grown up are you bound to receive the Holy Communion?—Yes; and I should look forward, prepare for, and long for that time.

Do all confirmed people receive It?—No.

Why don’t they?—Because they don’t love Jesus Christ.

How do you know they don’t?—Because Jesus said, “If ye love me keep my commandments.”

Is this one of them?—Yes. He said, “Do this.”

How often should you “do this?”—Once a month at the very least. My aim should be to receive the Holy Communion once a week.

But suppose you are not fit to receive, what then?—I must be fit. If I am not fit, that is, if I am living in sin, I am not fit to pray, nor yet to die.

Project Canterbury