Project Canterbury

A Sermon Preached on Thursday, Nov. 29, 1759
Being the Day of Public Thanksgiving for the Success of His Majesty's Arms in Canada, and Taking of Quebeck.

By Edward Pickering Rich, M.A.
Of North-Cernry-House, Rector of Bagendon, in Gloucestershire.

London: Printed for the Author, 1759.

To the Right Honourable Lord Visct. Weymouth.

My Lord,

'TWAS impossible for me to hesitate a moment to whom I should dedicate this unworthy DISCOURSE, when your dear Father was the only Patron I ever had: especially was 'twas preach'd in that church he was pleased to bestow on me.

I am,

Your Lordship's,

Most grateful and obedient Servant,

E. P. Rich.

Psalm xxvii. 3.

Tho' an host of men were laid against me, yet shall not my heart be afraid: and tho' there rose up war against me, yet will I put my trust in him.

THIS most glorious day, which his sacred Majesty King GEORGE hath most religiously thought proper to dedicate to the Almighty as a day of public thanksgiving, for his timely assistance and heavenly interposition of providence in favour of these our unworthy kingdoms, against our old and ever inveterate enemies the king of France and his subjects; I hope this joyous day will be most religiously observed, most gratefully acknowledged by every one of my little [5/6] flock with joyful lips and fervent hearts; for we may well sing with the inspired Psalmist, the words of the text, Tho' an host of men were laid against us, yet shall not our hearts be afraid: and tho' there rose up war against us, yet we will put our trust in him. For let us seriously reflect on this most important year, this memorable aera of our Monarch's reign, and surely we can't forget what wonderful things he hath done for us already, whereof we rejoice: victories which future ages will scarcely believe; and if they do believe, believe with wonder and amazement! Not to mention the little conquests we have obtained, the innumerable captives and rich captures we have taken; but most of all for that most important conquest in Canada, and taking of Quebeck. [6/7] But, ah me! All earthly joys must have their sad mixture of deadly woes:

Else whence, ah! whence this melancholy scene;
So young, so brave, so great a hero dead,
Greece, nor Rome could e'er produce his Like:
But banish now all melancholy themes;
For what is right 'tis God alone best knows.
But now behold a more delightful scene.
This year our hills and vallies thick with corn,
Stand singing, laughing, round our happy swains;
And the glad harvest crown'd the bounteous year.
Oh! how unlike, how much unlike late years,
When weary peasants earn'd their dear-bought bread,
Black and ill tasted, and of that not full.
Rejoice, ye poor, for God will never hide
[8] Always his face from your too mournful cries,
But will from heav'n look down with tender care,
Wipe all your tears, and strengthen you with bread

But then you must remember not to turn those blessings into curses, by idly squandering away in riot and excess those good things which God gave only to sustain yourselves and families.

Now for a little proper advice before I leave my joyous, grateful subject. First, can we too much admire, too much adore the God of providence all thro' this glorious, yet unfinish'd war! Not unto us, but unto thy glorious name be all the glory.

And now, what return can we poor mortals make, but to serve that God with pious joy, devout thanksgiving, and wonderful adoration; for wonderous indeed are all his works! He has not only fill'd [8/9] us with the finest wheat-flour, that scarce our garners can contain our stores; but our loaded barns, now full, produce such plenty of barley, sourse of British liquor, best of wines!

Eat, drink, and be merry, but never run to excess with greediness, nor ever drink too much to be drunken; but so much as to strengthen your hearts and chear your spirits.----Eat, drink, and be merry; not like the rich man in the gospel, who had such great crops of corn, that he pulled down his old barns, and built 'em larger, saying to his soul, Eat, drink, and be merry, for I have many years to come to enjoy my abundant store; when, alas! that very dreadful night his soul was required of him. So, woe to us, if any here should follow his miserable [9/10] example, for then how soon, how much too soon may we endure his miserable fate! Let those therefore that be rich, be rich only to salvation. Let 'em now feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty; that there may be no complaining in our streets, no murmuring, nor crying at our gates. Happy are the people who are in such a case; yea, blessed are the people who have the Lord for their GOD.

Project Canterbury