Project Canterbury

Parts of the Book of Common Prayer
Translated into the language of the Chipewyan Indians of the Queen's Dominion of Canada
Adapted to the Use of the Tenni Indians of the Mackenzie River.

London: SPCK, 1891.



The Woman, at the usual time after her Delivery, shall come into the Church decently apparelled, and there shall kneel down in some convenient place, as hath been accustomed, or as the Ordinary shall direct:

Eku yati ekayedondi.

NIOTSI Edarie nega nezo aiti, ne yazi meguli ga, netsaindi chu, nekeindi chu, eyitta me tsun merci adondi chu, ekadondi chu.

Eku yati Shin 116 he yati oli.

I am well. Psalm cxvi.

NAGA Kaodhet se yatie kah editthek: eyitta otie sindie.

Medzie ta se yatie odhettho: eyitta yenda kotsun metsun yati oli.

Thlanidhet sega nitue acha: nde yege kotsu tahidhet sichu.

Natset ile ethli ko ke ethli chu; naga Kaodhet mizi ga yaiti chu: sa Kaodhet netsun etedetle, se tayini me tsanendi.

Naga Kaodhet etusoneini chu, etthi ati chu: naga Niotsi nezo onte.

Naga Kaodhet tene koyon ile geli kokendi: sega tuye, kulu setsaindi.

Kaichu tsini anete se tayini: etunetini aite, naga Kaodhet nezo neganila.

Ayika? se tayini thlanidhet kotsu kenendi: senda tu secha hinchu, se ke nadidethe ile.

Sa Kaodhet mendah aote: kondih ndeke.

Etthi ne nethun eyitta kose, onkluthi sega tuye acha: tene odeyo sega kotsike geli, khidi adesi.

Ayi sa Kaodhet me tsun nayendi oli: sega nezo aiti eyitta.

Nayeta tha kotsu eton oli: naga Kaodhet mizi tsun yaoti chu.

Me tsilikoike odeyoni kondah merci adosi: sa Kaodhet me kue yege, Jerusalem kue ko yege naga Kaodhet metsun suga yenethun.

Nakhe Tah chu me Yazi chu, Edarie Nezo chu mega suga tsenodhun.

Tatthe ton chu tuhu chu, ithlasi chu ekaonte oli nandeotli kokezi kotsun. Amen.

Ku, Psalm cxxvii. Except the Lord.

NAGA Kaodhet kue thetsi ile nite: estini ga tene koga agalakenda.

Naga Kaodhet kue cho kendi ile nite: estini ga kue kendi theti ile.

Estini ga iga nitla chu tha theti chu, sheayi go najit chu: Niotsi tene gonito nite, tekonte tasi yegaoli yanidhun ile.

Kogainda koyazi ke, ko tsilikoike chu: naga Kaodhet eyiyi kotlaoli.

Tene necha mila khi thlon onton: ekaonte koyazi necha ile ke.

Tene oyi me khi dhe ta eyike tageneo: mega suga onte.

Tene gi chaithet nite, tthinta tthe ko tsun yageti; oya geli ile.

Nakhe Tah chu me Yazi chu, Edarie Nezo chu mega suga tsenodhun.

Tatthe ton chu tuhu chu, ithlasi chu ekaonte oli nandeotli kokezi kotsun. Amen.

Eku yati ekadi oli.

Y. Naga Kaodhet etunakhoniini.
T. Christ etunakhoniini.
. Naga Kaodhet etunakhoniini.

NAKHE Tah yake, nizi Edarie kenidhun ga, Nine ko tsun Kaodhet neli ga, Nunke tene ne keaginte anele, yake kotini kezi. Tuhu dzine ke nakhe dhadindi; Nakhe othlini nakhe ga odinte; tene nakhe tsun othlini ageti koga odite ko kezi, Tasi naga tuye kotsun kenakhonta ile, Othlini cha nakhe kenendi: Nakhe tsun Kaodhet neli tta, nanetset chu, Edarie chu ithlasi. Amen.

Y. Naga Kaodhet tidi tsikoi megainda, metsanendi chu.
T. Nine yi nega nidhun eyitta.
Y. Mega kue natset ladentsi.
T. Eyi me chaithet, mecha me kenendi.
Y. Naga Kaodhet nakhe yatie odhentho.
T. Netsun yaoti nedzi kodotthek.

Yati, Yaoti.

NIOTSI Edarie merci nediti, tidi tsikoi me gainda me kenendi chu eyitta, me yazi meguli ton, ko tahidhet megonejit kotsu hinchu. Mega ekanele, nakhe Tah etukoniini, me tsanendi gade, tuhu kotsu ne kezi yenda ga, ayininidhun kezi aoti chu, chondeke yenda ga, ako guli ndeke chu, ithlasi kondih neni anele chu, Jesus Christ, naga Kaodhet megaonte tta. Amen.

The Woman, that cometh to give her Thanks, must offer accustomed Offerings; and, if there be a Communion, it is convenient that she receive the holy Communion.

Project Canterbury