ONE of the results from the recent visitation of the Bishop of COLOMBO to these islands, has been the formation of a Church Association. Its objects and rules were agreed upon at two meetings, the first of which was held on August 7th, 1850. The principal objects contemplated by the Association are--
1. To promote the diffusion of Christian Knowledge, in accordance with the principles of the Church, by means of education, the dissemination of religious publications, and catechetical instruction. 2. To assist in the erection of Churches, the fitting up of Places of Worship, and the support of Ministers of Religion in those parts of the Island which are unprovided with Clergy. 3. To establish a Mission for the conversion and instruction of the Indian Immigrants, who now form so large a portion of the resident population, through the agency of Catechists and Teachers acquainted with their native languages. 4. And, generally, to direct the attention, and to concentrate the energies, of the Members of the Church in Mauritius, towards the prosecution of measures conducive to its welfare.
The Rules of the Association are--
1. The Association shall be called THE MAURITIUS CHURCH ASSOCIATION. 2. The funds of the Association, from whatever sources arising, shall be applied in aid of the erection of Churches--the fitting up of places of worship,--the support of Ministers, Catechists, and Scripture Readers, and the establishment and maintenance of Schools, in the Colony and its Dependencies. 3. A subscription of 2l. per annum, or 4 shillings per mensem, or a Life Subscription of 10l. in one payment, shall constitute membership, and give the right of voting at all meetings of the Association. 4. Subscriptions and donations, even of the smallest amount, shall be received in either monthly or annual payments; and donors shall be at liberty to specify to what particular purpose they desire their donations to be exclusively devoted. 5. The management of the affairs of the Association shall be entrusted to a President, who shall be the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, and a Committee composed of the Clergy of the island and its dependencies, who shall be members ex-officio, and of nine Lay-men, who shall be chosen annually, by ballot, from the members of the Society, and shall be re-eligible. 6. A Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall also be chosen annually, by the Association, from amongst the members of the Committee, and shall be re-eligible. 7. The Committee shall meet periodically for the despatch of business: five members shall form a quorum. 8. A General Meeting shall be held annually on the 7th August, being the day of the institution of the Association by the Lord Bishop of Colombo, when a report of the proceedings of the past year shall be presented, with a statement of income and expenditure, and the election of the lay-members of the new Committee and its officers shall take place. 9. At the same Meeting, two Auditors, not Members of the Committee, shall be elected, to audit the accounts for the ensuing year. 10. In the event of more than one vacancy in the Committee occurring in the course of the year, the Committee shall, at their earliest meeting, proceed by ballot to complete their number. 11. The Committee may at any time call a General Meeting, and shall be bound to do so on a written request signed by not less than five Members, [313/314] and specifying the subject to be brought before such Meeting. 12. None of the Rules of the Association shall be repealed or altered but by the Annual Meeting, or by a Special General Meeting called for that purpose; but the Committee shall have power to make bye-laws and regulations not contrary to the General Rules.
Project Canterbury