Project Canterbury

In His Will: Retreat Addresses

By Frank Weston

London: SPCK, 1922.
New York: The Macmillan Co., 1922.

Opening Address

I. The Will of God (First Day)

(a) Revealed in Christ
(b) The Ground of Our Penitence
(c) The Object of Our Choice

II. The Passion of Jesus (Second Day)

(a) Our True Point of View
(b) The Fruit of Love
(c) Its Joy

III. God Who Is Love (Third Day)

(a) God is Love
(b) Prayer
(c) Vision

THIS Retreat was preached to the Associates of the Community of the Sacred Passion in June, 1914. The Addresses were taken down by one who was present, in longhand, and printed without correction by the preacher. They have now been edited without material change and are published to meet the wishes of several who have the right to lay claims upon the preacher's time.

Seven years have passed since these addresses were given. The preacher has felt, in correcting their language, a strong desire to alter and re-write. But he has felt bound to change nothing except the more evident faults of style.

F. Z.

October, 1921.

Project Canterbury