Project Canterbury





(The Rt. Rev. William Thomas Manning)

given by

The Church Club of New York


at the



Transcribed by Wayne Kempton
Archivist and Historiographer of the Diocese of New York, 2011





Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Presiding Bishop of the Council of the Church


at the Organ



MR. HOBART: The Church Club of New York most heartily welcomes its friends and guests, the distinguished clergy and laity of the diocese, who at the invitation of the Club have assembled this evening to honor the Bishop of New York whom we already know and love, and to pledge to him our entire and wholehearted loyalty and support as he enters upon his high office as head of our great diocese.

There are many who wished to be with us this evening, but who, for various reasons, were prevented from attending. We have a large number of regrets, many of which you might be interested to hear, but as the time at our disposal would not permit this, I have selected three from the number to read to you. The first is from President Butler of Columbia University:

Henry L. Hobart, Esq.,
President of the Church Club,
53 East 56th Street, New York.

My dear Mr. Hobart:

It is with very great regret that I find myself compelled to be absent from the dinner to be given in honor of the Bishop of New York by the Church Club, on May 16th. An important engagement to be in Washington at that time makes my presence at the dinner impossible.

The election and consecration of Bishop Manning are events of highest consequence not only to the Diocese of New York but to the work and influence of the Church throughout the United States. We are living in difficult times, when an increasing number of men and women have lost, or are losing, their hold upon the fundamental principles of faith and morals, and are thereby endangering the whole social and political fabric. No small part of the blundering and false philosophy of our day is the result of a more or less conscious attempt to explain away or to justify the weakening hold on moral principles and on sound ethical practice. It has now become quite customary to refer to those limitations which a disciplined and high-motived personality puts upon its own conduct, as conventions or inhibitions upon free expression of an individual nature, that should be rejected and cast off. This is the road not forward to progress in civilization, but backward to barbarism; this is the path not to ethical and religious upbuilding, but to moral and social chaos.

Against all this the Bishop of New York stands with pronounced conviction, with clear-sighted vision and with indomitable courage. The appeal of his leadership will reach every man and woman within its call who genuinely cares for the real achievements and the real satisfactions of life. The Bishop should be able to command, and the Church [3/4] Club should take the lead in assuring him that he may command, the loyal and undivided support of those members of the Christian church who justly look to him as their guide and their personal counselor and friend.
With high regards, I am,
Faithfully yours,
Nicholas Murray Butler.

Letter From Bishop Brent.
Bishop's Office
273 North Street
Buffalo, N. Y.

May 12th, 1921.
Mr. Stephen Baker, 
30 East 60th Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Baker:

It is a source of great regret to me that I shall be unable to avail myself of the invitation of the Church Club to greet Bishop Manning next Monday night. On that night I begin the Diocesan Convention of Western New York.

It was a pleasure and privilege to be in the Cathedral yesterday and have a share in the great service which I believe is the inauguration of a new and notable era for the Diocese. Bishop Manning's leadership in your city speaks for itself. He will but continue in his higher office his fearless and able course. My congratulations and best wishes go to the Diocese and its new Bishop as you grapple with your many and intricate problems.
Yours very faithfully
C. H. Brent,
Bishop of Western New York.

Letter From Bishop Tuttle.
The Bishop's House
74 Vandeventer Place
St. Louis, Mo.

April 25, 1921.
Mr. H. L. Hobart, President,
Church Club of New York.

My dear Mr. Hobart:

I regret exceedingly that a glance at my engagement book precludes my acceptance of the kind invitation extended to me by yourself and your Club to attend the reception and dinner to be given in honor of the new Bishop of New York and in welcome to his See.

I am obliged to be content with sending my thanks and greetings and congratulations from afar.

I bear no malice in my heart against the Bishop, although he did beat me at golf once or twice some years ago.

[5] I love him, and I beg to count myself in with your Club and with your Diocese in bidding him God-speed.

He will have his hand on the helm of the greatest Diocesan Vessel of the American Fleet, and hand and arm and nerve will be often tired from the vigorous steering needed.

Soldierly service and sailorlike skill will be in continuous demand, and he, under God's help will respond.

The Third Bishop of New York blew the blast of leadership a hundred years ago—Evangelic Truth and Apostolic Order. Under the Tenth Bishop the echoings shall not cease but will chase themselves triumphantly in town and country and over hill and dale. Evangelic Truth and Apostolic Order.

God bless the Bishop of New York. Our hearts are his, our hopes are his, our prayers are his, as together we sail for the Home Port above.
Faithfully yours,
Daniel Sylvester Tuttle.

MR. HOBART: I will first introduce to you one of our most distinguished laymen, formerly President of the Chamber of Commerce, who represents in his person the great commercial interests of our city and country, as well as the religious interests of our Church and Diocese, and who speaks not only for the Church Club of New York, but for the whole body of the laity in this Diocese,—Mr. Eugenius H. Outerbridge.


Mr. President, Right Reverend Dr. Manning, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a signal honor and privilege that has come to me to have been asked to try and express to Bishop Manning on behalf of the laymen and laywomen of the Church something of the welcome, of the gratification and of the spirit of helpfulness that we all wish to convey to him on this occasion.

As I look around this room I realize how all your hearts are throbbing, how your minds are keenly alert in the hope that what may be said will echo the stirring emotions that are welling up in your own thoughts, and I realize how inadequately any words of mine can interpret to him the warmth of our good-will, the completeness of our satisfaction in his leadership, the height of our aspirations and hopes for his achievements and the enthusiasm of our determination to render him untiring assistance and support.

Never perhaps in all history—certainly never within the recollection of living men—has the world and civilization been so shaken to its very foundations; never before in all the world have those things which enabled men to perceive the finger of God in things on the earth been so assaulted and outraged and obscured as in the cruelties and terror of the world war. Never in the memory of living men has the world been in so shattered and chaotic a condition in its social and economic aspects as it is to-day. The horrors of the aftermath of war,—pestilence, famine, starvation, loss of family and friends, and means of livelihood—bear down upon countless of thousands of the people of the world. Perhaps it is not strange that under these burdens many in the agony [5/6] and bitterness of despair are tempted to cry out that they are forsaken. And when in their despair they cry out, Where is God?, perhaps it is not surprising that many new and strange preachers should spring up to lure men away with fair promises and false hopes, and with misguided exhortation to say: "Follow me, and I will show you a new way to the Promised Land"; and others, inspired by the Devil himself to say: "Let us destroy this world with its civilization and divide the spoils among ourselves."

Just as commerce and industry stagger and reel in the receding wave from an unsound prosperity, just as economic currents when turned from their natural channels swirl round and round in a whirlpool of confusion threatening to draw to destruction in the vortex much of the world's economic fabric, so too, do the resulting passions and despair of men tend to tear them away from the moorings of their old faith and to cast them adrift to be tossed hither and thither, the prey of the winds and the whims of every passing hour.

We hear much said in these times and under these conditions of the need for liberty of thought and freedom of speech, that in the search after truth nothing should be left untried,—that men should be left free to interpret God for themselves as they wish, if not, indeed, to create an image of God for themselves as they might like to have Him. There is but a very thin and wavering line between liberty and license, and many there are now who with impassioned ardor paint fallacies and falsehoods in the shining garb of truth. Never before was there so great a need for real and true leaders in thought, word and deed, in religion, in industry and in social endeavor. And, ladies and gentlemen, you and I know that in Bishop Manning we have a real and true leader. You and I know that if in religion and in our church some of the old moorings seem to have parted, and some ministers and men seem to be drifting towards wreck and destruction, we have in him a great spiritual battleship, moored with an indestructible steel hawser to the true faith, fully armored against all attacks on that faith from enemies within or without, equipped with a searchlight of penetrating power to pick the way in the true channel and to expose in light as clear as day the false buoys of hope that lead only to disappointment or destruction, with a siren to warn of fogs and shallowness and dangerous reefs.

Foresight to apprehend either difficulties or needs, initiative to plan, administrative capacity to execute, sympathy to understand, courage indomitable to go forward—those are the God-given but personally developed qualities which he possesses to inspire with a new resolve, a new meaning, a new enthusiasm when we sing "Onward Christian Soldiers."

Is not our imagination rekindled to summon up new courage and determination to see to it that our great Cathedral on the hill shall rise in its majesty as a great beacon light, drawing to itself under his leadership the teeming masses who ebb and flow in this great city, and spreading through them to ever expanding areas and peoples the unity of the true faith and the beneficence of the brotherhood of man?

My dear Bishop Manning, please do not think that what I am trying to say to-night has been prepared only in a spirit of trying to say the appropriate thing. A cherished and intimate personal association with [6/7] you in great responsibilities, in planning and providing for the temporal and spiritual welfare of large numbers of men in time of peace and during the stress of war, has left an indelible impress on my heart of you as a leader of men and as a militant officer of God which I could never find words to express to you or to convey to those gathered, here to-night.

And to you, men and women of the Church, our leader's banner is unfurled; it is the time for volunteers. Let us all fall into line, closing up our ranks, shoulder to shoulder, if any fall out, ever thus presenting a solid front and pressing forward in his support until "Death us do part!"

In conclusion, let us look each other straight in the eye, and all our fellow-citizens straight in the eye, and solemnly say, each for himself, "I will do my part!" and then, as the shadows of evening close around us, and the light of life ebbs slowly away, and in that strange subconscious apprehension we see the glorious light of higher life beckoning us on, may we be able to reverently and truthfully say, each for himself, of himself,—"I have done my full part to the measure of my ability to support my leader and his cause, so help me God!" (Prolonged applause).

MR. HOBART: The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, which we watch slowly rising in its grandeur on Cathedral Heights, and whose Nave we ardently hope to see finished in the near future, owes very much to the wisdom and devotion of its Dean, who will now speak to you as a representative of the Clergy of the Diocese. The Very Reverend Howard Chandler Robbins. (Applause).


Mr. President, Bishop Manning, Ladies and Gentlemen:

The subject upon which I was asked to make a brief address is, "The Diocese of New York from the Standpoint of the Church."

That is an exhaustive, not to say exhausting, subject. (Laughter).

The Diocese of New York is more than one hundred and thirty years old. It covers a great extent of territory, from Poughkeepsie, in the stormy and irascible North (laughter and applause) down to Staten Island in the Sunny South (laughter) and it embraces all sorts of ecclesiastical altitudes (laughter), from the Himalayan heights of Holy Cross to the sea-level of St. George's. (laughter). It numbers about three hundred parishes and missions, and four hundred odd clergy—some of them very odd. (Laughter and applause).

Now, you see how easy it would be to treat that subject exhaustively (laughter), to divide it into a historical section, and one on Parochial statistics, and one on Diocesan organizations, and one on biographical sketches (laughter) and then a sub-section on Institutions loosely connected with the Diocese (laughter), as, for instance, Columbia University and "The Churchman." (Laughter and applause).

But I think it is evident that when your Chairman assigned this topic to me, he was indulging in misplaced sympathy (laughter); he [7/8] was so anxious to give a fine opportunity to the speaker that he was quite oblivious of the interests and the possible sufferings of the audience (laughter). It reminds me very strongly of a story that Admiral Huse and I heard two weeks ago, at a patriotic dinner, of a boy whose Sunday School teacher, in a Christian culture class (laughter), showed him a picture of the Christians being thrown to the lions, in order to awaken his sympathy, and, after studying the picture for a little while, the boy said, very seriously, "That little lion in the corner isn't getting his share!" (Prolonged laughter).

For the benefit of those who have come here hoping to hear a word or two from the Bishop of New York before midnight (laughter), I promise you that I shall not take advantage of Mr. Hobart's tenderness for little lions, (Laughter and applause), but, as Mr. Outerbridge has spoken for the laity, and as Bishop Gailor is soon to speak for the Bishops, and Bishops-to-be, (laughter and applause), I do want to take occasion, representing those four hundred odd clergymen (laughter), to address to our Bishop a word of most heartfelt welcome and greeting; and I am going to try to put into that single word some of the things that I know are stirring in our hearts to-night.

Now, that single word is: "Expectation." It isn't a new word as applied to the Episcopate (laughter). We expect a great many things of our Bishops, and our Bishop has already been reminded, in trenchant editorials in the daily and religious press, and in various committees which have brought to him things that they expect him to wear, or would like him to wear (laughter), and in many personal exhortations—he has already been reminded of some of the things that are expected of the Bishop of New York; and we are not going to remind him of any more of those things because we want him to have a good time to-night. (Laughter).

But I may say in passing, that some of the things which are expected of the Bishop will take him quite by surprise, no matter how carefully he has been prepared and forewarned. I think that the case of the Bishop of South Dakota is in point. He told me that, soon after his consecration as Bishop, he became the honorary President of the local Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (laughter), and, the following Sunday, just before he was going into church for the service, there was a call on the telephone, and an excited voice said, "Bishop, a cat has climbed up the telegraph pole and can't get down; what are we going to do?" (Laughter).

Well now, after all, she had the right idea of the sort of person a Bishop ought to be (laughter), even though she didn't have the right idea, or at least had a somewhat imperfect and limited conception of the kind of things a Bishop ought to do (laughter). A Bishop is to be a resourceful person (laughter). He is to be ready with quick decisions to meet sudden and unlooked for emergencies (laughter), and, above all, he is to be a kind person. He is to have a shepherd's heart, to which one may appeal in confidence.

Now, our Bishop probably will not share the experience of the Bishop of South Dakota, in being asked to conduct stray animals to the pound (laughter), but he will have requests which will make similar exactions. He will be asked to come to the rescue of unhappy ministers [8/9] who are stranded in embarrassing places, and sometimes he will be called upon to come to the rescue of the parishes (laughter), and, in all sorts of ways, he will be called upon for those swift decisions in things which cannot be foreseen; and it is just that leadership, strong, kind, capable, and resourceful that men and women look for to their Bishops, and that we look for, and know that we have found, and rejoice that we know that we have found, in our Bishop of New York.

But when I used the word "Expectation," to try to describe the things that are stirring in our hearts, I meant something a great deal more deep and more distinctive and much harder to describe than these ordinary expectations by which Bishops are surrounded. I don't know that it is necessary to describe it; I think that, perhaps, there is no one here who is not already aware of it. I think that the thrill of expectation with which all the events connected with the Episcopate are already surrounded, the thrill of expectation and of public interest which was connected with the election of our Bishop,—that thrill of expectation which ran through the community at the time of his consecration, and which is felt still—I think that every one of us is aware of that, and aware of some of the deeper meanings of it, to which Mr. Outerbridge has already pointed. The deep meaning of it is that our Bishop has been called to his Episcopate in one of the great hours of the history of the world, and before him and before us, in close and affectionate association with him, there lie possibilities of service of which we are now only dimly aware; but it is that dim awareness that gives depth and solemnity to our thought about these things to-night.

The hour is one of the world's great hours of suspense. It is one of those hours when the world is on the threshold of new things, and does not know the nature of those things and cannot know the nature of those things, but does know that, in the development of them, the spirit of Christ and the religion of Christ are to take a mighty and a moulding part.

One of our college presidents prophesied a little while ago, that the religion of the future would be a religion without mystery. Wise men sometimes say very unwise things, (Laughter and applause); and I think this is an example of it. Mystery lies at the very heart of the Christian religion, because the Christian religion is a God-given and supernatural religion, and wherever the Divine life touches the human life, and infinity touches the finite, there you will find mystery; and the mystery that lies at the heart of the Christian religion, in this season of Whitsuntide, above all others, symbolizes the mystery of the self-given God and of the coming of the Holy Ghost, and of that Holy Spirit teaching the world new things. Even in the world of nature we know something of that regenerating power. We go into the woods, after a hot August day, and, in the quiet nightfall, we become aware of some invisible agencies that are making for recuperation, which are repairing the wastage and the devastation of the day; and, in human nature, we know that same Divine power. We see men go far in evil courses, and then we see that sudden, miraculous change that we call "conversion"; we see them brought back into the ways of righteousness; and not only in the world of nature and not only in human nature, but in the great [9/10] world of history, as well, we see that operation of God the Holy Ghost. We know what was taught to us by Pentecost, what was taught to us by monasticism in its splendid first systems, what was taught to us by the Franciscan revival, and again by the Reformation, and again by the Wesleyan movement. We know that although so often the Holy Spirit comes to men with the quiet voice of conscience, sometimes that Holy Spirit comes as a rushing wind, bringing to the world life-giving and vitalizing power, teaching multitudes and determining new futures. (Applause).

The first prayer of our dear Bishop in the Cathedral yesterday morning was for peace and unity. Nothing could have been more fitting; nothing could have been more moving; for peace, as the Christian conceives it, is not a passive thing. When men lay down their arms because they are exhausted and unable to fight longer, but still have hatred in their hearts, that is not peace, according to our Lord Christ; that is murder! Peace is harmony of wills in co-operating effort. Peace can be achieved only through the God-given gift of love and unity, as the Christian conceives it; it is not and cannot be uniformity. Unity is the great law and life and love of the body corporate, permitting and encouraging and even requiring the greatest individual diversity of self-expression and of freedom. It is that peace, it is that unity for which our Bishop prays, as he enters his great Episcopate; and we, clergy and laity alike, to-night, pledge him our deep and undivided loyalty, and we go with him joyfully and lovingly into the new paths in which he will be led by the Spirit of God. (Loud applause).

MR. HOBART: The Church has gained very much in having Bishop Gailor for the Presiding Bishop of the Council, and we have all experienced the stimulating and growing confidence of his successful administration of the affairs of the Church at large, and I know you all feel that there is no one else who can so appropriately and acceptably speak the Church's welcome to Bishop Manning as the Right Reverend Thomas Frank Gailor. (All rise and applaud).


Mr. President, Bishop Manning and Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a wonderful and inspiring thing to enter upon the arduous, and sometimes lonely, responsibilities of the Episcopate with such a magnificent expression of confidence and affection as we have both heard and witnessed here to-night.

It does not fall to the lot of every Bishop to receive such a very elaborate expression of that admiration and regard.

When I became a Bishop, the first visitation I made was to a negro congregation. In that respect, I share the honors with the Bishop of New York (applause). But the old colored minister who was in charge of the parish introduced me to the congregation before I preached, and he said: "Brethren, we have got our new Bishop with us. He ain't the old Bishop, but when you can't get what you want, you've got to take what you can get." (Laughter).

[11] Also having a diocese forty-five thousand square miles in area, and not all of it concentrated and glorified in one great city, I had to undergo not one, but very many receptions, (laughter) and I found that this ring that I had to wear, with the continual hand-shaking to which I was subjected, unfortunately cut my hand so that it became very painful, and I had to study some way to prevent my dear friends from injuring me further (laughter); and I discovered that I could shake hands with people and prevent anybody from hurting my hand, by beginning to bring the pressure first upon them (laughter). So, soon after I went through one of these big receptions, I saw a husky, hearty-looking, enthusiastic, affectionate layman coming towards me (laughter). My heart trembled, but I thought I would try my new scheme on him. So I didn't wait for him to catch my hand, but I caught his hand first, and I squeezed with all my might, and I noticed, that he winced. The next day I met his wife (laughter). "You know," she said, "you did a good thing for my husband last night." I said, "I hope so; what was it?" "Why," she said, "his finger has been out of joint for some time (laughter), and it was very much swollen, and you put it back into place." (laughter).

I might say that the sequel of that was, that about two months afterwards, I was in a remote part of the State and had to drive ten miles to catch what they said was the midnight train, and when I got to this lonely place, I found that it was only a flag station. I had a terrible time getting there, swimming a river, and having various dangers of destruction, but I stayed there until about one o'clock at this flag station, and then this express train approached and I realized that that train was never going to stop for me at any such place as that, and here I was away up in the mountain region, but fortunately I had a copy of the New York Herald and I put a match to it and ran out on the track, and I waved it like a torch, and the engineer stopped the train—which, of course, was against the law. The conductor jumped off the train, and, with some very violent language, said, "What do you mean by that?" I said I wanted to get aboard. "Oh!" he said, "I beg your pardon. It is the Bishop;" and he was the man whose finger I put back in place (laughter). All of which goes to show that the Episcopate has a variety of experiences.

Now, there are just two or three things I want to say as briefly as possible. In the first place, I can't let this opportunity pass without paying my tribute to the great contribution that Trinity Church has made to the Episcopal Church in the United States, in its past history and at the present time. (Prolonged applause).

As you know, of the ten Bishops of New York, six of them have been given by Trinity Parish. The first three Bishops of New York were Rectors of Trinity, and three Bishops of New York were Assistant Ministers of Trinity, and now the tenth Bishop of New York was the Rector of Trinity. So, of the ten Bishops of New York, six were from Trinity Church; and it is a very proper thing that the tenth Bishop of New York should be of the Rectors of Trinity.

Trinity Church was founded in 1697 as a corporation; the church was opened in 1698; and Mr. Vesey, who served for forty-nine years—nearly fifty years—was succeeded by Dr. Barclay; and Dr. Auchmuty [11/12] was the first person in the United States, or in the Colonies at that time, who had called a convention of the clergy of the Episcopal Church. The first Convention that ever met of the Clergy of the Episcopal Church in this country met in Trinity Church, New York, about 1760, in the time of his rectorship of Trinity. So, in another respect, you see that Trinity Church was the place, and the Rector of Trinity Church was the person about whom centered the first gathering of churchmen in this country.

Then, finally, when we had our Bishops consecrated, Bishop Seabury was consecrated in 1784. He was a New York man, but he was elected Bishop of Connecticut. He would not wait for the Diocese or the Clergy, but went over to England, and finally had to be consecrated in Scotland, much to the indignation of the Rector of Trinity Church at that time, Dr. Provost; and finally when Dr. White and Dr. Provost were sent over to be consecrated, one as Bishop of Pennsylvania, and the other as Bishop of New York, they came back home pledged not to continue the succession of the Episcopate in this country until they had three Bishops consecrated by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury; but finally, 1792, the consecration of the first American Bishop took place in Trinity Church, New York—the consecration of Bishop Claggett for Maryland; and, at that consecration, the three Canterbury Bishops—that is, Provost, and White and Madison,—officiated with Bishop Seabury of Connecticut, and all the wounds were healed. So, again, I say, that to Trinity Church of New York we owe a great debt of gratitude as being the very fount and source of the life of our Church in this country.

The second point about the House of Bishops: The House of Bishops was organized in 1789. At the first general convention, in July of 1789, a Bishop had to preside. The convention was not a very large one; I think there were about twenty-eight men,—about sixteen clergy and twelve laymen. A Bishop had to preside, and there was only one Bishop, so Bishop White presided at the first convention. But the second convention met in October, in an adjourned session of this convention of 1789, and at that time there were three Bishops in the country; and Bishop White and Bishop Seabury formed the House of Bishops, and the House of Bishops met separately, and Bishop Seabury was the President of the House of Bishops, and Bishop White acted as Secretary (laughter); but they had the separate house.

Now, we have tried to follow that tradition of the House of Bishops, in this sense; the extraordinary meekness of Bishop White has always characterized the members of the House of Bishops (laughter). Now, you know, meekness is a different thing from modesty. Modesty, may be the natural expression of a man when conscious of his unfitness, but meekness is the self-restraint of a man who knows that he ought to have everything but refuses to take it, because he is a gentleman (laughter).

And in the second place I want to say that the House of Bishops did not make themselves Bishops. They were not appointed by any domestic, or any foreign power, for that matter. They were elected by the free votes of the clergy and laity, in some Dioceses, or by the free votes of the members of the House of Bishops, and, therefore, you have to take these men, as you can't get any better Bishops than you [12/13] have got, because you have got nothing but clergy to make them out of (laughter) and you have to take them; and to put them out in some remote place and throw stones at them, it seems to me, is a very foolish attitude on the part of the clergy, or of the lay people, either.

But the House of Bishops is, I am glad to say, and I am willing to say, and brave enough to say, I think, the finest body of men we have got in this country to-day (applause); and it is with the most hearty welcome that we will try to do our best for the Bishop of New York, to profit by his wisdom, and also, probably, to give him some good advice when he needs it. (Laughter).

I have known Dr. Manning for a long time. It is a great honor to me to-night to feel that Dr. Manning was a student under me for a number of years; that he was also my very dear friend. When I had the misfortune to be elected Bishop, when I could not decline, why, it was my great pleasure, at that time, to ask the Board of Trustees to elect young Mr. Manning to take my place. That was the highest compliment that I could pay to him. (Laughter).

I will also say that he was prepared a clergyman and a bishop by having taught theology for two years. He found both the depths and shallows of that most interesting study, and above all things, I think you will find that he is not only a fine executive, and clear-minded and clear-headed leader, but he has the sense of humor. Now, you know Dr. Jowett said that no man ought to be made a Bishop unless he had a sense of humor. I have always maintained that that gives a man a healthy attitude. If John Calvin's mother had been an Irish woman, and he could have seen a joke, it would have changed his whole theology. (Loud laughter).

There is just one thing, finally, I want to say. I have great sympathy with Bishop Manning in the vast responsibility of this great metropolitan diocese, but, particularly, I would love to see, in his Episcopate, the work go on, with the assurance of real success, in the building of that great Cathedral. There are a number of reasons why I want that Cathedral built. In the first place, I think that it would be a great blessing to all our people all over the United States who come to New York, and who would love to see the glory and beauty with which we have invested the worship of the Lord our God. In the second place, I think that that Cathedral stands as the symbol of the devotion, of the sacrifice,—yes, of the lofty spiritual understanding of the people of this Diocese, and of our Holy Church; that, in other words, it is really a sacrament in stone; and, after all, that which makes life worth living is, that life itself is a sacrament, an outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace.

We have heard to-night about the terrors and troubles and trials and difficulties and perplexities of our time. Yes, I know how dreadful they are; but, somehow or other, I don't feel like criticising or finding fault with my own age. I thank God that I have lived in this active and wonderful, splendid, growing time. The only thing in life, the only condition of human nature that is utterly deplorable and utterly hopeless is that of self-satisfied and self-complacent inertia, when we are satisfied to have things as they are; but in the movement, yes, in the struggles and in the sufferings of the times, it would seem to me we could see, we [13/14] could discern the very workings of the spirit of God, for our God is not a wooden image; our God is not a mere idea; our God has entered into our life, and it is when I think of Him as sharing my pains and sorrows, as understanding and bearing my sins, as knowing all about my doubts and my perplexities, it is then that I can understand what it means; that underneath all the violence of arms, He never sleeps, He is never weary, He is never discouraged, but, through the doubt and the pain and the suffering, and the grave and the gate of death, He is ours and we are His; and, my dear Bishop, this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (Loud applause).

MR. HOBART: For our last speaker to-night I know that your hearts are filled with a deep emotion of love, admiration and enthusiasm. Your very presence on this occasion is an expression and pledge of loyalty to our Bishop and of steadfast support throughout his episcopate. I feel that in your name I may confidently assure him of our readiness to co-operate with him in the spiritual uplift which by God's help is about to come to our Diocese,—The Bishop of New York (All rise and applaud).


BISHOP MANNING: Mr. President, and Right Reverend Fathers, and Brethren of the Clergy, Fellow-Churchmen and Churchwomen:

I had supposed that during this past week I had felt every sensation which it was possible for one individual to feel, but I find to-night that there is something more, very much more, that I can feel, as I look out into this great assemblage and into the faces on every hand of fellow-workers, true helpers—may I not say beloved friends in the fellowship of Christ and His Church? (Applause).

You will not misunderstand me, no one will misunderstand me, if I say that I am rejoiced to see here the faces of so many of those whom I have loved and known so well in my years at Trinity (Applause). What I feel now, and what you are already compelling me to feel is, that I am going to love this whole diocese as truly as I have loved, and shall always love, Trinity parish (Applause). You know far better than I can say it what I feel as I stand here to-night; you know that there is in my mind the thought of those who in the past have so nobly stood and done their part in this great office—Horatio Potter, Henry Codman Potter, David Hummel Greer, Charles Sumner Burch, and that one whose voice still comes to us with such power out of the past, to whom dear Bishop Tuttle referred in his letter, the great Bishop and leader—John Henry Hobart. (Applause). We are the beneficiaries of their faith and their great labors, and, God helping us, we will be true to the trust.

I cannot thank the officers and members of the Church Club for all their care and work in arranging for this wonderful gathering, nor you for your greeting and your welcome:—almost overwhelming in its kindness, which touches, and humbles, and strengthens me beyond expression. It would be impossible for me to express my appreciation [14/15] of the words spoken by the President, my friend and parishioner ever since I came to New York eighteen years ago; by Bishop Gailor, who still gives me a title that I value more than any words can say, when he calls me "one of his boys;" by my dear friend, Dean Robbins, who has shown such intimate acquaintance with the geographical and climatic conditions of this diocese (laughter), and who makes my relation to the Cathedral at once a delight and a sinecure (Laughter & Applause); by Mr. Outerbridge, whose friendship I have put to the severe, the almost inhuman test of lunching with him one day every week for several years as a Trustee of the Sailors Snug Harbor; I wish I could recognize myself in the picture that they have so generously drawn. I confess frankly to you that I do not recognize it at all. I think this picture here (indicating) is a better likeness, (laughter) but I do recognize, in the words which they have spoken out of the generosity of their hearts, a standard for me to try to live up to, and, with God's help, I will try to live up to it as well as I can.

My association with Bishop Gailor, as he has been kind enough to say, goes back a very long time. It dates back to the time when, as one of his young theological students, and having just been ordained a deacon, I went down to the City of Memphis to serve as assistant to the rector of Calvary Church. There I preached my first sermon. I suppose I have the distinction of being the only living person who remembers that sermon (Laughter). But I remember it well and the work that it cost me. The text was: "And Moses said unto God, who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh and should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" As I was a newcomer in the place the reporters came around to the church and asked for the copy of the sermon. The next morning it appeared in full in the Memphis "Scimitar." After their kind and flattering manner, they had intended printing in the head-line "thrilling discourse," but owing to a slight error on the part of the typesetter, when I bought a copy of the paper early the next morning to see how it looked (laughter) I read there in bold, black type: "Thrilling disclosure by the Reverend William T. Man-fling" (laughter), and my friends were writing to me from all direction to know what I had "disclosed" about Moses (laughter) and to suggest that whatever it was at this late date there was no necessity to bring it to light. (Laughter).

As a result of the faith and the work of those who have gone before us, I believe that we have reached a time when this great diocese is ready for great things. (Applause). We do not want everyone in the church to think alike—God forbid—there must always be ample room for differences of opinion, but I believe we all of us want to feel that for the present we have done with the merely divisive things, the things that weaken and separate us one from another, and that we want to join together in heart and thought, and centre our minds upon those great things which draw us all close and give us power for our common work in Christ. (Applause.) We want the full liberty that is consistent with the law of this Church (Applause), and that is a very great liberty, greater we rejoice to feel than any other Church in Christendom, but we want also loyalty to the principles of the church and respect on the part of every individual among us for the plain rules [15/16] and laws of the Church which we have a part in making ourselves. As Christians, and as sensible men and women, we must want this because we know that on no other principal but this can we have any common life, any common fellowship, any strength, in the corporate life of the Church at all. What we want now is peace in the ranks in order that we may have war at the front. (Applause)—the warfare of Jesus Christ for the building up of his Kingdom in the hearts and lives of men. Sometimes it has seemed as though we had war in the ranks and peace at the front. (Laughter). What we need is not more discipline, not more coercion by law; we hate to think of any such thing in connection with the life of the Church. What we want is fellowship, love, brotherhood in Christ, and if we have enough of that, discipline will take care of itself.

There is not time to-night for me to speak to you about those great practical things which are calling us all and to which we now want to give our thoughts and our strength; all of us together, and yet, standing in such a gathering of friends as this, I must say just a word or two about those things. I will not go into detail; I will simply mention to you three or four of the things that are in my heart and that I want you to have in your hearts and to give me your help with.

The first—I want to see this great diocese take the place of leadership that belongs to it in the Nation Wide Campaign, (applause) which has come to be so vital to the life and work of our own diocese and of the Church at large.

Second—I want to see the salary of every clergyman in this great diocese of ours raised beyond the minimum that we have at present reached of fifteen hundred dollars. (Applause). Dear friends, nothing is more important to the life and strength of the Church than adequate maintenance for the clergy, and I ask all who have responsibility for parishes to have that in their hearts as I have it in mine.

And again—I want to see a fund raised sufficient to provide for the endowment of the episcopate in this diocese (applause) so that the parishes may be relieved, at any rate, in very large part, from the assessments now levied upon them for that purpose.

And again—I want to see a more generous support and backing for St. Stephen's College (applause) which is doing such admirable, effective and heroic work in the cause of Christian education and for the young men of the Church.

And again—I want to see this great Church, of which we are baptized members, doing far, far more in the rural districts; among the young men and young women in our colleges and universities (applause); among the colored people; among our fellow-Americans of foreign birth, who form such an important part of our population.

And last—it is not the last, but it is the last thing that I'll mention to-night. I do want you all to have in your hearts and minds the building of the Nave of our great cathedral (Applause). We want to carry that building forward towards completion, not only for practical reasons, not only for artistic reasons, but for the sake of the spiritual life of the Church and of this great city. The cathedral is [16/17] the symbol of our unity and fellowship, it is the centre of our diocesan life and work, but, brethren, it is far more than that, it is a centre of unity and of spiritual life for our whole city, and as I said up there yesterday (Sunday at the Cathedral) in a city like this, which, by individual effort can build the Woolworth Building and the Equitable Building for commercial purposes, which can erect that splendid fifteen million Medical Centre just now announced, it should not take long, and need not take long, to build the cathedral for the sake of the souls of our people. All that we need to do is to bring the meaning of that cathedral clearly home to the mind and the thought of our people and they will see that it is built.

Perhaps I should have had some doubt as to whether we could do all these things, or, at any rate, as to whether we could do all of them at once, but for the fact that we have just had a very wonderful diocesan convention. That convention was wonderful, not because of anything that anyone did, but because of the spirit that was in it; that convention carried out every single one of the suggestions of your new and untried, and very inexperienced Bishop (applause). It even went beyond doing what it was asked, and it crowned its work by electing as Suffragan Bishops, two men, whose choice should give, and I am certain will give, deep satisfaction to this whole diocese (applause); two men of strength, of experience, of spiritual power, for each of whom I have, and have long had, the warmest personal affection, each one of whom has his own gifts, will make his own specific contribution to our united strength, both of whom I welcome with my whole heart as friends and brothers and co-laborers; (Applause) our beloved father in the Church—Bishop Lloyd (prolonged applause), and our dear and well-loved friend—Herbert Shipman. (prolonged applause). Brethren, with the spirit of that convention in the Church we can do everything that is necessary and that is right; we can put the Nation Wide Campaign where it ought to be; we can raise the fund for the Episcopal Endowment and, in due time, and not too long a time, we can build the Cathedral. (Applause).

But we can do something more than that with this faith that is in our hearts and minds, as we look into each other's faces to-night, we can build the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in our own hearts and in the hearts of those about us, and with growing, ever increasing power in the life of this great diocese and this great city. (Prolonged applause; all rising).

MR. HOBART: Before the Bishop of New York pronounces the Benediction, we will all sing one verse of "My Country 'Tis of Thee!" (Verse sung accompanied by Organist).


BISHOP MANNING: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you, and give you courage, faith and peace; Through Christ Our Lord. (Response) Amen.


Stephen Baker, Chairman
Avery D. Andrews, Edmund L. Baylies, William C. Breed, George W. Burleigh, Nicholas Murray Butler, John H. Cole, Robert Grier Cooke, George F. Crane, William E. Curtis, R. Fulton Cutting, Vernon M. Davis, John A. Dix, F. Shelton Farr, Lyttleton B. P. Gould, William M. V. Hoffman, Robert A. Hone, Aymar Johnson, George Gordon King, Charles R. Lamb, Thomas S. McLane, Francis S. Marden, George A. Molleson, Junius S. Morgan, Jr., Louis M. Ogden, Eugenius H. Outerbridge, William Barclay Parsons, Edward Sandford Pegram, W. Willis Reese, John S. Rogers, John E. Rousmaniere, Charles E. Sampson, Herbert L. Satterlee, Taber Sears, J. Frederick Talcott, Samuel Thorne, Jr., Howard Townsend, Hobart B. Upjohn, Hugh C. Wallace, Frank T. Warburton, John J. Watson, Jr., Josiah L. Webster, Everett P. Wheeler, Arthur King Wood, George Zabriskie, J. Greer Zachry.






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