Project Canterbury

Unity and the Lambeth Declaration
Lectures under the Auspices of the Minnesota Church Club, 1896.

Together with the Sermon by the Rt. Rev. H. B. Whipple, D.D., LL.D.,
Bishop of Minnesota, at the First Session of the Lambeth Conference, July 3, 1888.

Milwaukee: TheYoung Churchman, 1896.

Address in Lambeth Chapel, July 3, 1888
By the Rt. Rev. H. B. Whipple, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Minnesota

I. Organic Unity.
By the Rt. Rev. M. N. Gilbert, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop of Minnesota

II. The Holy Scriptures.
By the Rev. Harry P. Nichols, Rector of St. Mark's Church, Minneapolis

III. The Creed.
By the Rev. John Wright, Rector of St. Paul's Church, St. Paul

IV. The Sacraments.
By the Rev. John J. Faude, Rector of Gethsemane Church, Minneapolis

V. The Historic Episcopate.
By the Rev. Wm. P. Ten Broeck, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Seabury Divinity School, Faribault


THE Church Club of Minnesota has the pleasure of presenting in print herewith the first series of Lectures delivered under its auspices. These lectures were given during the past Lent in Christ Church, St. Paul, and Gethsemane Church, Minneapolis. The primary purpose was to interest our own people in the great subject of Church Unity through the instruction which it was felt would be given by the various lecturers. An expressed desire for publication could not well be refused, and it is the further hope that publication will secure that more extended hearing which the importance of the subject and the admirable treatment thereof by the lecturers fully deserves.

The Club desires to express its grateful appreciation to the Reverend the Clergy who have helped to inaugurate a special work in Ecclesiastical circles, which the Club feels confident will redound to the prosperity of Christ's Church Militant.

Project Canterbury