Project Canterbury

Thomas Frank Gailor


Sermon Preached at the Consecration of the Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, S.T.D., As Bishop Coadjutor of Tennessee, to Which is Added an Appendix, Containing Proofs of the Infidelity Prevalent in the Church, with Remarks.
By George Franklin Seymour.
Milwaukee: The Young Churchman, 1895.

The Reverend Dr. James DeKoven
The Sewanee Review, volume 1, number 3, May, 1893.

The Trust of the Episcopate: A Sermon Preached at the Consecration of the Rev. Joseph H. Johnson, D.D. as Bishop of Los Angeles, in Christ Church, Detroit, Mich. on February Twenty-fourth, 1896, the Feast of St. Matthias.
Detroit: Christ Church Parish, 1896.

Bishop Quintard and the University of the South: A Memorial Address before the Board of Trustees of the University, July 27, 1899
Sewanee, Tenn: Published by order of the Board of Trustees, 1899.

The Christian Church and Education.
New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1910.

The Episcopal Church: Its History, Its Prayer Book, Its Ministry; Five Lectures.
Milwaukee: The Young Churchman, 1914.

Sermon Preached at the Consecration of the Reverend William Thomas Manning, S.T.D., D.C.L. As Tenth Bishop of New York
By the Right Reverend Thomas F. Gailor, D.D. in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine New York City Wednesday, May 11, 1921.
No place: no publisher, [1921]

Sermon Preached before the Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the District of Columbia, in Its Church Service held in Commemoration of the Birth of George Washington in St. John's Church, Washington D.C., on February 18, 1923.
Washington: Printed for the Society, 1923.

The Significance of the Church Idea in the Teaching of Our Lord and in the History of Christianity. Address Delivered before the Clergy Conference of the Diocese at Lake Mahopac on October 19th and 20th, 1932.
New York: The Diocese of New York, 1932.

Programme for the Observance of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Consecration to the Episcopate of the Right Reverend Thomas Frank Gailor, and the twenty-fifth anniversary as chancellor of The University of the South.
Sewanee, Tennessee: The University Press, 1933.

Some Memories.
Kingsport, Tenn.: Southern Publishers, inc., 1937.

Project Canterbury