Project Canterbury






By order of the Board of Directors.

It is earnestly requested that this be read and circulated
as extensively as possible among the friends of the Church.



Transcribed by Wayne Kempton
Archivist and Historiographer of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, 2009


To the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Connecticut:


I beg leave to call your attention to the accompanying Document, published by the Standing Committee of the "Church Scholarship Society." I fully concur with that Committee, in their views of the great deficiency of Ministers of the Gospel of our Communion; and I regard this deficiency as the greatest impediment to the growth and prosperity of the Church. All who love her altars are loudly called upon to offer their prayers to God, and to put forth their best exertions, that they may be speedily supplied with a pious and faithful Ministry. The "Church Scholarship Society" proposes, as I think, the most efficacious mode of effecting this object; and I heartily recommend the institution to the patronage of the Clergy and Laity of the Church in this Diocese.

I have especially to request of the Clergy that they will read the Document to their several Congregations, and that they will promote such measures, to further the objects of the Society, as in their respective Parishes they may deem expedient.

Commending you, Brethren, to the protection and blessing of the great Head of the Church, I remain,

Your affectionate Pastor,
Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut.
HARTFORD, September, 1831.

At a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Church Scholarship Society, August 11th, 1831, the following Preamble and Resolution were passed:

"Whereas, the great and increasing demands of the Church render it necessary to have recourse to extraordinary measures and uncommon exertions to prepare candidates for the sacred office; therefore,

"Resolved by this Board, that, in reliance on the grace of God, the goodness of the cause, and the liberality of the churches, WE WILL ASSIST ALL MERITORIOUS YOUNG MEN, DESIGNING TO ENTER THE MINISTRY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, who shall be approved by the Standing Committee of this Board."

The Trustees of Washington College, also, taking into consideration the unprecedented scarcity of clergymen, and desirous of affording every facility for the education of candidates which the poverty of the institution will allow, have unanimously

"Resolved, that one half of the amount of bills for tuition be hereafter remitted to the beneficiaries of the Church Scholarship Society."




"The want now most felt is that of clergy; well qualified, but self-denying, laborious clergy; who, with primitive zeal, will penetrate our darkened wilds, to illume them with the light of the blessed Gospel. We must educate such: for, at least in a sufficient number, they are not to be found among those who can educate themselves." [Address to the Convention, 1828.]

"I must renew, as a subject of deep lamentation, the insufficient supply of clergymen. As an unavoidable consequence, some feeble congregations are gradually wasting away, and numerous opportunities are lost of establishing our church in situations highly favourable to her extension. The only remedy is that which is successfully applied by other denominations of Christians, to provide the means of educating pious young men for the ministry." [Address, 1829.]


"The increase of the Church in this Diocese is much paralyzed by our deficiency of clergy. We cannot supply the parishes we now have, much less can we avail ourselves of the whitening harvest.--There can be but little earnestness or sincerity, and of course, but little use even in our prayers, except our actions correspond with our petitions; except we use the means, and pursue the measures, which God has already placed within our power, for bringing forward pious men qualified, or qualifying them, for this work." [Address to the Conv. 1829.]


"The existence of these vacancies, and the difficulty thus far found to supply them, suggest the lamentable deficiency of ministers in our church. Not in this portion only, is this evil experienced; but throughout its whole extent, it exists in a degree, that may well fill us with concern and should make the duty obvious of every real lover of the Church, and friend of religion and its interests, to consider what he may have in his power towards relieving the exigency, by giving help and encouragement to those suited for it by education and character, to make the ministry their calling." [Address to the Convention, 1830.]


"The fact is now becoming generally known, that the greatest hindrance to the extension of our communion arises from the inadequate number of our clergy. Such has been the growth of the church that the supply has by no means kept pace with the demand. It is obvious, therefore, that the principal efforts of Episcopalians should be directed to the education of pious young men for the sacred ministry. Under these circumstances, our Academies and Colleges, and all institutions which facilitate this important object, become doubly interesting to us. But it will be in vain to look to our literary institutions for an adequate supply of candidates for holy orders, unless they are aided by the co-operation of Education Societies." [Address to the Convention, 1830.]

"Unless great additions shall be made to the number of our clergy, the natural growth of the church must be checked, and even many of our existing parishes must decline. Would that the members of our church were roused to a consideration of the importance of these facts!--It is on the youth in the less affluent ranks of society, who have not been exposed to the temptations of wealth and ambition, that we must mainly depend to supply the wants of the Church. But these youth cannot obtain the requisite education without pecuniary assistance. I regard Education Societies, therefore, as of paramount importance to the Church. Indeed, there is no other resource on which we can rely." [Address, 1831.]


"We have at this moment, beyond Philadelphia county, five congregations with places of worship, and six congregations without them, all, I believe, destitute of services, and all proper situations for missionaries; these eleven congregations are in union with this Convention. How many neighborhoods in which no episcopal body is organized, have similar claims, I cannot say; but am confident that there are enough presenting us distinct encouragement to increase the above number to twenty. In seventeen counties of this State, there is no episcopal church or congregation; in seventeen other counties, there is but one congregation, each; and in eight other counties, only two each, including some not yet fully organized. What a field of diocesan missionary duty, in these eleven vacant congregations, in these forty-two counties, to say nothing of other portions of the Diocese!" [Address to the Conv. 1831.]


THE CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP SOCIETY has been formed under a deep conviction, that there is a great deficiency of well qualified clergymen for the service of the Church, and that the most obvious and effectual method of supplying this deficiency is, to educate for the ministry young men of suitable character, who have not the means of educating themselves. Its claims for support are based on the necessities of the church, and the practicability of obtaining relief in the way proposed. It must be shown, that there is a great and increasing demand for ordained clergymen--that wide fields of usefulness are opened, which it is impossible for us to occupy without a more numerous ministry--that the present provisions for training up young men for the sacred office are altogether inadequate; and that no causes are yet in operation, by which their number is likely to be increased to the required extent; and finally, that the evil is susceptible of a remedy by united exertions put forth in the cause of clerical education. The object of the present Address is, to call the serious attention of the members of the church to the destitution of clergy, and the means of supply.


This is conceded by all who have paid the slightest attention to the subject. The destitution is already so great as to have become a subject of just and painful anxiety; and will in all probability be far greater, before an effectual remedy can be applied. We have made a few extracts from various Episcopal Addresses, to show what are the opinions of our Bishops in relation to the necessity of using extraordinary exertions. Their station in the church affords them the means of knowing its wants, and their representations are therefore particularly deserving of attention. No one can read their forcible and reiterated appeals, without being convinced that something effectual must be done, and done quickly. The same conclusion is urged upon us by representations from other quarters. A highly respectable clergyman of Charleston, South Carolina, writes, that there are in that Diocese "eight organized congregations destitute of stated religious ministrations;" and "that, with missionary assistance, there is a strong probability that an Episcopal congregation could be gathered, were they favoured with the ministrations of a faithful pastor, in nineteen stations and villages."

In the Report of the Executive Committee of the Missionary Society in Virginia, the following statement appears: "The number of organized parishes in this State is about one hundred: the clergy are less than half that number: of these, several, through age and infirmity, or other causes, are disqualified for very active service. The cry for help is heard from many quarters. Applications are incessantly made for assistance; and had we the means and ministers, we are confident that one hundred clergymen might find ample fields of useful labour within the limits of our Diocese."

[8] In the Diocese of Connecticut, where, from a variety of causes, the church is comparatively well supplied, there are six congregations destitute of ministers, not because the means of support are wanting, but because ministers cannot be obtained; and, with such missionary aid as could and would be furnished, were labourers to offer themselves, the number could easily be increased to twelve.

The Bishop of the Eastern Diocese writes, that "very much, during the last fifteen years, has been lost to the church in that Diocese, from the want of a few suitable clergymen to occupy promising stations. Several such stations still remain."

The field of labour beyond the Alleghany mountains is immense, and as yet comparatively unoccupied by any denomination of Christians. "Wherever they direct their attention," the Executive Committee of the Church Missionary Society observe, in their last Report, "but especially in the western and south-western districts of our own country, the fields are, indeed, white to harvest; but alas! how few are they who are prepared to thrust in the sickle."

A Missionary writes from Kentucky,--that there is scarcely a county town in the Green River country, where duly qualified clergymen would not find employment and ample support. Another clergyman, also in the employ of the Society, observes, "There is the loudest call in the West for a well-educated ministry. The intelligence of the people is rapidly outgrowing that of their present teachers; and the members of our church who have emigrated thither, as well as the immense population which is springing up in these extensive regions, have great claims on the christian philanthropy and benevolence of the Education and Missionary Associations of the Atlantic States."

In Tennessee, seven important and flourishing villages have been marked out by the Executive Committee, as locations imperiously demanding a supply.

A gentleman, lately from Cincinnati, was authorized to engage twelve clergymen for service in the immediate neighbourhood of that city, and to give assurances of an adequate support for each; but his endeavours have been without success. It is also stated, in a letter from a Missionary in Detroit, that "not less than a dozen missionaries are immediately wanted, and would be most usefully engaged," in that neighbourhood.

These are only a few of the evidences which might be produced; but they are sufficient to prove, beyond all question, the destitution which presses so heavily on the church. In every Episcopal Address, in every Report on the state of the church, in every Missionary paper, this feature in our ecclesiastical affairs--the scarcity of ministers--is the most painfully prominent one. Hence it is, that our missionary enterprise is crippled, and all our projects for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom are brought to a stand. Are agents wanting to visit the churches, to promote the cause of missions, of clerical education, or to raise funds for the endowment of colleges, where the pious youth of our country may be trained up for the service of God? They must be taken from parishes where they are usefully employed, and their stations are left without supply. Is there a demand for instructors in our academies and collegiate institutions? They are furnished again at the expense of parishes, and there are none to fill the vacancy occasioned by their removal. Do we hear the loud and reiterated calls from the millions in the valley of the Mississippi--send us the heralds of the cross--send them by hundreds--[8/9] Occupy our fields which are ripe for the harvest! Still, the answer must be,--we have none to spare; our own waste places are unoccupied. From a general survey of the field of labour, we confidently express the opinion, that were the present number of parochial clergymen doubled at once, they would all find employment in the course of a year or two; and that the annual addition of one hundred would not be more than adequate to the increasing demand.


Is the church gaining ground on the population of the country? Is it keeping pace with the increase of other denominations? Does it advance with an accelerated, or retarded motion? These are important questions; and it is high time that we bring accurate investigation to the inquiry, instead of trusting to vague reports. We are aware of the prevailing belief, that the cause is eminently prosperous; and it is with feelings of regret that we are compelled to acknowledge the opinion a hasty one, and not confirmed by facts. It is a question of fact alone; and an investigation, founded on the best data the case affords, will furnish great reason, not only to doubt the triumphant prosperity of the church, but to arrive at the certain conclusion that its onward course is a tardy one, and that its numerical increase is not even in proportion to what it has been in former years.

Its enlargement by the addition of new parishes is a less tangible foundation of estimate than that furnished by the increase of clerical strength. Nor are estimates, grounded on the increase of the clergy from year to year, for a series of years together, liable to much inaccuracy; since it may be confidently assumed, that the external growth of the church will not greatly exceed the increase of labourers.

What, then, is the state of the case? By an examination of the annual lists of the clergy, for the last fourteen years, it appears, that the ratio of increase has been on the whole growing less and less. During the last seven years, the additions were 150, and during the seven preceding years, the additions were also 150; that is, while from 1817 to 1824, the ratio of increase on the whole number of clergy was a little more than seven per cent, that from 1824 to 1831 was a little more than four and a half per cent. Or, to state the position in a still more intelligible manner--during the first of these periods, for every hundred Episcopal clergymen, there was an annual increase of a little more than seven; while during the last period, the annual addition was a little more than four and a half.

These facts proclaim more loudly than language can do, the necessity of vigorous measures to bring young men into the ministry. Will any pious Episcopalian be satisfied with seeing such results in future? Is it not evident that a crisis has come, which calls for immediate and powerful effort?

There is, however, a more cheering view of our position, which we feel it our duty to present in connection with the one just given. The number of our clergy has more than doubled within the last thirteen years, while it is estimated that the population of the country doubles once in thirty years. The church has therefore advanced on the whole population of the country, though with a diminishing ratio of increase. [9/10] And if such results have been produced, without any extraordinary effort on the part of its friends--without societies for education, and, till lately, without colleges or theological seminaries, what degree of prosperity may not be anticipated when the church shall put forth her whole strength in the cause of education, and of missions? There remaineth yet very much land to be possessed: the field is the world. The average addition of between 21 and 22 to the clerical body annually, which, for the last fourteen years has been all its increase, will not soon replenish the field with labourers. The present number is 534, the increase last year having been but six! Death, it is true, has lately made fearful inroads on their ranks; but does it not show conclusively how very inadequate is the supply, when even an unusual mortality can almost annihilate it? Our noble Theological Seminary has been for thirteen years in operation; but without any visible effect in increasing the number of ministers. What has kept that institution, from which so much was expected, in a state of depression? The reply is obvious--the general scarcity of candidates for sacred orders. Here, it is apprehended, is the true cause of the tardy movements of the church; nor will it be removed, till the laity and parochial clergy shall devote themselves with greater carefulness and zeal to the religious culture of the young, and ample provision has been made to educate pious young men, who are in circumstances to require assistance.


Experience has fully shown, that comparatively few sons of the rich devote themselves to the sacred office. The experiment of leaving the ministry to take care of itself has been fully tried, and the church is languishing under the results. The time has come for pursuing more efficient measures. If we wait for young men to force their way through every obstacle to the portals of the priesthood, we shall wait long before the necessities of the church are provided for. It presents no lure to avarice, no rewards to unholy ambition; and it is greatly to the advantage of the interests of pure religion in this country, that it offers to its servants so few inducements of a mere temporal nature. The supply, then, must be sought in those classes of society, where habits of industry and self denial are far more prevalent, where talents equally abound, and piety is, to say the least, not less frequent. In every age and country, a large proportion of those, who have shone as lights in the world, have arisen from the walks of humble life. Nor is this surprising, when it is considered that those, who are not born to ease and affluence, constitute the majority of mankind; and that the difficulties with which they have to struggle are favourable to the developement of their mental powers, and to the formation of a vigorous and independent character. It is the purpose of Education Societies to extend encouragement and assistance to the indigent and unfriended, who give promise of future usefulness in the church. Such is the purpose of


whose claims are now presented to the public. It was organized by the Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, at its session in 1827; and at the Convention of 1829, the present amended Constitution was proposed and adopted. The object of the institution is to render just so much [10/11] assistance as will serve to prevent discouragement, at the same time that it leaves the motives to personal exertion in full exercise. Hence, the appropriations are not sufficiently large to cover all the ordinary expenses of the student; and are granted, not as a charity, but as a loan. Some of the advantages of this system may be briefly mentioned.

It exerts a salutary influence over the character of the beneficiaries. The feeling is cherished that they must rely on their own efforts, as the ultimate means of obtaining an education.

Every degree of aid afforded to the beneficiary on this system, being so much added to a debt for which he is responsible, it is eminently fitted to promote economy. The student is placed under the strongest motive to take as little as possible from the funds, and to husband it to the best advantage; relatives and friends are under a similar inducement to render all the assistance in their power.

It is another advantage of this system of loans, that it presents no temptations to young men wanting in energy of character or rectitude of motive, to apply to the Society for aid. It furnishes, therefore, to some extent, a test of character; and an additional security against improper applications.

Finally, whatever donations are made on this plan are rendered more permanently and extensively useful. The funds return again into the treasury after a few years, to be again appropriated and again restored; and thus, the benefit is rendered perpetual.

Such are the principles, on which the Church Scholarship Society has already gone into operation. Already more than $8,500 have been subscribed in various ways, and, with the exception of a few hundred dollars, in the Diocese of Connecticut. Most of the subscriptions being payable in annual installments, about $3,300 only have been received into the treasury; out of which sum, the expenses of the agent have been paid, and assistance afforded to eleven beneficiaries, students of Washington College, a part of whom are now members of the General Theological Seminary. Having in view the immediate and pressing necessities of the Church, the Directors propose such a modification of the plan of future subscriptions, as may render the funds immediately available to the purpose in view.

The plan proposed is, that associations be formed in the several parishes for raising funds annually, to be either appropriated to the support of beneficiaries selected from their own Sunday School or neighbourhood, and approved by the Standing Committee; or remitted to the treasury for the general purposes of the Society. By this arrangement, a simple and uniform system of operations will be established, and a wider interest in the holy cause be excited and kept alive. Something has been done for this object by private benevolence; but the results are small indeed compared with what may be anticipated, when the Church shall awake from her slumbers, and her resources shall be gathered into one channel, and moved by one impulse.

In the brilliant success of the American Education Society, we have an example of what can be done by united effort. In a little less than sixteen years, it has assisted in the education of twelve hundred beneficiaries. Of these, 400 are licensed, and about 600 are pursuing their studies. Its income, the last year, exceeded $40,000. The operations of that splendid institution are referred to, for the purpose of showing what may be accomplished by united efforts, put forth in a spirit of faith and prayer. Why may not the Church Scholarship Society in a few [11/12] years exhibit similar results, and enable the Church to send forth yearly,--not the scanty supply of little more than twenty clergymen, but a numerous host of faithful men, prepared to carry the ministrations of religion wherever they are needed?

This is the institution in behalf of which the present appeal is put forth. It must be sustained, because it is the great and efficient means of supporting and extending all our efforts of benevolence. It must be sustained, because the interests of religion demand it. To this the Church looks for a competent supply of ministers; and in vain will it look for them elsewhere. It is identified with the cause of missions, foreign and domestic; for without men, every enterprise must fall to the ground. It must receive the liberal endowment of the rich; and they who have no money to give, must give themselves or their children. Sooner or later, the business of education must be taken up in earnest, and prosecuted on a scale, and with an energy, suited to the magnitude of our wants. Shall we enter at once upon the enterprise; or shall we wait, till the desolations of our Zion have become irreparable? The call for an increase of labourers must be answered, and answered quickly. Candidates are not prepared in a day. Do what we will, at least five or six years must elapse, before the effect of our exertions will be felt on the Church. Too long already have we been oppressed by a spirit of slumber. Already have our waste places multiplied to an alarming extent; and many a field lies desolate, which might now be blooming as Eden, had we seasonably embarked in the cause of clerical education. Already have the services of multitudes of our youth, fitted by nature and grace for the work of the ministry, been lost to the church, because no encouraging hand was stretched forth to help them through their difficulties. But the ground lost by past negligence can never be recovered; and it only remains that we provide for the future.

To the CLERGY of the Episcopal Church, our eyes are turned with confidence and hope. Through you must this appeal go forth to the pious laity of your charge, if it is destined to be in any degree effectual. To you it belongs to acquaint them with the necessities of the Church, in all their length and breadth; to plead her cause in public and in private; to organize associations for urging the work forward. Relying on your hearty co-operation, we have engaged to supply to every meritorious applicant sufficient aid to enable him to pursue his studies. Will you put it in our power to redeem the pledge? Will you come to our help in the present deep emergency of the church? We cannot forbear repeating our conviction, that it is indispensable that you take the lead in this enterprise. By you the first impulse must be given; and by you it must be sustained. Do you enquire why an Agent is not sent forth to visit the parishes in behalf of the institution? The truth must be told--no choice is left us in this matter; the deplorable scarcity of ministers renders it impossible, at present, to procure a suitable agent. But were it otherwise, we prefer trusting the cause to your zeal and activity, until an utter failure shall have convinced us that our reliance has been misplaced. On your discriminating zeal, in searching out the youth of piety and promise, and directing their thoughts to the work of the ministry, must the cause depend, under God, for its prosperity. Earnestly and affectionately, then, do we solicit your hearty concurrence in our undertaking. Cast your eyes over the various projects of benevolence, and see if there is one more worthy of uniting the hearts of every son of the [12/13] Church. And if you are satisfied there is not, whatever you may do for other purposes, let this have the benefit of your labours and prayers. Let each commit at least one candidate for the sacred office to the care of the Society. And when you have been instrumental in bringing forward one, whose talents and zeal may hereafter render him an ornament to the profession--one, who shall eloquently hold forth the word of life, when you perhaps have gone to your rest--you will not leave your work unfinished. You will plead with the people of your charge for the means of supporting him through the period of study; and you will prevail.

LAITY OF THE CHURCH! Your co-operation is earnestly solicited in a cause of no ordinary importance. The Church you so highly prize is languishing and embarrassed, and needs your help. If you are blessed with the ministrations of a faithful pastor, remember the thousands and millions who are without them. Let their cry be heard. The faith you have received, and by which you profess to walk, tells you that none of us liveth unto himself. Are you willing to withhold from others that hope full of immortality, which cheers you in your earthly pilgrimage, and arms you against the terrors of the last enemy? Whenever a youth of fair promise, anxious to devote himself to the work of ministering to such as shall be heirs of salvation, but weighed down and discouraged by poverty, shall be presented to receive the assistance which will enable him to accomplish his holy purpose; can you have the heart to send him away with a denial? Will you not rather open to him the hand of benevolence, and bid him God speed? Will you not cordially second the efforts of your pastor, to place at the disposal of this institution the means of training up a host for the service of the temple? Cannot many be found, who are both able and willing to become individually responsible for the education of a beneficiary?

Once more, we commend the Society to the patronage of every friend of the Church and of religion. God grant that the appeal may not be in vain. It needs your charities; it needs your prayers. Bear it on your hearts, in your hours of solemn intercession for the welfare of the church and people of God. And while you pray that it may be blessed and prospered in its onward course, you will not forget to consecrate some part of your worldly substance, be it great or small, to the same holy cause. Then may we hope that the Church will arise and shine, her light being come; and the glory of the Lord having risen upon her.

In behalf of the Board of Directors,

Standing Committee.
Hartford, Sept. 1831.

[* Donations of any sum will be gratefully acknowledged by the Treasurer, JAMES M. GOODWIN, Esq. Hartford. All other communications may be addressed to the Rev. N. S. WHEATON, Corresponding Secretary, Hartford.]



[14] ARTICLE I. The object of this Society shall be to assist meritorious young men, members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the attainment of a collegiate education. And when the state of the funds may be thought to justify the measure, candidates for holy orders may be assisted in obtaining their Theological Education.

ART. II. The Bishop of the Diocese in which the Society is established, shall be its President. The Bishops of other Dioceses shall be, ex officio, Vice Presidents. The other officers shall be two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, and twelve Directors, all of whom shall be elected annually. These elected officers, together with the Bishops, and such honorary officers as shall be provided for in the subsequent article, shall constitute a Board of Managers for conducting the affairs of the Society.

ART. III. The payment of two dollars annually, shall constitute a member of the Society. The payment of twenty dollars at one time, shall constitute a member for life; the payment of fifty dollars, an honorary Director for life; and the payment of one hundred dollars, an honorary Vice President for life.

ART. IV. The Society shall meet annually, in the city of Hartford, for the election of officers, and for the transaction of other business, on the day preceding the annual commencement in Washington College; at which time the Board of Directors shall make a report of their transactions, and the Treasurer shall report the state of the funds. The Board of Directors shall provide by-laws, for their own meetings: they shall have power, ad interim, to fill their own vacancies; and they shall annually elect a Standing Committee from their own body, consisting of seven members, who shall superintend the general concerns of the Society, and shall manage all such special business as may be confided to them.

ART. V. The sums paid for annual subscriptions, and to constitute Members, Directors, and Vice Presidents for life, together with such donations and bequests as may from time to time be made to the Society, shall go to constitute its general Funds; or they may, at the option of the Donor, be applied towards the endowment of any particular scholarship.

ART. VI. Individuals, or Societies Auxiliary to this Society, shall have the right of founding Scholarships, of One Thousand Dollars or more in each. And such Individuals or Societies may denominate such Scholarships, and present the Candidates to enjoy the benefits of the same, subject to the regulations of this Constitution, and of such by-laws as may from time to time be adopted by the Board of Managers. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to preserve an accurate Register of such scholarships, with the names of the founders of them, and of the [14/15] beneficiaries who shall from time to time receive the aid of such foundations. And if any part of the Funds contributed to a particular Scholarship shall be lost, such loss shall be immediately repaired from the general funds of the Society.

ART. VII. Beneficiaries of the Society shall be assisted by loans, not exceeding one hundred dollars per annum; for the amount of which sum or sums so received, the Beneficiary shall be required to give to the Treasurer of the Society his personal obligation, payable within three years after the completion of his education.

ART. VIII. Any person applying for the assistance of this Society, must present to the Standing Committee of the Board of Managers satisfactory testimonials, signed by at least one clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of his literary and moral qualifications. And if he shall sustain an examination before that Committee, or before such examiners as may be appointed by it, he shall receive a certificate to that effect, signed by the Clerk of the Committee, and specifying the amount by which he is to be assisted; which certificate shall be authority to the Treasurer for payments according to its tenor.

ART. IX. This Constitution shall not be altered, except at an annual meeting, and by the vote of three fourths of the members present.


PRESIDENT, Ex officio,


By Election,

By subscription of One Hundred Dollars.

Hartford, Charles Sigourney, Samuel Tudor, Wm. H. Imlay, Cyprian Nichols, Nathan Morgan, George Beach, Roswell Bartholomew, Hezekiah Huntington, Jr.
Boston, George Brinley
Troy, Esaias Warren, Nathan Warren, Stephen Warren
Middletown, Rev. Smith Pyne
Norwich, Richard Adams
Saybrook, Richard W. Hart
New London, Jonathan Starr jun., Isaac Thompson
Newtown, Rev. Daniel Burhans
Norwalk, Daniel Nash

DIRECTORS, By election.

Rev. Daniel Burhans, D. D. Newtown
Rev. Alonzo Potter, Boston
Rev. Frederick Holcomb, Watertown
Rev. Geo. B. Andrews, Amenia
Rev. Jackson Kemper, D. D. Norwalk
James Bowdoin, Boston
Rev. Chr. E. Gadsden, D. D., Charleston,
Rev. Edward Rutledge, Philadelphia,
Peter Stuyvesant, New York
Wm. W. Boardman, New Haven
Rev. N. B. Crocker, D. D. Providence
Edward Tuckerman, Boston.

[16] DIRECTORS, By subscription of Fifty Dollars.

Hartford, Rt. Rev. T. C. Brownell, Rev. N. S. Wheaton Rev. N. Pinney, Rev. Samuel Fuller, Rev. H. Potter, Simeon Griswold, Asa Farwell, Geo. Sumner, James Goodwin jun., John W. Bull, Samuel Tuttle, Erastus Goodwin, Lemuel Humphrey, Isaac Toucey, T. D. Gordon, J. M. Goodwin, Dudley Buck, Eli Todd, J. S. Rogers, F. J. Huntington, Griffin Stedman, Walter Phelps, Ebenezer Flower

Annapolis, Rev. H. Humphrey

New York, Henry Rogers

Chatham, Joel Hall, Samuel Hall, Jesse Hall, Joseph Hall, Elisha Covill, W. Ransom, Daniel Russell, H. Churchill

Saybrook, Amos Scovill, Samuel Ingham, Timothy Starkey

Chatham, Rev. W. Jarvis

New London, Rev. B. Judd, D. D.

Bridgeport, P. A. Cannon, Wm. Peet, David Minot, Charles Sherwood

N. Haven, Rev. H. Croswell, D. D.

Boston, Rev. W. Croswell, Rev. G. W. Doane

Ulster co. N. Y., Rev. R. Sherwood

Norwalk, Stephen Smith, Richard Camp, W. J. Street, Josiah Church, Jno. Camp jun., Stephen Mott,

Newtown, John Sanford, M. Parsons, Henry Beers, Daniel Beers, __ Belden, A. B. Glover

Amount of Subscriptions obtained in different Parishes.

Christ Church, Hartford, $3,000
St. Paul's Church, Norwalk, $1,000
Trinity Church, Chatham, $460
St. John's Church, Bridgeport, $458.25
Trinity Church, Newtown, $1,000
Essex and Saybrook, $464
Christ Church, Middletown, $130
Christ Church, Norwich, $593.77
St. James' Church, New London, $331

The following is recommended as a plan of Parochial Associations,
Auxiliary to the Church Scholarship Society.

We, the subscribers, do hereby agree to pay to __ __ the sums annexed to our names, in trust, for the purpose of educating young men who design to become candidates for the ministry in the Protestant Episcopal Church. The said __ is required to render to us annually his amount of receipts and expenditures, in pursuance of the design of this trust. The person or persons who may hereafter receive the benefit of it, shall be designated by a majority of the subscribers, the whole number having been seasonably warned to a meeting for that purpose: [or by the Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of __ Church __ ]

In case no beneficiary shall be designated, the amount received shall, at the end of each year, or sooner, be paid over by the said __ __ to the Treasurer of the Church Scholarship Society; to be applied to the purposes of said Society under the direction thereof.

Dated at __ this __ day of __183__.

Project Canterbury