Richard Stanley Merrill Emrich
Compiled by the Right Reverend Terry Brown
Retired Bishop of Malaita, 2012
The Conception of the Church in the Writings and Life of the German-English Philosopher Baron Friedrich von Hügel: A Contribution to the Sociology of Religion.
Munich: E. Reinhardt, 1939.Earth Might be Fair: The Presiding Bishop's Book for Lent.
New York: Harper and Brothers, 1945.Why Have a Prayer Book?
Detroit: Department of Christian Education, Diocese of Michigan, 1951.Truth and Honesty: With Some Notes on Gossip.
Cincinnati, Ohio: Foreword Movement, 1955.Opportunities for Anglicanism in the Midwest.
Addresses at the Twenty-seventh Synod of the Fifth Province of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, September 11-13, 1950.
Gambier: no publisher, 1960.A Missionary Strategy for Today: Three Lectures.
Alexandria, VA: Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1951.Renewal of the Church.
New York: Women's Auxiliary to the National Council, 1952?Freedom and Authority: An Address Delivered on September 19, 1954 to the Adult Bible Class of St. Paul's Cathedral, Detroit.
Detroit: no publisher, 1954.The Spiritual Influence in our American Competitive Enterprise System: A talk ... for the Church-Industry Group of Detroit ... January 18, 1954.
Detroit: no publisher, 1954.Stewardship.
New York: Department of Promotion, Diocese of New York, 1955.The Five Marks of a Healthy Parish.
New York: National Council, 1956.Starting a Parish Mission.
New York: National Council, 1957.The Greatness of Lincoln: A Sermon ... Preached in the Washington Cathedral, January 11, 1959, in Connection with the Lincoln Sesquicentennial Celebration.
No place: no publisher, 1959.Lincoln and the Judgments of the Almighty: An Address at the National Lincoln Sesquicentennial Dinner.
No place: no publisher, 1959.Lincoln and God: A Meditation on the Life of Abraham Lincoln.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1960."The Holy Spirit, the Lord of my Life."
Sermons Delivered at the Cranbrook Conference, 1963.
No place: no publisher, 1963.Some Christian Insights into Conservativism.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1964.Toward Equal Opportunity for All: Addresses Given before the Citizens for Equal Opportunity.
Detroit: Citizens for Equal Opportunity, 1964.Have We Outgrown the Church?
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1966.Guilt.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1968.The Episcopalians.
Royal Oak, MI: Cathedral Publishers, 1973.We Hold These Truths.
Detroit: Cathedral Chapter, 1986.The Theology of Golf.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1992.Work.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1993.Thanksgiving.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1995.Whatever Happened to Manners?
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, 1995.Votive Lights.
Fons du Lac, WI: Parish Press, no date.Church Customs: Some ABCs.
No place: no publisher, no date.Loneliness.
Cincinnati: Forward Movement Publications, no date.