Project Canterbury

Saint Stephen's Church in Providence
The History of a New England Tractarian Parish

by Norman J. Catir, Jr.

St. Stephen's Church
Providence, Rhode Island

reproduced with permission


OF NECESSITY, any parish history must be the corporate work of many people. Without the help of numbers of interested members of Saint Stephen's Church who gave interviews and offered suggestions, this history could not have been completed. To literally scores of unnamed parishioners credit and thanks for this book are due.

Although the bulk of the source material for the history is in the records and files of Saint Stephen's Church, a certain number of documents and works was obtainable only from institutions outside the parish. The author wishes to thank Mrs. Judith E. Dewsnap, secretary to the Bishop of Rhode Island; Mr. Clifford P. Monahan, director, and Mr. Clarkson A. Collins, III, librarian, of the Rhode Island Historical Society; Mr. Washington Irving, president, and Mrs. William B. Gowdey, research assistant, of the Providence Preservation Society; Miss Mary T. Quinn, archivist of the State of Rhode Island; Mr. David A. Jonah, librarian of the John Hay Library of Brown University, and his staff; and Mr. Donald B. Engley, librarian of the Trinity College Library, and his staff, for making available to him documents and books which were indispensable to the completion of this history.

Professor Glen Weaver of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, spent an inestimable amount of time giving advice about the writing of the history, and criticism of it once the story had been put on paper. Mr. Grant Dugdale, the director of the Brown University Press, has generously assisted in the preparation of the manuscript for publication.

Mrs. Robert Mulligan, Mrs. Thomas Wilkins, Mr. John Nicholas Brown, and Mr. Robert E. Jacobson have read the manuscript and contributed constructive suggestions toward its improvement. The Reverend Emerson K. Hall has been a constant source of reference because of his good memory and because of the parish memorabilia which he has preserved. The rector of Saint Stephen's, The Reverend Warren R. Ward, has worn two hats, one of source and the other of critic.

When all the research and writing had been done, this technically inexpert author depended on a footnote reader and several devoted typists to produce a manuscript acceptable to the printer. Miss Zulette G. Masson performed the arduous task of checking the notes. Mrs. Wilton G. Duncanson, Mrs. Sidney W. Wray, and Mrs. James B. Mathie typed a large part of the manuscript, while Mr. Peter F. Wehmann patiently performed the tasks of typist and critic during most of the final stages of work.

To all these faithful partners in the writing of the history of Saint Stephen's Church goes the sincere gratitude of the author.


Project Canterbury