Project Canterbury

Henry Robert Percival


History of Recent Events in Christ Church Parish.
By Edward Abraham Foggo.
Philadelphia: A. Smith, 1880.

The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament: An Answer to the Rev. Henry R. Percival, Rector of the Church of the Evangelists, Philadelphia.
By Thomas K. Conrad.
Philadelphia: Matlack and Harvey, 1885.

Non-Communicating Attendance versus Non-Communicating Non-Attendance
Philadelphia: James Hammond, 1888.

The Doctrine of the Episcopal Church So Far As It Is Set Forth in the Prayer Book.
New York: Putnam, 1891. [External link]

On the Question of Swedish Orders.
New York: American Church Press, 1892.

A Digest of Theology, Being a Brief Statement of Christian Doctrine according to the Consensus of the Great Theologians of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, together with an Appendix Containing, among Other Things, in English, the Doctrinal Decrees of the Ecumenical Synods.
Philadelphia: J.J. McVey, 1893. [External link]

The Inspiration of Holy Scripture and Six Other Essays.
Milwaukee: Young Churchman, 1896.

The Invocation of Saints Treated Theologically and Historically.
London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1896.

The XXXIX Articles Vindicated from the Aspersions of High Church Assailants.
No place: no publisher, no date.

Guide-Book to the Church of the Evangelists, Philadelphia
Edited and prepared for publication by the Rev. Charles Wellington Robinson, Rector of the Church of the Evangelists.
Philadelphia: Church of the Evangelists, 1904.

A Sermon Preached before the Vice-President and Council of the Clerical Union for the Maintenance and Defense of Catholic Principles, and the Catholic Club of Philadelphia in Memory of the Reverend Henry Robert Percival, D.D. in St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, November 10th, 1903.
By Robert Ritchie.
Philadelphia: no publisher, 1903.

Project Canterbury