Henry Bond Restarick
Lay Readers, Their History, Organization and Work: An Account of What Laymen Have Done, Are Doing and Can Do for the Extension of the Kingdom of God.
New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1894. [External link]
The Love of God: Addresses on the Last Seven Words, together with a Sermon for Palm Sunday and One for Easter Day.
New York: T. Whittaker, 1897.Honolulu.
New York: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1903.Face to Face; or the Real Things of Christianity
Honolulu: no publisher, 1919.Centennial Anniversary of the Landing of the First Missionaries of the Gospel at Kailua, Hawaii.
Honolulu: no publisher, 1920.Hawaii, 1778-1920, from the Viewpoint of a Bishop: Being the Story of English and American Churchmen in Hawaii, with Historical Sidelights.
Honolulu: Paradise of the Pacific, 1924.Who Opened Japan to Commerce of the World?
Honolulu: Nippu Jiji, 1927.Sun Yat Sen, Liberator of China.
New Haven: Yale University Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1931.Sun Yat Sen: Libérateur de la Chine.
Paris: Payot 1932.Washington, Man of Faith.
Honolulu: no publisher, 1932.My Personal Recollections: The Unfinished Memoirs of Henry Bond Restarick, Bishop of Honolulu, 1902-1920.
Honolulu: Printed by Paradise of the Pacific Press, 1938.Tôn Dât Tiên: Nguoi Diai Phóng Trung Hoa.
Da Nang: no publisher, 2000.