Project Canterbury

"Songs by the Way"
The Poetical Writings of the Right Rev. George Washington Doane, D.D., LL.D.

Arranged and Edited by His Son, William Croswell Doane

New York: D. Appleton, 1860.


"Consors Paterni luminis."

BRIGHTNESS of the Father's glory,
     Light of Light, unclouded day,
Lo! we rise, to sing Thy praises;
     Hear us, help us, while we pray.

Lighten Thou, our mental darkness,
     Bid each hellish tempter, flee,
Rouse our dulness, lest it deaden
     Our devotions, Lord, to Thee.

Saviour, deign to each believer,
     These, Thy favours, to extend;
Answered thus, our prayers and praises
     Shall, for evermore, ascend.

Hear us, Father, we entreat Thee,
     Hear us, Saviour, we implore,
Hear and help us, Holy Spirit--
     Thou, that reignest evermore.

Project Canterbury