Project Canterbury


The Story
Twenty-five Years’ Rectorship
Rev. George R. Van De Water, D. D.
Fifth Avenue and 127th Street

A. D. 1888-1913



Transcribed by Wayne Kempton, 2013
Archivist and Historiographer of the Diocese of New York

Presented, with the compliments of
Rev. George R. Van De Water, D. D.
Rector St. Andrew’s Church
New York
on the occasion of the anniversary of the completion of
Twenty-five Years of his Rectorship
of the Parish



When our present church was dedicated to its work, the vestry published in one volume, a History of the Parish, which was prepared by Doctor Draper, during his Rectorship, and another history prepared by Mr. Miln P. Dayton, a warden of the parish, which latter effort brought the story complete to the year 1890.

The vestry has requested the Rector to prepare a history of the parish for the last twenty-five years, and to present it to the people in such manner, as he may think best, on one of the occasions of the approaching anniversary of his Rectorship.

Such an effort as this requires much time—more for investigation of records than the actual literary work and compilation. Moreover, such a history, make it the briefest possible, would be too long for delivery at any one time of public service, or gathering of the people for a reception. These and other considerations have induced the Rector to respond to the request of the Vestry in the following manner:

The tradition of asking some one not a clergyman to prepare a history of the parish is a good one, and worthy of preservation. We are fortunate in having in St. Andrew’s a daughter of a most exemplary and well-beloved Warden, whose experience in the parish, covering the entire time of which the history is to be written, has been continuous and intimate and whose literary ability is well known. The Rector has asked therefore, Miss Mary A. Jacot to prepare such a history, reserving the right to revise the manuscript from time to time, that he may share the responsibility for its publication.

He has also asked our Senior Warden, William H. Sage, to write a chapter on the Fiscal story of this period, for which, as the author and chief factor of our Sinking Fund, he has shown exceptional ability.

The Rector desires to present a copy to each family in the parish.

Dr. Van De Water is happy to do this as a mark of his gratitude and appreciation for so many friends, whose friendship is his constant happiness.


Twenty-five years seem, in prospect, a long period of time, but when we realize how easily we can recall events which occurred twenty-five years ago, and how vivid they are to us, the quarter century behind us appears as only one small link, uniting our past and future in the golden chain of time.

The history of St. Andrew’s Church previous to 1888 is replete with interest to all of us devoted parishioners, not only as a history of our own little community, but also as that of the development of this end of Manhattan Island.

Our Church had many such trials and troubles as are usually incident to the life of a Parish of small membership and very limited resources, but notwithstanding the vicissitudes of its early years, that short procession of earnest and faithful priests who preceded our present Rector were laying the foundations in strong Churchmanship for a Church which in the fullness of time was to minister to thousands of souls.

Any reader of history, sacred or secular, must observe that in time of need the Lord has always raised up for Himself a man who shall fulfil His purposes and accomplish His designs, and thus we find that long before the time was ripe for him to assume the grave responsibility of Rector of St. Andrew’s the Lord was preparing a young man of strong character and sound Churchmanship to take upon himself the burden of a Parish which, if it fulfils its duty toward the community in which it is placed, must necessarily be a serious undertaking for the Rector in charge.

Toward the close of the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Lobdell, [9/10] conditions in St. Andrew’s had assumed a critical aspect. Its past was a closed book and it was facing its future with an anxious mind. Some conditions, however, were encouraging.

Society in Harlem had greatly enlarged since the days of the faithful and much-loved Dr. Draper. The elevated railroads had brought population surging to this end of the island, families were rapidly making homes here and an agreeable social atmosphere prevailed.

The Church naturally profited by these changes. The Sunday School was flourishing. The instruction given was of the best; the Holy Bible, the Church Catechism and the doctrines of the Book of Common Prayer were taught there.

The Rev. Edward H. Cleveland, now on the staff of the City Missions, was curate in charge of the services and Parish work, and the Vestry, into whose hands the reins of government of the Church had now fallen, were a faithful and loyal body of men.

The resignation of the Rev. Dr. Lobdell was presented to the Vestry January 21st, 1887. The period following his resignation seemed a crisis in the life of St. Andrew’s. The situation was a serious one. Local conditions of transportation, the location of the Church, far from most of its supporters, and a defection already begun, created changes which demanded cautious and decisive action.

The question “Who shall succeed the retiring Rector?” was a vital one. No mistake must be made, nor might we linger long in choosing a successor.

In this crisis the assistance and co-operation of one of the oldest parishioners was solicited. Many conditions had combined to cause a considerable change in the personnel of the Vestry at its annual election, and at the urgent request of those responsible for the administration of affairs, Mr. Edward H. Jacot, of venerable years and character that accorded with the worthy office he was urged to accept, was elected Senior Warden. In years gone by Mr. Jacot had served as Vestryman and Warden under Dr. Draper, and was most solicitous for the best interests of the Church.

[11] Thus after the election held on Easter Monday, April 11th, 1887, the names of the Vestry stood as follows:
Senior Warden - Edward H. Jacot; Junior Warden - Donald McLean; Vestrymen - John H. Suydam, Arthur T. Timpson, John B. Simpson, Jr., Ralph M. Hyde, Vernon M. Davis, William B. Ogden, John L. Reid, Edward H. Coleman.

A difficult task was now confronting the Vestry in the selection of a Rector who should be just the right one for the Church so dearly loved by all, and also one to whom the future welfare of the Parish might be safely entrusted.

The Bishop of the Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, was closely consulted and he offered some names for consideration, but there was one young priest in the flower of his career, whose name had been brought before the Vestry at the time that Dr. Lobdell was called, and to that young man as by a common impulse all minds seemed to turn and after due consideration and consultation with the Bishop, a unanimous decision was arrived at, with the result that on the 30th of April the Vestry authorized the Wardens to wait upon the Rev. Geo. R. Van De Water, D.D., of St. Luke’s Church, Brooklyn, and tender him the Rectorship of St. Andrew’s.

Following this action on the 14th of May, Dr. Van De Water was formally elected Rector of our Church. While considering the call, Dr. Van De Water had several conferences with the Bishop at his residence in the Navarro, on West 59th Street, and in their conversations the great prelate proposed the removal of St. Andrew’s to its present site, the rebuilding of the Church, with enlarged proportions, and incidentally remarked more than once, that Fifth Avenue would always be known as the great residential avenue of New York City, and that Harlem was destined to be the centre of the residential population [11/12] of the Metropolis. Also that the removal of Holy Trinity Church from Fifth Avenue and 125th Street to Lenox Avenue and 122d Street being already determined, would make the removal of St. Andrew’s possible.

These considerations caused Dr. Van De Water to accept the call to the Rectorship, which he did, with the understanding that his acceptance was to take effect on the first of January, 1888.

The parishioners of St. Luke’s Church, Brooklyn, strongly protested against losing the Rector who had ministered to them for seven years, and to whom all were deeply attached, and it required a second call to secure the consent of the clergyman to leave the parish where he was so loved and honored.

In calling Dr. Van De Water the Vestry exhibited wisdom and sound judgment, as they rightly considered that under his ministrations the work of the Church would undoubtedly proceed along its lines of Doctrine, Discipline and Worship, thus preserving to St. Andrew’s the strong imprint of sound and conservative Churchmanship, which had ever been her character since the laying of her spiritual foundations in the small house on Third Avenue more than eighty years ago, in 1829.

The Rev. Edward H. Cleveland, who had become curate under Dr. Lobdell, continued in charge of the services and Parish work. He was, however, given a long vacation from July 15th to September 1st, the Rev. Mr. Moore taking the services of one Sunday in July and the Rev. Mr. T. C. Williams taking the last Sunday in the month. Mr. Williams’ assistance was also engaged for the month of August, when he took charge of all services and the visitation of the sick and poor of the Parish.

The long interval of more than six months before the Church could feel that it was really settled under its new head was regretted, but as Dr. Van De Water had been elected in 1886 the General Missioner to conduct Parochial Missions in the United States, it was determined to invite prominent clergymen of the city and elsewhere to preach frequently for us during the interval, while Parish affairs would be administered by the Curate, Wardens and Vestrymen.

Owing to his previous engagement, Dr. Van De Water could [12/13] appear in St. Andrew’s but twice before entering on his duties on January 1st.

The first of these occasions was on the 31st of May, 1887, when an evening service was held in order that the Doctor might meet his Vestry and as many as was possible of his parishioners. Previous to the hour of service the Vestry waited on the Rector at the residence of the Senior Warden, and after service an informal reception was held in the Sunday School room.

Again on the 2nd of October the Rector visited the Parish and preached at the evening service.

On invitation at this time the clergy of the city and elsewhere rallied most kindly to our assistance and our pulpit, Sunday after Sunday, for more than three months, was occupied by able and interesting preachers.

Old Trinity, always a good friend to St. Andrew’s, helped us for several Sundays, and we have reason to be grateful for her assistance, not only at that time, but also within a very few years past, when our Rector, in consequence of physical inability, was in great need of friendly aid in his pulpit.

Dr. Van De Water assumed active charge of the Parish on the date fixed, January 1st, 1888.

His first Sunday here was a notably stormy one, and on March 12th of that year occurred the great Blizzard.

Nevertheless, the year was a propitious one for our Church, and from that time on, throughout our twenty-five years, while we have had anxieties and perplexities to meet and to master, we have also had much of prosperity.

We had called a young and able Rector to take charge of us, and “the people had a mind to work” with right good will.

It may be interesting to give some approximate figures of the Parish as they were recorded at the opening of the year 1888.

Number of families - 475
Number of Communicants - 1,000
Sunday scholars - 1,050
Debt on the Church, at 5 per cent - $43,500

In December, 1887, the Ladies’ Parish Aid Society held a Fair [13/14]in the building of the old Harlem Democratic Club on 125th Street, east of Fifth Avenue, from which a sufficient sum was realized to pay off the balance of an obligation of ten thousand dollars assumed in 1882, and this important matter was settled before the advent of our new Rector.

Directly Dr. Van De Water came to us the work of the Parish received a vigorous impulse and was organized on a thoroughly systematic basis. The Women’s Guild, with a common treasury, replaced the old-time system of separate societies, each with its separate treasury, and much better work was accomplished than was possible under the old system. A St. Andrew’s Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was formed.

The first number of St. Andrew’s Chronicle was issued in April, a notable feature of which was the absence of advertisements, the publication being devoted entirely to Parish news, and on that basis our Parish paper has been successfully conducted for twenty-five years. Mission work was established on the East Side in a three-story house at 2410 Second Avenue, where also for a short time Dr. Malcolm McLean conducted a free Infirmary for Women. The work was subsequently enlarged and removed to St. Andrew’s Sunday School building on East 128th Street. Congregations were now increasing, income proportionately increasing, and offerings for all objects had never been so liberal. Soon a cry arose from the Sunday School that more room was needed for the constantly increasing number of scholars.

Should the Sunday School building be enlarged? Would that meet the requirements of this rapidly growing Church? The neighborhood was changing and would change more. Park Avenue would soon be found an unfit location for St. Andrew’s. The parishioners in large numbers were living west of Fifth Avenue. It required no acutely prophetic mind to realize that the time seemed ripe for the Bishop’s proposition in regard to a change of location for the Church to be fulfilled. A committee was appointed to consider the best means of extending the work of the Parish. This committee reported April 13th that the future work of the Parish demanded an early enlargement of its [14/15] Church accommodations, that this purpose can best be observed by securing, at the earliest day possible, a new site for a new Parish Church, to be located within Parish limits, not farther west than Lenox Avenue, nor farther north than 130th Street.

The expense of such a proposition was the first consideration, and to meet that question a new idea was presented, which was, to carry our Church, then only fifteen years old, a beautiful new Church, to a new site.

The proposition was somewhat startling, but on consultation with the architect, Mr. Henry M. Congdon, it was found to be a feasible one. It also met and answered two important obstacles, one of which was the great expense of the undertaking, the other was the strong objection of a number of the parishioners to the removal of the Church from the old site, on account of the many hallowed family associations clustering around the Church and Churchyard, where lay many of their dead. The outcry was strong and was only silenced when, at a Parish meeting held on June 2nd, it was clearly proven that the trend of pewholders and supporters of the Church was to the westward, and it was obvious that the Church could not maintain its congregations for a length of time under such circumstances. It was also put before the meeting that some years before his death, Dr. Draper had earnestly desired such a change of location to be made, as soon as circumstances should warrant the Vestry in undertaking it.

The Bishop’s approval of the scheme was sought and easily obtained, as indeed it had previously been suggested by him, but with the stipulation that our Parish should conduct mission work east of Third Avenue. The consoling promise that the new Church with its enlarged accommodations should as nearly as possible represent the old one, went far towards soothing the feelings of those who felt that their precious past was being rent from them by an unnecessary and ruthless movement on the part of the Rector and Vestry.

Thus the result of the Parish meeting was the passage of the following resolution:

“Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that it is to the interest of the Parish to move the Church edifice as suggested.”

[16] The Resolution was adopted by a rising vote of 100 to 4. Surely a sweeping victory on the side of common sense, since justified.

No time was lost. Action was immediate, and on July 2nd, the purchase of the lots on the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 127th Street was reported, the Vestry having authorized the purchase and having at the same time issued bonds to the amount of $100,000 at 6 per cent, interest, to run for ten years. A Building Committee was also appointed.

The new Rector, with his clever aids in the Vestry, had certainly worked rapidly. The Building Committee soon reported making contract with Messrs. Mahoney & Watson for taking down and removing the Church to the new site, the basement to be ready for occupation and services by August 1st, 1889, and the Church to be finished May 1st, 1890. Contract price to be $100,000.

The three frame buildings on the new site having been removed, ground was broken for the new St. Andrew’s on the 5th day of April, 1889. It was seven o’clock in the morning when the first spadeful of earth was turned by the Rector. The sun shone brightly and all the surroundings were peaceful and quiet, as traffic had not yet begun for the day, as the Rector, with earnest prayers for God’s blessing on the work then beginning, broke the ground for the great enterprise. Only a small company was present for this short but impressive ceremony. The Rector and Mrs. Van De Water, the Senior Warden and two of his family, one policeman and two or three laborers, who stood reverently with heads uncovered. The appearance of the surroundings at this time was much more that of a suburban town than of a city. From that hour work progressed rapidly and was carefully supervised by the Rector and his co-workers on the Vestry, all of whose names may be found on the wall of the vestibule of the Church.

History, many times, repeats itself, and if we read the story in Dr. Draper’s Chapter of St. Andrew’s of his experiences, when, in 1872, he arranged for the removal of bodies buried years before in St. Andrew’s Churchyard, we will be simply [16/17] reading the experiences of those who, in 1888, were obliged to undertake the same difficult task.

Many were the trials and tribulations undergone by those in charge of this very precarious work, but by the exercise of good feeling and great consideration for those whose dear ones had been laid to rest in our “God’s-acre,” the removal of the bodies was accomplished with satisfaction to all.

Any one now passing near the northeast corner of 127th Street and Park Avenue can hardly realize that the site of those ordinary apartment houses was once occupied by the stately walls and peaceful Churchyard of St. Andrew’s, of which Dr. Draper writes in his History: “Improvement must turn a Vandal before she would march to the destruction of such a building.” And it was in that spirit of reverence for all that the Church near Park Avenue represented, that stone by stone it was carefully conveyed over to Fifth Avenue, where on broader lines and with the great end of future usefulness in view, it was to be again raised in fairer proportions, to the glory of God and the service of man.

The property on Park Avenue was disposed of at a fair price and everything favored the great undertaking.

Not to repeat details already given in Mr. Dayton’s admirable chapter, the reader may be advised to turn to page 102 of that History and read to the end.

While all this important business of removing the Church was going forward, the various organizations were earnestly prosecuting their several works, our Rector was calling far and wide in the Parish, and everywhere order, pleasure and satisfaction prevailed. Never was there a happier people nor a more industrious and indefatigable Rector.

Mr. Cleveland having resigned in November, 1888, to become Rector of a Parish in Seymour, Conn., his office was filled by the Rev. Walter H. Larom, a young man of great promise and ability, but whose health was such that the following Spring he was taken seriously ill and was obliged to leave us and take a parish in the Adirondacks, St. Luke’s Church, Saranac, where subsequently he regained his health and became the well-known [17/18] Archdeacon of the Adirondacks. Mr. Larom’s name may be regarded as the leading one in the list of Curates who during the twenty-five years have served under our Rector. The other names occur in sequence as follows:

The Revs. W. L. Woodruff, Chas. Martin Nills, Epiphanius Wilson, Edward. H. Cleveland (2nd term in office), Wm. Morrison, Joseph F. Jowitt, Gouverneur M. Wilkins, Edward. H. Kettell, D.D., W. E. Henkell, Henry G. Taylor, Alonzo C. Stewart, James Lewis Lasher, Wm. Walter Smith, Joseph H. Ivie

Candidates for Holy Orders from this parish during Dr. Van De Water’s rectorship are:

Revs. John Mitchell Page, Wm. Porkess, and R. Erskine Campbell.

On a fine day in October, the 16th of the month, 1889, occurred the great event of the laying of the corner-stone of the new Church. A large congregation assembled for the occasion, the Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, Bishop of New York, officiating. Neighboring clergy and ministers were present and addresses of congratulation were made by the Bishop and Dr. Francis Lobdell. The trowel used in laying the stone was one of solid silver with ebony handle, presented to the Rector by Republic Lodge No. 690, F. and A. M., and was suitably inscribed. Besides newspapers of the date and other interesting papers, the corner-stone contains the complete History of St. Andrew’s Church from 1829 to October, 1889. The History is in two chapters, the first of which was written by Dr. Draper, and the second was [18/19] compiled by Mr. Miln P. Dayton, long a Vestryman and Warden of the Church. Both chapters are notable examples of excellent work in their compilation and execution. All complete and official information of the event of the laying of the corner-stone may be found on page 169 of the Minutes of the Vestry, Volume 1887-1894.

In any large undertaking unexpected delays are liable to occur, and because of some unforeseen difficulties the contractors found themselves unable to give occupation at the time first agreed upon, but on the 17th of November, 1889, services began in the crypt of the Church, and great happiness prevailed that we were at last in our new temporary quarters. Here our large congregations and many organizations were comfortably accommodated for a full year under the temporary roof, and all services were rendered with the same dignity and order as would be observed in the most handsomely equipped edifice. Our chancel and sanctuary furniture was complete and a temporary organ rendered good music. The Parish continued to prosper on lines of useful activity, and preparations were going forward for the embellishing of our sanctuary when it should be ready for occupation.

Largely by the influence of our parishioner and Lay-Reader, Mr. Thomas B. Atkins, the Guild ordered a handsome altar painting to be executed by Mr. Richard Criefelds, an American artist. The subject of the painting was appropriately chosen, as it represented the “Calling of St. Andrew,” and it has proven a fine lesson to many who study it, as well as an eminently beautiful ornament in our Church. Many other gifts and memorials were also offered and were in readiness when the Church was opened for divine service on St. Andrew’s Day, 1890.

In reviewing our entire history there has been no greater day for the people of St. Andrew’s than was this great occasion. When the beautiful Séguin chimes rang out from the tower a summons to call the congregation together on that day, it might be said that the prophetic vision of Dr. Draper was fulfilled, the desire of the noble Bishop was accomplished, the brave Rector saw the triumph of his great undertaking, while the [19/20] Vestry rejoiced in the happy culmination of all their faithful labors. No wonder the Hallelujah Chorus was considered the most appropriate Offertory Anthem! No wonder the Rector chose for his text, “It is good for us to be here!”

Every soul in that large congregation felt that under a competent and progressive leader great things had been accomplished and it was indeed good to be in that House of God.

The joy of that occasion did not, however, prevail over the sense that in our great happiness we could forget the nature of the burden we had assumed and must continue to carry. Heavy work was before us and the whole Parish must be ready to help with heart and soul. The debt incurred by our change of base was appalling. Every step in the way of removal and building seemed to impose on us more and yet more expense. In the erection of the tower and spire alone the Building Department of the city compelled a change which caused a considerable increase in the expense, and similar surprises were constantly encountered, but with unwavering faith the Parish hoped, and is still hoping, at some not far distant day to see our Church consecrated as well as dedicated to the Glory of God and the service of man. In the same hopeful spirit had Dr. Draper, seventeen years earlier opened the new stone Church on East 127th Street. To him had never been vouchsafed the realization of his hope. That it may prove otherwise for the present Rector is the earnest wish of every parishioner.

On that great St. Andrew’s Day of 1890 four services were held in the new Church, beginning with the early celebration at 8.30 A.M., when all memorials and gifts were blessed to their sacred uses.

The music rendered throughout the day was all that could be desired for the joyful dedication of a temple to the service of Almighty God.

In the admirable article on the opening of the Church, which may be found in the Chronicle for December, 1890, the Rector emphasizes the fact that the harp figures both in the ancient worship of the Jewish Temple and also in the visions of the angelic choirs. It was certainly a fitting accompaniment for our organ on that great day.

[21] At the mid-day service the Bishop was present and preached. The Rector, however, gave a short address of congratulation to the congregation.

The Rev. Dr. Lobdell preached at the evening service.

Several gifts and memorials were in place for the opening of the Church, a full list of which may be found under the heading of memorials given during the twenty-five years of the present Rectorship.

In the construction of the Church were included the fine clock with Westminster chime attachment given by Mr. and Mrs. John B. Simpson and the Séguin chime presented through the influence of Mr. Orison B. Smith, a memorial to Mrs. Anne Séguin, a well-known singer in opera more than thirty years ago. The gift came from her daughter, Miss Maria C. Séguin, and is an addition of great value to our Church.

It is deeply regretted by St. Andrew’s people that no longer may the beautiful Westminster chime tell us the passing hour with the sweet resonance of the bells which in their sacred associations seem to speak to us of our Mother Church of England. The tenants of high apartment houses which have closed in around the Church entered complaints of the reverberation of the bells and we were consequently obliged, unwillingly, to abandon their use.

Following the opening services on St. Andrew’s Day was an octave of service held throughout the week every night until Friday, inclusive.

Every service bore the character of joyful celebration and the Séguin chimes rang out their hymns of rejoicing in calling a happy people to their Church.

The preachers at these services were:

Monday, December 1st.
Dr. Parker Morgan, Rector, Church of the Heavenly Rest.
Tuesday, December 2nd.
Dr. I. N. Stanger, Rector of Holy Trinity, Harlem.
Wednesday, December 3rd.
Dr. David H. Greer, Rector of St. Bartholomew’s Church, New York City.
Thursday, December 4th.
The Rector, taking the place of Mr. Frank Draper, Rector of the Church in New Milford, Conn.
Friday, December 5th.
Dr. DeLancy Townsend, Rector of the Church of All Angels, New York. Dr. Townsend took the place of Dr. Morgan Dix, who was unable on account of illness to be present.

[22] The Rev. Frank Draper was also obliged to decline the invitation to take part in the octave of services, and our Rector, with felicitous thought and feeling for many who reverenced the memory of Dr. George B. Draper, read the sermon delivered by him on the occasion of the opening of the new stone Church on St. Andrew’s Day, 1873.

Looking through the file of the Chronicle, we find that on the front of the issue for June, 1889, the picture of that “new stone Church” appears for the last time, while on the first page of the number for October of that year is boldly portrayed the picture of the latest stone Church which through the years that have gathered over her has become more and more dear to all her children.

It would be impossible in a history of small compass to record the rapid succession of interesting events occurring in our Parish subsequent to the opening of the Church. Every one was filled with ardor and enthusiasm to do all in his power to contribute to the welfare of our House of God. Memorials and gifts flowed in from many sources. It seemed that never was a Church so blest with precious memorials of those who have entered Paradise. The sentiment of such gifts is a matter better understood between the Rector and the donor than by any others, as only the Rector can enter into the tender feelings which have inspired such gifts. To those who know St. Andrew’s best, the number of its memorials has not unfrequently suggested the thought of “our little Westminster Abbey.” The first parishioner to enter Paradise at the time of the opening of our new Church was Mrs. Walter T. Marvin, who with her family had for many years been associated with St. Andrew’s. [22/23] Her call came on the morning of St. Andrew’s Day as she was preparing for Church, and so sudden was it, that her death seemed rather to be the translation of one chosen of the Lord than an ordinary removal. The handsome credence in the sanctuary is the beautiful memorial placed there by Mrs. Marvin for her husband, who had passed away almost two years before.

Later, the marble wainscoting of the sanctuary was given in memory of Mrs. Marvin by members of their family, who continued faithfully to serve the Church which their parents had loved so well. If we consult the file of the Chronicle, which may be seen in the Parish office, we will find all memorials and gifts carefully recorded.

It is earnestly hoped by the writer of this article that the authorities of the Parish will very soon make suitable provision for binding and preserving the file of the Chronicle. It is a most valuable record of all that occurs in our Parish, and without the information which it contains no reliable history of our Church can be compiled.

The different organizations continued to prosecute their good works and promote in various ways the interests of the Church. The Sunday School increased in numbers and efficiency. Mr. William H. Sage, now our Senior Warden, was Superintendent at the time that Dr. Van De Water came to us, and his successors have presided over the School in the following order:

Dr. Frank Bottome, October, 1895 - March, 1899.
Dr. Malcolm McLean, March, 1899 - November, 1902.
Mr. Edward W. Kiernan, November, 1902 - November, 1905
Mr. Atherton Allerton, November, 1905 - November, 1909, and
Dr. Wm. Walter Smith, November, 1909, the General Secretary of the Sunday School Commission, who is the present efficient Superintendent of the Church School.

As a testimonial of appreciation of his faithful services, a handsome silver loving cup, suitably inscribed, was presented to Mr. Sage on his retirement, on behalf of the clergy, officers and teachers. During those fifteen years, the Sunday School enjoyed most favorable conditions and foundations were laid upon [23/24] which Mr. Sage’s successors, under varied and at times adverse circumstances, have faithfully builded.

To the new Church the Sunday School gave the organ which was used for the services while we occupied the crypt and which was subsequently sold to a Church in Montclair.

During Mr. Allerton’s term of office, the large sum of one thousand dollars was at one time contributed to the Church, which testified to the spirit of devotion prevailing in the Sunday School.

The Women’s Guild, always devoted to works of piety and usefulness, has never flagged in zeal and industry. Not only does it contribute largely to the expenses of the Church in its great biennial Fair, and other money-making efforts, but in its many chapters of practical work it is a handmaid of genuine usefulness to the Church. During the last twenty-five years Mrs. John Boulton Simpson, Treasurer, reports that the receipts of the Guild have been $85,961.65. The Guild has had but one presiding officer since it was organized in February, 1888, and that is the Rector. Not half a dozen times has he been absent from his official chair during the twenty-five years. The monthly meetings have always been opened with earnest and inspiring prayer, generally supplemented by an address from the Rector, which is an incentive to continued effort and is always an encouragement in times of doubt or anxiety. Cheerful optimism is the constant spirit of the Guild, and in that spirit are all its works conducted. There has been but one treasurer during the twenty-five years. Mrs. John Boulton Simpson has throughout this period served in her office with a zeal and devotion which has placed her on a veritable honor roll as an officer. Certainly no other woman in the Guild could have filled the position with more credit and very few could have filled it as well. With a prudent Treasurer and a wise President our moneys have been admirably managed. Mrs. Vernon M. Davis, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Lobdell, was the first Secretary of the Guild, and in that office did excellent work until she resigned in February, 1893.

Mrs. Davis was succeeded by the present Secretary, who, by [24/25] the courtesy of the Guild, has held the position since that time. Could others realize how pleasant it is to hold that office, all would be eager to obtain it.

The Executive Committee has, of course, known many changes. Most of the names of those who have served on that honorable body of four members are now numbered with the saints in Paradise. Mrs. Orison B. Smith is the only member, not an ex-officio, whose name appears on our books at the time of the organization of the Guild.

Reviewing the number of specific works conducted by the Guild since it was organized, we find an admirable record, covering Benevolent, Hospital, Missionary, Sewing-School, Girls’ Friendly Society, Chinese Schools, Mothers’ Meetings, Altar and Choir Furnishings, Week-Day Choir and Church Embroidery, and Social Work, all industriously promoted.

Women love to work for their Church and are valuable factors therein.

The efforts of the Sales Committee of the Guild in raising money for the benefit of the Church have been greatly aided by the kindness of the Rector and others in giving Lectures, for which they have expended liberally of their time and money, to render them interesting as well as financially successful.

Besides the altar painting already described, the Guild bought the ancient Tapestry which hangs in our Baptistry. It is considered to be fourteenth century work and was procured from a disbanded Church in the city of Milan.

Notable among the works conducted for and by men may be mentioned the Men’s Auxiliary, which has fathered and supported the East Side work of our St. Andrew’s Chapel, where the Sunday School and Tuesday night Bible Class have always done a splendid work, fulfilling the injunction imposed by Bishop Potter, when he gave approval to the removal of our Church from East 127th Street, that a spiritual work east of Third Avenue should be conducted by our Church. The first Superintendent of the Sunday School was Mr. Alfred Brodhead, who built a strong foundation for the School. Our present devoted Superintendent is Mr. George Molleson, who, with an excellent [25/26] staff of teachers, is training up young children in the ways of the Church. Many candidates for confirmation are sent from our East Side Chapel.

The Tuesday night Bible Class, always under the care of our Curate, is a most satisfactory work. A large attendance testifies to its value and necessity, and the high appreciation in which it is held by the members.

The Men’s Club, which was organized by Mr. Ivie, has become a permanent as well as prominent institution among our societies. During the last year the club has appointed a committee, known as “Missionary,” to be ready on call to assist the Rector in any work that requires their help. This Committee has been of inestimable worth in the introduction of the Duplex-envelope system of Church offerings, making calls in large numbers. The Rector feels that they are his little squad for picket duty and as such are invaluable. The Summer Fresh Air work is a praiseworthy feature of this club, whose weekly meetings are made most interesting with frequent special attractions.

The Ministering Children’s League, a society, like the Girls’ Friendly, of English origin, is conducted as a social and working organization for little girls and boys, by Mrs. C. Austen Betteley, the Rector’s appointed Catechist, who for older children conducts also a Boys’ and Girls’ Club.

It may truly be said of all departments of our Parish works that they have been conducted in harmony and usefulness, with an earnest recognition of the tie that binds us all in Jesus’ love.

In a broad review of our twenty-five years, we may divide it into three general periods, viz.:

1st—1888-1898. Prosperity and bright outlook.
2nd—1898-1908. Perplexity and doubt.
3rd—1908-1913. Peaceful readjustment.

Easter Day, 1891, fell on the 29th of March, and several weeks following the great festival unusual sickness and mortality prevailed in our Parish and throughout Harlem. The Rector dropped all other work and did little else than the visitation of the sick and afflicted. Pneumonia, commonly called “La Grippe,” brought sorrow and mourning to many households.

[27] The Senior Warden and his wife, saints who had lived and died in the Lord, passed away in one week, the Rector ministering with unfailing constancy at their bedsides to the very last. Before his death, Mr. Jacot had proposed, and the Vestry had acted on the proposition, that the Church should insure the life of the Rector with a twenty-year paid up policy for $50,000. The Church carried the policy until, in its period of great depression, the Rector kindly offered to carry it for a few years and subsequently to share the expense with the Vestry, and thus the policy was brought to its successful completion, the cash payment being less than was anticipated, but enough with its added interest for a few more years to execute the purpose of its inauguration.

One principal event of the first decade was the movement for the first decisive effort for the reduction of the large debt of more than $200,000.

The Senior Warden, Mr. John B. Simpson, made the generous offer of $25,000 if the Parish would raise an equal amount. The result of this movement was that $54,000 was laid on the altar on the following Easter Day.

In the next decade the excellent system of the Sinking Fund originated by Mr. Wm. H. Sage proved a most efficient method for the steady reduction of the debt. In 1907 a gift of $25,750, from a friend outside of the Parish, was a great encouragement.

The opening year of our second decade was fraught with great anxiety to St. Andrew’s, as it was the year of the War in Cuba and the Rector deemed it his duty to go as Chaplain with the 71st Regiment.

Much could be written on this subject, but in this brief review of events it is sufficient to say that his safe return was celebrated with great thankfulness by the whole Parish. It is a matter of pride that our Rector after honorable discharge, was requested by the Governor of the State to write a history of the entire campaign.

In time the Rector, from his notes in the field, accomplished this large undertaking, which was published as a State document and preserved in the State Library in Albany.

[28] Six years later Dr. Van De Water was called on by the then Secretary of War to deliver the official oration at the time of the dedication of the cemetery at Santiago de Cuba, but this honor he was obliged to decline, important Parish duties preventing.

Added difficulties which clouded our second decade were the result of a complete change in the character of this community. The unusual influx of Hebrews, the consequent removal of parishioners, mostly householders, to other parts of the city and to the country, together with an extraordinary incoming of negroes in the northernmost section of the Parish, made the support of any Church a serious matter, and of a Church with a large debt an alarming one. Ominous shadows of failure to meet our financial obligations gathered around us. The Jewish ducats seemed shaken before our eyes and we even saw the Israelites on their Sabbath morning walking in our Zion and in whispered conference, making estimates on the value of our property. By good management, however, on the part of our authorities, whose wise business methods passed the comprehension of most of our parishioners, that time of deep dread and discouragement was tided over, the great scheme of the Sinking Fund being our main-sail in the storm, and at the opening of our third period we had sailed into a safe harbor of financial security.

In the third period we have had reason for great rejoicing in regard to our temporal affairs, as will be shown by the figures given us in the financial statement of this History, but a cloud, now fortunately dispelled, visited and overwhelmed our Parish.

We refer to the three years of fight for vision experienced by our Rector, due to growing cataracts on both eyes and five successive operations for the removal of the lenses, which resulted in complete restoration of sight. This period was a veritable season of darkness and apprehension for the whole Parish, as also for numbers of solicitous friends not of St. Andrew’s. The time was long and the visitation hard for our Rector, especially as it was attended with some anxiety as to the absolute success of the operations. During all this period the Rector, though necessarily relinquishing all reading and writing, by committing the Church services to memory, was enabled to minister in many ways, and preached regularly throughout the time of darkness.

[29] But what a time of rejoicing it was when after five operations, which called for much courage on the part of the patient to endure, the great result of perfect success was secured, and after certain time given to recovery, Dr. Van De Water could stand in his pulpit and say to his people, “I can see you all with my two good eyes.”

Under the blessing of God, the skill of the surgeon, Dr. John E. Weeks, greatly assisted by the fine physical condition of their patient, had triumphed gloriously, and a happy people could give thanks in a joyful Te Deum of praise.

When it was finally known that the Rector’s vision was happily restored, valuable gifts were made to the Church, partly memorial, but also declared by the donors to be an expression of gratitude to God for this great blessing.

In the Chronicle for December, 1912, appears an editorial entitled “Silent Forces.” Behind every power there is always a silent, sustaining force, which is a great source of strength for the power which acts and appears to be the whole power. It is such a Silent Force which is a reserve of strength for a Rector or any other man who is obliged to meet and bravely endure conditions of great strain and stress, and although, as the editorial declares, we dare not name her, yet to that “Silent Force,” for much that our Rector does and is, we offer full credit and praise.

A movement which originated with Mr. Ross in his contribution of $3,000 for our debt, encouraged assistance from others, notably the gift of $10,000 from Mrs. Blodgett of Holy Trinity Parish. Mr. Ross was a resident of New Jersey and was elected a Vestryman of our Church, but on removing to Nyack was obliged to withdraw from St. Andrew’s. To Mrs. Blodgett we owe a large debt of gratitude for her timely and generous assistance.

A Parish meeting at which Mr. Sage presided as chairman, resulted in a general movement to subscribe sums for the reduction of the debt, and so successful was it, that a sufficient amount was subscribed, not only to substantially reduce the debt, but also to put our Assembly Room in fine condition, so that with [29/30] a firm floor, improved lighting system and other excellent appointments, our young people, the future reliance of our Church, would be provided with suitable accommodations for all kinds of meetings, it being well known that the youth of the Parish desire to find their social as well as their religious life in their Church and under her protection.

So many now are the causes for contentment and congratulation in our Church, that while the changing conditions in Harlem sometimes suggest the thought, “What next?”—”Where will St. Andrew’s be in ten years?”—yet we decide, “Sufficient unto the day is the trouble thereof,” and we will not cross our bridges until we come to them.

Let us abide in the happiness of the present and fearlessly be ready to meet our future.

With our duplex-envelope system working successfully, thus cheering us in the management of our current expenses, as well as in the bounden duty of supporting missions, we may calmly enjoy our beautiful services, resting on the assurance that God reigns in heaven and all is well on earth. Our new organ, almost our latest memorial gift, may sound forth our hymns of praise and thanksgiving, teaching us that whether in joy or sorrow, or whatever our situation may be, still, “the goodness of God endureth yet daily.”

While St. Andrew’s has had many assistant Sextons during the twenty-five years of the present Rector’s administration, and all excellent ones, there have been but two Sextons in chief, Mr. Frederick E. Holmes and Mr. Henry Riddle.

To Mr. Holmes, now Sexton Emeritus, it would be impossible to give too much praise for his faithful services to the Church and the Rector during the many years of his active work.

Of Mr. Riddle, whose service as electrician, engineer and sexton, covers a period of more than twenty years, it may be said that the mantle of his predecessor has fallen upon him, as in the same spirit and with the same devotion to the Church and the Rector is his work conducted.


Having spoken of our Parish works, there are certain distinctive [30/31] features of Church services which should be mentioned in a history such as this.

At the suggestion of the Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer, D.D., about the year 1892, at a time when he was becoming blind, the Thursday morning Communion service at the Chapel Altar was established, to be held from October to June of each year.

This service, intended especially for convalescents, has become the privilege of many who cannot conveniently attend the Sunday service.

For devotion and real Communion this is a service which is deeply appreciated by all who attend it.

Good Friday, with special choir and solemn three hours’ service, is one to which the whole community is invited. A Church filled with worshippers of all Protestant denominations who love to spend their time around the Cross, testifies to the great desire and necessity for such a service.

For twenty-five years, including even his period of darkened vision, the Rector has preached on the words from the Cross, and has given to the large congregation before him the inspiration of the great Sacrifice on Calvary.

Good Friday night was established during the Rectorship of Dr. Lobdell, as the time for the Bishop to visit St. Andrew’s and administer the rite of Confirmation. Again our Church is filled with a large congregation, interested to witness the great results of pastoral work for the year past in the number of persons of all ages and conditions of life who are presented for the Apostolic Rite.

The Sunday School must receive its tribute of credit for the preparation of many of the children who become candidates for Confirmation.

In 1909 the Rector established a class known as the Catechetical Class, for the special instruction of candidates for Confirmation. This Class has been remarkably successful and has been altogether under the management of Mrs. C. Austen Betteley, daughter of our late Vestryman, Mr. Samuel O. Howe.

Easter Day in St. Andrew’s is indeed a rare festival. All day from seven o’clock in the morning until the Children’s Service [31/32] at half-past three the bells are ringing for services. Crowds are always expected and are always present. The music is grand. The kettledrum and the stringed instruments accompanying the organ bring to our minds the stately ceremonial of the ancient Jewish Church. In our hearts we echo the refrain of the 150th Psalm:

“Praise Him in the sound of the Trumpet.
Praise Him upon the Lute and Harp.
Praise Him upon the well-tuned Cymbals.
Praise Him upon the loud Cymbals.
Let everything that hath breath, Praise the Lord!”

With glad hearts our offerings are sent to the Altar, and the general feeling is, “Oh, that I had more to offer in thanks and praise to God!”

For many years our Vesper Service for children and young people was conducted with great success. The choir of young girls vested in ecclesiastical red made an impressive appearance, Miss Humphries presiding at the organ with great ability and punctuality.

The great service of the year for the Sunday School and other children of the Parish is the Children’s Easter Service, when both our Sunday Schools are assembled in the Church and present their offerings.

The Manger Service, held generally on the afternoon of the Sunday after Christmas, is another notable Children’s Service. It was the present Rector who established this service, with the straw-thatched manger, and the heads of cattle to suggest the lowly stable at Bethlehem when the morning stars rejoiced together at the birth of the Saviour. Every child present places a Christmas gift in the manger, and on the following day these gifts are packed and sent to various hospitals and institutions for children.

The East Side Chapel School is present and takes part in this service.

Our present Junior Warden, Mr. Wakeman F. Reynolds, has for many years taken charge of the Christmas decorations. With his several assistants in the work he has always made the sanctuary [32/33] of the Lord beautiful with “the fir tree, the pine tree and the box together,” while the Star of Bethlehem shines upon us from the lofty heights of the chancel.

All Saints’ Day, although falling usually on a week-day, generally calls out a good congregation for the service, and parishioners from long distances are often seen at this time at St. Andrew’s altar. Memorial flowers are liberally contributed by many who remember in this way those who have gone before, and although some of the flowers, after the service, are reverently carried to the graves of dear relatives and friends, others are sent to the sick and afflicted of the parish. Our Altar Chapter has charge of this work, as also that of sending flowers from the altar each Sunday to those who are to receive them.

Before and after all services our Sacristans have active work in the preparation of the elements for the Communion and the care of the sacred vessels and linens.

The office of Sacristan is a holy one, and St. Andrews has never been without faithful handmaids wholly fitted in life and character for this exceptional duty.

The service of Thanksgiving Day must be counted among our special services, as although many of the Protestant bodies around us combine for a service in a single Church, yet St. Andrew’s has always held her own service with gratifying congregations year after year. This occasion, being one of national significance, is a time when the Rector may include in his sermon topics of national and political interest, and he appreciates the courtesy of his people in giving him the freedom of the pulpit to talk on these topics.


[34] On January 1st, 1888, when Dr. Van De Water assumed the rectorship of St. Andrew’s Church, it was located on a plot extending from the north side of 127th Street to 128th Street, east of Fourth Avenue, a separate building in the rear used as a Sunday School room and for other Church purposes. The original rectory, a frame building in which Dr. Hinton and Dr. Draper and others had resided, stood until three years ago, facing on the east side of Park Avenue. On all this property, worth at that time about $100,000, there was a mortgage for $40,000, which, when the Church building was removed to the present site, had been reduced to $35,000.

The removal of the old church stone by stone, and its erection on the new site, while it satisfied the sentimental wishes of the congregation because of the associations clustering around, and the memorials built into the building, proved a costly matter. Before the Church could sell the old site, a large amount of money was paid to the owners of some of the vaults where many of the families of the Church had buried their dead. Moreover, the plans for the enlarged building, while they followed generally the lines of the old building, necessitated as the work progressed, modifications and extra work, notably the tower, so that the original estimate of the cost of the completed new structure was found to be very much under-estimated. The Bowery Savings Bank had agreed to loan $120,000 on the new plant, but before the building process had gone far it was found that the cash was running short, and after most strenuous efforts to have the bank reappraise the property, its mortgage was increased by $20,000, making $145,000, at which figure it stood when [34/35] the Church was dedicated in November, 1900. There were also other liens on the property, and it will be seen by the list below that the congregation were repeatedly called upon to contribute more, and still more money to complete the structure, and to meet these constant demands unceasing efforts were necessary. Until these efforts were finally successful, after exhausting every resource, services were held in the basement, which had been roofed over. It is needless to say that the cost of the removal very far exceeded the expectation of even the most conservative, and the figures as they were at last adjusted were quite startling. The debt was then:

To the Bowery Savings Bank $145,000
John B. Simpson, second mortgage $20,000
Trinity Church, third mortgage $4,000
Debenture bonds in denominations of $1,000 each, $50,000
Certificates of indebtedness $2,500
Orison B. Smith, loan $5,000
Total $226,500

At that time, when the pews were practically all rented at good rentals and the Sunday collections were very generous, the Vestry calculated that they could carry this enormous burden, and they fondly thought that Harlem would become increasingly a place of high class residence so that there would be little difficulty in meeting all obligations as they matured. The equity which the Church owned above this indebtedness was regarded as about $125,000, so that the Church started out on its new career with a plant worth about $350,000. An interesting sidelight on those days of anxiety was an incident that occurred when Mr. Orison B. Smith, then the committee of one “in charge” of the Bowery Savings Bank mortgage, after wrestling with the bank officials to increase their loan and finally receiving their consent, not having adequate words at command to express his joy, wired to the Rector as follows: “Proverbs 25, Verse 25”—”As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country”—and the Rector wired back, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”

[36] It was not long, however, before the congregation, in the same steady spirit of loyalty to its financial and other responsibilities that has always been so prominent, stirred itself to reduce this heavy load of debt. Mr. John B. Simpson started the movement by offering to pay off $25,000 if the congregation would raise an equal sum. A meeting was held and $10,000 pledged on the spot. In a few weeks the $25,000 was over-subscribed by the congregation, and so $50,000 of the debt during the first year of occupancy was cancelled, thus reducing it to $173,000. Then the congregation felt convinced that the crisis was past and that the very heavy interest charge with other current expenses could be easily taken care of, since the following was the income of the Church during the first year of occupancy:

Pew rents $16,203.89
Offerings for parish purposes $11,494.64
Special for repairs $300.22
Received from Trinity Church stipend $200.00
Miscellaneous $20.00
Total $28,218.75
Total expenses, including all current obligations, interest on debt, etc. $27,391.33

The next year, 1901, although the pew rents showed a falling off of about $1,500, the total showing was even better, for the income was $28,318.26 and the expenses $26,579.13.

It soon became apparent, however, to the Vestry that conditions in Harlem were changing and that whereas when the Church was moved the inhabitants within a radius of half a mile of the new location were generally Church going families living in private houses, there was a small but perceptible movement of the old-time residents away from Harlem to the suburbs and to the apartments on the west side of the city below 110th Street, and the pew rents each year showed a small but steady shrinkage. With a debt of $175,000 and a decrease of income, and in view [36/37] of this exodus of pew renters, the Vestry realized that the signs of the times indicated that another crisis was developing. Finally the pressure became so great and the ability to meet necessary expenses so difficult that after long and arduous thought and conferences a movement was organized known as a Sinking Fund. Based upon weekly contributions of a dollar, thereby forming a unit of $52 a year, the members of the congregation were invited to subscribe for one or as many units as they chose. When on January 1st, 1901, announcement was publicly made in the Church, launching the new movement, and with the assurance that every dollar paid was to be applied upon the principal of the debt and not on current expenses, the response of the congregation was magnificent and unexpected, for there were received during that year $6,087.63. The retirement of the $50,000 debenture bonds was begun. In 1902 $5,289.27 were received and the good work went merrily on until suddenly a notice came from the Bowery Savings Bank that owing to a re-appraisement made by it of the Church’s property the bank was forced to ask a reduction of the principal of its mortgage and an increase of the interest rate from 4 1/2 to 5%. Imagination must be called upon to picture the effect on the Vestry of this doubly disheartening announcement. An increase of one-half per cent, meant an added yearly interest payment of over $700 to the bank, and it was not thought good business to stop paying off 6% bonds and reduce the principal of a 4 1/2% mortgage. But worry as we would, the only solution was to appropriate part of the Sinking Fund money each year to a reduction of the principal of the debt and to persuade the bank not to increase the interest rate, which latter proved a difficult proposition. The Church, however, had some good friends in the Board of Directors of the bank, and after many conferences the interest rate was retained at 4 1/2 %. It is proper in passing to acknowledge the uniform consideration and courtesy the Church has received from this bank, for it has ever been willing to carefully consider the requests of the Church as long as the safety of its security was not imperiled. So the Sinking Fund went on for ten years and it served the very useful purpose of keeping constantly before the congregation the reduction of the principal of the debt. [37/38] There was thus drawn into the movement several gifts of large size but which were not part of the unit system on which the Sinking Fund was based.

In April, 1905, there was left at the Rector’s house a package from an unknown giver which when opened disclosed marketable bonds that produced $25,750. In March, 1907, All Souls’ Episcopal Church, which abandoned its site in Lower New York and consolidated with the Church of the Archangel in our neighborhood, in a spirit of comity and under the guidance of the Bishop, presented to St. Andrew’s and Holy Trinity Churches each $10,000. Also there came in 1910 as a part of a final canvass of the Sinking Fund to raise $25,000, a gift of $10,000 from a parishioner of Holy Trinity, who was also a good friend of St. Andrew’s, Mrs. J. Jarrett Blodgett. Trinity Church offered to cancel its mortgage of $4,000 without any consideration whatever. This latter offer, in view of the fact that Trinity had from immemorial time paid St. Andrew’s a stipend of $200 a year, and never asked for any interest on its mortgage, was an act of exceptional generosity. So that whereas the Church was encumbered at the start of the Sinking Fund with $175,000 of debt, we found ourselves at its close with only $96,000 in 1912 (which a further gift by Mr. W. O. Roff, a former Vestryman, of $1,000, reduced the total debt to $95,000). All current obligations, including salaries, assessments of the diocese, repairs, interest, etc., have been promptly met. We feel that this financial record is splendid, in view of the changing conditions in Harlem, for although the congregations that now attend St. Andrew’s are large in numbers, enthusiastic in their attachment to their Church and loyal in their support of every movement undertaken for the cause of Christ both within and without the parish, still many of the old time families who made the strength of the congregation in years gone by have disappeared by removal and death. The Church is crowded with memorials, is rich in memories, is well equipped to perform every ecclesiastical function, and it is hoped in the near future its entire debt will be wiped out and it will stand forever, distinguished among the many strong parishes in the diocese as one of the strongest and most fruitful in good works.

[39] As a grand sum total and spiritual harvest of all services, sermons and ministrations in this parish of St. Andrew’s for the last quarter of a century, Mr. Ivie has kindly furnished from the Parish Register the following figures:

Baptisms—Adults 510
Baptisms—Infants 1,965
Baptisms—Total 2,475
Confirmations 2,936
Marriages 1,045
Burials 2,163

There are now in the parish some 900 families regularly registered in the card catalogue and reported to the last Diocesan Convention.

A. D. 1913


Residence, 7 West 122nd Street.
2041 Fifth Avenue.
154 West 131st Street.

PARISH OFFICE, 2067 Fifth Avenue.
Office Hours, 10:00 to 11:00 A.M. daily.
Telephone, 1475 Harlem.



Clerk, JOHN BOTTOMLEY, 112 East 55th Street.
Treasurer, G. FREDERICK STEIL, 790 Riverside Drive.
Assistant Treasurer, WILLIAM M. BERNARD, 930 West End Avenue.
Chairman Pew Committee, MACOMB G. FOSTER, 2067 Fifth Avenue.
Organist and Choirmaster, WILLIAM A. GOLDSWORTHY, 2067 Fifth Avenue.
Laymen’s Missionary Committee. W. M. BERNARD, Chairman
Parish Visitor, MRS. MCCORMICK
Appointed Catechist, MRS C. AUSTIN BETTELEY
Custodian of Robes, MRS. CHAS. R. KING.

Services at St. Andrew’s Church:

ALL SUNDAYS. Holy Communion, 8 A.M. Morning Service and Sermon, 11 A.M. Church School, 9:30 A.M. Baptism of Children, 10:30 A.M. Evening Service and Sermon, 8 o’clock.

FIRST SUNDAY OF MONTH. Holy Communion, 8 and 11 A.M. Special Musical Service, 8 P.M.

SAINTS’ DAYS. Holy Communion, 11 A.M.

DAILY SERVICES DURING LENT. Morning hour, 11 o’clock; Evening hour, 5 o’clock.

THURSDAYS, October to June. Holy Communion, 11 A.M., convenient for convalescents.

Services at St. Andrew’s Chapel
216 East 128th Street.

Rev. JOSEPH H. IVIE in charge.
MR. GEORGE A. MOLLESON, Superintendent.
The Chapel is supported by the Men’s Auxiliary.

St. Andrew’s Church School
Rev. WM. WALTER SMITH, M.D. Superintendent
H. R. P. HARTFORD, Secretary

The Senior Guild: THE PARISH SOCIETY FOR WOMEN meets the first Friday of the month, 3 P.M. Every woman in the parish should take some part in its organized work, and join the Guild. The Rector, President. MISS MARY A. JACOT, Secretary, 33 West 130th Street. MRS. JOHN B. SIMPSON, Treasurer, Bretton Hall, 86th St. and B’way.

Executive - The Rector, Secretary, and Treasurer, ex-officio. MRS. ORISON B. SMITH, MRS. E. J. SWORDS, MRS. F. L. PRINCEP, MRS. D. M. MARVIN
Altar and Church Furnishings, Chancel Embroidery Class, Ch’m. - Miss H. M. CARTER
Church Periodical Club, Ch’m. - MRS. ORISON B. SMITH
Girls’ Friendly Society, Ch’m. - MRS. D. W. GRANBERY
Women’s Auxiliary, Junior Auxiliary, Babies’ Branch, Ch’m - MRS. WALTER WATKINS
Social, Ch’m. MRS. F. L. PRINCEP
Vestment, Ch’m. MRS. CHARLES L. LAUDY
Week Day Choir, Ch’m. Miss HELEN W. BIRD
Ministering Children’s League, Ch’m. MRS. C. AUSTIN BETTELEY

THE CHANCEL CHOIR. Decani, Men, 5; Boys, 10; Cantons, Men, 5; Boys, 10.

BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. For devoted young men. MR. J. MILLS CLAWSON, Director. Meets first and third Wednesday of the month, at 8 P.M.

JUNIOR CHAPTER, B. of S. A. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, at 8:00 P.M.

ST. ANDREW’S MEN’S AUXILIARY. The Parish Society for Older Men. Meets on call. JOHN BOTTOMLEY, President.

MEN’S CLUB OF ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH—The Rector, President; MR. WALTER WATKINS, First Vice-President. LYMAN B. GARFIELD, Second Vice President. MR. ARTHUR MCKINNEY, Secretary. MR. ROYAL E. DALRIMPLE, Treasurer. Meets Tuesday and Friday nights, at 8 P.M.


CHURCH SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS—Boys’ Club, Tuesdays, 4 P.M. Girls’ Club, Thursdays, 4 P.M. Young People’s Society, Wednesdays, at 8:15 P.M.

J. GRANT SENIA, Séguin Chime Ringer
HENRY RIDDLE, 20 East 127th Street, Sexton
F. E. HOLMES, Sexton-Emeritus
HARVEY ALLEN and JOHN PERSON, Sexton’s Assistants

Anyone wishing to rent sittings or pews may apply to any of the Vestry, who act as ushers at the Lord’s Day service, or may address the Pew Committee.

Strangers are entreated, as well as invited, to make themselves known to the Clergy. “We seek not yours, so much as you.”

* In Memoriam

1888—JEWELED CROSS (main altar) *Mary Lucretia Whitney. Presented by Mrs. Edward H. Cleveland.

1888—PEDE-CLOTH (before main altar) *Rebecca J. McLean. Presented by Donald McLean.
CREDENCE. *Walter T. Marvin. Presented by Mrs. Walter T. Marvin.

1890—WAINSCOTING (in sanctuary) *Mrs. Walter T. Marvin. Presented by her children.
LITANY DESK (a thank offering) Presented by A Friend.
BANNER (in baptistry). Gift. 16th Century work from an old church in Milan. Presented by the Guild.
WINDOW *Jane Graham Molloy and Charles Molloy. Presented by their daughters.
ALTAR SERVICE BOOK *William Wagstaff. Presented by Walter H. Wagstaff.
Two VASES *Walter Marvin Swords. Presented by Edward J Swords.
THE SÉGUIN CHIME, *Anne Séguin. Presented by her daughter, Maria C. Séguin.

1891—WINDOW *Alonzo Cushman Stewart.
WINDOW*Laura Barretto Stewart. Presented by their children—Laura C. Strong, Alonzo
Cushman Stewart, James Rutherford Stewart.

1906—PALL, A gift from Mrs. Boardman.
FAIR LINEN *Mrs. W. H. Robinson and Miss Marion Robinson. Presented by Mrs. Frederic Hole.
VEIL, BURSE AND STOLE *Their parents. Presented by Mrs. David M. Marvin and Henrietta M. Carter.
VEIL AND BURSE (white) *Her parents. Presented by Henrietta M. Carter.
GIRDLE. A gift from Mrs. Boardman.
ALTAR FRONTAL (green, restored) *Their parents. Presented by Mrs. David M. Marvin and Henrietta M. Carter.
FRONTAL (Chapel) (green) *Her mother. Presented by Miss M. McAneny.
ANTEPENDIUM (green) M. C. B.

1908—FAIR LINEN *Miss Mercer. Presented by Annie Wells and Alexander Mercer.
PALL *Miss Hole Presented by Mrs. Frederic Hole.

1909—ALTAR RAIL *Mary Acker. Presented by Mrs. Richard Morris and Miss Acker.
ALTAR RAIL STANDARDS, Gift from Girls’ Friendly Society.
ROOD SCREEN *Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerken. Presented by Mrs. Dayton M. Searle.
ORGAN SCREEN *Mrs. Emma J. Bourne. Presented by her children.
ALTAR LIGHTS *Marion C. Reighley. Presented by Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Reighley.

1911—ALTAR LIGHTS (Chapel) *Mrs. Caroline Entz. Presented by Mrs. Francis F. Bryan.
CREDENCE (Chapel) *Foster Bryan. Presented by Robert Foster Bryan.

1911—CANDLES FOR CHAPEL LIGHTS *Caroline Entz. Presented by her daughter, Helen Entz.
MACE *Her parents. Presented by Henrietta M. Carter.
Two SETS OF PRAYER BOOKS AND HYMNALS for use in Sanctuary. Presented by A Friend.
PRAYER BOOK for use at altar Presented by A Friend.

1912—TILING OF SANCTUARY (Chapel) *Francis Foster Bryan. Presented by her family.
LARGE VASES. *Edward Jenner Swords, for many years Vestryman and Warden of St. Andrew’s Church. Presented by his family.
LAVABO *Their child. Presented by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. Baker.
Two WROUGHT-IRON HYMN TABLETS. *Mr. and Mrs. George Barnard Bonney. Presented by their children.
ENDOWED PEW *Enoch R. Tuthill and Jennie Forbes, his wife.
LARGE OXFORD BIBLE *Julius H. Caryl. Presented by Mrs. Eliza Jumel Caryl.
CHOIR STALLS to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Rectorship of Rev. Dr. George R. Van De Water and in gratitude to God for restoring his sight. Presented by Mrs. Eliza Jumel Caryl.
THE NEW ORGAN was given by three gifts, one in memoriam of his wife, Presented by Mr. A. T. Burr, a Vestryman.
THE CHIME ATTACHMENT, in memoriam of their daughter. Presented by Mr. and Mrs. John Bottomley.
And the third by a friend whose gift endowing a pew in memory of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tuthill was by her permission made available for finishing the organ.


My hearty thanks are due all who have assisted me in the compilation of this book. I have carefully gone over all the manuscripts, and read all the proofs, and now assume the responsibility of the publication. The irresistible force of truth compels me to state, what the author of the fiscal chapter in his modesty omitted, that he conceived the idea of the Sinking Fund, and put it into practical and successful operation. On many occasions I have truthfully characterized this movement as a “life-saver.”

May peace continue within our walls, and a reasonable degree of prosperity abide within our palaces, is the prayer of the Rector of St. Andrew’s, Harlem, as now he closes the record of the twenty-five years of his Rectorship, and praises God for His goodness.

It is a matter of interest to the Rector, and may be of importance to this story, to state that he was Chaplain of Columbia University from 1893 to 1905, when the first dormitories were completed, and a Resident Chaplain succeeded. During these twelve years, for eight months of each year, in addition to duties of the parish, the Rector officiated on academic days, making frequent addresses.

Project Canterbury