From Sanctity, and Other Sermons by F.C. Ewer.
Memoir of the Reverend Ferdinand Cartwright Ewer
By Charles Taber Congdon.Introduction
Bishop George F. Seymour.
The Eventful Nights of August 20th and 21st, 1854 and How Judge Edmonds was Hocussed, or, Fallibility of "Spiritualism" Exposed.
New York: S. Hueston, 1855.Discourse on the National Crisis
New-York: George F. Nesbitt & Co., 1861.Oration on the Relationship between Masonry & Christianity, delivered at the Centennial Celebration of St. John's Lodge No. 3 of F. & A.M., Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 12, 1862; together with an Account of the Celebration, list of Past Masters of the Lodge &c.
New-York: F. Hart & Co., 1862.A Rector's Reply to Sundry Requests and Demands for a Political Sermon, preached in Christ Church, Fifth Avenue, N.Y.
New York: Francis Hart & Company, 1864.The Stability of Freemasonry: An Address delivered on the Occasion of the Installation of the Officers of Metropolitan Lodge No. 273, F. & A. M., New York City, on December 28, 1865
New York: H. Croker, Jr., Printer, 1866.A Sermon Memorial of the Rev. Henry William Ducachet, M.D., S.T.D., Late Rector of Saint Stephen's Church, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, 1866.Logical Impossibility of Any Compromise between the Church and the Sects: An Annual Sermon Preached before the Bishop Seabury Association of Brown University, Providence, R. I.
New York: American Church Press Company, 1868.Sermons on the Failure of Protestantism, and on Catholicity.
New York: D. Appleton, 1869. [External link]Correspondence between the Right Reverend, The Bishop of Connecticut and the Rev. F.C. Ewer on the Doctrine of the Church touching the Seven Catholic Sacraments.
New York: American Church Press, 1870.Sermon on Catholicity and Sectarianism Preached at St. Ignatius' Church, New York, on the 18th Sunday after Trinity, 1873.
[New York:] no publisher, 1873.Correspondence between a Parishioner and His Rector on Reverencing at the Mention of the Sacred Name, and at Entering or Leaving a Church.
[New York]: Reprinted from the Saint Chrysostom's Magazine, 1874.Catholicity in its Relationship to Protestantism and Romanism: Being Six Conferences Delivered at Newark, N.J., at the Request of Leading Laymen of That City.
Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co., 1878. [External link]Four Conferences touching the Operation of the Holy Spirit, Delivered at Newark, N. J., Repeated by Request in Boston, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn.
New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1880.Sermon on the English Priests Imprisoned for Conscience Sake, by the Revd F. C. Ewer S.T.D. [New York, 1881]
What Is the Anglican Church?
Utica, N.Y.: Printed at the Church Eclectic Office, 1883.
Chicago: The Living Church, 1883.Undated pamphlet on the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament.
[New York: Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament,] no date.