Project Canterbury

A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer
by Anthony Sparrow, D.D.

London, 1672.


O come let us sing unto the Lord.

THis is an Invitatory Psalm; For herein we do mutually invite and call upon one another being come before His presence, to sing to the Lord, to set forth His praises, to hear His voice, as with joy and chearfulness, so with that reverence that becomes His infinite Majesty, worshipping, falling down, and kneeling before Him, using all humble behaviour in each part of His service and worship prescribed to us by His Church. And needful it is that the Church should call upon us for this duty, for most of us forget the Psalmists counsel, Psal. 69. 7. To ascribe unto the Lord the honour due unto his Name: into his Courts we come, before the presence of the Lord of the whole Earth, and forget to worship him in the beauty of holiness.

Project Canterbury