Project Canterbury
Stephen Charles Neill
Compiled by the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown
Retired Bishop of Malaita, Anglican Church of Melanesia
Stephen Charles Neill, 1900-1984, by Kenneth Cragg and Owen Chadwick.
Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 71, 1985, pp. 603-614.Bishop Stephen Neil: From Edinburgh to South India.
By Dyron B. Daughrity.
New York: Peter Lang, 2008.
How Readest Thou? A Simple Introduction to the New Testament.
London: Student Christian Movement, 1925.Out of Bondage: Christ and the Indian Villager.
London: Edinburgh House Press, 1930.The Gospel According to St. John.
Cambridge: University Press, 1930.Curriculum for a Theological School.
Mysore: Wesley Press and Publishing House, [1933].The Remaking of Men of India.
London: Church Missionary Society, 1934.Annals of an Indian Parish.
London: Church Missionary Society, 1934.Builders of the Indian Church: Present Problems in the Light of the Past.
London: Edinburgh House Press, 1934.Christian Leadership.
Religion in Education, Vol. 1(4), October 1934, pp. 197-209.Beliefs: Lectures Delivered at the Kodaikanal Missionary Conference, 1937.
Madras: Christian Literature Society for India, 1940.Foundation Beliefs: Lectures Delivered at the Kodaikanal Missionary Convention, May 1941.
Madras: Christian Literature Society for India, 1941.Though War Should Rise: A Primary Charge: Delivered at his First Visitation in Holy Trinity Cathedral, Palamcottah, April 22nd, 1941.
No place: No publisher, 1941[?].Paricutta pavul korintiyarukku el̲utin̲a mutalām nirupamum tecaton̲ikkēyarukku el̲utin̲a iraṇṭu nirúpaṅkaḷum. [I Corinthians and I and II Thessalonians. Edited with a commentary by S.C. Neill, Bishop of Tinnevelly.]
[Tinnevelly]: No publisher, 1942.Ecclesia Anglicana: An Open Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tennevelly.
Madras: S.P.C.K. in India, 1943.The Wrath and Peace of God and Other Studies: Addresses Delivered at the Nilgiri Missionary Conventions, May 1942.
Madras: Christian Literature Society for India, 1943.The Challenge of Jesus Christ: Addresses Delivered in the Cathedral of the Resurrection, Lahore, April 18-25, 1943.
Madras: S.P.C.K. in India, 1944.Introductory Letter in Flecker of Dean Close, by Charles Williams.
London: Canterbury Press, 1946.The Ministry of the Church: A Review by Various Authors of a Book Entitled "The Apostolic Ministry" [edited by K.E. Kirk, Bishop of Oxford].
London: Canterbury Press, 1947.The South India Church: An Open Letter (with Geoffrey Fisher).
[London]: Press and Publications Board of the Church Assembly, 1947.[Book Review] Sinica Franciscana: Volumen IV. Collegit et ad Fidem Codicum Redegit et Adnotavit Anastasius Van den Wyngaert.
Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 49, No. 195/196, July 1948, pp. 243-245.The Cross Over Asia.
London: Canterbury Press, 1948.Amsterdamer Studienbuch Die Botschaft und die Berichte der ersten Vollversammlung des Oekumenischen Rates d. Kirchen.
[Message and Reports of the First Assembly of the World Council of Churches, German edition.]
Tübingen: Fürche-Verlag, Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, and Nagold: Druck von G.W. Zaiser, 1948.Christ, His Church and His World.
London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1948.Evangelism: The Primary Responsibility of All the Churches.
New York: Department of Evangelism, Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, [1948]Beginning with Ourselves.
New York: Department of Evangelism, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, [1949].The Breakdown of the Family: An Address Given in the Mission to London 1949.
London: Oxford University Press, 1949.A Christian Approach to Psychology.
[London]: Guild of Pastoral Psychology, 1949.In a Revolutionary World in Christian Advance: Two Addresses Given at the 1949 Triennial Meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary.
New York: Woman's Auxiliary to the National Council, [1949].Living as a Christian. [Address at the Conclusion of the University Christian Mission, University of Toronto]
[Toronto]: Bloor Street United Church, [1949].The Spirit of Evangelicalism.
[New York?]: Episcopal Evangelical Fellowship and the Evangelical Educational Society, [1949?]Survey of Training of the Ministry in Africa.
London: International Missionary Council, 1950.African Theological Survey.
International Review of Missions, Vol. 39, No. 154, April 1950, pp. 207-211.Who Was Jesus of Nazareth?
London: A.R. Mowbray, 1950.Christian Witness: Word of Truth, Proclaimed with Power. [Sound recording]
[Berkeley, CA]: Pacific School of Religion, 1950.Korset över Asien.
[Swedish translation of Cross over Asia.]
Stockholm: SKD, 1950.Towards Church Union, 1937-1952: A Survey of Approaches to Closer Union Among the Churches (Faith and Order Commission Papers, No. 11).
London/Southampton: No publisher, 1950.On the Ministry.
London: SCM Press, 1952.Christian Partnership.
London: SCM Press, 1952.The Christian Society.
London: Nisbet, 1952.Fulfill Thy Ministry.
New York: Harper and Brothers, 1952.English Theology, 1901-1951.
Geneva: World Council of Churches, Study Department, 1953.[Letter to the editor] Christian Society.
Theology, Vol. 56, No. 392, February 1953, p. 63.Introduction to The Church and the Jewish People, by Göte Hedenquist.
London: Edinburgh House Press, 1954.Under Three Flags.
New York: Friendship Press, 1954.[Editor] World Christian Books: A Series of Books Covering the Whole Range of the Christian Faith in the Modern World.
London: United Society for Christian Literature, 1954-1960.[Editor with Ruth Rouse] A History of the Ecumenical Movement, 1517-1948 [Volume 1],
London: S.P.C.K., Philadelphia: Westminster Press, and Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1954.Missions Enter a New Phase.
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Vol. 9(4), May 1954, pp. 3-10.The Christian Faith Today.
Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1955.[Book Review] La Théologie Catholique au Milieu du xxesiècle. (Cahiers de l'actualité Religieuse.)
Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 6(2), October 1955, pp. 330-332.Co-operation and Unity.
No place: [Conference of Missionary Societies of Great Britain and Ireland], [1955].The Christians’ God, in New Power to Witness.
New York: Association Press, [1955].The Difference in Being a Christian.
New York: Association Press, 1955.[Book Review] The Kingdom of God in Bible and Church by John Bright.
Scottish Journal of Theology, Vol. 9(2), June 1956, p. 208.[Book Review] The Protestant Tradition: An Essay in Interpretation
Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 7(1), April 1956, pp. 175-176.The Christian Character.
London: United Society for Christian Literature, 1956.Who is Jesus Christ?
London: Lutterworth Press, and New York: Association Press, 1956.基督徒的品格 / Jidu tu de pin ge
[Chinese translation of The Christian Character.]
基督教輔僑出版社, Xianggang: Jidu jiao fu qiao chu ban she, 1956.Kraistava Pravartanamu.
[Telugu translation of The Christian Character.]
Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1956.The World Mission of the Church Today: Maurice Cody Memorial Hall, November 6, 1956.
[Toronto?]: [St. Paul’s, Bloor Street?], [1956].Le Dieu de Chrétiens.
[French translation of The Christians’ God.]
Neuchatel (Switzerland) and Paris: Delachaux et Niestle, [1956].Kristiyānīn Adahana Deviyanvahanse.
[Sinhalese translation of The Christians’ God.]
Colombo: National Christian Council of Ceylon, c. 1956.Was ist ein Christ?
[German translation of The Christian Character.]
Zürich: Zwingli-Verlag, 1956.El Dios de los Cristianos.
[Spanish translation of The Christians’ God.]
México: Casa Unida de Publicaciones, and Buenos Aires: La Aurora, 1956.Was Wissen Wir von Gott?
[German translation of The Christians’ God.]
Zürich: Zwingli-Verlag, 1956.Kraistavula Dēvuḍu.
[Telugu translation of The Christians’ God.]
Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1957.Introduction to Modern Canterbury Pilgrims: The Story of Twenty-three Converts and Why They Chose the Anglican Communion, edited by James. A. Pike.
London: A. R. Mowbray, 1957.Seeing the Bible Whole.
London: Bible Reading Fellowship, 1957.The Cross and the Church.
London: Independent Press, 1957.¿Quién es Jesucristo?
[Spanish translation of Who is Jesus Christ?]
Mexico: Casa Unida de Publicaciones, 1957.Masīhiyoṃ kā Parameśvara.
[Hindi translation of The Christians’ God.]
Jabalpur: Hindi Theological Literature Committee, 1957.Paul to Galatians.
London: Lutterworth Press, 1958.La Sociedad Cristiana Responsable: Conferencia Pronunciada por el Obispo Stephen Neill en la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes de Montevideo; Julio de 1958.
Montevideo: Mundo Nuevo, 1958.Siapakah Jesus Kristus?
[Indonesian translation of Who Is Jesus Christ?]
Djakarta: Badan Penerbit Kristen, 1958.La Doctrina Cristiana de la Santidad.
[Spanish translation of Christian Holiness.]
Mexico: Casa Unida de Publicaciones, 1958.Khrīshṭīẏāna Caritra.
[Bengali translation of The Christian Character.]
Calcutta: Christian Tract and Book Society, 1958.Isaiah 32:17: Remembrance Service Recorded at St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 9, 1958. [Sound recording]
Edinburgh: Perry Biddle, 1958.Creative Tension: Duff Lectures, 1958.
London: Edinburgh House, 1959.Anglicanism.
Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1958.The Unfinished Task.
London: Edinburgh House, 1958.L'anglicanisme et la Communion Anglicane.
[French translation of Anglicanism.]
Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1958.Kristian Nun.
[Lushai translation of The Christian Character.]
Lungleh: Baptist Assembly Press and Bookroom, 1959.A Genuinely Human Existence: Towards a Christian Psychology.
London: Constable and Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1959.Yise Ncpolu-nuu ba ya?
[Kpelle translation of The Christian Character.]
Totota, Liberia: Kpelle Literacy Center, 1959.O Deus dos Cristãos.
[Portuguese translation of The Christians’ God.]
Rio de Janeiro: Confederação Evangélica do Brasil, 1960.Man in God’s Purpose.
New York: Association Press, 1960.What Is Man?
London: United Society for Christian Literature and Lutterworth Press, 1960.Christianity Today.
Singapore: Student Christian Movement, 1960.Men of Unity.
London: SCM Press, 1960.Budi Pekerti Kristen.
[Indonesian translation of The Christian Character.]
Djakarta: Badan Penerbit Kristen, 1960.Brothers of the Faith.
New York: Abingdon, 1960.Christian Holiness: the Carnahan lectures for 1958.
London: Lutterworth, 1960.The Missionary Movement and the Ecumenical Movement, in History's Lessons for Tomorrow's Mission: Milestones in the History of Missionary Thinking.
Geneva: World Student Christian Federation, 1960.耶穌基督是誰 / Yesu Jidu shi shei.
[Chinese translation of Who Is Jesus Christ?]
基督教輔僑出版社, Xianggang: Jidu jiao fu qiao chu ban she, 1960.Anglicans.
Esprit, No. 301, December 1961, pp. 806-829.The Christian Dialogue with Primitive Religion: An Address Delivered at Emory University, Atlanta, Ga, on Jan. 18, 1961. [Sound recording]
Atlanta: Sermons and Pictures, Inc. 1961.Christian Faith and Other Faiths: Moorhouse Lectures, 1960.
London: Oxford University Press, 1961.Christian Missions.
Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 1961[Editor] Twentieth Century Christianity: A Survey of Modern Religious Trends by Leading Churchmen.
London: Collins, 1961.The Christian Dialogue with Existentialism: An Address Delivered at Emory University, Atlanta, Ga, on Jan. 18, 1961. [Sound recording]
Atlanta: Sermons and Pictures, Inc. 1961.The Christian Dialogue with Judaism; the Christian Dialogue with Islam; Two Addresses at the 27th Annual Minister's Convocation at Emory University.
Atlanta: Sermons and Pictures, Inc. 1961.Menschliche Existenz vor Gott: Entwurf eines Christlichen Menschenbildes.
[German translation of A Genuinely Human Existence.]
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1961.保羅達加拉太人書 / Baoluo da Jialatai ren shu.
[Chinese translation of Paul to the Galatians.]
基督敎輔僑出版社, Xianggang: Jidu jiao fu qiao chu ban she, 1961.O le Atua o le au Kerisiano.
[Samoan translation of The Christians’ God.]
London: United Society for Christian Literature, 1961.Männer der Einheit: Ökumenische Bewegung von Edinburgh bis Neu Delhi.
[German translation of Men of Unity.]
Kassel: Oncken Verlag, 1961.The Christian Dialogue with Buddhism: An Address Delivered at Emory University, Atlanta, Ga, on Jan. 18, 1961. [Sound recording]
Atlanta: Sermons and Pictures, Inc. 1961.Charles Henry Brent.
Canadian Journal of Theology, vol. 8(3), 1962, pp. 153-171.Heiligkeit.
[German translation of Christian Holiness.]
Gütersloh: Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1962.An Anglican Plea for Clear Answers.
CrossCurrents, Vol. 12(2), April 1962, pp. 219-231.Anglikanisches Bewusstsein.
[German translation of Anglicanism.]
Würzburg: Echter-Verl., 1962.[Editor] Chrysostom and his Message: A Selection from the Sermons of St. John Chrysostom of Antioch and Constantinople.
London: United Society for Christian Literature and Lutterworth Press, 1962.Mission Zwischen Kolonialismus und Ökumene: die Aufgabe der Kirche in der Sich Wandelnden Welt.
[German translation of The Unfinished Task.]
Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1962.De Groei der Oecumenische Beweging.
[Dutch translation of The Growth of the Ecumenical Movement.]
Utrecht and Antwerpen: Prisma-Boeken, 1962.Ande eller Lag: Studier över Galaterbrevet.
[Swedish translation of Paul to the Galatians.]
Stockholm: Gummesson, 1963Was ist der Mensch.
[German translation of What is Man?]
Kassel: Oncken Verl., 1963.The Eternal Dimension.
London: Epworth Press, 1963.Gott und die Götter: Christlicher Glaube und die Weltreligionen.
[German translation of Christian Faith and Other Faiths.]
Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, 1963.Wer ist Jesus Christus.
[German translation of Who is Jesus Christ?]
Kassel: Oncken Verl., 1963.[Edited with Hans-Ruedi Weber] The Layman in Christian History: A Project of the Department on the Laity of the World Council of Churches.
London: SCM Press, 1963.Paul to the Colossians.
London: United Society for Christian Literature and Lutterworth Press, 1963.The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861-1961.
Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1964.Hanyelo ra Mukriste.
[Shona translation of The Christian’s God (?)]
Johannesburg: Swiss Mission in South Africa, 1964.As Missões Cristãs.
[Portuguese translation of Christian Missions.]
Lisbon: Ulisseia, 1964.UThixo ngokwamaKristu.
[Xhosa translation of The Christians’ God.]
Umtata: Church of the Province of Southern Africa, Diocese of St John's, 1964.De Wereldreligies: Xergelijkende Studie van het Christendom te Midden van de Voornaamste Levensbescouwingen.
[Dutch translation of Christian Faith and Other Faiths.]
No place: Aula-boeken, 1964.Het Christendom in de 20ste Eeuw.
[Dutch translation of Twentieth Century Christianity.]
Utrecht: Het Spectrum, 1964.L'anglicanisme et l'église de l'Inde du Sud.
Rythmes du Monde, Vol. 12(2), 1964, p. 91-98.Mission as the Celebration of the Presence of God. [Sound recording]St. Louis: Concordia Seminary Media Services, 1965.
Mission Today.
London: Marchan, 1965.Isimilo sobuKristu.
[Xhosa translation of The Christian Character.]
Umtata: Diocese of St John's with the assistance of the Provincial Literature Committee, 1965.Enhetens Pionjärer.
[Swedish translation of Men of Unity.]
Stockholm: Gummessons, 1965.The Missionary of the Future. [Sound recording]
St. Louis: Concordia Seminary Media Services, 1965.Foi Chrétienne et Autres Croyances: Dialogue entre le Christianisme et les Autres Religions.
[French translation of Christian Faith and Other Faiths.]
Tours: Mame, 1965.[Edited with John Goodwin and Arthur Dowle] The Modern Reader's Dictionary of the Bible.
New York: Association Press, 1966.[Edited with John Goodwin and Arthur Dowle] Concise Dictionary of the Bible.
London: Lutterworth, 1966.The Church of the Future, Reunion and the Ecumenical Movement.
Modern Churchman, Vol. 10(1), October 1966, pp. 81-91.El Anglicanismo.
[Spanish translation of Anglicanism.]
Barcelona: Ediciones Peninsula 1966.Colonialism and Christian Missions.
London: Lutterworth and New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.[Book review] Not to Destroy but to Fulfil: The Contribution of J. N. Farquhar to Protestant Missionary Thought in India before 1914, by Eric F. Sharpe.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 18(2), October 1867, pp. 272-274.Schöpferische Spannung: Mission Zwischen Gestern und Morgen.
[German translation of Creative Tension.]
Kassell: Oncken, 1967.基督敎與其他宗敎 / Jidu jiao yu qi ta zong jiao.
[Chinese translation of Christian Faith and Other Faiths.]
道聲出版社, Xianggang: Dao shen chu ban she, 1967.
[First Chinese translation, Kowloon: No publisher, 1962.]La Interpretación del Nuevo Testamento: 1861-1961.
[Spanish translation of The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861-1961.]
Barcelona: Península, Edicions 62, 1967.Chapel Address, 10-13 October 1967: Mission Emphasis Week. {Sound recording}
Louisville, Kentucky: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1967.Allah Orang Kristen.
[Indonesian translation of The Christians’ God.]
Djakarta: BPK, 1967.The Missionary Contribution to Ethnology.
Wort und Religion, 1967, pp. 192-200.Rome and the Ecumenical Movement.
Grahamstown: Rhodes University, 1967.Unity and Mission. [Sound recording]
St. Louis: Concordia Seminary Media Services, 1967.De Interpretatie van het Nieuwe Testament.
[Dutch translation of The Interpretation of the New Testament.]
Utrecht: Spectrum 1968.The Church and Christian Union: the Bampton Lectures for 1964.
London: Oxford University Press, 1968.[Book review] Les Eglises Chrétiennes et la Décolonisation.
Journal of Religion in Africa, Vol. 2(2), January 1969, pp. 216-218.Ecumenism, Light and Shade.
Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1969.One Increasing Purpose: Lenten Meditations.
London: Bible Reading Fellowship, 1969.[Book review] The English Jesuits: from Campion to Martindale, by Bernard Basset, S.J.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 20(1), April 1969, pp. 159-162.[Book review] Der Christliche Glaube Angesichts der Weltreligionem.
Journal of Religion, Vol. 49(1), January 1969, pp. 100-101.Bible Words and Christian Meanings.
London: S.P.C.K., 1970.Het Anglicanisme.
[Dutch translation of Anglicanism.]
Utrecht: Het Spectrum, 1970.Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission, with Gerald H. Anderson and John Goodwin.
London: Lutterworth Press, 1970.An Anglican Reply, in Post-Ecumenical Christianity (Concilium, Vol. 54), edited by Hans Kung.
New York: Herder and Herder, 1970.The Story of the Christian Church in India and Pakistan.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.Tirumar̲aic Cor̲poruḷ Tiyān̲am.
[Tamil translation.]
Madras: Khir̲istava Ilakkiyac Caṅkam, 1970.Call to Mission.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1970.What We Know About Jesus.
London: Lutterworth Press, 1970.Kristittynä Eläminen.
[Finnish translation of The Christian Character.]
Helsinki: Suomen Lähetysseura, 1970.World Christian Books: a Venture of Faith.
International Review of Mission, Vol. 60, No.240, 1971.Mikä Ihminen on?
[Finnish translation of What is Man?]
Helsinki: Suomen Lähetysseura, 1971.Lexikon zur Weltmission.
[German translation of Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission]
Wuppertal: Brockhaus, 1971.Ryan Lectures. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 1971.Kristillinen Usko ja Muut Uskonnot: Kristityt Keskustelussa Toisten Uskontojen Kanssa.
[Finnish translation of Christian Faith and Other Faiths.]
Helsinki: Suomen lähetysseura, 1971.Vad Vi Vet om Jesus.
[Swedish translation of What We Know About Jesus.]
Stockholm: Verbum, 1971.Misjon i 2000 år.
[Norwegian translation of A History of Christian Missions.]
Stavenger: Nomi, 1971.The Necessity of Episcopacy: Anglican Questions and Answers, in Office and Ministry in the Church (Concilium Vol. 80), edited by Bas van Iersel and Roland E. Murphy.
London: Burns and Oates, and New York: Herder and Herder, 1972.[Book review] Bishop Heber in Northern India: Selections from Heber's Journal, edited by M. A. Laird.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 24(1), January 1973, pp. 97-98.[Book review] The Troubled Days of Francis Garcia, S.J., Archbishop of Cranganore (1641–59), by Joseph Thekedathu S.D.B.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 24(1), January 1973, p. 91.Encountering the Bible. [Sound recording with study guide]
Winter Park, Florida: Bible Reading Fellowship, [1973?].Salvation Today.
Churchman, Vol. 87(4), Winter 1973, pp. 263-274.Livingstone Reconsidered.
[Zomba, Malawi]: Livingstone Centenary Committee, [1973].The Christian Dialogue with Believers of Other Religions. [Sound recording]
Springfield, Illinois: Concordia Theological Seminary, 1974.No More Missionaries? [Sound recording]
Springfield, IL: Concordia Theological Seminary, 1974.Geschichte der Christlichen Mission.
[German translation of A History of Christian Missions]
Erlangen: Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission, 1974.Bhakti, Hindu and Christian.
Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1974.Addresses Given at St. Clement's Anglican Church, Toronto, for the Festival of Renewal, Oct. 21-26, 1975. [Sound recording]
Toronto: St. Clement’s Anglican Church, 1974.Issues Confronting Christendom. [Sound recording]
Springfield, Illinois: Concordia Theological Seminary, 1974.Salvation Tomorrow: The Originality of Jesus Christ and the World's Religions.
Guildford: Lutterworth Press, and Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1974.Jesus Through Many Eyes: Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament.
Guildford: Lutterworth Press, and Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1973.Kristiante Pathian.
[Sino-Tibetian translation of The Christian Character.]
[Aizawl]: [Synod Literature Dept.], [pref. 1976].[Book review] Vom Dialog zur Gemeinschaft: Dokumente zum Anglikanisch-Lutherischen und Anglikanisch-Katholischen Gespräch, edited by Günther Gassmann and others
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 28(1), January 1977, pp. 109-110.In Gedachten de Bijbel Rond: 124 Dagen de Bijbel Lezen.
[Dutch translation of Seeing the Bible Whole. (?)]
Boxtel: Katholieke Bijbelstichting, 1977.Biblical Sights and Insights on Church Growth. [Sound recording]
Pasadena: Fuller Theological Seminary, 1978.Als Mensch unter Menschen: Psychologische und Biblische Einsichten.
[German translation of A Genuinely Human Existence.]
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1979.기독교 선교사 / Kidokkyo sŏn'gyosa.
[Korean translation of A History of Christian Mission.]
성광문화사, Sŏul: Sŏnggwang Munhwasa, 1980.[Book review] The Problems of Success: A History of the Church Missionary Society 1910–1942, II: Asia—Overseas Partners, by Gordon Hewitt.
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 31(1), January 1980, pp. 126-127.Chapel Address and Classroom Lectures. [Sound recording]
Louisville: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1981.Christian Ideals and Indian National Progress. [Sound recording]
[New Haven]: [Yale Divinity School], 1981?Beattie Lectures, 1981. [Sound recording]
Sewanee: University of the South, School of Theology, 1981.[Book review] Francis Xavier: His Life, His Times. Volume III: Indonesia and India, 1545-1549.
Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 68(2), April 1982, pp, 363-364.Sermon: Gospel of the Second Chance. [Sound recording]
Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Theological Seminary, 1982.Comment [on an article by John F. Woolverton, “The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral and the Lambeth Conferences”].
Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Vol. 53(2), June 1984, pp. 111-121.Crises of Belief: the Christian Dialogue with Faith and No Faith.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1984.History of Christianity in India: the Beginnings to AD 1707.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.The Supremacy of Jesus Christ.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1984.[Book review] A World Christian Encyclopedia.
Practical Anthropology, Vol. 12(1), January 1984, pp. 6-19.How My Mind Has Changed About Mission: Lecture Series. [Sound recording]
Richmond, Virginia: Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1984.Christianikes Hierapostoles.
[Greek translation of A History of Christian Missions.]
Thessalonikē: Hellēnikē Adelphotēs Orthodoxou Exōterikēs Hierapostolēs teōs "Hoi philoi tēs Oungantas", 1987.예수의우월성 / Yesu ŭi uwŏlsŏng.
[Korean translation of The Supremacy of Jesus Christ.]
요단출판사, Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Yodan Ch'ulp'ansa, 1988.우리가믿는하나님 / Uri ka minnŭn Hananim
[Korean translation of The Christians’ God.]
대한기독교서회, Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Taehan Kidokkyo Sŏhoe, 1989.God’s Apprentice: the Autobiography of Stephen Neill, edited by E.M, Jackson.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1991.많은 사람들의 눈으로 본 예수 : 신약신학 입문 / Manŭn saramdŭl ŭi nunŭro bon Yesu : Sinyak sinhak immune.
[Korean translation of Jesus Through Many Eyes.]
반석문화사, Sŏul: Bansŏk Munhwasa, 1993.耶穌 : 唯一的救世主? / Ye su : wei yi de jiu shi zhu?
[Chinese translation of The Supremacy of Jesus.]
橄欖基金會出版, Taibei: Gan lan ji jin hui chu ban, 1997.Mānand-i ū: dū as̲ar dar yak majmūʻah.
[Persian translation of The Christian Character.]
[Basingstoke]: Sohrab Books, 1999.Whither Mission? Recorded at Asbury Theological Seminary Mar. 12-15, 1974.
Wilmore, Kentucky: First Fruits Press, 2013.The Art of Praying: Chapel Service, 1972. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2014.Achievements in Unity: Lecture at Riverside Church, New York, 1961. [Sound recording]
Richmond, Virginia: Union Presbyterian Seminary, 2016.Christian Obedience in the 20th Century, Lecture at Riverside Church, New York, 1961. [Sound recording]
Richmond, Virginia: Union Presbyterian Seminary, 2016.Christianity and Colonialism: Lecture at Union Theological Seminary, 1967. [Sound recording]
Richmond, Virginia: Union Presbyterian Seminary, 2016.The History of the Ecumenical Movement: Ten Lectures Recorded at the Graduate School of Ecumenical Studies, Chateau de Bossey, Celigny, Switzerland, Oct. 1959. [Sound recording]
Richmond, Virginia: Union Presbyterian Seminary, 2016.Scientific Humanism in the Universities: Address Recorded at the Monumental Episcopal Church, Richmond, Va., Mar. 31, 1965. [Sound recording]
Richmond, Virginia: Union Presbyterian Seminary, 2016.Russian, or the Communist Controlled World, and its Relationship to the Ecumenical Movement [1976]. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2017.The Beginnings of the Ecumenical Movement and the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910 [1976]. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2017.Developments in the Roman Catholic Church [1976] [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2017.Christian Unity and the Unity of the Christian Churches [1976]. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2017.Christianity in Germany Under Hitler [1976]. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2017.The Transition of Christianity from 19th Century to 20th [1976]. [Sound recording]
Wilmore, Kentucky: Asbury Theological Seminary, 2017.