Project Canterbury

The tree at Mandolina in which Lieut. Bower, R.N., took refuge.

Ten Years in Melanesia

By the Rev. Alfred Penny

London: W. Gardner, Darton & Co., 1888.


Chapter I. Melanesia.

Chapter II. Norfolk Island

Chapter III. First Impressions

Chapter IV. Heathen Superstitions

Chapter V. Native Customs

Chapter VI. Island Phenomena

Chapter VII. Island Traders

Chapter VIII. Men-of-War in the Islands

Chapter IX. Rise of Christianity and Fall of the Tindalos

Chapter X. Growth of the Church


IN writing the chapter on Melanesia I have been assisted by the courtesy of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, who placed at my disposal a statement drawn up by the Rev. R. H. Codrington, D.D., giving an account of the purpose and first working of the Melanesian Mission; it appears in the Society's Report for the year 1886.

In describing scenes and events that have taken place in that part of Melanesia which has been under my care, I have given undue prominence to my own work beyond that of the other members of the Mission staff. This I regret, but I could not avoid the necessity, as I desired to limit my statements, with a few exceptions, to facts which have come under my own observation.

A. P.

Project Canterbury