Project Canterbury

In the Isles of the Sea: The Story of Fifty Years in Melanesia

By Frances Awdry

London: Bemrose & Sons, Limited, 1902.

[148] Appendix IV.


Jan. 12. Helen Welchman died, 1897.
Feb. 12. John Richardson Selwyn, Bishop, died, 1898.
" 17. J. R. Selwyn joined the Mission, 1873.
" 18 J. R. Selwyn, second Bishop of Melanesia, consecrated, 1877.
" " Henry Tagalad ordained Priest, 1883.
" 24. J. C. Patteson consecrated first Bishop of Melanesia, 1861.
March 1. John Palmer, Archdeacon, died, 1902.
" 11 Alfred Lobu ordained Priest, 1900.
" 14. Southern Cross, No. 4, 1892.
" 21. Southern Cross, No. 3, 1874.
" 24. Charlotte Mary Yonge died 1901
" " Mano Wadrokal ordained Deacon, 1876.
" 29. J. C. Patteson joined the Mission, 1855.
April 11. George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop, Founder of the Mission, died, 1878.
" 24 Benjamin Thornton Dudley, Archdeacon, died, 1902.
" 28. William Nihill, Priest, died, 1855.
" " Edwin Sakalrau ordained Deacon, 1878.
May 2. Southern Cross, No. 2, 1863.
" 10. James Bongard, Captain of the Mission Ship, died, 1897.
" 30. Charles Sapibuana ordained Deacon, 1882.
June 2. Rowoluwe ordained Deacon, 1901.
" 8. John Holford Plant, Priest, died, 1891.
" 11 S. Barnabas' College, Norfolk Island, founded, 1866.
" " Annual Festival.
" " Cecil Wilson, third Bishop of Melanesia, consecrated, 1894.
" " George Sarawia ordained Priest, 1873. (Bishop of Auckland.
" 17. Wreck of the Southern Cross, No. 1, 1860.
" 27 William Moreton Vaget ordained Priest, 1901
July 5. Clement Marau ordained Deacon, 1890.
" 9. J. R. Selwyn left Norfolk Island, 1891.
" 12 Reuben Bula ordained Deacon, 1891.
" 27. Thomas Capel Tilly, R.N., died, 1900.
Aug. 1. Bishop G. A. Selwyn sailed on his first missionary voyage to Melanesia in the Undine. Foundation of the Mission, 1849.
" 11 George Sarawia, Priest, died, 1901.
" 12. Commodore Goodenough and men of H.M.S. Pearl attacked at Carlisle Bay, Santa Cruz, 1875. Commodore and five men wounded.
" 15. Bishop Patteson and Boat's Crew attacked at Santa Cruz. Fisher Young and Edwin Nobbs wounded, 1864.
" " William Moreton Vaget ordained Deacon, 1892. (Bishop of Tasmania.)
[149] Aug. 20. James Graham Goodenough, Commodore, R.N., died, 1875.
" 22. Fisher Young, lay helper, died, 1864.
" 24. Alfred Lobu ordained Deacon, 1884.
" 27 Joseph Wate ordained Deacon, 1897.
Sept. 1. First Vaukolu, Florida, 1888.
" 5. Edwin Nobbs, lay helper, died, 1864.
" 11 Sarah Palmer died, 1874.
" 15 Goodenough Memorial Cross erected at Carlisle Bay, Santa Cruz, 1888.
" 20. John Coleridge Patteson, Bishop, killed at Nukapu, 1871.
" " Mission's Boat attacked at Nukapu: Rev. J. Atkin and Stephen Taroaniara wounded, 1871.
" 22. Sogovman Wotlolad ordained Deacon, 1894.
" 27. Southern Cross, No. 1, 1856.
" 28. Stephen Taroaniara died, 1871.
" 29. Joseph Atkin, Priest, died, 1871.
Oct. 10. Massacre of Lieut.-Commander Bower and Boat's Crew of H.M.S. Sandfly, at Mandoliana, Florida, 1880.
" 16 Mary Palmer died, 1892.
" 17. G. A. Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand, consecrated, 1841 .
" 18 S. Luke's, Siota, founded, 1895.
" 24. Walter Woser ordained deacon, 1886.
" 25. Charles Sapibuana, Deacon, died, 1885.
" 25 Patteson Memorial Cross erected at Nukapu, 1884.
Nov. 9. Marostamata ordained Deacon, 1884.
Nov. 17 Henry Tagalad, Robert Pantutun, Edward Wogale ordained Deacons, 1872. (Bishop of Auckland.)
Nov. 30. Resignation of Bishop J. R. Selwyn.
" " S. Andrew's College, Kohimarama, founded, 1859.
Dec. 4. Edwin Sakalrau, Deacon, died, 1882.
" 7. Consecration of S. Barnabas' Chapel, Norfolk Island, 1880.
" 21. George Sarawia ordained Deacon, 1869.
" 30. Clara Selwyn died, 1877.

We have been unable to ascertain the exact dates of the following:--

Edward Wogale died, Easter, 1883.
Hugo Goravaka ordained Deacon, 1894. (Bishop of Auckland.)
Simon Qalges ordained Deacon, 1896.
Henry Tagalad, Priest, died, 1900.
Mano Wadrokal, Deacon, died, 1891.
Sogovman Wotlolad, Deacon, died, 1897.

Project Canterbury