Henry John Chitty Harper
Through Canterbury and Otago with Bishop Harper in 1859-60.
By James West Stack.
From Ellesmere Guardian, February to August 1905.Bishop Harper and the Canterbury Settlement.
By H T Purchas.
Christchurch, New Zealand: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1909.De Nought without a Bishop: Life of Henry John Chitty Harper.
by Barbara Harper.
Timaru: Timaru Herald Co., 1956.Through Canterbury and Otago with Bishop Harper in 1859-60
By James West Stack.
Christchurch, New Zealand: Nag's Head Press, 1972.Bishop Harper's Journeys: His Visitations, Consecrations, Baptisms, and Confirmations, 1857-1890.
By Carol A. Williams.
Christchurch, N.Z.: Archives Committee, Anglican Diocese of Christchurch, 1997.Shaping a Colonial Church: Bishop Harper and the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch 1856-1890.
Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2006.
Anniversary Sermon.
London: no publisher, 1856.Alms-giving: A Sermon, Preached at Christchurch, on Sunday, June 6th, 1858
Christchurch, New Zealand: Printed by James Willis, 1858.A Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops in Communion with the Church of England.
Christchurch, New Zealand: G. Tombs and Co., 1873.A Letter to the Editor of the New Zealand Church News on an Article Entitled 'The No Popery Cry', with a Postscript in answer to the Three Inquiries of the Archdeacon of Timaru.
Christchurch, New Zealand: Printed by G. Tombs, 1876.A Letter from the Bishop of Christchurch to the Churchwardens and Vestrymen of the Parish of Kaiapoi, 1876.
Christchurch, New Zealand: Printed by G. Tombs, 1876.The Education Act, 1877: A Pastoral Letter to the Church of the Diocese of Christchurch.
Christchurch, New Zealand: Printed by G. Tombs, 1878.